

  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,887 Member
    Hello All: I went to the Minnesota Horse Expo with a friend this Friday. We traveled Thursday and Saturday. I did not log food or exercise but I don't feel like I did too badly. My friend has celiac disease so we are careful where we eat. I did a little bit of exercise before we left but sitting in the car for four hours really does not do much for the body or burning calories. Friday we walked lots and lots. Saw lots of beautiful horses of many breeds, some good demonstrations and of course walked up and down the aisles shopping. We took lunch and snacks with us and only ate at the food booths once before the rodeo, shaved pork sandwich with BBQ sauce. It was very large but good. I am way behind on the posts now but I am sending angels to all who need them and kudos to all who have had successes! It is finally warm and sunny in SD! However it is not supposed to last. Boo Hoo! Sue in SD
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,804 Member
    DH and the boy's and I just back from our walk, we walked for about 45 minutes and it was a nice time, not good for my heel, but a nice time...going to relax some more and have a cup of tea.. made by the honey:wink:
    then I will get to work with dinner, we usually eat early and are to sleep early and get up early... lots of earlies:yawn:
    im close to 5800 steps today,but the pedometer doesnt work on the bike ,so I know I got more exercise than that...
    It is a FAB FAB day today.. so enjoying the weather...:bigsmile:
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    DeeDee, I completely forgot about Googling it! Thanks so much:heart:
  • gonzamm
    gonzamm Posts: 58 Member
    Bump for later reading ..
  • gonzamm
    gonzamm Posts: 58 Member
    Brooke: I am sorry to hear about your back; however you gave me good information on how to work the core standing up.
    I have download the exercises and I will try them out. Thanks.
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,223 Member
    Greetings on this beautiful Sunday from Omaha where the sun is shining and it’s nearly 80! :happy: Such a change from last week! More rain in the forecast though starting Wednesday. DH left Oklahoma about 1230 so he’ll be in around 7 or so. It has been nice and quiet around here but I will be glad to have him back!:love:

    DD#1 is still being a PIA. :angry: Friday I showed her some food stains on the foil around the stove burners and places where the foil was all torn up and asked that she clean/fix or change the foil. Last night near midnight it was still not done. She also had to redo some chores Thursday that DH thought were very poorly done. So she gives me the evil eye (she has a scary one) and gets all pissy. So we got into it….once again. She won’t answer any questions about why things aren’t done/done well. She won’t explain why she doesn’t do things… she just stares at me with the evil look. She doesn’t have a problem, there are no issues….etc etc etc. So finally what I pulled out of her is that I harass her so much “all the time” that she is mad at me all the time.

    So what does that mean? I pointed out the burners, which had food all over them and under the rings and said “Is it harassing you to point out that this needs to be done and you didn’t do it?” Well, no, but apparently I harass her all the time and find fault with everything she does. So I pointed out about a dozen things she has done lately I thanked her for and did not find anything wrong with and once again…..the evil stare and silence. So when she got done with the kitchen, I thanked her, to which she gave me the evil eye, turned and walked out of the room.:angry:

    I ended up calling her back and telling her if this was her attitude, she was not to be in the house or anywhere near it today. I explained that the answer to “thank you” is “you’re welcome” and that this was a great example of her poor attitude. Today she went to church with us but is definitely still mad, but at least is being neutral about it. She’ll be out all evening with the new boyfriend she doesn’t want us to meet, so it will be less tense around here. Well enough of that!

    Jmkmomm: alcohol does burn off when cooking but if you are worried about it, see if you can find some flavoring. No need for the blender for those recipes. Look up conversions on the internet.

    Twoton: good point about the gallbladder surgery!

    Yanniejannie: I am looking forward to that time in my life where I can do what I want to do , too!

    Kathy: sounds like some things are going your way! Good for you to help clean the neighborhood!

