
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Thanks to all for their messages about the wrist – it is indeed feeling better, though still tender today.

    Mwheatcraft – we could use some more rock, our rock people underestimated. I’ll be over shortly with a wheel barrow. :wink:

    Michele – we had a similar time with our younger son some years back. One day I was at work and he called around quarter to noon to let me know he and the gal were getting married at the JOP on his lunch hour. (Really – how special, grab a sub, get married and go back to work??) Even if it wasn’t my choice, I prayed they would be the love of each other’s life and be happy. It was less than two years before he left and had a serious depression/ breakdown that took a very long time to heal. (Guess who was his first call in crisis? Yep, the parents.) There is a long story, but way too much to type out. There was plenty of drama and, as I said previously, he is one who just has to bang his own head on the wall. For our own sanity and peace we just had to let it all go and hope it would turn around, which it has over time. {{hugs to you}}

    We’ll have chicken parmesan for dinner one night this week. There was a container of sauce in the freezer, so that was the inspiration. I’m also making a soup today for one night during the week. DH wants stir fry tonight, so we’ll do that later when he gets home from work.

    Pulled some weeds this morning since the ground was so wet - that made it easy! The azaleas and pink dogwood we put in last fall are in bloom. It is so nice to see them instead of just a muddy slope.

    Need to go to the grocery store in a bit for perishables and a few other things.

    Gail, metro ATL
  • colograndma
    colograndma Posts: 67
    Happy Sunday everyone,

    On my lunch at work and sneaking in while I post what I am eating. Hope everyone is enjoying your day. I am planning my Monday and Tuesday which I will have off and my to-do list is running off the paper :laugh:

    Today is weigh in day for me... I gained 4 oz., but that is fine, we will get a pound or more next week. Slow but steady.

    Wecome to all the newbies you will love this group!

    Roeann : Hugs to you hon regarding hubby. You are not "old" at 60... (I will be 62) 60 is the new 40 LOL. Good for you for your previous 90 pounds lost!

    Brooke: Congrats on breaking that plateau!

    Mwheatcraft : :laugh: Ok now when somone says NSV I'm just going to :laugh: remembing that word picture of NSV. :flowerforyou:

    Gotta go, Phones are crazy.....(just like me).. need to help out the gals here.

    Take care and be blessed!
    Connie (colograndma)
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Hello Ladies,

    Happy Sunday! We are having just beautiful weather here in Idaho. Enjoying the day with my family.

    @Cheryl. When I posts at all its to offer encouragement, support its why I am here what I enjoy about "Women 50+".

    All I meant was thank you for being open. But I am afraid what ever I say may be misunderstand at this point.

    I feel we are all on a journey here and as with all journeys there are ups and downs.
    I am sorry in my lack of correct words I may have hurt your feelings.

    I weight in yesterday I had a 3lb loss it was encouraging. I go into holding patterns than a loss glad to see it in the negative.

    @Grandmollie --Congrats on being down to pants sizes

    @Colograndma - I have Monday's off I do enjoy my weekends off but Monday is for me my day off. I love it enjoy your days off

    @Brooke Congrats on.breaking that plateau!
    @Gail Parmesan chicken sounds good.

    @Chenomi welcome to you and @all of the Newbies!

    Liz from Idaho.
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Just got back from the Y. I am riding the recumbant bike for now and I stick with that. I want to be able to wear the boot cut jeans a little more flattering and my thighs won't cooperate. So I', hoping that will help. Anyway I rode 4 miles and burned about 200 calories. That's a lot more than I was burning when I was walking with my husband, plus it was more pleasant. I think all he knows how to do is grumble.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    Happy cinco de mayo all.

    Thank you for all the wonderful anniversary wishes.

    DH finally told me what he was trying to get me for our anniversary gift. He wanted me to have a genuine stone mother's ring. I was able to show him one that I liked and I think he will be getting it in the near future.

