

  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Come on, have none of you ever had a banana split for dinner? It is a fruit (banana), protein (nuts) and milk (ice cream). I had lots of calories left for the day and wasn’t too hungry since we ate after golf. The good news is I didn’t get hungry during the night. LOL

    Jmkmomm – ditto Katia’s advice about eating breakfast. Love the statement she made, “Not being a big breakfast eater helped me become a big woman”. Enjoy your vacation in Gatlinburg. We used to go there when I was a young girl for family vacation. It wasn’t as popular then but we loved to hike and play in the mountain streams.

    Katia – hope you are able to get out and enjoy the beautiful weather in Oregon.

    Texasgal22 – Have fun on your vacation. Hopefully the weather will be better after Wednesday. Sweet DH to bring you breakfast.

    Brooke – Yea for 2.2 lbs gone forever. You’re doing great.

    Deb – your new “woman cave” sounds nice. You’ll love having your on space to do your thing! Since you’ve lost 71 lbs, I believe you move a lot!!

    MA in UK – you’ve done an excellent job on your March goals. Congrats.

    Grandmallie – Glad your visit to your friend went well and you had safe travels. Enjoy your time with your family. Happy Easter to you. He has risen, indeed.

    Lin – Thanks for the Happy Spring graphic. You are so clever!

    Laura in CO – so glad you are caught up at work and in the moment. I feel sure you will feel less stress at work. Enjoy your family time.

    Vickie – welcome back and there is no time like the present to get back in the routine and lose the weight. Come back often and let us know how you are doing.

    Luvbuttons – Ahhhhh. Hope you feel better and are able to enjoy the weekend.

    Mary in TN – your trip to visit DD and get all the DGKs together sounds like fun.

    Michele – Happy Easter!

    Renny – hope you get the Maytag man straightened out and get a resolution to your problem.

    Bj – those birds don’t seem to notice the weather, just want the clean water. We’ve had hummingbirds for a couple of days. They leave in fall and return about this time.

    After reviewing my March goals, I haven’t done very well so will probably carry them forward for April with a couple of new ones.

    My goals for March are:
    1. Get 5+ F/V a day (No didn’t do a good job on this)
    2. Make one new recipe a week ( made several and DH was happy, said we eat so much better when I’m on a diet.)
    3. Begin a weight training program – No, I haven’t gotten the books but looked at the book store. Guess I’ll just order from Amazon.

    Sue in TX
  • nanasorchid52
    Happy Easter ladies

    I understand it isn't a long weekend in the US , but it is here and I am making the most of it. We also put our clocks froward one hour for British summertime - which takes a bit of getting used to

    Barbie - :love: Huge thanks for continuing this thread! I had almost given up finding one that I could relate to. I certainly wasn't going to post pictures of me in a bikini - my body needs to much ironing for that! :laugh:

    :smile: Laura - glad you are celebrating a change. It is great when you feel so good isn't it?

    Tammy - Welcome! :smile:

    Amanda :sad: Sorry - only just picked up about your fall. Hope you soon recover.

    :sad: Jane - sorry to hear you have to move again - life certainly throws us lots of challenges?

    :smile: Nancy - love the confidence wearing your shirt tucked in - you strut your stuff!!

    Renny :flowerforyou: GREAT NEWS ABOUT YOUR RESULTS!

    Katia :laugh: laughed about the ice-cream! A boat - my husbands dream! Me I get sick in the bath looking at the duck floating! I can manage a cruise on a large liner with stabilisers though!!

    Dee Dee :flowerforyou: hope you are continuing to get better! We are watching you! Lol

    :flowerforyou: Grandmallie - what a special friend you are!

    Cooky :smile: hope the move goes well.

    Sasha :sad: Hope the rotator cuff is feeling better. I had frozen shoulders a few years ago - ouch

    Suebdew - have a great cruise - where are you off too? :smile:

    Jodios - great hiking! :laugh:

    Texasgal - my mouth is turning upwards and I am feeling GOOD!!