    Juanita: glad that spring has sprung in your neck of the woods! All those steps! Impressive

    Lindasunshine: sending virtual biscuits and gravy your way! :wink: Enjoy! Neither of my 2 daughters is “normal” either. DD#1 is low functioning, can’t speak English well after 7 years (she couldn’t speak Russian well either), is incredibly immature, and is starting to notice how much further advanced her friends are than she is. DD#2 is a rocket scientist who want to be a dumb blonde because being as smart as she is doesn’t get you friends. She’s so smart she’s actually “dumb” and has no common sense what so ever. She can’t read social cues and so is inappropriate much of the time. DD#1 can’t read them either but since she mostly refuses to talk, you don’t notice it. Both of them were in counseling for a couple of years without results. The older one can’t get any kind of diagnosis because her language barrier is still too big for testing. Hang in there; being a good mom is a lot of work!:flowerforyou:

    Gail: cleaning the fridge is one of the most satisfying jobs around the house. I actually like to do it!

    Jodios: zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz *POP*. :yawn: I am always afraid to taste things at the grocery store!

    Brooke: I guess I need to make biscuits and gravy for everyone now! :bigsmile:

    Sue: Betty Grable! Now there was one sexy, strong lady! I have a copy of that picture. I love old movie star biographies and she has an interesting one! Hope you are feeling better now!

    Michele: I think you have gone way beyond the “call of duty” trying to get to know Dianna and in being patient and showing your love to Brian. I guess all you can do is keep the door open. It’s up to them.

    Barbie: you deserve some down time and good rest

    Liz: good for you to complete your race and plan another one!

    Lindasundance: after all that money I spent on face potions and lotions, NOTHING will give me wrinkles LOL:laugh:

    Viv: oh poor little Maggie! :sad: I hope she is feeling much better now and you too! The little critters are great at hiding things…it’s a survival thing because if they show pain it’s a sign of weakness then they are someone else’s dinner. So don’t feel bad. You are a good “fur mom”.:flowerforyou:

    DeeDee: ah yes, the trike! Must get it out. With all the garage remodeling I’m not sure where it ended up. I can’t wait for our auction (1st weekend in June) to finally be rid of all this stuff. I’ll be sure to post a pic if I can figure it out. Maybe I’ll sing while riding! :laugh:

    Cityjane: now I’d be out shopping like crazy! A new party dress…what fun!

    M: OK I relent. :tongue: My biscuits and gravy are just the best, not the best-best. I’ll have to look up your café next time I’m there. We have a restaurant (it’s really a crazy place downtown….everytime we are there someone gets arrested) and I belong to the VIP club. The VIP club Is a hoot because the place is a dump. For your birthday you get a coupon for a free quart of sausage gravy! Classy, eh?:glasses:

    Bonita: Oh, thanks for saying the magic word…I forgot I bought a bunch of kale Friday at the store and planned to make chips tomorrow. I totally forgot about it!

    Cottagegal: I’m a slow loser too. I think I’m slow overall! :tongue: My problem is 1) lack of motivation and 2) lack of staying on my regimen. If I stray, it’s all over.

    Liz: I too need to stay on my plan and get re-dedicated! We can do this together!

    Grandmallie: how do you make your couscous? I have tried it but never liked it, but I’m sure there is a way to fix it that I’ll like (and no I won’t put gravy on it!:bigsmile: )

    Katla: If your mac salad is fairly healthy, can you share it?

    Lin: the Waterfront Seafood market is where we went. We have been to 2 locations, the original and then the one in north Des Moines where the new-ish hotels are. Both were fabulous!:smile:

    Jane; glad to see you are loving your new home

    Sue SD: spring with come soon!

    Gonzam: look at you in that great hat! :happy: I love hats and should wear them more often. You are very styling!

    Well off to get some work done. Benny Beagle’s surgery is tomorrow, so we will have lots of tears here tonight. :sad: Send prayers/good wishes/good karma or should that be dogma LOL. Take care! Meg
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,804 Member
    Meg- the way I make is Birdseye !!!:laugh: it is a steam bag with couscous and spinach with a little olive oil, and it is I think 180 cal. for 1/2 a bag, so I make 2 meals out of it. I had that and a salad for dinner(like i said we eat early) will probably have a bowl of cereal before bed...
    the walk was wonderful, but oh my ,does my foot hurt:sad: still I am going to look for a boot... have to do something..
    well the DH and I are pooped,had a long day we will lay low for the rest of the day and go to bed early.
    I did put my hummingbird feeder up on my window, I know they will be here soon and dont want to get the staredown from the little ones.
  • meyllisa
    meyllisa Posts: 284 Member
    HI Ladies Just a beautiful day here sunny and hot so DH and I took our sidebyside 4 wheeler atv out for our first ride of the season
    there is still lots of snow in the bush and not all the lakes are free from ice yet but it is still nice to be outdoors again.
    Last year when we stopped to do any walking to explore something I really couldn't go far But this year I was up hills and
    going all over so thats a big NSV for me. I even lost half a pound this week You girls are really rubbing off on me never
    did this well before Thank You to each and everyone of you for the suport and encouragement.