    The sun is beautiful and all is good today.

    have a great day all
    Robin, Bodi and Ritter

  • I haven't been around here since October 2012 and nowI am back because it was homework fo an online class I am taking. I realize how much I have been missing and the weight is still there, but no more has joined it, so that is a step in the right direction. The homework porion is finished, but I want to stick aroun and see what all of yo marvlous folks are doing. The school year where I work wll be ovr oon, so I will have more time visit folks on line and learn from the class I a taking. It will be a good summer.
  • CarmenSantiago
    CarmenSantiago Posts: 681 Member
    Happy Cinco de Mayo everyone! I just found this forum via my friend LizMFP. Little about me, I am 49 years old will be 50 this Summer. I am a divorced mother if two teenagers. I have two sons 16 and 14. I love them to death but they sure keep me busy. I don't mind at all as I know these years will be gone soon enough and I'll ache to take them to baseball practice or basketball games. Both of them play football, basketball, and baseball. So, it's pretty hectic since one is still in junior high. They do everything at different times. Well enough about the boys. I just celebrated my 5th anniversary here on MFP. I have taken some breaks but always find myself back here. I started out at 415 and now weigh 240. It's gone up and down a little since I started this journey. I'm hoping to keep it going down but it's getting a little tougher now. I've droned on long enough. Gotta check dinner and finish laundry. Glad I stumbled across this post. I wish you all the best!

    Carmen ????
  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hope everyone is having a wonderful Sunday. I have had a very exhausting weekend.:yawn: Friday drove to Baltimore 2 and a half hours for an AR meeting at Corporate then another hour to go see my mom in Westminster. Had a wonderful dinner at Appleby's, (under 500 calories for chicken with Portabello mushrooms, onion, squash and potatoes, oh so yummy) with DM, DSF, SIL, DN and DN. Then I spent the night at my moms got up had my cheerios, left at 9, drove 3 hours back home, went to Lowes with DH to get pipes to connect septic to our trailer. Drove to my DD to pick up our granddaughter and drove 2 hours to VA to work on our trailer, drove home GD decided to spend the night, she's 3. Got up this morning made breakfast, cleaned up the house, took GD home and drove 2 hours back to VA to do some more work. Then we drove back home had dinner and now I am crashing. I am too exhausted to read all of the messages or to exercise.:yawn: BUT tomorrow is another day:wink: . Congratulations to all of our successes and prayers for those struggling with weight loss, health and family issues. Much love:heart: and ((((Hugs)))), Rose
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :flowerforyou: In the Netherlands, today was commemorated as the Day of Freedom. Yesterday, it was memorial day for them - remembering all those who died for freedom. It is significant that my life was indelibly touched by WWII, not because I was in it, but because my parents were. I still personally thank the allied forces of Canada, the USA and the British. Anyone who has been touched by war can understand this feeling no matter when you commemorate it, whether it was WWII or Iraq or Afghanistan, it does not matter. We appreciate those whose lives were defined by war.

    Cinco de Mayo day is celebrated in Mexico (and the US) today. Yet, it also is a way to commemorate the cause of freedom and democracy. So indeed a special day for so many.

    On another note, I had a fairly productive day today, housework, connecting with family and friends, puttering (is that a word?) and finally ending up on the patio with a glass of wine. A beautiful day indeed.

    All the best for all of my Vitamin F friends this coming week. My weekdays are a little busier than the weekends, so not sure how often I'll be on here.

    :heart: Renny
    Vancouver Island, BC (where the weather apparently is going to continue as summer temps for a while)

    P.S. New challenge - FINALLY!!! http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/980388-veggie-fruit-substitution-challenge-1-day-at-a-time?page=1#posts-14976133
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Joyce - I'm so glad you feel comfortable confiding in us. Hey, we're all different. Now, I know that I exercise a lot, but for some reason I decided to take today off from exercising. I was going to hula hoop, but I found that in just 15 minutes I was constantly looking at the clock saying "how much longer do I have to go". That isn't the way to approach it, so I just took a day off. You do wonderful with what you can do, I admire that. I don't garden either, I just have a brown thumb (and four other fingers). You are a real inspiration, and I mean that from the bottom of my heart.

    jodios - big big congrats to your dh. Dinner sounds so delish. I would have thought that most restaurants would have served the sea bass on a bed of rice, because when they do I usually ask for no rice. Sauteed red cabbage, brussel sprouts and sunflower seeds sounds so appetizing.

    dovergopp - welcome! You'll get lots of good ideas and advice here.

    liz - did you do the deep water class or was it in the shallow end? I can see where class in the shallow end might bother your ankle, but a class in the deep end shouldn't since you can't touch the bottom of the pool to put any weight on it.

    cityjane - happy birthday to you gs. How sweet that you and dh are going to go to the place you met. your post warmed my heart.

    brooke - your quote made me smile...thanks

    Oh, I forgot to tell you all....Vince FINALLY ordered some river rock. It'll be delievered Thursday. We have to have them put it on the front lawn so I suggested that we put a tarp down first so that the rocks don't get imbedded into the dirt. I think that's what we'll do.

    m - have fun at the ballgmame. I'm assuming it's the Phillies. Who are they playing?