    Well regards to all even if I haven't had time to mention you!!

    Easter is a time of new life and new beginnings. Wherever you are on your weight loss journey each day is a new beginning - I wish you every happiness

    Keep smiling

    Jo Wales Uk Wales
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    Silly question from a person who knows nothing about food. We are going on vacation and I need to pack something in my purse that I can have a snack in the afternoon while we are away from our cabin. I love my Gala apples. I know that I can put it in my purse without cutting it but would it stay fresh if I cut it? Also I love my my organic baby carrots. Could they pack without any kind of refrigeration? I know that I can pack my granola bars, that would be the simplest thing. I will be in a mobility scooter that has a basket on it to put my purse in. I fear if I put to much in it that it will be to heavy. I also know that whatever I put in, my two grand children will want. My husband suggested raisins. But that just goes to fast

    I pack a cut-up apple in a plastic baggie in the morning for afternoon snack sometimes. It turns just a little in colour, but not much. Raisins go quickly and spike your sugar. Nuts are a great choice and very satisfying. Have a great time in the cabin. Relaxing, enjoying and letting go of stresses, is as important for health as healthy eating.

    I just read another article on the benefits of fiber, which discusses the topic that higher fiber intake is associated with lower risk of breast cancer. One case study apparently showed that the benefits came from fiber derived from fruits and vegetables, not fiber from grain. I think it may have been a report from the Dr. OZ show or Dr. Fuhrman. I have to check it out some more and will put a link on my profile once I find it.

    I want to eat the right foods for my health.

    :smile: It's great weather here. We had our coffee and lunch on the patio. DH is working on the vegetable garden. Building a contraption so the deer won't be feasting on the fruits of his labour :bigsmile: Of course, tough to keep the rabbits out.

    I hear from my relatives in Holland that they are having snow for Easter. They're joking that they should be putting up another christmas tree but then decorated with easter eggs. How novel :bigsmile:

    I had a good training session this morning ~75 minutes of walking, including hills. Race day - April 28th - is coming closer each week.

    Sunny and warm Vancouver Island, BC
  • luvbuttons
    bump again
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,804 Member
    evening my friends,
    well got to visit with my DD and DGD for about 10 minutes today, Kyle's family is monopolizing there time so that we wont get her until tomorrow night,when the DH has to go to work early the next morning.my DD is trying to keep everyone happy,so I let it slide,she did get to go out to lunch with my brother and SIL and went up to see my dad and son,so that was good.. I did buy eggs and have put candy in them, will have Grandpa go hide them and I will go to the gym in the a.m. and then my SIL is going to pick Tracy and Taliah up for the Easter Egg hunt here tomorrow morning.. my camera is all charged up and ready to go.. the last time we did this it was a week before they moved and they have been out there for 2 yrs..
    I got on the scale this morning and somehow lost a little bit, and I am amazed.I havent worked out since Weds,so really have to get back into the swing of things...
    I was ohhh so bad, i did buy myself the russell stover mini marshmallow eggs again and portioned them out and put them in the freezer, I did pretty well the last time I bought them, and will only grab some when Im really having a craving.
    gonna have some quality time with the DH tonight since he will be leaving for Florida friday.. during the week we dont have much time to spend together,and we will be busy with Miss Munchkin tomorrow.
    Sue you are going on a cruise, I posted a thread out there asking about the same thing... you have to pay for internet and someone was going to e-mail me a spreadsheet to take with me so I didnt have to pay the internet charges, got a few laughs ,one girl said that's international waters, no counting calories :laugh: we still are on the fence about going now...the DH's overtime is being cut, and with me working part time it might not be wise to spend the money on that.. we did pay for plane tickets already and if we want we can just stay at our place in florida that is already payed for..
    I would like to go on the cruise ,but dont want to worry about finances either.
    it was beautiful out today.. sun and around 54... the crocus are blooming and the peeper's are peeping~spring is in the air:flowerforyou:
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Well I bought some Almonds and already have them in individual serving bags, my favorite carrots and some veggie wheat thins. They are higher in calories so I will have to be a little more careful with those. But I know my grand kids will love them. The medicine I take for my MS, Avonex, comes with a little zip lock bag in the box for the alcohol swabs and bandaides. Those little baggies are so perfect for small snacks.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :flowerforyou: I really love how everyone signs their name and where they live at the bottom of their posts so when you talk about the weather or where you’re going on vacation, I can relate it to where you live.

