alliegator89 Member


  • Thanks all! I think I won't worry about spending the extra money on that feature then.
  • I'm 6'2" and aiming for approximately 185. I'm at 205ish right now, but to be honest I don't weight myself that much. I'm mostly aiming to have a noticeably less jiggly body if that makes sense. I'm a 16 pant size right now...would love to get back down to a 12 (the size Iw as when I weighed 185). Just keep working and you…
  • I have been working on the emotional cues being misinterpreted as hunger. I know that can be a big issue. Very good suggestions though. I didn't think about thinking through the emotions. I mostly just evaluated if it was real hunger or not.
  • And hearing that it will get easier in 1-2 weeks is helpful. :smile:
  • Ah so true! Except I quit smoking this year so just coffee for me now.
  • Ooops! I didn't realize my diary was private. I opened it. I am shooting for a 500 calorie deficit, but there are days it is a little more. I just started a few days ago, so I guess my body might just be adjusting...I just don't want to fail because I can't get through the adjustment period.
  • That is so annoying! I like the pie chart with the percentages that is available on the app. I guess I will just continue to get my phone out every time I want to check my macros.
  • I'm 25, 6'2", 210ish. GW: 185 Not quite the same, but I could use some buddies.
  • Hi! I'm working on losing 30 pounds too. I'll be your buddy.
  • Also interested in the Misfit Shine possibly. I feel like I hear half the people say MFP is wrong on calorie count and half the people say it is spot on. That is what I struggle with a lot. Do I really trust what MFP says I burned?
  • I bought compression pants and capris from Old Navy on accident. I LOVE them. They are super comfortable, and it feels like it keeps everything tight. I have had chafing, and I don't feel like they get awkwardly stretched out and start to fall down like other yoga pants I own. Also, two pairs I own are very high waisted…
  • I need some more friends!
  • Lou - I LOVE LOVE LOVE Zumba, but I am on a very tight budget. I have to stick with the free gym membership through my health insurance that doesn't offer classes. I'm trying to teach myself to enjoy a standard gym work out.
  • I absolutely LOVE Zumba! Best thing to happen to cardio fitness.
  • It is okay to miss a work out, but if you are set on going to the gym have lots of water to rehydrate your body. Also, bananas are said to be one of the best hangover foods. Eat one if you can.
  • I know that, but only eating 1,200 makes me nervous. what if I have counted wrong? I used to have an eating disorder so I don't want to get too close to the too few calories line.
  • I always have one cheat day a week. I actually just had one yesterday. I ended up going REALLY overboard and felt like crap when I worked out today. I think it is good to have a day where you aren't too restrictive and let yourself give into a craving, but don't fill yourself up with fat, sugar and alcohol like I did. I…
  • If there is a Trader Joe's around you they have some great frozen meals that don't have a bunch of preservatives in them. I particularly like the no guilt baked ziti, spinach lasagna and chicken burritos.
  • Check in 1/24: I finally lost some weight! I am down to 180 now. I am also joining a gym with lots of fitness classes that I hope will not only help me shed pounds but get my body toned.
  • That is an amazing transformation! Awesome job :)
  • Welcome! Good luck with your weight loss journey. I have found MFP really helpful and I hope you do too!
  • If this is your first time exercising that much in a long time then if is possible you are losing fat but gaining back the weight in muscle. If you stick with it the pounds will start to come off. Muscle helps boost your metabolism so you will burn more calories just sitting around than you would w/o the muscle. Just keep…
  • Thanks for all of the suggestions! I really can't afford a heart monitor. I have been trying to make sure I don't eat back ALL of the exercise calories just in case MFP exaggerates. Hopefully I will see the weight come off!
  • Check in 1/16: Haven't lost any weight but seeing an increase in muscle tone and my jeans are heading towards being too big to wear without a belt. My work out goals have been met every day. I kind of went over board on calories on Friday but I'm trying to make up for it!
  • If you only recently started exercising that much and if it is including things like weight training you could be losing fat but gaining muscle. A scale obviously doesn't know the difference. A pound of muscle takes up less room than a pound of fat so measuring your waist, chest, biceps, etc or just looking in the mirror…
  • I definitely need some weight loss buddies to keep me motivated. My current goal is only 10 pounds though. Can I still participate for 10 weeks and see if I can lose more from there?
  • Chances are you will lose weight a little quicker at the beginning anyway. Some of it will be water weight but real pounds will come off too. Your body won't have adapted to the lower number of calories and increased activity. It you want to take advantage of this I would suggest trying to stick to your set diet and try to…