    I had lunch out a friends yesterday and she had this great dip and fruit for desert dip is called Coconut Cream and is made with
    4 oz of cream cheese 1/2 can of Cream of Coconut (not coconut milk) this you find in the isle with the mararita mix and other mixes. and 1/2 tub of cool whip You mix cream of coconut with the cream cheese with mixer till its smooth then fold in the cool whip
    and serve with fruit

    It was so good I'm sure it could be lightened up somehow and I don't know the calorie content But will be good for summer fruits

    Well have a great day Juanita from sudbury
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Hello all you great women!!

    Did a favor for a friend and worked her charity event today; ended up sharing being in charge of the food and feeding 1200 people......I have pulled apart easily about a million bananas, sliced that many bagels, lifted and opened many, many cases of water bottles etc. etc..........had NO idea what I was getting myself in to.........I've done the food duty at these things before but never fed more than about 400........this was huge.............and I'm TIRED and pretty sure I'm going to be sore. Last night my cell rang at 1:30am with a text (wrong #) but of course I'm awake by the time I actually read it.GRRRRRRRR..........

    Tammy......I feel for you with your poor dog........I've had 2 and they both had seizures

    Kathyszoo........hope your foot is better

    Sundance.......sounds like your daughter is a very good shot

    Gardengail..........I fell of a curb a few years ago, landed on my wrist, only soft tissue damage, but it still wasn't "right" for a year

    Liz..............YEAH!!!! Great job!!

    Mwheatcraft................poor bunny.......one of my dogs tangled with a possum once....stink, stink, stink......never realized how much they smelled

    Meg......sorry about the ongoing battle.........I remember some doozies here too

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Meg, my youngest daughter and I were at wits end during her high school and one year of college years. Well, later than that also. She dropped out of college after one year, with a GPA of .667 there is no use to stay there anyway. But she had no where to go so she came home. It wasn't a happy place. She was an adult yet living in her parents home. I am pleased to say we have both weathered the storms and now love each other dearly. She regrets doing the things she did and having the kind of attitude she had. But yet all of those things molded her into the strong woman she is now. Is she as close to me as my other daughter? I don't think she ever will be, not that I wouldn't mind it if she were but she just isn't the touchy lovey person DD1 is. DD1 even wanted me to be her matron of honor at her wedding. She said I was her best friend. But I am proud of the relationship I ahve with both my girls and the relationship they ahve with each other. We came from such a strong loving family and it seems as if all of my siblings have such dysfunctional families. You could say ours was when our girls were younger but now that we live apart we are close.

    I am in this slump.:grumble: I know I shouldn't weigh every day but I do. I haven't lost any this week at all. I drink all my water, I walk every day. I try to get a mile in in some way. I think it is that I am SO close to 199 that I can't stand this 203 anymore.:grumble:

    Joyce from cloudy, cool southern Indiana. Where is spring!!!!!
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :flowerforyou: the TC10K (walk) was amazing this morning. I had a great finish of 91 minutes, the weather was dry and sunny, and I was cheered on by family and friends, including my MFP friends.

    Although I have signed up for 2 more walking races, I have been thinking about being involved in another (outside) sport that works on my upper body and had been contemplated to learn rowing. Wouldn't you know, I just met a couple who run these programs and they invited me to participate in dragon boating (instead of rowing, which is harder and more expensive).

    What do you think? It will be 2x week Mondays and Thursdays after work till the end of August. Go for it? Can my body do it?