    :bigsmile: Jake and I spent a little more than an hour working in the yard and got a lot done even with stopping to talk to the neighbors who were walking by enjoying the sunshine…..When I walked the dogs after lunch, Brandy didn’t want to stay out very long. I guess at sunny and 58 degrees it was too warm for her. The dogs probably need to get their hair cut for the warmer afternoons, but it is less than 40 degrees when we go out in the morning so I don’t want them to get too cold on the morning walk.

    :flowerforyou: the biggest factor in my step count is the two and half hours I spend walking the dogs before 9:00 in the morning…..if I walked by myself without dogs, there would be more steps but the dogs like to stop and sniff a lot……I have a minimum daily goal and an average goal and that works well for me to balance out the slower days with the more active ones……..I just realized today that I probably walk fewer steps in the warm sunny weather than I do in the cold, wet winter weather because in the warm weather I spend time working in the yard sitting or kneeling and the dogs don’t like to walk in the heat so I do less dog walking.

    :flowerforyou: BJ, not all pain is created equal…..the pain I was talking about was the muscle pain when you do a hard weight lifting program or a new zumba class or something like that……knee and foot pain are totally different and should be treated differently.

    :flowerforyou: Jmkmomm, if your meals are set at certain times of day, you can change the food diary settings to different names so it doesn’t look like you are skipping breakfast…….one really easy way to fix foods that don’t have a lot of calories is baking or broiling…….I put two four ounce pieces of chicken breast in a covered baking pan with Mrs. Dash seasoning and bake it at 350 degrees for about 30 minutes and serve it with big servings of two different frozen vegetables (or fresh vegetables)…….high nutrition and low calories.

    :bigsmile: MA, you did great on your goals

    :bigsmile: Brooke, congrats on your weight loss

    :bigsmile: Texasgal, I love the quote you posted.

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Don’t forget to be looking for the April thread at the end of the day tomorrow. I will post a link to the new thread at the end of this one.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington

    Resolutions for March (with near the end of the month comments)

    *twice a week dance practice at home (more dancing than before but not as much as I had hoped)
    * make appointment and go see the osteoporosis doctor (I made the call and am on a waiting list)
    *act the way I want to feel (doing better all the time)

    "The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT."
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Barbie, i wish I could convince that husband that it is better to eat at home. He feels that the meals we eat out, even though there are some unhealthy properties to them, is better than him over eating with home cooked meals. I have taken out my George Foreman grill and use it to fix things like a grilled cheese sandwich made from my healthy lite 35 calorie bread and I can't believe it's butter spray. He says it looks good, I have fixed myself chicken breast on this. I have to watch the seasonings such as Mrs. Dash because of the high potassium content it for him.

    Joyce, from southern Indiana, soon to be on vacation in the mountains!
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Bump to save my place.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    Barbie, i wish I could convince that husband that it is better to eat at home. He feels that the meals we eat out, even though there are some unhealthy properties to them, is better than him over eating with home cooked meals. I have taken out my George Foreman grill and use it to fix things like a grilled cheese sandwich made from my healthy lite 35 calorie bread and I can't believe it's butter spray. He says it looks good, I have fixed myself chicken breast on this. I have to watch the seasonings such as Mrs. Dash because of the high potassium content it for him.

    Joyce, from southern Indiana, soon to be on vacation in the mountains!

