

  • meyllisa
    meyllisa Posts: 284 Member
    Hi Ladies: Had a great morning decided to put my pedometer to use,just started that I would run some errands, then ended taking the two fur babies out for a short walk....8000 steps later we are all still alive and actually have a spring in our step , but they need a bath now kind of muddy out there yet! Finally after 4 months my scale has moved and my knees are not fighting me with every step!!They will never be good but better I'll take. Thank you for all the inspiration from everyone, Prayers for all in need! Congrats to all the victorys made so far. We are Women hear us roar, or groan on a good workout day take care

    Juanita in Sudbury still waiting for spring.......
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,357 Member
    Hi there from rainy Hampshire. Today we had a trip up to London to see an exhibition. It was so great to go out with my husband and we ended up in a Soho pub where I drank 3 half pints of beer. 300 calories, but I loved it!
    Then we went to Chinatown so I had to think of a slimming choice. Had crab in black bean sauce and there was hardly any crabmeat in the crab, so I reckon that wasn't too bad. Just pickings really. Had broccoli with it and passed on the rice etc. Not too bad in all, especially as I had managed to do my 400 cal workout first thing and walked about a bit in London. But I really did enjoy feeling young and sociable again. We have resolved to go out more and have planned a trip to a stately home next week. It's too easy for us to sit down in front of the TV and get into a rut. Spring I hope will get us moving more.
    I send my thoughts to all you knee sufferers and all other joints come to that. Gently and surely we will get there. Today I noticed I could walk up and down stairs at stations without grabbing on to the handrail. NSV! :wink:
  • jodios528
    jodios528 Posts: 379 Member
    Hi all - just time for a quick post. I stole a page from Grandmallie and got up earlier than usual so I could get in a workout before my 8am call. So glad I did. I feel so much better when I get the blood pumping.:smile:

    We had terrible storms this morning. :sad: I was presenting some research on an 8am conference call. Our larger dog is deathly afraid of thunder and lightening and opened the door to my office so she could hide under my desk. As the call wore on the storm stopped and she fell asleep - snoring loudly. My client group are good sports and just laughed...thank goodness.:laugh:

    I had lunch at the Yard House with a group of other independent consultants. I wrote down the calories of a number of lunch items to bring with me so I could "be good". I was a bit embarrassed pulling the list out. :blushing: No need - instead they ended up passing it around and everyone selected something from my "be good" list:drinker:

    Though I have no time to post individually know I'm thinking of all of you sending congrats to those with SV and NSV and warm supportive thoughts to all those who are struggling.

    Welcome newbies.

    Got to get back to work now. Have a great rest of the day. Jodios:smile::love: :flowerforyou: :smooched: :heart: :bigsmile:
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Been a busy day. Husband woke me up saying he didn't feel good. His B/P was up and he was sitting n the living room in his tidy whities taking it. We have one go the wrist cuffs and eh kept it on his wrist, when it finished he would push the button again. Took it about 60 times to see if it would go down. So the first thing I told him to do was to take the cuff off and relax., got him a pillow and blanket and we would take it again in 10 minutes again. In the mean time he tells me he ahs the same kind of indigestion he had the night of his heart attack!:noway: So we got the Nitro out and one took the pain away. Then his heart beat went irregular.. So we called the doctor, he was able to go back to sleep, I wasn't. I had to take my sister to the doctor, and when I got back he was waiting at the door to go for a walk. The mall was real hot and the temp was 82 degrees which is to hot for my MS to go walking in. So I sat while he walked:sad: But after the walk his heart rate was regular:smile:
  • luvbuttons
    Hi, Ladies!
    I've been without my computer for a couple of days and although my husband offered his mac, I wasn't confident enough about using it to write. I did log food and exercise, though. This site is so great for that.
    It's been storming here in Michigan today and the weather has become a lot cooler. I did enjoy getting outside for a walk and even yard work for a few days.
    My ear problems are finally somewhat under control. The doc thinks it's allergies and his meds seem to be helping. Such a relief!
    Tomorrow's weigh in day. I'm actually looking forward to it.
    Thanks for the encouragement you ladies give me.
    Sharon from Michigan
  • ohiomomof2
    ohiomomof2 Posts: 78 Member
    Good evening, all!

    I am only home for a minute and then going out to walk with a friend but I had to share.... the doctor left me a message today and the mass is benign. So that is one huge relief, as you can imagine!

    Thank you all again for your support over the last couple of days. I did not tell many people in my daily life about this so it was really nice to be able to share it here and feel the prayers and support coming from you all.

