
  • MutterGans
    MutterGans Posts: 47 Member
    What an interesting link between your weight and phobias. Whatever the reason for their demise....well done, you must be feeling much better on many fronts.
  • brookehe
    brookehe Posts: 413 Member
    Barbie – glad Jake is heading home, as I said before I’m a sucker for a love story and you two seem to be living one! :love:

    Eileen in SD – Hugs to you and yours. Glad to hear your nephew and family will be able to be there to honor your Mother.

    Renny – glad to hear your toe (and the rest of you) are recovering and ready for the next challenge!

    Tari – congratulate yourself for the successes and don’t beat yourself up about any “failures” - - you know what you need to do, be kind to yourself along the way :flowerforyou:

    Jane in SLC – I’ve too been a “flusher” since I can remember. Fair-skinned, turning red at any and every opportunity - - I too have had others approach me with concern Agree completely about “me time” being an antidote to what ails a woman! Good luck and patience to you on your trip to get your Mother settled in. Have a stress back-up plan in place – sounds like you’ll need it! :drinker:

    wessecg – daughter is lovely, dresses are beautiful - - love the one you’ve chosen! Hoping she has a positively memorable prom experience!

    Barbie – yay for you crawling into bed with a good book and furkids! That is my idea of a PERFECT day!!! :yawn:

    Brooke from Colorado

    “I have learned that faith means trusting in advance what will only make sense in reverse.” - - Philip Yancey
  • MutterGans
    MutterGans Posts: 47 Member
    I just saw how much weight you've lost....crikey, that is truly brilliant gal. Well done!
  • MutterGans
    MutterGans Posts: 47 Member
    Someone please explain what the 'bump for later' is all about...I am so confused!
  • brookehe
    brookehe Posts: 413 Member
    MutterGans – bump for later simply marks your place in a thread (click on Community at the top of any page you’re on, then click on My Topics and you’ll see where you’ve posted and can pick up where the thread most recently left off - - you only have to “bump” once to save your place for a good long time) Hope this helps!

    Brooke from Colorado

    “Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities have crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day, you should begin it serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense.”
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    I ended up running a fever all day yesterday. It broke and I slept but I was back in pain again this morning. I just hope I can hang tough until my Dr. appointment on Wednesday. Nothing productive today at all. I hope I feel better soon. Thank you for the well wishes.

    Robin, Bodi and the Ritter Bit.
  • rubypond
    rubypond Posts: 41 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hi everyone, I have finally gotten the time to sit down and browse the forums and see what is here and found this thread.

    Just to give you a quick background about myself. I am 49 (will be 50 this year) and have finally come to the decision that I really need to lose weight. This is the heaviest that I have been my entire life. As a youngin you never figure that at this age it would be so difficult to lose. I never went over 100 lbs until I joined the service when I was 18. And that I attribute to eating nothing but PB&J sandwiches for B L & D because the rest of the food was just terrible. At 22 when I was pregnant people were asking me what I had while still being 9 months pregnant. I was just that thin. I remember growing up wishing I could gain weight, now it's just the opposite, but I guess that is the same for all of us that went through that. I told my partner that I am bound and determined to lose weight. His response was ok if that is what you feel you need to do, but you look fine to me I don't know why you want to change. I had to explain to him that I needed to change for myself. I needed to start feeling good for myself. I also explained that once I am feeling better for me, it will make me a much happier person. And he has now seen that when I went running into the living room dancing last night telling him I lost 4 lbs. My eating habits just flat out suck, there is no other way to say it. I don't eat junk food. Once in a blue moon I may get a craving for something sweet but that is about it. I am not a snack eater. My issue is I don't eat. No matter how hard I try I just can't bring myself to eat breakfast, no matter what it is, whether it be a protein drink or something small. I don't eat lunch ( have recently started to try and get that down). My only meal would be dinner, and I don't eat a huge dinner. I cook a normal portion of meat, potatoes and veggies.

    Well I guess I have rambled on enough.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    NWfluffy - welcome back!