    Your husband sounds like a bit of a challenge:bigsmile: ......even so, there may be some changes you can make a little at a time......I found that when I went to restaurants I could ask for a chicken breast broiled with no sauce and a double order of steamed vegetables without butter and ask them to no bring rice, bread, or potato for me.

    :flowerforyou: I learned a lot by reading this thread every day and asking questions the way you do......and then I made small changes and didn't try to redesign my life too quickly.

    :flowerforyou: I just read the label on Mrs. Dash and it has no potassium.......it's the salt substitute that has a high potassium content

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Happy Easter to all those that celebrate!!!

    Michele:smile: It`s Boars Head deli ham, they have both reg. and low sodium, when I buy it I always get the low sodium.

    Someone asked about roasted veggies...when I roast veggies I use a bit of olive oil and either a calorie free Tuscan blend herb mixture or Herbs De Provence. neither has salt in it. I used squash, zucchinni, potatoes, carrots, onions, asparagus, whatever fresh veggie I have at the moment works great.

    March has not been a very good month for me:frown: , I not only gained pounds, but inches as well:sad: . Time to reevaluate and figure out what is going on, I am truly stumped:cry: .

    Hope everyone has a wonderful day today!!! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!

    DeeDee in rainy but fairly warm NC
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    Good morning all you great wonderful gals. Happy Easter to one and all.

    I decided i'm spending way to much time on puter sometimes coming here at 6 am and taking until 9 to get my notes and type them all in just to time consuming. I read the two last pages. I need to come for my vitamin F. But also need time to get things done around here. And back out to coffee with my friends at 7:30. Usualy I used to be at coffee from 7:30 until 9nish. So went back to doing that. And I also get out and walk to the Legion about maybe 1/2 mile I know not far not long but better than nothing.

    So that's my story and i'm sticking to it. LOL.

    Today is going to be fun i'm doing what I do best cooking for my whole family. I'm so blessed to have all three of my boys near me. And they will all be here for lunch. Well I hope anyway. The youngest is a fishing fanatic he's liable to put us all a side for fishing. He's a bachelor so does pretty much as he pleases.

    Barbie So lucky to be working in your gardens. Here we have more snow than we had for Christmas.

    Apples are so easy to prepare you just cut them out make a bowl with water and lemon soak them for a few min. and put in zip locks they keep forever. I use do that when making fruit trays for catering. Leftovers stayed nice in the fridge in a covered try forever.

    Well I didn't set no March goals but I will set Aprils. And now it's time to go get my salads ready. We are having a cold buffet. Turkey, ham. Potato, macaroni, brocolli and cauliflower salads. Deviled eggs. Cheese and pickle trays and you eat when your hungry type of day. Hoping they stay all day. Dessert I cheated bought a cheese cake and ice cream.
    Everything is cooked veg. all chopped all I need to do is mix them. So today is easy.

    See you all lighter.
  • ohiomomof2
    ohiomomof2 Posts: 78 Member
    Good morning and Happy Easter to you all!

    I've been on the go all weekend, running errands and catching up with older DD who is home for the weekend. I will go back and read the recent posts after she leaves this weekend but I hope that you are all having a wonderful weekend!

    March has been okay for me, in terms of weight loss but I can't say that I did very well as far as my goals are concerned. They were:

    Log my food and exercise in the morning so that I have my plan all worked out for the day (probably did this 1/2 the time)
    Exercise at least 4 nights a week (in addition to the mile and a half I walk every morning at work) (nope, not even close)
    Be more patient with those who make me a little crazy (did pretty well here, if I do say so myself)

    I'm going to keep some of these and add a couple for April; will post on the new thread. Have a wonderful day!
  • cooky56ny
    cooky56ny Posts: 96 Member
    Good Morning and Happy Easter to those that celebrate the day. :flowerforyou:

    Michelle and Brooke the move went great and Thank you both for the wishes for my Son.:flowerforyou:

    I've been skimming the posts quickly, wow so much going on with everyone! My thoughts and prayers to all.:wink:

    My diet has gone to the way side the past couple of weeks and my weight is up. I guess I'll have to hit it hard again starting Monday. It takes so long to loose the weight but it sure does pop back over night! :grumble:
    I hope everyone enjoys their day. :smile:
    Peace ~n~ love
    Carol in WNY
  • moxie1962
    moxie1962 Posts: 165 Member
    Quote from barbiecat- " I just read the label on Mrs. Dash and it has no potassium.......it's the salt substitute that has a high potassium content"

    I used to use my George Foreman grill all the time with chicken breast. Or in the microwave. Sprinkle the Mrs Dash on top of the chicken, the top with the olive oil. In the grill, cook till done. Microwave, cover and cook for 8 minutes. It was great for eating as it was, or dicing up for any recipes. I can't do it very much any more as my new DH is allergic to olive oil. :frown:

    On the home cooking problem, I bought a digital food scale from Amazon, and weigh out 2 portions for DH, and one for me. Noodles, potatoes, spaghetti sauce, any sauce, veggies. It has worked so far, as we both have lost 14 pounds in 3 months so far. Any my DH loves to have 2nds. If they are measured out and weighed first....he can eat it all, or not, if that is what he wants to do. We were both very surprised what the actual cooked portions looked like volume wise. On some things, he has asked for me to just cook him a single portion from now on.

    You also have more control over sodium levels, carbs ...all of it..by cooking meals at home.
  • mwheatcraft54
    mwheatcraft54 Posts: 235 Member
    Good morning and Happy Easter to those who celebrate and Sunday Funday for everyone!

    I had an awesome night's sleep - Aleve is my new best friend lol :laugh:. Seriously though the nsaids are completely different from ibuprofen and acetaminophen. I may even have read that here, but finding a pain reliever for muscle aches makes a big difference. I woke up feeling refreshed and with less pain in my side/back - so threw on my yoga gear and headed for the basement. Um, no, that's not quite where I need to be yet - but I tried it out for 15 minutes or so, so got a little stretching in. It's amazing how tight my muscles have gotten in just four days of no exercise (except walking). Well, I'll try stretching later on today and see how it goes. I think I've rounded the corner, just need to get back to square one.

    We went to the Phillies game yesterday - the boys are back in town!!! So excited. It was a beautiful day, sunny and mid-50s - just felt good to be back at the ball park. There was an awful blockage on the freeway when we were leaving, so we opted to drive through Philly to get of town. Philadelphia is something else when it comes to celebrating Easter. I've lived and visited a number of places but have never seen a city throw itself into a holiday quite like Philly and Easter. Anyway, everyone and their brother was out, going to their families' houses or shopping or going home from work or whatever - on a Saturday, every road we were on was packed, and the sides of the roads were covered with flower stands.

    We're going to my sister's for dinner today. DH's children were away in Costa Rica on a Spanish class trip and got back last night, but they'll be at their mom's for dinner, so we won't see them until afterwards. We're planning a sort of early dinner; both families are into healthy eating so not too worried about the menu. I am making a cheesecake for dessert but lightened it up considerably, and I'll only eat a bite or two anyway (cheesecake isn't my fav). I had bought some chocolate fleur de sel while in Santa Fe so was dying to make something with salted caramel, so it's a salted caramel cheesecake with chocolate ganache and a strawberry puree. We're also taking fish tray (shrimp, smoked salmon on marble rye) and a cheese tray. My sister is making a ham, which I'll skip, a brussel sprout salad (oops, I was supposed to make the salad but forgot to buy the spinach when we were at the store last night), potatoes, and rolls of some sort. Hmm, doesn't sound terribly healthy . . . oh, yeah, I'm making a veggie tray too.