    Thanks again my friends,

    Vancouver Island, BC
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,357 Member
    Dear Renny, I do stationary rowing every day on a machine. When I started I could only do about 40 calories worth, then I managed 80. Now I easily do 200. It takes me about 28 minutes. My advice would be, yes, you can definitely do it, but take it slowly. There is a lot of technique to it to avoid injury etc. It's tempting when you start a new activity to just go for it, but I would pace myself and build up your strength bit by bit.
    Good luck. It's great for your back, your abs, your legs, and not too hard on the joints.:bigsmile:
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Suebdew – How are you feeling now? I had some similar experiences in the months prior to finding out I needed to have a heart valve replaced. Couldn’t quite pin down what it was, but I felt weird and would think I was just overheated, tired, etc. Please get it checked out if it continues.

    Jane Martin – wishing you loads of fun and good memories in your new place. Start a new tradition to celebrate the new beginning. :flowerforyou:

    My MIL celebrated her kids’ half-birthdays when they were growing up. She would bake a cake and stack it so it was a half circle, have half the candles, etc. I thought that was a great way to bring extra festivity into their lives. DH’s dad passed away when DH was just 4 years old, so his mom raised 3 kids on her own back in a time when it was probably even harder than now.

    Meg – really, I’m so glad I had boys! They were so straight forward and easy to figure out. Not to say they didn’t get annoyed, but done was done once it was over. My younger DS pulled some intentionally painful things in his late teens/early twenties, though – a la Michele’s current dilemma. All is good now, though, so sometimes you just have to let them beat their heads on the wall. The difference between our 2 DS can be explained this way: DS1 will need to make a decision so he will research, read, talk to a variety of people (including us) and make up his mind. DS2 will need to make a decision so he will research, read, talk to a variety of people – but be pi**ed off if they don’t share his opinion -- then do whatever he wants anyway. That has improved a lot in recent years, but DS2’s personality has always been like dancing with a porcupine. (More like his dad that he would want to admit.)

    RE: Betty Grable – don’t you think the pictures of that era were a lot more glamorous? I have a cool picture of my mom that is fabulous! (You wouldn’t think she was someone’s mom, for sure.)

    Dreary, rainy day in the Atlanta area today so I got my hour of walking done inside the house since I didn’t feel like going out in the rain to go to the Y. I’ll go there tomorrow after work and lift weights again, plus cardio.

    Hard to believe it is the end of April – time is flying!

    We ended up with the soup and grilled cheese sandwiches last night for dinner. Tonight is venison tenderloin, baked potatos and green beans. Hope DH hurries home from the pharmacy – I’m hungry tonight.

    In Georgia you are entitled by law to one free credit report from each reporting agency every year, so I did that chore today by pulling our credit reports online. It’s a good idea to check your reports at least annually and I skipped it in 2012. After doing that I set up the bill pay items for the first of the month and some other paperwork. Still have NOT updated my ICE [in case of emergency] document, but need to get that done since it has been on the to-do list since January.

    Need to check on supper. Have a good night!

    Gail, metro Atlanta
  • brookehe
    brookehe Posts: 413 Member
    Sue – Of course I know who the beautiful Betty Grable is! What legs, and that tush! :wink:

    Liz – Congrats on completing the Autism Walk/Run – hope your feet and ankle feel better!

    Viv – So sorry about your kitty! Glad you caught it and got her treated. It’s so hard when our “babies” are in pain :cry:

    DeeDee – Dillon the WonderDog is a rescue mutt, we ‘think’ he may be a combo of boston terrier and beagle but it’s really anyone’s guess. He’s super smart and super sweet and I’m so glad we found each other. We lost our two girls last May within 4 days of each other (they were both 16) :sad: , and I hadn’t been “dog-less” in more than 30 years. Took me until August to start looking for a new best friend. :heart:

    CityJane – You deserve your “vanity” and to wear something tight and fitted that makes you feel fabulous! Just be sure to post a photo from the party so we can all see your fabulousness :happy:

    M. – I stumbled upon The Bloggess site the day she posted about Copernicus and have been hooked ever since. Last I heard Beyonce had lost a leg in a moving mishap but was awaiting the welding torch :laugh:

    Bonita – Yes, isn’t kale fabulous??? Love it! I too am really a smoothie lover, have one 3-4 mornings/week (I add protein powder and ground flax seeds for fiber and protein boost) and they taste great and keep me full. An early “Happy Birthday” to you!!!! :flowerforyou:

    Cottagegal1 – Welcome, join us often for laughs, understanding and support

    Liz from Halifax – Praise be the arrival of Spring!! I too love “sandal weather”

    Grandmallie – Sounds like a lovely day you’ve had, glad you were able to get out (and sit out) to enjoy the sunshine!

