skiski Member


  • Hey all I am Ski, 33 yrs young 13st 13lbs No defined goal weight- just wanting to lose! *waves hello*
  • I hear you. The thought of slim can be very scary. But like others have suggested, finding out the root causes of that are beneath that fear can go along way to discovering why your size has felt safe. I found mine keep me protected from being visible, being overweight allowed me to hide behind it, amongst many other…
  • Without a doubt....Shock Absorber bras....I am a 34ff, these have been my lifeline for everyday & sports, Impact level 4 is what I use for running/gym etc...yes they are a bit more expensive than your average joe bra but the quality & suppot is beyond worth it~ you can get them on-line or on auction sites...Hope you find…
  • NAME OF RECIPE: Sweet Spinach Side INGREDIENTS: Spinach x 2, Red Onion 1 Large, 3 x Philidelpha Extra Light (I used the mini-tubs), Fry Light (a cooking spray) DIRECTIONS: Chop red onion into rings-looks fancier!...Spray x 10-20 of fry light into a frying pan on a medium heat...add onion and cook til it sofens, then add…
  • Just have to join as the last thread I joined vanished!!!! So here we go; Location: East Midlands I like: Cheese, Marmite & Candles I don't like: Rude people, my current weight! Current typical or usual exercise: Usually walking at work Current Starting Weight: 154lbs Aim for next week: 153lbs Personal 14 week Goal:…
  • I tend to stick to a slim a soup with 1x ryvita cracker/wholemeal bread x 1 slice from a 400g loaf, an apple and fromagie frais mini yogurt. Usually tots up to under 300 cals. hope that helps x
  • boo 152lbs, star month also suffereing! lol hugs to you all x
  • hey all, not sure where to weigh in I am on nights and am totally pooped lol...weigh-in was 151.8 lbs. No alcohol helping alot :) xxx
  • weigh in yesterday was 152 lbs...sorry delay was inevitable.My late shift morphed into an 18 hour shift! Keep up the good work people x
  • Hey hkystar, When I got my polar watch it wasn't working at all, I had followed the instructions to no avil so I rang Polar up and they had me post the watch, they fixed it under warranty and it has been fine since, I think some of the watches are possibly glitched. But Polar customer service is the best I have come…
    in Polar F6 HRM Comment by skiski June 2010
  • Thanks for this I recently got a brush but had no idea where to begin! skiski x
  • Hey Lisa, just a quick hey and to say that things have settled down, I had no idea your muscles retained water! Thanks for the info it helped xxx
  • Hi ammingjay, I hear you will definately be pushing through it...and not freak out lol! I think me and the scale will have to have break for a while. cheers for your reply and support x
  • Hello all Starting today from the UK...have am looking forward to lunch time salad with rocket and spinach :)'ll need to keep me going for work this afternoon yey! Just psyched to be part of the group! All the best Skiski x
  • Hey bowaknee I am right with you! I am totally discouraged and have been following the same path as yourself with workouts and doing well on calories to find nothing has happened! I have been stuck at this weight far too long! sorry for no insight but heres to not letting it get you down and fighting on xxx
  • Dear Neha_duvvuri Thanks for the reply... I see what you mean...thank you! x
  • Hey Jenbo I have had the exact problem but tonight I put on my workout kit, grabbed a book and went for it on my exercise bike before i knew it it was 45 minutes and according MFP 403 cals later!!! Very much worth it. As a few of the others have mentioned music is really helpful especially some upbeat "lets get it moving"…
  • i use stuff off e-bay...maximuscle..nana flavour x
  • if you are leaving 300-400 cals each day it could be the reason you are not loosing weight... try to hit the cals reccommended and see how that goes alot of people make the mistake of cutting too many cals leaving the body in "starvation mode"! give it a go for this next month, that included eating your exercise cals too…
  • :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Thank you Thank you Thank you all of you for the speedy and amazing responses...i am going to go very early tomorrow morning before suggested i gave them a call and thats when it is much quieter... sometimes the hardest thing to do is to remember we deserve to be…
    in ashamed... Comment by skiski March 2009
  • to the gym and generally out and about x
    in ashamed... Comment by skiski March 2009
  • I decided this year I would commit to being healthier...for life- so i bought myself a rather expensive gym member ship but feel too ashamed to go... which is pathetic but try as i might i just can't seem to summon up the courage to go in... any advice i know how silly this is but i needed to know i am not alone xxx:sad:
    in ashamed... Comment by skiski March 2009
  • Hi Charlotte, I live about 40 mins away or so in Chesterfield, happy to support/motivate though...welcome xxx
  • Hi jm & Shannon i too struggle with the wine...i know it is empty cals but the fact is it is THE vice i have...i don't really eat sweet stuff and food wise i have a healthy balanced intake but i do enjoy a glass at the end of the day to unwind... i would like to give it a go and cut it out for 1 month, but not too sure i…
    in I like beer Comment by skiski March 2009
  • :flowerforyou: welcome to mfp using the food diary will really can do this xxx
  • Decided on some white pitta bread with half fat cheese and garlic lol... oh the everyday stresses of modern life!!!!:happy:
  • Hi zaza54.. Please don't feel embarassed, we all struggle to get into the groove of healthier takes time to change like a life-time of habits and adapt them to healthier ways!!! My biggest thing is exercising...i have all the intetions but no motivation!:blushing: xxx
  • i have made red onion,ham & mushroom carbonara for my Mum & partner and i am still thinking what to have...hmmmmmm i do know dessert will be fruit salad & vanillia yogurt (which i may freeze)...
  • i have started to do use time watching tv working 10 minute slots helps alot! good luck xxx
  • i tend to have a drink or go for a walk if i am stressed out i avoid the urge to eat emotionally and do some meditation.. xxx