

  • allisonlane61
    allisonlane61 Posts: 187 Member
    My thoughts to all who are struggling right now. It can only get better. - that's the best thing about hitting bottom!

    I have just eaten my delicious, extremely filling Turkey Burgers. I process turkey fillet with scallions, garlic, chilli, grated carrot, thawed frozen spinach, parsley, fresh mint, and Worcestershire Sauce, salt and pepper and dry fry the burgers. Can't believe this is diet food! I had it with 1 1/2 oz rice and zucchini in fresh tomato sauce along with lots of piri piri sauce as I like my food spicy. I have enough burger left to make sandwiches tomorrow. I used to make them without the veg incorporated, but I found them a bit dry. This way they are moist.

    I am off to Paris next Monday for a two night trip with old school friends. We went there together when we were 16. I hope I can lose another lb before then as they haven't seen me since September. It seems to take me 2 weeks now to shed that lb.

    Love to all :heart:

    Wow! I don't know why I never thought to try something like this! I have both a Vitamix and a food processor. Thank you for posting your recipe! Enjoy Paris. What a beautiful time of year to go.

  • brookehe
    brookehe Posts: 413 Member
    Kathy – Don’t blame you a bit about reacting to your step-daughter’s “news”, I certainly would have done the same! Hugs to you and your DH. I sure do hope your flood preparations end up being for naught, what a mess to have to deal with. Prayers for you and your home being safe and dry. Sorry too to hear about your injured shoulder, I hope you have a speedy healing and are back in the pool in no time!

    Wessecg – Awww, that is such great news about Jackson!!! So glad you’re updating us on his progress, and what great progress it is

    Glenda – So glad to hear you’re on the mend, sorry you’ve been dealing with nausea and headaches. Enjoy the sunshine and thank you for your prayers for (my) peace!

    JB – Thank you SOOOOO much for sharing the beautiful poem. I particularly liked “Toss off your loathsome burden”

    CityJane – Thank you for sharing your turkey burger recipe, it sounds delicious and I will be trying it out soon! Have a marvelous time in Paris with your girlfriends, it sounds like such fun

    Brooke from Colorado
    (where it is gray and snowy outside, but sunshiney inside due to the loving words of all of you Vit. F's) :flowerforyou:

    “Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we’re here we may as well dance.”
  • LucyT4dieting
    LucyT4dieting Posts: 284 Member
    Good afternoon,

    So much going on here, it's hard to process all of it, but trying to take it day by day.

    :huh: Liz - Thanks for the info on Euchre. I'll have to check it out. We play a game called "Hand and Foot" . Sounds weird, but it's a lot of fun!

    :devil: Laura & Sue (and others too!) - I wish my taste for sweets would go away, but sadly, I still love 'em! I just don't indulge as much as I used to, but when I do, yummmmm...

    :tongue: Rori - It's OK to take a vacation from good habits once in awhile as long as you don't make it a permanent bad habit!

    :wink: CityjaneLondo - Congrats on your AB NSV and enjoy Paris!

    :cry: m - So sorry about your friend's loss. Any loss is hard, but losing a child is unimaginable!

    :heart: Phyllis - What an adorable picture!

    :smile: Robin - Your philosophy is an inspiration!

    :laugh: Cheryl - Loved the E Card! Put a smile on my face! Good wishes for Jackson's continued recovery.

    :flowerforyou: Joyce - If you feel tired, your body is probably telling you that you need to rest. I hope you're feeling better soon.

    :frown: Meg - So sorry for all of the terrible news! It'll be good for you to focus on something positive and get back on track.

    :flowerforyou: janemartin - Your new place sounds perfect for you! Best wishes for a smooth move.

    :brokenheart: Brooke - So sorry you are going through so much at this time. As others have said, many of us have been where you are now. But I can assure you that things DO get better when you least expect it! Try to take things a day at a time for now. Sending hugs your way and letting you know that we care about you!

    :grumble: Kathy - Children can be clueless when it comes to considering their parents feelings. I hope you all can work it out.

    :flowerforyou: Katla - So happy you found an alternative method to help your DH's MS. I pray for continued success with his treatment.

    :happy: Glenda - So nice to see you back to your old self again!

