Weight Loss After Hysterectomy?



  • tracywintn
    I had a hysterectomy at the age of 28 (I am now 44) due to large ovarian tumors. I did gain weight after my surgery and for years I said "I just can't lose weight because of my hysterectomy". Seven years ago I took diet pills and lost 60 lbs. The only thing the diet pill did was radically decrease my appetite so I lost weight. Of course I didn't learn how to eat when I actually had an appetite again after I stopped the pills so I gained it all back, but it taught me that I COULD lose weight, I just wasn't decreasing my calories enough or sticking with it long enough to see results. I have been at this for 5 months now and I am consistently losing 5 lbs a month, so it's slow but that's because I am not going gang busters to try to lose the weight---I am finding a happy medium that I can actually stick with long term. I know now I CAN lose weight and the hysterectomy was an excuse for me. Good luck---I don't miss having a period AT ALL....lol

  • luadams2
    luadams2 Posts: 122
    I don't mean to jack this thread but I just want to say THANK YOU TRACY so much for giving me hope. I am a year and a half post total hysterectomy (fibroids) and while I feel so much better, I gained 20 lbs! I hate my body! I have been exercising like a fiend and I haven't lost any weight. I think the key is calories. Exercise isn't enough. I thought I had cut back, but truth is I haven't cut back that much or I cut back for a week then binge. I need to get serious and quit using my hysterectomy as an excuse for not losing weight. I did not do the HRT hormones, I could not tolerate them, they made me sick and dizzy.
  • Skinny625
    Skinny625 Posts: 79 Member
    I know the feeling. I had been working out like crazy this last week and calculating my calories 1200 which I was staying below. I stepped on the scales and NOTHING happened. Over a week and a half ago, I had bought a Polar Heart Monitor so I could keep track plus push me a little. I am so angry and frustrated right now. I am on a HRT patch. I am total stumped :ohwell:
  • sw32606
    sw32606 Posts: 3
    I'm totally stumped as well I;m eating high protein low carb and exercise vardo and weights at least 4times a week and I'm gaining about 1/2 lb week almost 10 since surgery 87 days ago. Started weight watchers nothing actually gain 3lbs...I think my body is having an all out war. Stumped and Frustrated!!!!
  • jweil72
    jweil72 Posts: 1
    I had a complete hysterectomy in March of 2013 due to severe endometriosis. I could no longer stand the pain I suffered each month and had no choice. My OBGYN used the DaVinci Robot, and the surgery and recovery were not bad at all. I had lost 16 pounds before my surgery, so I expected to continue losing afterwards. However, I started taking the Dr. recommended HRT, and I gained all 16 pounds back in 8 weeks. I quit taking the HRT and the weight gain stopped. A couple of months ago, I contacted a compounding pharmacy in Sioux Falls that a co-worker recommended. They send out a saliva/blood test kit to test my hormone levels, etc. I have since been using a hormone replacement cream that is safe for me to use, plus some vitamins and a DHEA that my body needed to bring my levels back up to normal. All of this was approved through my Dr. I have been tracking my calories (I try to keep it at the 1200/day) and working out everyday for the last 3 weeks. I have lost 1 pound, but have not measured myself. It is a constant struggle to lose the weight now, but I am no longer gaining. I am going to continue to watch my calories and exercise each day, so I hope to continue to lose. Good luck on your decision...I know how weight loss can affect your decision, but quality of life has to get better, too!
  • Texymama
    Texymama Posts: 1
    Hello! I'm new here. I've been searching for some answers and came across this site.
    On April 17 of 2013 I went under for a hysterectomy and one ovary removed due to endometriosis.
    I'm sorry in advance if this upsets anyone, but I'm a little scared right now.
    I turned 35 this past Halloween. Not sure if that matters. But over the last year I have
    unintentionally lost 60 lbs. No diet change other than I stopped drinking Mtn Dew. I'm 5'4"
    and now weigh 110 lbs and still losing more. I was 114 lbs when I got married in 1999 and our
    daughter will be 13 this month. After I had her I lost most of the 50-60 lbs I had gained while
    carrying her (breast feeding helped). Was injured on the job in 2010 and cannot lift more than 10 lbs at a time
    or stand/sit for more than 3 hrs at a time.
    Now I'm a stay at home mom. No exercise (except cleaning) or a diet of any kind. I eat like I always have.
    Including quite a bit of fast food okay maybe alot. I'm happy about the weight loss but scared
    and confused as to why and will it stop? I can't lose anymore. Please help.
  • zaellany
    zaellany Posts: 57 Member
    My mom got a hysterectomy and after she was completely healed she actually lost weight. She said after the pain was gone it was easier to work out and she thinks that counter acted the negative effects of the hormone issues.

