do you plan a cheat day?



  • emilycorriveau
    I never plan a cheat day- I don't bounce back from eating badly for a full day to eating healthier and smaller portions. I just eat what I like but in smaller portions. We'll see how it's been working when I weigh-in on Monday. :)
  • Nigel99
    Nigel99 Posts: 498 Member
    I haven't really had a cheat day yet, though some might say I've cheated here and there. I'll still eat ice cream, and chips, and things like that here and there, but portions are single serving, and I always stay within my sodium/fat/sugar I'm not overindulging on anything yet. I don't have all that much to lose, and once I hit my goal, I'll probably allow myself to have a "bad" day now and again, but I don't plan for it now.
  • Lisa__Michelle
    Lisa__Michelle Posts: 845 Member
    The whole point of a cheat day is no planning. I only use a cheat DAY though when I am in a plateau. It is good to have a cheat MEAL once every week or two but I would only do a cheat DAY for when I am stuck in a weight loss rut.

    I usually do a cheat meal once every two weeks. I was stuck in a plateau for a month and someone suggested a pig out DAY. I did it and I started losing a lot. It sped up my slowed metabolism.
  • alliegator89
    alliegator89 Posts: 42 Member
    I always have one cheat day a week. I actually just had one yesterday. I ended up going REALLY overboard and felt like crap when I worked out today. I think it is good to have a day where you aren't too restrictive and let yourself give into a craving, but don't fill yourself up with fat, sugar and alcohol like I did. I have actually ready studies that say that it is easier to maintain a diet if you have one day a week where you let yourself either eat a big piece of cake or have a rich meal. Trying to deprive yourself completely makes it harder to stick with your meal plan.
  • hooah_mj
    hooah_mj Posts: 1,004 Member
    Alrighty...ya'll have convinced me that we gotta allow ourselves a little something and planned is probably better.
    I'll try it, but I'm really freaky about over doing it.

    I'm going to aim for Saturday & workout with that free day/meal in mind...thanks all :flowerforyou:
  • madijo41
    madijo41 Posts: 367 Member
    one cheat meal per week Early Saturday morning. Count the cals after and eat less during the rest of the day.
  • Hunnieshadow
    I don't do a whole cheat DAY, but I do have a day in the week were I will eat one "bad" meal. I'll eat super healthy that whole day work out a half hour extra and then usually my hubby will take me out to a nice dinner, or we'll order a pizza, or a burger. It doesn't seem to harm my week because I'm usually under 50-100 calories a day anyways.
  • VictorVegaJr
    VictorVegaJr Posts: 31 Member
    Not gonna lie, sundays are my cheat day/ meal. We always go out to lunch after church on sunday to some restauraunt. Like today, we went to cracker barrel and I enjoyed my country my breakfast. But all things considered, Im usually so stuffed from that meal, I dont eat anything for the rest of the day so I guess its not TOO horrible.
  • ladylu11
    ladylu11 Posts: 631 Member
    On Sundays we have our family dinner at noon time after church. Because of the big meal I do not eat dinner so I use that time on Sunday evenings for my dessert day! I have whatever dessert I want and enjoy every bite. Usually by Friday I am ready for another dessert but I never give in because I like having something to look forward to. If I were to give in dessert Sunday would no longer be something special. Plus I get a lot of satisfaction from not giving in to temptation.
  • phitme
    phitme Posts: 124
    I plan my cheat meal. I used to do a full day but found that it really wasn't necessary. I usually take dinner out as my cheat and include a dessert. I have a cheat meal once a week but keep it controlled & make sure it is something I absolutely want. I don't waste those calories on fast food or a chain restaurant.

    My current fave is a local cantina with the absolute best food! I order chips & queso & a margarita. Then I get ONE fried fish taco. They are absolutely to die for. IMO, something like that is worth it. Then I usually hit up my local coffee shop that also happens to serve ice cream. I get a small and enjoy every bite.
  • Nailrep
    Nailrep Posts: 966 Member
    I count calories when I diet. But I will eat whatever I want, landing inside of my calorie goals. So a "cheat" meal for me is not eating a particular food that I deny myself while dieting. It is intentionally going over my alloted calories for the day. I cheat one meal per week. And I don't binge, but I eat everything I want. There are rules put into place for cheat meals. Standardly, a cheat meal sould be 1 meal at the same day every week. You need to limit your meal to the length of time you are at the table. When you get up from the table, you are finished. Most fitness experts that believe in cheat meals will tell you to have your cheat meal within one hour of a heavy workout. I usually do more cardio on my cheat meal day. But I don't go by the one hour rule.

    If you follow a strict calorie regimine every day, the cheat meal will shock your body into reving your metobolisim. But aim for 500-800 calories more than you normally eat. Don't eat half a cake after you polish off a pizza. But I am betting that you won't want to after dieting all week.