    The thing I've found out lately is that even on the "bad" days I just don't eat as much at all. Yesterday was ballpark day, but I had oatmeal with raisins before I left (homemade, won't do the prepack things as too much sugar and I make mine with no sugar, the raisins are enough sweet), stopped and bought a veggie sub made to order on a whole wheat roll (they let you bring food and unopened drinks, nonalcoholic, into the park), small, brought water with me, and had no problem skipping the park food. I only had half the sub (which was only a 6" to begin with), gave the rest to DH, and then made baked flounder and steamed broccoli for dinner when we got home. My splurge for the day was an appetizer of (warning: delicious food alert) triscuits with manchego cheese and a spot of delicious raspberry/red chili jam. OMG, we just discovered that yesterday, and it's soooo good. Anyway, stopped myself after a . . . few. OK, on a diet board I should probably stop talking about food, but my point is that I'm not depriving myself, I'm limiting my portions. It's worked for me for 45 pounds, and my eating is so different now from what it was a year ago.

    Enjoy the day as a time to focus on rebirth. Spring always brings the promise of new after a cold season of trauma or hibernation.


  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,804 Member
    Morning and Happy Easter my friends
    Just waiting on my DD and DGD to come over, this is where Tracy should have her license,Kyle's whole family is wacked out..She is at the mercy of his whole family,Taliah stayed overnight at the other grandma's house and Kyles brother has to pick her up from there,because neither Kyle nor Tracy want anything to do with her..
    Kyle has ruined any relationship that he could have with Tracy's side of the family because of his own family...
    So we wait... the snowblower is put away for the winter and the patio furniture is out~ let the season begin:wink:
    went to the gym for 45 minutes this morning and hopefully will get outside this the DGD today.
    Hoping everyone has a blessed Easter and a wonderful rest of the weekend:flowerforyou:
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    DeeDee: March has been terrible for you as far as I can see BECAUSE you’ve been sick.:sick: Get well and get movin’. Things will settle down once you’ve kicked this illness. Just practice your good habits.:flowerforyou:

    Linda C: How great to see your post! I’ve been missing you. :flowerforyou:

    Carol in WNY: “It takes so long to loose the weight but it sure does pop back over night!” Right you are! :grumble: It can also sneak back slowly over time. That happened to me a long time ago, and here I am. I’m learning to practice due diligence as I get back to a good weight because I know I’ll have to stay diligent to keep the pounds from sneaking back and bringing friends along.:flowerforyou:

    Moxie: I bought a food scale from Amazon, too. What a good tool! :love: I never thought about portion size before and this is the key to the kingdom as far as weight management. :bigsmile: Regarding your grill, find another oil. Peanut oil is recommended for high heat. I’m not sure about others. It is so good that your DH is on this journey with you. Mine is too, and it is a huge help in motivation and selection of healthy foods.:flowerforyou:

    M: “OK, on a diet board I should probably stop talking about food, but my point is that I'm not depriving myself, I'm limiting my portions. It's worked for me for 45 pounds, and my eating is so different now from what it was a year ago.” Congratulations! You are doing great.:flowerforyou: I think this is an excellent place to talk about food, and share what we are learning. I am also into portion control rather than eliminating all my favorites and I’m also experiencing success. Philly at Easter sounds magical. I love the thought of flower stands along the road.:flowerforyou:

    I woke up happy, the sun is shining and it is a beautiful day. Happy Easter to all who celebrate. Happy day to everyone else.:flowerforyou:

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon
  • bjmcq
    bjmcq Posts: 304 Member

    however you celebrate it, as a religious event, or a seasonal change, or as one of the earliest of mankind's markers as the sun moves north and nature begins its cycle! JB is in the garden...lucky gal!

    We are doing the family feast.....I am just going to be spare in the rich food category. And happy to be with all the family!

    May the sun's rays shine on you, metaphorically and literally, from here on in!

    BJ...... in cloudy, wet but warm....... SWOntario.
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Hppy easter to you all.
    Have no internet due to landlady blocking us.