    :heart: jb - You always have such beautiful thoughts to share. Thank you!

    As we all share this journey together, I continue to congratulate those who are successful and send prayers out to those who are struggling. Welcome to anyone who is new to this thread and feel free to join in and add to the discussion.

    Lucy in Delaware:bigsmile:
  • jodios528
    jodios528 Posts: 379 Member
    Good afternoon. I've quickly tried to catch up on all the posts from the last couple of days. I don't know how much time I'll have to post back to everyone but wanted to make a few special call outs:

    M - how horrible...I can't imagine what your friend is going through.:brokenheart:

    Cheryl - loved the e-card. I've been thinking about juicing and now it sounds more appealing :laugh: Glad to hear Jackson is making progress. Hope you are staying dry in this awful weather...just got a severe weather warning on my phone about flooding here - be careful at the barn.

    Jane - so glad you found a place!:drinker:

    Brooke - we are all here for you. I've reached out plenty and so appreciated your support. I'll be sending you a note shortly :cry:

    jb - loved the poem:bigsmile:

    Welcome to the newbies :flowerforyou:

    Sending warm positive thoughts out to all suffering :heart:

    Have a good evening. Jodios
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,168 Member
    Dear Vitamin F Friends - I've just been reading the posts. You are wonderful. Do you know that?

    :flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou:

    All best wishes to you for health and happiness.

    Lin in Central Iowa

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,807 Member
    evening friends,
    hope all is well with everyone..Had an ok day at work the weather here today was Fab!!!!!would love more days like this but when I have a day off:wink:
    and tomorrow is my day off, I have alot I am supposed to do tomorrow, and I cant get to the gym, at least not until after 2 in the afternoon, that is not a great time at the gym I go to, so maybe will do something around here.DH car has a bolt in the tire so have to take it to the garage at 1 pm, then somewhere in between I have to do 2 loads of laundry,make dinner and the DH lunch for friday and mow the lawn,,,, but I dont get paid for any of that..:grumble:
    Hope everyone is trucking along and feeling good.. sending ya all lovexoxoxo
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    So another round of antibiotics for me. this time my ear infection was by strep throat. No wonder I have felt like crap all week. I will survive this too.

    Robin, Bodi and Ritter.
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    I feel kind of guilty. Sometimes I don't even go to my home page here on MFP. I just come here! Sniffles are gone today but the drippiness is on the other end today:embarassed: With my MS sometimes I don't make it to the bathroom in time:embarassed: . And the diarhhea started late last night. Usually I sleep pretty soundly so a sound sleep and diarhhea don't work well together.:ohwell: I think I have eaten all my calories today unlike yesterday. I have just eaten little things every 2 hours or so. My husband was very upset he didn't get to go to Texas Roadhouse tonight but what can I do???? He'll live.

    When I read of some of the troubles you all have here I am grateful for what all God has given me and allowed me to do. I have wonderful daughters and more than wonderful grand daughters. And of course I have found a bunch of new friends with a great big dose of Vitamin F. Have a good night, evening, day. Just match the time to your time zone!!!!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,983 Member
    :flowerforyou: While I was at line dance this morning, Jake went to the chiropractor and then to the gym where he walked on the treadmill for an hour, then he called his cardiologist to find out how high he should let his heart rate go. He fixed his own meals so he could control what he’s eating. We planted some gladiola bulbs after lunch, then I took a walk with a friend before my afternoon walk with Brandy and Sasha. Now that I’ve finished practicing dances and planning for the line dance class I’ll teach on Friday, I can relax with the computer, Jake, the TV, and the recumbent bike and then head to bed early.

    :flowerforyou: Bj, my “home gym” is a recumbent bike in the middle of the living room facing the TV, pairs of 5, 10, and 15 pound hand weights, a yoga mat, and ankle weights that allow me to use weights from 1-15 pounds per ankle depending on what I want to do….I own a couple of strength training books to help me plan my workouts.

    :flowerforyou: :heart: Brooke, you’ve gotten some very good suggestions from the women on this thread….. some writing about whether you’d be better off with him or without him is a great place to start the personal inventory process you’ll need to make good decisions for yourself…..and while you are writing, be sure to make a gratitude list every morning (or evening or afternoon, if you prefer).

