Not sure what is happening!!!

skiski Posts: 173 Member

Just wondering if this has happened to anyone else, for the first time since joining MFP I have really stepped up my exercise...and seem to be gaining in daft proportions! Partially I am aware it is one's time of the month but after a scale step on it has jumped by 7lbs whattttttt?

I know the water retention will subside (and am drinking plenty of water & reducing salt) but until it does I am trying not to panic and figure out whats going on!

Please feel free to give tips if you have a clue!


skiski xxx


  • ammingjay
    ammingjay Posts: 45 Member
    I know during my TOM I'll fluctuate by 5-8 lbs and unfortunately for me it sticks for a week and a half but then it disappears faster than it showed up so I basically don't weigh in those two weeks and start again after the lbs go away. just stick it out and keep working out and eating right and try to not freak out. (easier said than done)
  • skiski
    skiski Posts: 173 Member
    Hi ammingjay,

    I hear you will definately be pushing through it...and not freak out lol! I think me and the scale will have to have break for a while.

    cheers for your reply and support x
  • ammingjay
    ammingjay Posts: 45 Member
    no problem I have to remember every month to not panic, it's ok, just breathe. I usually check the scale a few times during those two weeks just to kinda be aware of what's going on. But I don't freak out or do it for the record. Good luck!
  • lisawest
    lisawest Posts: 798 Member
    Beyond the normal TOM water retention, you may also be retaining additional water because of your increased exercise. When you "reactivate" muscles that haven't been used in awhile, they grab a bunch of water and other stuff (glycogen, etc.) and store it. The muscles haven't had that in them because they haven't needed it. Now they do. After being at it for a few weeks, your muscles will stop storing as much, and that extra weight will come off.

    So basically, you got a double whammy:wink: In a couple weeks all the extra water weight should be gone and you should a NICE loss! (Key words being SHOULD! I can't guarantee, but ya' know:happy: )

    Keep up the good work, and don't let this get you down.:flowerforyou:
  • skiski
    skiski Posts: 173 Member
    Hey Lisa,

    just a quick hey and to say that things have settled down, I had no idea your muscles retained water! Thanks for the info it helped xxx
  • leychole
    leychole Posts: 7 Member
    We have a scale in the bathroom at work and I check in almost every day which is probably a bad idea. There are time though when I will fluctuate in weight by 5 lbs. It takes a lot for me to not freak out especially if I know that I worked out a lot the day before.