

  • Living in Flint Michigan crime is everywhere my only suggestion is you work out indoors
  • I know what you mean I am limiting my diet to 1400 calories a day and even then I am hitting my sodium intake and going above 2500mg eating healthy. I cant imagine my sodium count if I ate my full calories.
  • I honestly dont know either. It really bothers me one minute the next sugar substitute comes out and the old one is bad. People are know starting to say Splenda is worse than aspartame and my doctor recommended I use splenda?
  • Mainly Irish and Scottish English German French Jewish, Native American Dutch....I know right I have a theory my family likes to breed with every culture...proof my cousins are half Asian and African-American.
  • For myself it has been embracing the healthy lifestyle. You can't just be healthy for a few months through exercising and eating healthy and switch back without losing the benefits of a healthy lifestyle. Six months ago I just snapped and decided I wanted to live longer and healthier. You have to make dieting and…
  • Calories and still calories although veggies are low you can still eat 100 if you are liked me and can enjoy a bowl of mixed veggies.
    in Veggies Comment by Freeapollo July 2011
  • I love this exercise cause I am always warn out after doing it. I found a great moderation that kicks you butt even harder: watch this video
  • eat more protien, studies have shown that protien can delay hunger. personally i always eat a breakfast rich in fiber such as grape nuts along with a protien shake and I have no problems. keep at your goals!
    in Hunger Comment by Freeapollo July 2011
  • Wow that is really inspriational I am sure you had to work hard to do it you deserve to be happy with your sucess
  • Wow I really think I need to get on this P90X thing your pictures have inspired me to add that to my schedule. Did you do anything else by chance?
  • Flab kinda reminds me of an ex....there is a reason it should be out of your life! Keep it up!
  • I'm sorry but I have to respectively disagree. Larger frames e.g. bigger rib cages and large sholder bones have to add more weight to a persons body.
  • Thank you, I was curious myself!
  • I have been eating healthy so I don't really know how beneficial one would be however I am interested if anyone would share I would be happy to learn.
  • haha omg I know what you mean I always get pumped up and excited I will weigh way less in 5 weeks then I get let down although im losing weight and feel like I did something wrong haha I thought I was the only one :)
  • wow you look great good for you! Weightloss is really temporary but maintaining and keeping healthy is a lifestyle you are an inspiration to me.
  • Thanks congrats on your weight loss btw your profile picture looks amazing I feel intimidated looking at my monitor. lol Best of luck to you.
  • It's not an excuse for some people such as myself I can weight about 20 pounds above the average weight but have a small waste and see my ribs. Its really a cure however you can build muscle on top of it and look fitter than you are.
  • Embrace your body you know you are changing it who cares what other people think. You are the one running to get in better shape so go you.
  • If you are weight lifting always always always make sure you have replentishing the nutrients your body is using while weight lifting. It is possiable to actually harm your body if you don't give your body the fuel it needs to adequatly replentish its strength. Best of luck to you! -Julian
  • Wow you look great congrats on your achievement I can assure you many guys want your number now. haha Keep it up!