Putcake Member


  • I fit into the size 10 jeans that have been hanging out in the back of my closet. And both pairs I own fit - so it was awesome having a choice! And not just fit - a little room to spare. I've been weight lifting for 5 weeks and it's done more for me than years of cardio alone ever did. Love seeing the transformation my…
  • Dreamfields is a low-carb pasta. I'm not doing low-carb, but we use it because it doesn't hit my stomach like a rock the way that traditional pasta does. My husband is really picky and can't tell the difference.
  • From the time I was diagnosed (Sept 2012) to when I finished treatment (Jan 2013), I gained about 15 lbs. I was only occasionally nauseous during chemo - and my issue was mostly that food tasted bad because of the metal-based chemo. I ate whatever I could stomach - which meant I survived for several months on bagels with…
  • I'm so tired this time! With my first, I would come home, nap, eat and go back to bed. It was so much easier with a toddler to chase after! Now, I'm easily asleep on the couch by 7. My hubby has been awesome - putting our little guy to bed (we're transitioning to the big boy bed with some difficulty!) and then I can just…
  • I have put money in an FSA account for the last few years. When I was pregnant with my son, I bought the pump and was able to use that money. I kept the pump, so this time I might use some of my money to buy extra parts, tubes, etc. I also just found out that nursing pads are a reimbursable expense. I spent a small fortune…
  • Congrats! We're also due with baby #2 (we have a little boy who is 2) and due 7/22. Also my estimate - I had a doctor's appointment scheduled yesterday, but it was canceled because he had an emergency c-section. The downside of a one practitioner practice, but I love him, so I'll deal! I am rescheduled for next week. My…
  • I would suggest starting to run for distance. I finished C25K mid October and we ran our 5K on 10/27. Once I finished, in 2 weeks, I ran three 3 mile runs. Even though the app wants to do time (and assumes everyone is a 10 minute miler), I found it much more helpful to do it by distance. I use endomondo and set my program…
  • I would also add that it's helpful to sign up for a 5k. Make the commitment, pay the money. Invest in it. I started the program in early August and signed up for the 5k I ran last weekend. I don't think I would have finished C25k if I didn't have a race to run at the end. I would have come up with excuses. But setting the…
  • I agree!!!! I tried going faster, and just ended up cramping and having to stop. I slowed down and let my body determine my pace. I was surprised when I ran my first 5k that my pace was a new PR - 11:37. And yesterday, I set out to run 2 miles - it was getting dark and I didn't want to be out for a long time. And I shaved…
  • I posted a few weeks ago that I finished the program, but had a rough run when I set endomondo for 3 miles. This past Sunday, I ran an actual 5k! It was awesome!!!! My husband ran with with me (although I pulled ahead and finish about 2 minutes before him) and we had a great time. I finished in 36:52. My first mile was a…
  • Congrats!!! Way to go!!! I'm running my first 5k this weekend - I did C25k and now run 3 miles in under 40 minutes. I can't wait!!!
  • I check this forum every day because it's so inspirational! Keep those great stories coming!!!
  • Congrats on a great accomplishment and meeting your goals! I downloaded C25K when it was free on Amazon (I think the pro version vs. the free one) months ago. I had a couple of issues stacked against me - my left foot has a congenital clubfoot (3 childhood surgeries - plus being told not to do anything athletic to prevent…
  • Yippee!!! So excited to be able to post here!!! I am running a 5K next Sunday (10/27/13), so since finishing Week 8 about 2 weeks ago, I've been trying to do 30 minute runs. Yesterday, I knew I had to increase my time and mileage since I only have a few more runs before the race. Knowing I needed to get more distance in…
  • I am entered to run a 5k in 2 weeks, and I've been doing C25K since August. As someone with foot issues (congenital left clubfoot - 3 childhood surgeries) and no prior running experience, I ran into some of the same issues as you. I have progressed as I continued the plan (I run every other day) and my best mile time is…
  • I live in Smyrna, and there's a great trail at Big Oak Park (and a great space-themed playground for kids). If you do the trail loop twice, it's a 5k.
  • When I wanted to get pregnant with my little guy (now 2), I spent about 6 months eating better, exercising and just getting my mind frame ready to get pregnant. It also allowed my body to re-adjust after being on the pill for 10 years. I definitely attribute that to our success in getting pregnant quickly. I felt positive…
  • Forgot to check in on Saturday - but I did 2.4 miles in 30 minutes - 12:23 and 12:35 splits. It was a bad run - out of breath, had to walk twice, all while trying not to swallow the hoard of gnats in my face! I was never so happy to hear time up! But then I was shocked when I looked at my mile times. A big improvement for…
  • Congrats!!!! That's a great accomplishment!!! I'm hoping to get my actual 3.1 done in the next week - I'm working my way up to it!
  • I can understand your frustration! I was close to making a new PR for overall distance, and had to cut my run short because of the rain. But I was happy I got out there and did it! I still haven't technically finished the program - more so because I haven't had a chance in the last week to dedicate the time it will take me…
  • TGIF Everyone! I did my run last night - we are experiencing a lovely multi-day storm here - it's been raining since Wednesday and is expected to stop by Sunday. So in between the heavy rain, I managed to get outside and run in the "mist." I set out to do 30 minutes - I had to stop at 21 because I was starting to face a…
  • Morning Everyone! Since I'm limbo between finishing C25K and running my 5K (10/26), I'm using Endomondo to track my mileage and time and just doing my own thing. It's tough, because I love the app just telling me what to do! I set the timer for 30 minutes after a quick warm-up. I covered 2.18 miles and my best mile was…
  • Happy Monday! I forgot to post this weekend - Saturday I finished Week 8, Day 3! I can't believe I ran for 30 minutes! Of course, just my luck, the app stopped again. I think it had something to do with me changing a song in Google Music. No worries - endomondo was running the whole time, so I still got my stats. And it…
  • Hope everyone is having a great Thursday! I ran Week 8, Day 2 today. Unfortunately, my C25K app stopped at some point - first time for that. Since my workout on Tuesday was the same (28 minute run), I ran up to the same point, and then stopped to check my phone because I expected to hear my "cool down" message. And then I…
  • So great to hear of everyone's successful runs! I started Week 8 today - and I definitely noticed going from 25 minutes to 28 minutes! Those last 3 minutes were tough! But I stuck it out and feel awesome! I started to feel a small cramp in my side, but after breathing through it, I pushed through. I'm hoping this means…
  • I forgot to check in yesterday - but I completed Week 7, Day 3! I did a really great 7 am run at a local park. I had not run there before - but my hubby had - so I had an idea of the route. It was awesome! Flat with great scenery since part of the course was a boardwalk through the woods. The best part was, no side…
  • Good for you for pushing through - sometimes it's much harder to get past our mental blocks! And just remember - 7 weeks ago you couldn't have run for 25 minutes. Now you are rocking it!
  • Week 7, Day 2 was today's workout - it went well! Still fighting the side cramp issue, but working on my breathing is helping tremendously. The cramp starts after the first mile (including my warm up), but I didn't stop to walk once. I'm trying to stay positive and remember that it's improving, and I'm learning how to…
  • I just completed Week 7, Day 2 today. I actually thought I was doing day 3, but then remembered I had to do-over Monday's run after a bad side cramp had me walking for several minutes. I am still fighting the cramp issue, but just taking some deep breaths. I am excited to be finishing the program, but I just have to remind…
  • The only issue that I had go away and come back was my fingernails breaking and peeling. It got better but came back a few months later. It finally seems to be getting a bit better, but I finished chemo in January. I would check in with your doctor (or nurse - I called mine frequently with questions) and mention that it's…