    I had this recipe for buttermilk biscuits so thought I'd give them a try. Actually, they're only 100 calories each, and I honestly think they taste pretty good. I'm going to give a few to the lady who gets the buttermilk for me. See, the only quantity I can get is a quart which is really a lot to portion out into 1 cup quantities and keep in the freezer. I usually will go thru more during the holidays, but not so much during the year. Anyway, this one store that used to be around here has pint containers of it. She has one of those stores near her so I often ask her to get the buttermilk for me and she brings it to the senior bowling for me.

    Took today off from exercising, just think I needed a day off. I'm just afraid that I could easily fall into the trap of doing that every day. However, tomorrow I'm planning to do some yoga and then take the extremepump class.

    Speaking of the extremepump class, I don't know if any of you take a body pump class. Anyway, to keep the weights on the bars they have these collars. Well, the weights that our Y got don't have the collars but have these spring squeeze things (how do I describe it?). Well, the extremepump class has a bodypump set of weights, so I borrowed one of their collars to see if it would fit on the bar at the Y. It does. Now I just need to see if I can purchase the collars by themselves or is it the entire set. Also, how many do I need to purchase? I don't mind getting 25 or so, actually I could probably sell them to people A while ago I thought to myself, "gee, if they get the weights, I hope they don't get those clips because they really aren't the best for this Y. There are too many seniors here and squeezing the clips would be hard". Sure enough, one lady who I take yoga with was saying how she likes the pump class but not the clips, she even said if I found that I could buy the collars, she'd buy some from me.

    DeeDee - I know this sounds sneaky, but one of my thoughts in giving them the tickets at the wedding is that hopefully at least one of his friends from the US will be there. And if the friend knows that he has them availabale to him, maybe, just maybe, he/she will bug Bryan enough to come here. The THOUGHT (and this is certainly subject to change) is that we'd fly over on the 9th. I'm wearing another long sleeved sweater today. Well, it's supposed to stop raining Tues early in the day...at least that's what weather.com is saying right now. But the way Mother Nature has been acting, anything can happen.

    LizMFP - I've been here for a while now and I STILL have trouble getting who's who straight.

    ramblinritz - you joined by posting! Stop back often. Which meds are you on?

    shirdiana - this is a great group. I know you'll love it. Glad to have ya, warmest welcome

    drvvork - I'm guessing that the potassium suppliments didn't affect weight loss, right?

    drkatiebug - in a nutshell, basically Bryan is engaged, I met her once about 1-1/2 yrs ago at the place where Jessica rents a room (so I didn't feel that I could be as hospitable as I normally am), he's holding that against me, has asked us for money for the wedding, told us that he no longer wants to have anything to do with us. Guess that just about condenses it. You have no idea how hurt I was when he told us that he wants nothing to do with us any more. I cry just thinking about it. Weddings should be a time of happiness, but I just don't know how I can be happy.

    cityjane - how wonderful that you found that dress! Doing a happy dance for you

    jb - whenever I have a good amount of protein, I always feel full, too.

    chenomi - welcome. Just ask any question you may have.

    Thank you, everyone, for your support of my dilemma regarding Bryan. You all are so wonderful! Gail - I'm just afraid that if something like a depression or whatever does happen, Dianna won't even be able to call us. She might even be afraid to call us since we haven't even been able to talk to her. Well, my knees are going to get a good workout, that's for sure!

    gail - that chicken parm reminded me that I need to put mozzarella on my shopping list. Thanks. Bet dinner was great.

    Liz - 3 pound loss! Congrats!

    Robin - that's a wonderful gift. dh is sure a keeper!

    mmiller - welcome back! What kind of class were you taking?

    Carmen - elcome and thank, Liz for pointing her in our direction. Very impressive weight loss!

    Rose - after a day like you had, I'd be crashing, too

    Renny =- a good way to end you day, that's for sure!

    Here's hoping everyone has a great evening.

    Michele in NC
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Bump to find my place. Welcome newbies. Good thoughts for those who are having a tough time.