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington

    Resolutions for April (with mid-month comments)
    *work in the yard about an hour a day (most days but not as much as an hour)
    *finish writing my “important information” document (making very good progress)
    *answer the two e mails I have been putting off (haven’t even started)
    *be more mindful about interrupting (doing better all the time)

    "The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT."
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Back from my cruise in body but not in mind! Having a hard time getting back in the game. I want to read tomorrow to see what's going on. Only gained 1 pound and got to climb to the top of a Mayan temple in Belize!
    Sue in TX
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :flowerforyou: Important decision for me today was to slow down. Quite freeing I must say. Three years till retirement, and starting to recognize what that means. Work/life balance with the emphasis on BALANCE until then.

    :heart: Renny
    Vancouver Island, BC
  • keepitnewmarcia
    keepitnewmarcia Posts: 42 Member
    It is a bit late, and I need to get up at 5:30 tomorrow as usual for work. I had a fabulous day and due very much to the support of one of my MFP friends. She was not afraid to speak up and be honest with me,:smile: and it was a mini push/reminder that I needed. I have said in my profile that I am willing to do what it takes to achieve the goals, but have not been doing it. :frown: Today I met a personal challenge and won. This is the great way that MFP can work and I am so thankful. Off to bed, good night all.:yawn:
    Marcia Northern VA
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Brooke: I second Lucy. Take things one day at a time. I hope that you find something to enjoy today and again tomorrow.:flowerforyou:

    Robin: Love your “I will survive” attitude.:flowerforyou:

    jmkmomm: You have a great point of view. I’m proud to know you.:flowerforyou:

    Barbie: Love your advice about making a gratitude list.:love: Sometimes being down hides the good things we have in our lives.:flowerforyou:

    Sue: Congratulations on a great vacation, and the good habits that kept you on track.:wink:

    This was a good day. DH went to the acupuncturist, always a positive experience for him, and then we went to a favorite Chinese place for lunch. I made a mistake and ordered the wrong main dish.:grumble: I was a big girl about it at ate the side dishes which were lovely. :smile: We stopped by the Chinese Garden in Portland where something lovely is always in bloom, and then headed home. I bought a new plant for my yard that has heavenly fragrant blossoms. :heart: It was a good day. (Bears repeating.):bigsmile:

    Katla in NW Oregon
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Brooke I to live in a marriage devoid of emotional and physical connection. Now that our daughters are grown up and we have a different relationship they have asked me why I stayed with him. Well I stayed with him for many reasons. Marriage vows, to show my children that there has to be comprimise in every part of life, maybe ashamed to admit that my marriage was a failure to my family, church and friends. i could think of a million other reasons. When my dauhgters asked me that I returned the question back to them. Now that they are adults, do they wish I had divorced him. My youngest says she is never sure. She lives here and still sees the hurt at times. My other daughter is like me and the glass is always half full. She says our marriage has taught her so much in being a wife and Mom. I am not saying that you should buck up and stay in this relationship. Every one is different, every relationship is different. I hope and pray that YOU and only You will make decisions for you to be the person that you were meant to be. You are beautiful inside and out.
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,224 Member
    Hi ladies. Long day at clinical but only walked a little over 5600 steps. I don’t know how Barbie does so much! Rainy and stormy here. And I’m tired!

    Rj: what a great pic! You can do it! You will wow them on the beach!

    Barbie: congrats to your friend! How do you get all those steps in??? I didn’t sit down more than 20 minutes in 7 ½ hours and only got 5600 steps!

    Jane: so glad you found a place and can take the kitties with you!

    Michele: I tried those GS mango cookies and they weren’t that good. I looked at the ingredient list…no mango!

    Robin: hang in there and sending you hugs!!!

    Phyllis what a sweet granddaughter! You must be so happy

    Carol: hope you got some rest!

    Brooke: it sounds like you are hurting, hurting, hurting. My heart goes out to you. We all are here for you. Feel free to share; no TMI here. Hugs to you. You deserve happiness and serenity. My lowest point was finding out my ex had been unfaithful to me for 14 years and having to go get checked for STDs. I worked 4 jobs to keep my house and not have my credit ruined. After this and being beaten for all that time I begged him not to go. What the he**? I look back now and wonder how I got so crazy.