    I hope you're all having a wonderful day!
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,804 Member
    Evening Chica's
    Hopefully everyones day was well.
    Juanita, those cocktail's on your profile pic look yummy!!!
    Had a good day at work, a patient brought in Subway sandwiches, and I instead of a lean cuisine broke down and had a 1/4 of a turkey on multi-grain with let,tom,cheese and cukes, no dressing and it was delicious,also had a bag of light chips,that were only 75 calories...so I sort of splurged.. But have stayed under my calorie count, dont know about the sodium I feel sort of puffy,but drank quite a bit of water today.
    We will be getting those thunderstorms coming through tonight I think, Hopefully I wont have a dog sitting on my head :laugh:
    gonna take Chester to the groomer's early a.m. and then do some errands.
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,223 Member
    Bump for later. I'm turning into the worst poster ever! I'm thinking of all of you! Meg
  • wvgirlnfl
    wvgirlnfl Posts: 30
    bump! I belong in this group!
  • cooky56ny
    cooky56ny Posts: 96 Member
    Life is crazy busy, lucky for all of you, because I won’t be long winded. Heeheehee:laugh:
    I am reading the posts, I just do not have a lot of time to spend posting to everyone.
    I do want to wish all those that are reaching their goals a big CongratulationS!
    I wish all of you with medical issues, be it yours or your family members, my continued prayers.

    50ishFoodie – I know you didn’t ask me but, I love wheat berries and I have a recipe for a yummy wheat berry salad, that I would be more than happy to share if you are interested.:smile:

    Ohio Mom– Thank you, and Friends and Family always do come first, above everything! Still sending prayers your way!:flowerforyou:

    DeeDee- I never could do the hula hoop thing as I was a chubby kid with no waist, so I had to be content with using it like a jump rope, and then throwing it away from me in a way that it returned itself to me! :blushing:

    Brooke- Thank you, I am loving the new room. It flows nicely with the living room, and now both are, earthy, soothing and peaceful. BTW, I love your note about the road!:smile:

    Moxie- I sure wish I could see your baby chicks, I bet they are adorable! It makes me smile just thinking of them.:bigsmile:

    BJ- It sounds like you are describing our dark rainy, thunderstormy, hale, crazy weather! Congrats on the last leg of getting your Masters! How wonderful for you!:drinker:

    Kate-Enjoy yourself and have a wonderful time! :happy:

    Lucy- It does feel good to have the foyer done, now on to a new project! :wink:

    JB- I love the F-E-A-R quote! Thank you!:happy:

    Meg- You could never be the worst at anything! :noway:

    Boy, I guess I ended up more long winded than I intended!
    Good night and Happy dreams to all
    Peace ~N~ Hugs
    Carol inWNY aka Cooky
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    In the bump crowd today...
    Gail, metro ATL
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :flowerforyou: Even on a day full of weather (rain and wind), the frisky poodles love to walk so we've gotten a lot of exercise.....I even managed to pull weeds for almost an hour.

    :flowerforyou: I spent part of my afternoon learning some new dances to teach on Friday. I am very excited to know that I'll be teaching the class for three weeks in a row.

    :flowerforyou: yanniejannie, find a plan for using your pedometer all day every day and you'll see your activity level increase......it is very motivating to "get credit" for your walking and you'll be looking for opportunities to get more steps.

    :flowerforyou: Shari, when you go to your meeting tomorrow remember to breathe and pause before you say anything.

    :flowerforyou: Joyce, I tracked my husband's meals on MFP for a long time and it helped him to understand more about calories and nutrients......I don't do it anymore, but now he is much more informed and makes better choices for himself and when he makes bad choices, he knows that they are bad.

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Brooke, loved your quote "men---can't live with 'em, can't shoot 'em"

    :flowerforyou: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Sandy in Ohio.......YIPPEE that the news is good from the doctor

    :laugh: Now Sasha is nudging my elbow to remind me that I frequently take them out around 6 PM and she'd love another walk.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington

    My word for 2013 is “Stretch” inspired by “The Happiness Project”….I will seek opportunities to stretch my body and stretch myself personally by improving skills and trying new things.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,391 Member
    MA - that's terrible about Charlie's pad! Glad you go her to the vet. When we lived in PA, there were LOTS of foxes. Well they had a alot for the fox hunts.

    Well, we played rummy-que. There were 6 of us. I was asked to do it again next month! Most people thought buying subs was a good idea. One lady is having her kitchen redone so I gave her the rest of the subs. She can't cook right now so at least this'll give her something to have. Also gave her some of the upside down apple cake and cream cheese brownies. I'll probably take the rest of the brownies to Newcomers bowling tomorrow night. Actually, there are some things that people left here that I really don't want (like one lady brought cranberry juice cocktail - light - but it has ascesulfane potassium in it. I know that I won't drink it, so I'll just take it to the soup kitchen tomorrow.