    Renny – congrats on your fine race today and good for you for signing up for two more :drinker:

    Meg – Sorry you’re dealing with “attitude”! Healing prayers for Benny the Beagle that his surgery is successful and his healing rapid and you for you and yours in dealing with it all :flowerforyou:

    Gail – I too have a “glamour shot” of my mom from the ‘40s that is very ‘pin-up girl’ It’s one of my all-time favorites of her (my mother-in-law has one too, she looked just like Marilyn Monroe!)

    Brooke from Colorado

    “Never be afraid to fall apart, because it’s an opportunity to rebuild yourself the way you wish you’d been all along.”
  • Sasha4427
    Sasha4427 Posts: 196 Member
    HI everyone out there in MFP Vit F land. It's been a long time since I've been on the board here. I read as far back as the beginning of this section (10 pages no less - wow) so I guess I'm sort of up to date with things. Sounds like some tings are resolved, some are ongoing and some new stuff - life goes on.

    I've been dealing with a family issue for a few weeks and haven;t felt much like communicating, DD1 split up with her partner after 9 years, very distressing for everyone. Love him like a son, love her and need to support her totally which is what a parent should do, wish there was a way they could work through it, but all in all, it's not my life, it's theirs. They've done the counselling route so I guess it's final now. You always want to protect your children from pain but they have to learn from their own painful issues, we never learn enough from others I guess to avoid our own.

    I'm still sort of plateauing, but at least at a lower level now. I think I'm going to just try to maintain over the summer and then kick it up again in fall (when the new fashions come in doncha know). Seriously, I think I just want to relax a bit and eat healthy without the focus on losing for a bit.

    I've got a few busy weeks coming up at work, audit completion, 5 year financial plan public presentation, property tax calculations and then off to a conference. After that I will go and help my DD1 pack up the house and sort, store and ship stuff.

    Yesterday and today I spent doing garden cleaning, lawn mowing, weed eating etc. Outside looks good now, spring bulbs in bloom, forsythia a riot of gold, maple flowers that wonderful new green before the leaves come on. And the yard smells wonderful with the hyacinths and violets perfuming the air. I love spring.

    Better go plan some dinner. I made Pad Thai from scratch last night which was a first for me. I think the sodium was high from the soy sauce, maybe tamarind paste too, I'll have to look that up and see what the level is. So tonight I think I will have a nice fresh salad and finish up with minted strawberries, maybe some citrus in there.

    Night all, hope your Sunday was good. (And I'm so impressed with the walking race Renny and the Autism Walk Liz). And Linda Sundance, a 91% shot rate after only a year is amazing, I'm sure your daughter is well on her way to the next summer Olympics.

    Lila, in the sunny but breezy Kootenays in Beautiful BC, Canada
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :bigsmile: I found an interesting easy recipe in "Thinner This Year" so I talked Jake into trying it with me today.......tofu scramble
    firm tofu scrambled with onion and salsa.......Jake make a great low sodium salsa from a spice mix he orders by mail mixed with petite diced tomatoes....so the whole thing was easy, low calorie, high nutrition, and low sodium......I loved it, he said he'd be willing to try it again.

    :bigsmile: today the dog groomers are at the house so it's not as peaceful as usual....we adore these girls and love having them here and they do a great job.