    Grandmallie: Hugs to you too!

    DeeDee: jealous of your weather!

    Kathy :great job on the water! Take care of that shoulder

    Wessecg: so glad to read the news about Jackson!

    Cooky: you have some wise words thank you for sharing them with us. You are a blessing to all of us too!

    Katla: I’ve never known anyone who uses Chinese medicine. I’m seriously considering hypnosis.

    Glenda so glad you are feeling better!

    Jb: beautiful poem

    Ladies I am beat so must head to bed, but wanted to say that you all are awesome. You have such wisdom and compassion. Take care, Hugs to all, Meg
  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,069 Member
    Brooke: You are safe to vent here. :grumble: So sorry for the issues that are eroding your self-esteem. Knowing you like quotes, here is the affirmation I repeated over and over when I was in between jobs. “I give thanks today for the perfect job that is coming my way." You are going through a great test of your spiritual principles. I also found volunteer work for a non-profit to be a great outlet for my time and talents. Keep your chin up, and if you want to meet for lunch again soon, I’m here. :flowerforyou:

    Kathy: Shaking my head. :huh: I don’t have kids but can understand your disappointment reading about the engagement on FB. Sending you good thoughts and peace as I chant ‘om’.

    Glenda: Crossing my fingers you see tulips come up soon. Right now I’m looking at winter wonderland outside my window. :angry:

    CityJaneLondo: Your turkey burgers sound fantastic. Have a grand time in Paris. :glasses: I’m soooooo jealous.

    Katla: I share your interest and admiration for Chinese medicine. :smile: So happy your husband is getting good results.

    Robin: Earache and strep throat….ouch! :frown: I love your positive attitude. Stay strong. :happy:

    Barbie: I am vicariously enjoying spring through your posts about gardening. Gladiolas…how lovely! :flowerforyou:

    Sue in TX: Great job maintaining on a cruise!!! Welcome back. :wink:

    I'm suffering in this winter that never ends. :noway: Miss the sun. Miss wearing short sleeves. Miss seeing my feet in sandals. I'm restless and unfocused. Even our cat is bouncing off the walls. Please Spring, come soon! :love: :love: :love:

    Stay well.
    Rori in frosty Colorado Foothills
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,983 Member

    Barbie: congrats to your friend! How do you get all those steps in??? I didn’t sit down more than 20 minutes in 7 ½ hours and only got 5600 steps!

    :flowerforyou: Meg, most pedometers count steps only if you're walking in a sort of continuous way at at a regular walking pace....last summer I worked for six hours at a booth at the county fair and walked back and forth most of the time and recorded hardly any steps........I don't work a full time job any more so I have time to go for walks.......I get fewer steps per hour walking the dogs or line dancing than I do when walking alone or with a friend, but I walk the dogs for over two hours every morning and again in the afternoon and dance for two hours three days a week and meet my friends for walks rather than meals or coffee....even if the pedometer isn't counting steps, "if you're moving, you're losing"
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,392 Member
    Phyllis - your granddaughter is so adorable (and you're not half bad, either...lol, but she dominates the picture...lol)

    <Passing Brooke a tissue> You broke my heart, BTDT.

    cityjane - that was such a wonderful post to Brooke.

    DeeDee - I'm wearing shorts today. And tomorrow it's supposed to be nice again. "About time" is all I can say

    Kathy - I understand how you feel, finding out on Facebook. Please let me know how you go about finding your zen place. I'm pretty sure I'm going to need that.

    Cheryl - that's just wonderful about Jackson. Thanks for keeping us constantly informed.

    Juanita - great NSV! Hey, now your sister has room to buy more things (that you can use)

    katla - I'm a firm believer in alternative medicine. I believe our bodies have amazing abilities to heal itself. Oh, there are times when an antibiotic may be necessary or intervention with Western medicine is called for, but those times are few and far between

    bjmcq - you know what I do many times when kids are having a fundraiser and they're selling something that I really don't want? I just give them a straigh-out donation. Actually, they come out further ahead. Depending on the fundraiser, they get only a certain percentage of the sale. If I give them a donation, they get 100% (and I don't have to get something that I don't want). I love spinach, too, but there's no way Vince will eat it, so we're in the same boat

    jb - beautiful poem

    cityjane - have a great time in Paris. I loved the food over there, so wholesome.