    Did an hour of the bellydance DVD that I have. I so wish there was a belly dance place around here so that I can see if I'm doing it right. Tomorrow I'll do some yoga and then take the extremepump class. Then at night is majonggg. The lady who usually has it at her house, her birthday is Wednesday so I'm right now making a cake to take to her.

    Viv - so sorry you didn't make it to the party. Hope you're feeling better

    cityjane - Congrats on the pants and skinny top. I don't think I could ever do that.

    DeeDee - you crack me up "least they forget who they are dealing with"....lol

    brooke - I like the Jari Love series for weights. Gin Miller's cueing for the step DVD's is pretty good, but she doesn't have a lot of the beginner ones. I have one step DVD by Cathe Friedrich and I don't care much for the fact that she's off on her cueing and she does a lot of turns but doesn't give modifications. I like the bosu ones and the ones for the Rebounder. Actually, I have two or three hula hoops downstairs -- they were from the kids when they were little. But I do find that I use the hula hoop on the Wii. hmmm...maybe that's something I could do, hula hoop with the hoop and not on the Wii.

    katla - I take a tsp of the cider vinegar straight. Sometimes I finish it up with my salad. We just got a Culligan water filter. If anyone is thinking about getting a water filter...I WOULD NOT recommend the Pur. We learned the hard way. After a while the water starts spraying out the side. There's a youtube video of it. Seems that this is a problem with all the Pur. Ours was older so we looked at the newer models. They seem to be made cheaper. Glad your hubby is doing so well.

    jb - what a wonderful post! I enjoyed reading it every moment.

    Meg - you reminded me that I have a recipe for a lemon bread that you make in the crockpot (yes, you read right) that I'm dying to try

    Spent today scrubbing the deck. Got 1/2 of the deck done. This artificial wood is very nice, but it also tends to get mold and mildew. We've searched on the Internet, you can't seal it, you just have to scrub it with mild soap. Well, tomorrow I'll probably get the other 1/2 done. Vince finished the electrical box. I had to go to Lowe's Hardware for more conduit and a coupler. Talk about being out of my element!

    juanite - so glad you're getting so much from this group. That's what we're here for! You CAN do this

    Lila - I'm sure you were a hit in your dressy dress. One time our cat brought a bird into the house. The bird was alive and scared s***less, literally. On my walls, drapes, everything. He(the cat) had feathers sticking out of his mouth and we swear he had a smile on his face just watching those humans chasing the bird! We finally got the bird and let it go out the door.

    Made some lentil soup for myself today. I like to have something quick in the freezer that I can just pull out and have for dinner.

    Eileen - the hardest part of a funeral is when everyone goes home and you need to go on. ((((HUGS)))))

    Renny - I never knew this, but it makes a lot of sense when you think about it. We went to a sheriff's citizens academy and one of the things they talked about were the K9 dogs. I didn't realize it, but the dogs are given the commands to "sit, stay, etc" in Dutch. Happy birthday to your MIL!

    Tari - no, I don't have all the accessories for belly dancing. I don't do it that often to justify purchasing them. Maybe if I found them at a salvation army or something. Everyone says that they really help.

    Jane in SLC - the company bought a FitBit for everyone! That's wonderful

    Cheryl - those dresses are absolutely gorgeous. Wish I could wear something like that.

    muttergans - "bump" is an ancronym forn "bring up my post". Basically, people do this so that the thread is under "my topics".

    Hope everyone has a great evening.

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,992 Member
    morning ladies,
    well guess going to the gym yesterday and yard work got me to the 25 lb mark!!! whooo hooo.No I didn't go today,but will go tomorrow a.m.,sorta going at my own pace, it all depends on how the heel is feeling.I thought I posted something yesterday afternoon but guess I didnt hit reply..
    The DH is back to work after 9 days off. going to get up to 60 today clouds in the am.
    having a bit of pain in the right shoulder and down, so gonna take it easy today. going to have my cup of tea and take a shower,get dressed and off to work.. Hope the ones that are feeling yucky, get better soon.and the ones that are feeling great and exercising like crazy~ God Bless you !!!!
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Welcome to everyone new:flowerforyou: !!! Come in often and chat away with us!