    :bigsmile: I slept late again this morning and tried going without cold medicine and found that I'm actually almost over my cold----YIPPEE----but I'm taking it easy
    a little work in the yard, laundry, and a few household chores.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    I just love listening to all you ladies talk about your gardening. Me and gardening do not mix!:frown: First obstacle I have is my MS. I can't heat my body up or any symptom I have will come back. When I cool back down they disapear. Second obstacle is the lawn mower. It would mow anything down I succeeded in doing! Years ago we put some azalea bushes between the bushes in our front yard. My husband loves the bushes because they grow BIG. Being big means protecting the house. So the big bushes have killed off every azalea but one. So I love looking at it and the 'spring' rains have really made it blossom. I'll have to cut off a branch or whatever you call it and take it into my MIL. It will perk up her nursing home room.

    Joyce in southern Indiana
  • Outwardlycalm
    Outwardlycalm Posts: 75 Member
    Thanks for all the warm welcomes and advice.
  • luvbuttons
    Hi, Ladies!
    Today's been another drizzly, drippy, and dreary day. The only high spot was a visit from our DD and family. We hadn't seen them for a few weeks, so it was nice indeed.

    Meg, as I was reading one of your posts, I smiled. Our DD was a real stinker in her teenage years and drove DH and me crazy. She lied, refused to help around the house, etc. etc. When she was in college, she refused to show us her grades. We were so frustrated and didn't know what to do. Fortunately, she grew up and is sorry for what she put us through but adds that she needed to make her own mistakes. At any rate, hang in there and stay on your knees, if you know what I mean. Things will get better.

    More yard work is on the agenda for tomorrow. Whoo hoo!!
    Sharon in Michigan
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,391 Member
    Liz - congrats on the great walk today, and best of luck to you in Aug. You'll do well, I just know it. Last year during the winter I usually walked on a treadmill, then when the weather got nice a neighbor and I went for a walk. I thought "oh, this'll be no problem, I've been walking all winter. I even use at least a 1% incline". But I was out of breath. Walking outside is very different from walking inside.

    Viv - glad that abcsess burst while you were at the vets

    It's very dreary outside today, rainy and all. Am drinking hot tea, it's on the chilly side too. I think later this week they're calling for it to get nicer, but who knows? Probably even the weathermen don't know.

    M - fats and sweets combined are my downfall, that's for sure (like butter and sugar). You're so right, artificial sweeteners can be so bad. I'd rather have a little of the real stuff or none at all. That acesufame potassium (I probably misspelled that) is nasty stuff. CSPI didn't rate it highly at all. There are a few (with emphasis on the word few) items that only contain sucralose, but not very many. I think I was more ashamed of the fact that I actually considered not logging my excesses, and I know that would have led me down a very very slippery slope. So I'm ashamed that I was really considering it, but glad you all got me back to reality and logging -- even tho it wasn't so good. In our old house we had a cat door so our cat went in and out. It one time brought in a rabbit, which proceeded to go behind the buffet and die. For the longest time there was this horrible smell, nothing we did would get rid of it, and we had no idea where the smell was coming from. Then for some reason Vince had to move the buffet and we found it!

    bonita - yes, apples have a good sugar in them (unless you're a diabetic, then you have to watch them). Happy early birthday

    Did 45 minutes of a training game on the Wii today. Cut it short because I wanted to have breakfast and then need to go to church. Tomorrow I'll do some yoga and then take the extremepump class. They're starting a Powercuts class at the Y (which is like the extremepump) but the only day they're having it in the morning is on Wed. and I can't make it on Wed. Two of the Wed's a month we have a Newcomer meeting and I really like the deep water instructor so I don't want to miss her class which is at the same time as the Powercuts. Bummer. but good news is that I'm pretty sure they have WiFi so if needed I can take my laptop and do a bodypump workout earlier on a Monday (if I need to)

    Jane - so glad your move is done

    Meg - how I sympathize with you about your daughter! I tried to call Bryan today, but in the end I started crying. I don't think I'll try calling him again because I will probably just end up crying, and he interprets my crying as my not accepting him living abroad and wanting to make him feel guilty. Please don't ask me to explain that one. If he would just call me more often, I probably won't feel this way. Actually, I KNOW I wouldn't. It happened once before so I know it'll happen again. Wouldn't surprise me if I don't even get a call for mother's day.

    Here's hoping everyone has a great evening.

    Michele in NC