    Brooke - Loved your ending "where it's gray and snowy outside, but sunshiney inside due to the loving words of all you Vit. F's"

    Did an hour of yoga today and then an hour of the deep water. Tomorrow I'll do a Jari Love Get Ripped and Chiseled DVD.

    Got my oil in my car changed yesterday. Found out one of my shocks was leaking so they replaced that one. Then went to Petsmart for food. We usually give the cats treats when we give Loki his med but those treats can be so expensive! Anyway, while we were watching Jessica's cats, they eat Cat Chow so I decided to try giving that as the ''treat". It worked quite well, so I got a small bag of fancy feast dry cat food and am using that for a treat now. Then went to Aldi then to AC Moore to get this bowling towel framed and I had a coupon for 50% off any item and I needed this one icing tip so I got that. Only I have a #5 tip, I swear what I have isn't like what's in the store but I got the #4 so I'll exchange it for the #5. I also need to get paste food color but I have some other coupons for 50% off, don't know if they'll let me use them all at one time or not.

    Today was our last day of bowling on the senior league for the winter. Next week is an organizational meeting and we start up for the summer the following week. I took a plate of cut up fruit with me, it was all gone. Next time I need to get the larger size of cut up fruit.

    I've been scrubbing our deck. Was thinking I'd be able to work on it some today but totally forgot that this guy was coming to talk about a pergola by the pool. He built one for a friend of ours. So by the time he left and we had dinner, it's really too late to start scrubbing. Maybe tomorrow, I really don't have anything planned except to do the DVD.

    Robin - sending virtual chicken soup to you. Boy, there's no way I'd even CONSIDER a two piece. You look fab

    I'm really trying to curb these cravings for sweets, especially at night. Lately, I've been having a salad (I just have some coleslaw tonight) with vinegar on it. Vince commented how I didn't eat my coleslaw with my dinner. In a way I was a bit embarassed to tell him that I snack on it whenever I get a craving for chocolate/sugar/unhealthy foods. Worked last night, hoping it'll work again tonight.

    Meg - it doesn't surprise me that the GS mango cookies didn't have mango in them. To be honest, as soon as I saw that it contained coconut, I didn't even other to read the ingredients any further. I don't think it was any loss, anyway. YOU are the awesome one, I don't know how you do it all. Thank you for being so open about yourself.

    Here's hoping everyone has a great evening.

    Michele in NC
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :flowerforyou: Not much time for chatting this morning, but just wanted to pop in and say Hi to everyone.

    :flowerforyou: Cheryl great news about Jackson.

    :flowerforyou: Have a fab day everyone, need to get to work a bit early today as Jane is coming in later - I struggle to get in on time at the best of times :bigsmile: :bigsmile: so it will be a challenge to get in on time this morning.

    Best move myself !

    Viv UK - very very windy rainy day :grumble:
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,358 Member
    Hi there!
    Sue, I think that is amazing that you managed to only put on a lb on your cruise. You should be very proud of yourself. Most people I know put on at least 7lbs!
    Did some gardening yesterday for the first time this year. Got the potatoes in at last. Salads all sown.
    The lb I want to lose is hanging on by the skin of its teeth. Just need some syrup of figs!
    Tomorrow I am seeing an old school friend who is treating me to a "tea" she got for a birthday present as a voucher. Oops! Will try to stick to the sandwiches and scone (pass on the cream) and go easy on the cake. I think it's no supper for me tomorrow. I do feel that friends are a priority though and I did not like to say no when she asked me. I've got the rest of my life to watch calories!

    My hip, which has been troubling me since I slipped down some marble stairs on holiday, is feeling much better. It was a bit frustrating having the rest of me working so much better and this hip causing me pain. It was hard to lift my right leg. Anyway, since yoga on Tuesday it is much improved and not keeping me awake at night.

    Love to you all. Great Vit F here. It really keeps me going. :wink: