

  • Thanks to the people that had e-mailed me privately encouraging me not to give up-it is appreciated! I will be back soon-just need to get over this wicked cough first. I need the exercise because I just got accepted into grad school and I am stressing majorly about it and I know the running would help calm my nerves. So I…
    in 3-11-14 Comment by tracywintn March 2014
  • I had a hysterectomy at the age of 28 (I am now 44) due to large ovarian tumors. I did gain weight after my surgery and for years I said "I just can't lose weight because of my hysterectomy". Seven years ago I took diet pills and lost 60 lbs. The only thing the diet pill did was radically decrease my appetite so I lost…
  • I am still sick with a cold and fever of 101. I may have to start over since I only made it to w2d1 but I'm not going to let it get me down. In the long run an extra two weeks is nothing.
    in 3-3-14 Comment by tracywintn March 2014
  • great job everyone for sticking in there. I have not given up, I am just way sick and my body hurts to get out of bed, so I will not be doing any running till I feel better. Good luck!
    in 3-2-14 Comment by tracywintn March 2014
  • Thanks for starting the daily thread and posting about finishing week 2....I am behind a day due to Wed, but I will do it today and Sat or Sun to catch up. I don't want to be a quitter.....well, I may WANT to be but I'm not going to LET myself be one!! Thanks for the encouragement
  • Public service announcement......even if your Geek yogurt looks, smells and tastes them when they say the expiration date is Feb.17th. There will be NO running for me today!!!!
  • My phone barely made it through my workout yesterday too.I was worried about it dying and not getting credit for my workout too.yay for finishing without your phone!!
  • Don't know if this has been said yet...but I use the drink drops (mio, cyrystal light etc) in the plain non-fat greek yogurt
  • Wow, this group is on fire! Great job everyone! Jepo-I have new shoes too and made the guy show me like 15 pair---I wanted to make sure there were no areas rubbing!! Rocketman, I would go ahead and do day 2 tomorrow-it's most likely the same and if you can do it then you know you are ready to keep going. It's not like you…
  • w2/d1 done! I thought about doing week one over after Friday's workout but decided to at least try week 2. I did GREAT! I was able to "jog" the entire 90 seconds for the full workout. When I was walking people were passing me (YMCA track) but once I started my 90 second jog session I was able to pass people. That felt…
  • You are welcome Greta and thank you for starting the daily thread-I forgot all about it this morning!
  • Today is my day off (I am doing M/W/F) but I took my 9 year old daughter and 2 of our dogs on a walk. We did 2.4 miles. I was going for 3 but her dog was annoying her-she is a puppy still and doesn't walk as well on the leash. My 7 year old son chose to stay home with his some girl time:) Congrats on the runs…
  • I drink hot tea with splenda and a little bit of honey when I feel like eating (but I'm not hungry). It really does stop the food cravings, not sure if it's the sweetness or because it's hot? It's my go to most of the time.
  • I can't eat chocolate or most sweets in moderation.I have tried and other than sweets I do a great job with moderation and portion I try to avoid all sweets. I do have them and won't say I can NEVER have them again, but for me I can't just have one piece or even one portion. I bought candy on Valentine's day and…
  • A year from now you'll wish you had started today---- Makes me remember to not give up
  • Great job to everyone this week!! I finished W1/D3 also. I missed one jog period (I was preoccupied holding my dogs stupid poop in a bag) so I told myself I had to do one extra 60 second session during the cool down. Someone said something when my program said "cool down" and I thought I had one more run session so I was…
  • just bumping to the top. I plan on doing w1/d3 when I am off work this afternoon-in my expensive new shoes...not that they are magic or anything and are going to make me a good runner...just hoping they help my shins not hurt as much after I am done!
  • You are doing great by losing 9 lbs since the first of the year. Keep with that and if you slow down then re-evaluate your food or revisit the exercise issue. There is no "fast" way to lose without exercise and change in diet....or if there is I surely don't know it or I would have been doing it myself:)
  • Awesome job Greta! I could never run for 2 min, I am impressed!
  • That "full" feeling comes with time. At first I never felt full but it's because for years my idea of full was completely stuffed. I remember thinking I never felt full at the start too, but honestly I hardly ever think that anymore, it's one of the things that have just changed with time. You can do this. Be happy for…
  • Stacy, I really didn't want to do my first day either----as in a REALLY didn't feel like it anymore. I also felt very stupid today because the trail I was on is next to a golf course and I felt stupid with my barely more than walking jog I was doing. But you know what, who cares what anyone else thinks. Most likely they…
  • w1/d2 complete! Nothing like the start of a C25K to make you realize just how out of shape you really are!! My legs felt like lead and I wanted to give up just about every single run period, but knowing I had to post on here kept me going. I was so slow though. During I felt like such an out of shape loser (mainly because…
  • I am on a M/W/F schedule to. But I more plan to just make sure I do them 3 days/ if I miss a day I have to make sure i make it up that week. I plan on sticking to M/W/F as close as possible though. I also did W1/D1 on Monday and will do W1/D2 today:) Good luck getting started Stacy!!
  • Don't beat yourself up over it. Acknowledge it wasn't the smartest or best choice and do better tomorrow. A few days aren't going to matter in the long run. Know this is a learning process and you don't have to be perfect.I hope you have a better day tomorrow!!
  • Got my butt to the gym and did W1/D1 only because I posted on here that I gave up this afternoon. Great job everyone---and just to let you know I cannot imagine jogging 3 min when I could BARELY do one min today!
  • Looks like we have a nice range of people in the group. I am actually really glad I started this group because yesterday (after a 2.5 mile walk) I was raring to go with this. This morning...not so much. If I hadn't started the group I seriously doubt I would be starting day 1, week 1 today. This is my problem-getting…
  • Me too Annie....I did it one time and then it turned cold and I haven't done it again. I plan on finishing it this time!
  • Thanks for joining! I am starting tomorrow also. I plan on doing most of this outdoors with my dog (he keeps me going) and in the gym on rainy days. I am excited to get started!
  • WOW, I JUST started a group because I am going to start training for a 5K tomorrow also. Please join and we can train together (if anyone wants to)
  • I have been drinking hot tea with splenda and a little honey when I have bad sugar cravings.don't give in to the urge to binge you will be so proud of your self tomorrow if you don't