

  • try to check in every day - holds you accountable! Good luck!
  • I feel your "blahness"...I did so well up until Saturday night - Chinese takeout, then Sunday Easter brunch with lots of sticky buns, egg bake, and M&Ms...ugh, and I feel awful after overeating but can't control myself. HOWEVER, we just have to forgive ourselves and move on, do better moving forward!
    in Blah. Comment by olsen022 April 2009
  • The only problem is if you go overboard and justify to yourself that "it's OK, this is my free (cheat, treat, whatever) day, so I can eat whatever I want and get back on track Monday (or Tuesday, or whatever)"....! I've fallen into this pattern and it only gave me a reason to break my healthy habits by scheduling a "cheat…
  • HEALTHY is the key! So glad you didn't say "skinner Megan" because that isn't what it's about. Welcome, and good luck!
  • SHRIMP to me is filling and very few calories. Stir fry some with veggies (and a little soy sauce if sodium levels OK)...serve with 1/2 cup of brown rice and it should do the trick. If you're hungry later, have some 100 calorie micro popcorn. ~L
  • What? You mean the proven research is fake about acai, hoodia, etc. etc? I thought blubber had actually met its scientific match - NOT! How can the advertising of false products continue when it is a bunch of BS?
  • Live in Plymouth and use this Web site daily (although I've been lax waaaay to much on my healthy eating)...