    Meg - so glad your daughter is fine and that the accident wasn't serious.

    Tari - I never thought of doing the rock star jumps in a poo! When we're using our pool, that's something that I'm going to have to try. Thanks for the idea

    yanniejannie - I'm so amazed at some of the people on our senior bowling league, there's one lady who has an artificial leg, a couple of people who use oxygen, but they keep going. I bet its the same way with your class. Congrats on the wonderful NSV. I can never wear skinny jeans.

    Got up, did 40 min of the Personal Training with Jackie Warner DVD, then went to the soup kitchen to leave some sandwiches for them. Someone used to always be there at 7a.m. but there wasn't anyone there at that time today. I can't believe they come in at 11, they need to fix the food! So I just left the sandwiches on the doorknob. Tomorrow I'm planning to do incline intervals on the treadmill. Then we went to senior bowling, there were only 2 on our team and 3 on the other. On the way home stopped to pick up a ring I'd left at a jewelers. I had thought originally that I'd have some of the diamonds taken out and made into earrings. But then I remembered about a necklace and earrings that I had. It probably would be nicer if it was in white gold (would match my dress better probably), but I think I'll live with the yellow gold. Tonight we have Newcomer bowling

    Viv - I met Dianna about 1-1/2 yrs ago for a few hours at Jessica's place. Honestly, I didn't know how much English she understood. You know, now that I think of it, she didn't say much to me. Anyway, Bryan says that she felt awkward, that I was staring at her. Well, what's done is done. I certainly didn't mean to make her uncomfortable. She's never been to our house. Bryan won't let us talk to her, get to know her. He originally asked for approx $10,000 US dollars for the wedding. Well, with paying for our airfare to Spain and probably my one daughter's, we aren't exactly in that position. Then he asked for approx. $2,000 to match what her family is going to be paying, I don't think we can even do that much. Her family isn't flying anywhere. Bryan was always the thoughtful, mature one. I don't know what's happened. But I fully intend to go to that wedding. I certainly don't want the last time I see my son to be that one time at Jessica's. We've flown over there, we were going to go last year but Vince hurt his back and couldn't make a transatlantic flight. How I miss him! I guess that's it in a nutshell. He won't let us talk to her, not sure why. I did send a friend reguest on facebook to Dianna, but she hasn't accepted, not that I expect she will. But at least I made the gesture. Not sure if she's the one who's harboring ill feelings or Bryan or is Bryan stressed about the wedding?? He won't let us talk to her to find out. I don't know if Jessica talks to her or just facebooks her, if she talks to Dianna maybe she would ask Dianna why Bryan won't let us talk to her.

    ohiomom - I'm going to try to learn a little Spanish, if anything, to show that I made the effort. I bet her family isn't going to make the effort to learn a bit of English...but that'll be their loss.

    grandmalie - hoping you get better real fast

    Shari - congrats on the great loss.

    Welcome to everyone new. This is a great thread to be on

    Kate - have a wonderful trip

    jb - love the meanings of FEAR

    cityjaneLondon - hope you had a great day. Good for you getting your workout in

    jodios - we have a cat who snores...loudly

    jmkmomm - what a scare you had, but glad your hubby is fine now

    ohiomom - great news!!!!! doing a happy dance for you

    Hope everyone has a great evening.

    Michele in NC
  • meyllisa
    meyllisa Posts: 284 Member
    grandmallie: I have no idea what is in the drinks on my profile just such a refreshing picture, so I decided to use it, Looks like a

    special drink for ladies

    Michele in NC: just a question does Jessica speak spanish if not how does she converse with Dianna? sure hope all works out for

    you and you enjoy your trip and the wedding Kids big or small they can be trying!!!

    Juanita in sudbury
  • cooky56ny
    cooky56ny Posts: 96 Member
    Question and feedback needed. When I set up my account, instead of having MFP set my goals, I had set my own calorie goal at 1350. I selected Sedentary because I spend most of the work day sitting. When not at work I am usually busy and on my feet a lot. I also find that I am still hungry with the 1350 calories.
    I am not happy with my weight loss so far it's been 80 days and I have only lost a total of 13 lbs. However am now up 2 lbs. from some bad eating in the past couple weeks.
    I don't get in much exercise, I live in the sticks, no equipment here at home and limited to walking, but at mercy of the weather and my knees and bad ankle.
    I am thinking of dropping my calories to 1200, what do you all think.
    I would really appreciate some input on this.
    Thanking you in advance
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Good evening! Very warm here today; set a record..........hard to believe that last week I was wearing a winter coat. My hosta popped up about 6in. overnight. Well, I made it to the gym for exercise class but not with enough time for the treadmill..........and I just didn't make yoga tonight for the first in a long time. I did wear the pedometer half the day; forgot to put it back on after shower and changing to go out for lunch; added it again about 3:30.......so today won't be at all accurate (nothing new there). Lunch was at a place that is "Southern Cusine".....I had roast red pepper and gouda soup then a spinach and zuchinni lasagna......also a smidge of a salted caramel cupcake and a taste of white coconut cake.....everything was great but I'm not sure what makes it "Southern". I just did the quick calorie thing and added 750 for it and didn't go over by more than a couple calories (if I was anywhere close)...........hate places with no calorie count on the menu or web site......but realize it's good to support "local".

