

  • Hi, ladies! So busy with yard work now that spring has finally arrived in Michigan...and so tired and sore from all the yard work. Tomorrow's more of the same plus a mammogram, lucky me. I'd better get to bed. Sharon
  • bump till tomorrow Sharon from Michigan
  • Hi, everyone! I worked my tail off all day outside weeding and mulching. I'm exhausted! Going to take a shower and go to bed early. Hopefully I can sleep through the pain. Love to all Sharon from Michigan
  • Hi, Ladies! Today's been another drizzly, drippy, and dreary day. The only high spot was a visit from our DD and family. We hadn't seen them for a few weeks, so it was nice indeed. Meg, as I was reading one of your posts, I smiled. Our DD was a real stinker in her teenage years and drove DH and me crazy. She lied, refused…
  • The sun has finally decided to come out and shine gloriously! It's wonderful. I spent some time walking around the yard admiring the spring flowers. As a result, I know I need to get out there and weed and mulch. It's not a job I hate and it uses calories. Win, win. I hate to be too hopeful or excited but at my weigh in…
  • I read your post and am interested.How did you calculate your BMR (basil metabolism rate, I take it)? What is a HMR and how do you calculate that? I fear my metabolism rate is low and need to figure out as you did how to work around it to lose weight. Thanks for the help. [ quote] Good morning, wonderful ladies! Today I am…
  • It's raining again in Michigan. I'm almost positive I saw a fish swim by... Sharon
  • Hi, Ladies: I haven't written the last few days because I haven't known where to start. I have logged faithfully, walked, weeded, dug, mulched and sweated yet I gained another pound last week. It's so discouraging. After I log each day, there's a little note on the bottom of the page that says, "If every day was like…
  • You did it. Now wasn't that easy? Sharon from Michigan quote] Hi, I have been trying to join this group but there is no tag to hit to join..that I can find.:frown: .are you taking any new people on in this group..If I can join tell me how? Thanks, Liz :flowerforyou: [/quote]
  • bump and prayers for you and me...
  • Oh, my goodness!! The sun is actually out for the second time in a week! It's blinding. I guess if I want to walk/work outside, I'd better move. Rain's predicted this afternoon. Trying to think lighter, eat lighter, become lighter. :wink:
  • Hi Ladies! It's another dreary day in Michigan. I'm beginning to think the sun will not show his face around here again. Who knows? Maybe the groundhog took it. Since it's cold and (dare I say) slightly snowing off and on, I decided to do my walking indoors. mwheatcraft54: I have 26 pounds left to lose and have been on the…
  • HELP!!! I followed the 1200 diet and most days were just under the amount of calories allowed. I also walked most days of the week and worked in the garden. I GAINED 1/4 pound this week. So discouraged. :frown: Sharon from Michigan
  • Hi, Ladies! I've been without my computer for a couple of days and although my husband offered his mac, I wasn't confident enough about using it to write. I did log food and exercise, though. This site is so great for that. It's been storming here in Michigan today and the weather has become a lot cooler. I did enjoy…
  • Hi Ladies! I made low fat "cream" of mushroom soup with asparagus woody ends in it today. One of you said she peels off the tough outside and uses the inside so that's what I did. It was delicious. My husband's response was, "very nice." He had two bowls. I fell off the wagon and ate two pieces of lemon pie today. I wish I…
  • Hey, Ladies. I lost two pounds since last weigh in and I'm happy about it. Even though it took two weeks, a pound a week is good. Now to keep it up. Went to the doc this morning and he was happy about the results also. So much better than watching the numbers on the scale going up. In order to keep with April's goal, 4…
  • Thanks, Sasha, for the idea about making asparagus soup with the woody ends of the asparagus. I just bought a bunch today and I'm going to try it tomorrow. I make a yummy cream of mushroom soup using nonfat evaporated milk instead of cream and think I'll add the asparagus ends to it. Can't wait to taste it. Thanks, again.
  • Hi, Ladies! It's so encouraging to read all of your posts. Thank you for letting me be a part of this support group. You're all talking about April goals, so here's mine: Lose 6 pounds in April Walk 25 min. 3 times a week Resistance exercises with a theraband 3 times a week Drink 8 glasses of water Log my journal every day…
  • Happy April 1. Dutch iris are blooming. Bump.
  • Katla and Sundance: I have had double knee replacements and I can say that it was the best decision I ever made. Lose whatever weight you can before the surgery and be sure to do whatever knee exercise they recommend both before and after. In less than two weeks, I was walking without the aid of a walker or cane and…
  • Hi, Ladies! I hope your Easter was blessed with lots of good memories with friends and family. Our Easter was very quiet. Daughter and family went to Florida for spring break. Sons all live in states too far away to make a weekend trip. Hubby and I had Easter dinner at a local coney island. I guess you can imagine I ate…
  • Don't feel so hot, ladies. BUMP
  • Good evening, ladies. I've been dragging all day today as I was up all night with an earache and a terrible thumping sound in it that wouldn't go away. The only exercise I did today was what I had to do in the line of housework. Maybe tomorrow will be better. No Tops meeting tonight so no weigh in. My scale said I was down…
  • Hi, ladies: It's been a busy day of another sort. I spent it sewing a dress for my granddaughter. Now I'm looking forward to doing some exercises with a theraband that just came in the mail. That should be fun or at least different. Thanks, Moxie, for the sugars tip. No matter how hard I tried, I was always over the sugars…
  • Hi, Ladies: After cleaning closets for two days in a row, today my ladder climbing muscles are sore. I did manage to walk at the mall and do some shopping at Aldi and Target. I've made progress in choosing better foods but I have a question for you. How do you get in all your fruit (2 servings) and milk without going over…
  • Hi ladies: I spent most of the day in my closet and just came out. My goodness!! What a lot of stuff!! I didn't even remember some of it. I made the spicy carrot cauliflower soup today sans the masalla because I didn't have any but added some cayenne pepper instead. It was good and my husband loved it. With dialysis, his…
  • Robin, I'm so glad you're going to go to a councelor about your depression. In spite of how you feel today, just know that you WILL see a beautiful sunrise again and you WILL feel it's warmth on your face and you WILL smile again. I will be praying for you too.:happy:
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