    This is what happened with my mom too. She had a total uterine prolapse, and had gotten to the point where she just was not wanting to move around as much because she had pain and discomfort. She had always been great about walking - 2-4 miles a day - and then couldn't do it any more. She had a total hysterectomy, and went out two weeks later and walked three miles, which she hadn't been able to do in some time. She had a really fast, easy recovery from her hysterectomy - I have heard it is not that easy for a lot of people.

    I have scar-tissue adhesions on one ovary from a ruptured cyst, so I have some chronic pelvic pain, although nothing like what endometriosis causes - I know it's hard. An ex-boss of mine had laparascopic surgery for endo but is planning on a hysterectomy soon, because her endo has grown back and it's too extensive to do laparascopic surgery again. It's all about living a better life, right? If you're in constant, terrible pain, you're never going to be able to live the life you want. I'd get the surgery and plan, while you're recovering, the lifestyle changes you want to make once you're healed. Good luck. :)
  • adnil72
    adnil72 Posts: 1
    I had a hysterectomy with removal of both ovaries Jan 2014 but was put into menopause by injection Oct 2013. I was around 10st 2lbs on going into hospital but was 9st 10lbs prior to injection and 9 days ago was 10st 8lbs despite not having a big appetite and eating healthily so I decided to do my fitness pal. 9 days on I have stuck to 1200 calories a day without excercise and when I have done exercise I have stayed within the calorie allowance. Out of the 9 days I have exercised on 7 of them with either 30 minutes moderate walking, 30 minute jogging/walking or 4 miles on a roadbike and my weight 9 days on remains the same, not an ounce lost. This is difficult as it does affect motivation, but on speaking with a few friends who have either had the same procedure or have gone through the menopause naturally said they put weight on and it didn't move for around a year and then it started to come off. My friends look great now and are approx 3 to 4 years post starting menopause. They did try to eat healthily and keep active throughout that first year as they all felt better for it. So now I am focused on that and not worrying when it doesn't come off as quickly as it normally would. I am glad I had my hysterectomy as other than the weight gain my quality of life is considerably improved. You can't get fit if you feel rubbish all the time. :)
  • YasminR
    YasminR Posts: 54 Member
    Your post made me smile. I had a TAH in June 2012 after being diagnosed with ovarian cancer. Thankfully all is well at the moment but i have gained so much weight. This is due to almost no exercise and eating a lot. I'm really watching my calorie intake and am on Day 5 of 30 Day Shred. No weight loss yet but am determined to stick at it.

    Knowing there are others who have been through the same experience really helps. My daughter is getting married at the end of May so hoping to have loss something by then.

    best of luck to everyone on their journey xx
  • lifelongblessings
    I had a complete hysterectomy on March 7, 2013 due to severe endometriosis that had also spread to my kidneys. I had battled the disease for a few years. I had actually been training for a marathon up until July 2011. I had to stop running/exercising altogether due to the severe pain. Any physical exercise made my endometriosis worse. Finally, I knew I had to do something. I had a TAH. I gained weight BEFORE the hysterectomy due to not being able to run or exercise. However, I'm happy to report that on May 10, 2014, I finally felt "healed" both physically and emotionally. I have started my running back. Watching what I eat. I do take HRT daily. As of today, I have lost 25 pounds. My goal is 25 pounds more until I reach my goal. A hysterectomy has helped me a great deal. It did not cause me to gain weight. The HRT didn't either. The weight I'm losing is weight I had gained prior to the hysterectomy. I actually didn't gain any weight after the surgery. I have never felt better in my life. I can finally run pain free. I can actually live my life pain free. Like I said, I have never felt better in my life. But, I did allow myself an entire year to heal. I'm so glad I didn't rush it. I hope my story may help someone out there. I too, was afraid of gaining weight due to the surgery. But that simply wasn't the case. God bless all of you women who have the surgery. I know it's life changing. But, it can be the start of a wonderful new life. :) And let's not forget that with our wonderful God, all things are possible. :)
  • snerggly
    snerggly Posts: 112 Member
    I found this thread by accident, so glad that I did.
  • michelle_more2live4
    michelle_more2live4 Posts: 188 Member
    snerggly wrote: »
    I found this thread by accident, so glad that I did.