    Robin:smile: Hope you feel better:flowerforyou: !

    Yanniejannie:smile: Hope you had a nice restful sleep last night and are feeling much better today!

    Barbie:smile: Glad Jake is on the way home:love: !

    Cheryl:smile: What beautiful daughters you have:love: !!! I love both of the dresses!!! You, my friend are looking good too!!! Good luck today!!!

    Gail:smile: Wow, it was a strange travel day for you, hope today will be better!

    Jane inSLC:smile: Hope they find whats causing the leg cramps! Glad your mom is doing better, take lots of deep breaths when you`re dealing with her:flowerforyou: !

    Renny:smile: Happy birthday to your MIL:flowerforyou: ! Glad your toe is doing better, hopefully it`s not too sore! Congrats for signing up for another 10K, go girl!!!!

    Brooke:smile: I love reading your posts, and I love all of the quotes!!!

    Katla:smile: So glad hubby continues to improve:flowerforyou: , that is fabulous news!!!

    Jb:smile: Love the story:love: !!!

    Meg:smile: Sending you a very loving :heart: kick in the butt!!!!

    Lila:smile: Eew....feathers all over the bathroom:noway: , is that Mookers who did that deed? I have no clue if they eat the entire thing...ick:sick: . I bet you looked fabulous all dressed up:smokin: , I would much rather be over dressed than underdressed, once my hubby told me it was a casual cocktail/dinner event, so I went casual...cute jean skirt, white button down shirt and flirty, playful sandals with a big red fluffy flower, i looked cute, however everyone else was in cocktail dresses:noway: , I felt like such an idiot:embarassed: , my shoes were a hit though:laugh: , never happened again:laugh: ! Compliments are great NSVs!!!

    Michele:smile: I do not want those guys to forget:laugh: ! We do have a great time on Sunday mornings! Sounds like you got lots of exercise scrubbing the deck! How do you like the decking material? I`ve thought several times about having my deck replaced with the artifical wood, is it worth the price?

    Ackk...it`s 7am already:noway: ! Where does the time go:frown: !
    Have a great day ladies!!! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!

    DeeDee in rainy but fairly warm NC
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,597 Member
    Well here I am in North London waiting for my grandson to wake up from his nap. Looking forward to seeing him so much.
    I managed to keep the cals under control yesterday when my DSIL was here. Ended up eating about 1500 over the day inc alcohol so feel pleased as I had got in my exercise. Today I bought sushi from the station concession on my way here and shared it with my DDIL. Delicious, but full of sodium!
    I have my son's lovely food to eat tonight before I get back on the train. He is a fantastic cook, used to be a professional to earn money when he was at uni. I have to keep telling him not to put so much olive oil on everything though as I don't think he believes it's fattening. The salads are a work of art!
    My DSIL will still be there when I get back late tonight, so we will be sharing breakfast before she heads off and I go to yoga. We haven't had it for 2 weeks because of the holidays so I will be a little stiff.
    I noticed when I was showing DSIL some balance poses that her balance was much worse than mine. I hadn't realised I have made so much progress. She is a bit younger and much slimmer than me and does a lot of swimming, so I was quite surprised. Balance gets more and more important as we get older and the exercises are very strengthening. My physio used to prescribe them for my knees and ankles.
    No exercise today as I had to rush off to the train so I will have to be extra careful with my son's treats!
  • Oh, my goodness!! The sun is actually out for the second time in a week! It's blinding. I guess if I want to walk/work outside, I'd better move. Rain's predicted this afternoon. Trying to think lighter, eat lighter, become lighter. :wink:
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Hi Hi Hello and Happy Monday!

    I'm not sure what the sky's doing this morning, cloudy, clear, a little of both. But it's still quite cold. I managed to get some things planted yesterday, carting all of the brassica starts out of the greenhouse and setting them one by one in the garden rows. Broc, cauliflower, kale, cabbage, all the little babies I grew from seed. The tomato starts under lights are reaching the end of their rope in their 4" pots, it's time to transplant them into gallons and move them to the greenhouse to harden off before planting out in a couple of weeks. There's a mountain of thyme and Italian parsley on the kitchen table which I harvested yesterday, I'll put the parsley in the dehydrator and spread the thyme out in a single layer to dry. Love my gardening time, it's what soothes my soul.