  • jodios528
    jodios528 Posts: 379 Member
    Had such a busy day so no time to catch up on all the posts...now I'm 7 pages behind:tongue:
    Spring has finally sprung here. After teaching yoga and doing pilates (with weights) I worked out in the garden with DH. We also gave our fur babies a nice walk. I think I deserved that froyo treat:laugh:
    Sticking with my new plateau busting plan seems to be paying off...I'm at a new low and only have 2 lbs to go. I drank a ton of water today and ate a lot of protein. I still feel full even tho I should eat another 100 calories or so to hit my new higher calorie target. So nice not to feel like I'm starving so much of the time.
    Per my May goals I'm going to do Renny's fruit and veggie challenge - likely tomorrow.

    Welcome to all the newbies
    cograts to all those with SV and NSV
    virtual hugs to those who need one.

    Good night, Jodios:smile::laugh: :love: :heart: :drinker: :bigsmile:
  • rosielko
    rosielko Posts: 81 Member
    My dogs are super tired from their walks but i was able to hit 10,771 steps today!!!! Now i am under my net so off to grab some food before bed! Hope everyone had a great day! Night :)
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,131 Member
    :flowerforyou: We had house guests here for about 24 hours. They are friends from California and this is their second time to visit us. We went to the Irrigation Festival in the morning primarily to watch the Olympic Mountain Cloggers, then had lunch at a Mexican restaurant (too much cheese and sodium), then she and I walked the dogs for 90 minutes (it helped me end the day with 26,000 steps) I fixed a simple supper
    roast chicken, cole slaw, and several different frozen vegetables. They left this morning and five minutes later Jake left to go to the gym and I went outside to work in the yard.

    :bigsmile: I’ve read all the posts and thank you all for being part of my life.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington
  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    Oh Liz!!! :flowerforyou: I know you were being encouraging. I don't know why you thought I thought differently. Was it the "whatever do you mean?" That was just meant to be a playful admission to definitely being an "open" person. I know you are supportive. This entire board is - it's what makes us special :blushing:

    Today I woke up with a severe ear ache. I believe it's the tooth pain. I was hoping after two days of penicillin it would be gone. I drug myself to the barn anyway. A girl was supposed to come and ride my horses but she didn't show up. While waiting I cut bushes, cleaned stalls and straightened the office. Finally I rode my horse for about 10 minutes. He was really revved up. Kind of fun but I wish I had had time to tire him out.

    We had to go to a couple's house for dinner. Since I'd only eaten about 350 calories so far for the day and had worked my butt off I knew I could eat pretty much as much as I wanted. But it was even better than that. She knew I was watching calories so she had mostly low calorie everything. It was excellent!

    I'm tired from the pain pill I had to take. Tomorrow!:yawn:
  • joannbrunton
    joannbrunton Posts: 93 Member
    I am 68. Have been on MFP for almost a year. Have lost to goal and plan on maintaining thru MFP from now on......enjoy watching the progress of my MFP friends and appreciate all of the inspiration, information and support they give. It is amazing to me that this site has helped me more than anything I've ever tried and I hope I can give the same support and encouragement to others.
  • divone1
    divone1 Posts: 75 Member
    Hi All,

    I'm new here. I'm 48 and an accountant from NY. 2 skin kids 24 & 21 and 2 furkids - male and female boxers ,5 years old. DH also has 2 older kids 37 & 40 so I also have adorable grandkids! I enjoy fitness walking, gardening and reading.

    You seem like an awesome, lively bunch and I would love to participate in your chats:)

    Happy May to all!
  • dovergopp
    dovergopp Posts: 9
    Thanks everyone for the welcomes. I did well on my first day of my walking challenge 13,000+ steps today. Walked an hour to my moms planted flowers for her for another hour, then played with my brothers girlfriends 18 month old granddaughter for another 30-45 minutes outside in the yard. That little one does like to be outside. Was under calories even with dinner and dessert at my moms(before adding exercise calories) then I needed a snack had almonds and dried cranberries and a cup of totally tea. I did keep it some what healthy. Well with all the exercise today I hope I'm able to move tomorrow it is laundry, cleaning and errand day. Last day off until next Monday so I have to get everything done since I didn't do anything around my house to day. Well better go everyone take care and my all your scales read a little less :::f
  • Jlwebb07
    Jlwebb07 Posts: 38 Member
    Bump...great reading and goal setting.
  • luvbuttons
    luvbuttons Posts: 43
    Hi, ladies!
    So busy with yard work now that spring has finally arrived in Michigan...and so tired and sore from all the yard work. Tomorrow's more of the same plus a mammogram, lucky me. I'd better get to bed.