    OK, will try for some targeted comments........please excuse if I confuse people.

    BJ.....major congrats to your son, my daughter will be facing getting into grad school next year...........and I'm sure there will be a ton of drama....

    Ohiomom..........YES! YES YES!!!!!

    Loved the definition of FEAR........both of them....and the witch's brooms

    Barbie.......I try with the pedometer but I'm well known for losing keys, glasses, phones.......so I am as usual.......BTW, congrats on your amazing totals........I've only been over 10,000 twice when I did manage to wear it all day, usually happy with anything over 5,000.

    Time for hot chocolate and bed.

  • brookehe
    brookehe Posts: 413 Member
    Katla – you mentioned that due to your lactose intolerance you couldn’t do protein shakes, the protein powder I use is a brown rice (organic) powder so that may be one you could use with soy or almond milk.

    CityJaneLondon – What a lovely evening you had out on the town with your dear husband. Sounds like great fun, and good food choices. It’s a good plan to make it a regular “date”, as you said it is so very easy to fall into the “sit and watch TV”rut.

    Jodios – I can just picture your dog (and hear the snoring!) - - I once had a (huge) male husky who was also deathly afraid of thunder and fireworks, he would “hide” in the bathtub, bless his heart! :happy:

    Ohiomom0f2 – Hooray!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Grandmallie – Picturing you with a dog on your head :laugh:

    Carol (cooky) – May I please have the wheatberry salad recipe too???

    WVgirlnfl – Welcome, come back to read and post often – great inspiration to be found here!

    Barbie – Love your “word of the year” STRETCH can be applied to so many situations to foster our growth and resilience! :flowerforyou:

    Brooke from Colorado

    “I’m not losing weight. I’m getting rid of it. I have no intention of finding it again.”

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Question and feedback needed. When I set up my account, instead of having MFP set my goals, I had set my own calorie goal at 1350. I selected Sedentary because I spend most of the work day sitting. When not at work I am usually busy and on my feet a lot. I also find that I am still hungry with the 1350 calories.
    I am not happy with my weight loss so far it's been 80 days and I have only lost a total of 13 lbs. However am now up 2 lbs. from some bad eating in the past couple weeks.
    I don't get in much exercise, I live in the sticks, no equipment here at home and limited to walking, but at mercy of the weather and my knees and bad ankle.
    I am thinking of dropping my calories to 1200, what do you all think.
    I would really appreciate some input on this.
    Thanking you in advance

    I think you should let MFP set your calories. It is working well for me. As I lose weight they've lowered my calorie allotment. I'm now at 1200, but started above that. The other thing is to be patient with the pace of weight loss. I've lost 40 pounds since October 15. That is about 6 pounds a month. HOWEVER I go a week or two with no loss, and then drop a couple of pounds over the course of a week, and then go without dropping... You will have to be patient with the process. We aren't 17 any more.

    Katla, who has never been accused of patience before this.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Katla – you mentioned that due to your lactose intolerance you couldn’t do protein shakes, the protein powder I use is a brown rice (organic) powder so that may be one you could use with soy or almond milk.

    What is the name of the protein powder, and where can I look for it?
  • brookehe
    brookehe Posts: 413 Member
    Katla – you mentioned that due to your lactose intolerance you couldn’t do protein shakes, the protein powder I use is a brown rice (organic) powder so that may be one you could use with soy or almond milk.

    What is the name of the protein powder, and where can I look for it?

    It is by Jarrow Formulas: Certified Organic Brown Rice Protein Concentrate (vanilla flavor)
    I got mine at Sprouts Market, I would check a health/natural foods store, it has no gluten/nuts/dairy/eggs/shellfish. I use one scoop in my smoothies to fortify them nutritionally. Hope this helps you! (it is listed in the MFP foods database)

    Brooke from Colorado
    “Wake up every morning with the thought that something wonderful is about to happen.”