    On another note concerning life and dealing with difficult circumstances, we all get in a pickle now and then. The trick is to pick up that pickle, toss it as far as you can, and don't pay attention to where it lands. In other words, let it go. For in fact if we gnaw and chew on the sour, bitter pickle for an extended period of time, mental and emotional indigestion will certainly follow. It's often the better choice to fling it into outer space and move forward.

    Speaking of moving, I'd best get going since I promised myself I'd do some laps on the track this morning. Have a great day!

    :smile: jb in Portland
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    cityjaneLondon: Olive oil is good for you, so your DH is smart to cook with it. :heart: On the other hand, it does contain calories. :wink: There are some online calorie counters that are less frustrating than the one on MFP. The better ones give you full nutritional information.:smile: Ask him to run his recipes through one of them so that you can count your calories correctly.:flowerforyou:

    JB: I join in the chorus of people who love your story. :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: The truth can be wonderful. On another subject, I envy your garden. :sick: (I picked this guy for green with envy, not sick) My tomato is planted in the ground and thriving so far. I use a plastic shelter that has tubes that I fill with water and have never lost a tomato to spring cold. The thing has a name, but I don’t remember it. :noway: I got a set of three at a local feed store for a small amount of money 10 years ago or more. I don’t have space to grow much more than herbs and a tomato. :angry: I did plant sugar snap peas in a pot this year. They're up and climbing their cage. I planted them in the ground last year and the grew to be an enormous tower. I also planted spinach in a pot for the first time. The little guys are up, but they look more like grass than spinach at the moment.:laugh:

    It is tax day. Tra-lee tra-la. We have to send off checks to the fed and state today. I don’t mind paying taxes that help my community and state. I just wish the national government would spend my tax money on helping average people instead of big banks and the employers of pet lobbyists.:grumble:

    Katla in NW Oregon
  • bjmcq
    bjmcq Posts: 304 Member
    Happy Monday! It is the first warm sunny day here since ....I don't know. It is not raining cats and dogs, so I can take my own dog out for a long walk....where I am off now. Will catch up after.

    BJ SWOnt
  • bjmcq
    bjmcq Posts: 304 Member
    Throwing away my anger at weather pickle JB! Garden sounds amazing!
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Just popped on to say I'm feeling MUCH better today; exercise and bike at gym finished for the day. On second thought, I think the headache may have been due to being out in all the pollen two days in a row...........also; I wasn't thinking about the sun (duh, too much time inside) and got horribly sunburned at the event at Whole Foods.

    jb: before I forget: I adored the "once upon a time" story!!! On the cleaning closets thing---I really need a bit more help there; having sizes fron 4 to 12 in various closets!!!

    From the gray mid-Atlantic,
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy mon!Have an appt today to check an apt.Wish us luck.
    Have a good day!!!
  • jodios528
    jodios528 Posts: 379 Member
    Good morning! I hope everyone had a good weekend. It is cloudy here but finally warming up a bit. I was losing hope spring would ever show up! :flowerforyou:

    On Sunday we met with my Dad’s finance guy and did the final cleaning of the condo. An emotional day but I’m feeling more in control and like I’m starting to move forward vs. being trapped in a stasis of mourning. :brokenheart: I know I’ll continue to miss both my parents deeply but I’m moving more to the memory of all the good times vs. the deep pain of loss. Thanks to all of you for your words of encouragement – they kept me going:heart:

    Gonzamm – congrats on your weight loss:drinker:

    Jo – congrats on all the new dresses…know how you feel about being separated from your DH. When I go out of town for work – even overnight I sometimes feel a bit silly for missing him but I also think how lucky I am to have him and our wonderful relationship:heart::heart:

    Viv – so sorry you missed your DGS’s b-day party. Hope you feel better soon:sick:

    Cityjane – hope you had a good visit. Congrats on the new jeans…I bet you looked great in your new outfit. How were the popsicles?:smile:

    Dee Dee – when did you lose your DH. I can only imagine how much you must miss him:cry:

    Cheryl - good luck today with the colonoscopy. Hope your back is feeling better. Just let me know when you want to go for that walk and pep up session and I’m there!. Just saw the pictures of your DD – she looked great in all the dresses and I especially like the one you bought! I hope she has a great time at the Prom!:bigsmile:

    Brooke – bowling is most definitely NOT a sport…I would fall asleep watching that too. :yawn: My Lindt obsession is dark chocolate with sea salt. Love the latest quote!

    Gradmallie – probably too late for you, but a favorite simple chicken marinade is lemon or lime juice, minced fresh garlic and rosemary. Congrats on hitting the 25lb mark:drinker:

    Katia – glad to hear your DH is doing better:love:

    Jb – loved your post…I still need to clean out the closet though:grumble:

    Glenda – snow? Really? :explode: Hope you get nicer weather soon

    Lila – congrats on the NSV. My DD tells me it is always to be “over” dressed vs. “under”. I don’t get to dress up very often so will on any excuse. I have to say – big yuck on what your cat dragged in:noway:

    Renny – good for you celebrating your MIL b-day. You are very fortunate to have both moms:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Barbie – I know you’ll be very happy when Jake is back home. Are you reading a good mystery? I discovered a series I call the bakery murders (1st one called the chocolate chip murder and now I’m reading the strawberry shortcake murder). She includes recipes – which I’m working to ignore!:noway:

    Robin – hope you are feeling better:flowerforyou:

    Jane – good luck with the apt you are seeing today:smile:

    Out of time so didn’t get to comment on everyone – still thinking of you.

    Have a wonderful day! Jodios:smile::laugh: :love: :flowerforyou: :heart: :drinker: :bigsmile:
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Happy Monday. I took today off to work on the textbook. I am a little disgruntled because the princess (DD#2) slept til 11:30. We had quite the chat. She applied for 2 whole jobs in the last 7 days and is working 8 whole hours this week. Not going to happen any longer. :mad: Her big excuse is “I don’t know how to find a job”. OMG Both dh and I have gone with her to get applications, we have shown her how to read the help wanted ads, we have told her to park in a mall and go to every single store/restaurant there….etc….etc….etc…..I asked her to explain just what that meant and she couldn’t. So I laid a few rules down. First she needs to turn off her computer and cell phone and give herself an hour twice a day to play. Otherwise she needs to make finding a job a full time job in itself. She is also going to be doing all the upcoming deep cleaning and picking her sister up from school each day.

    I am so frustrated I can hardly speak. :mad: She thinks she does more around here than anyone else and doesn’t understand why we are so “mean” to her. I explained as nicely as I could that no one I know lets their adult kids who are not working or going to school live at home. If we made her leave, where would she go for $60 a week? She couldn’t answer that of course and I said “Well you better find out and make a back up plan”

    She does need to either find an evening job or tell people she can’t start for a couple of weeks. She will need to stay home with Benny after he has his surgery because neither dh nor I can and the vet does not want to wait until mid May when I am off work to do the surgery. She doesn’t understand that either and did not think to put that on the 2 whole job applications she turned in last week. UGH!!!!!:explode:

    OK enough *****ing.

    Gonzamm: Ich habe auch in der Schule Deutsch gelernt. (I also learned German in school). When I was in Germany I found many people happy to help me with German. They corrected me but very nicely. Then they wanted their turn, so they’d speak
    English and let me correct them.

    Lila: YAK! I don’t know about cats (mine are strictly indoors), but I had a dog once who leaped into the air and caught birds. He would behead them and pluck them. Double YAK:noway:

    Brooke: *jumping from your kick* Thank you!

    Katla: oh, we have Kroger here so I will look for that chocolate. Thanks!

    Barbie: hope Jake got home safely!

    Eileen: what a sweet picture of your mom. I’m sure you are missing her. Hugs to you!:flowerforyou:

    Renny: keep up the great prep for the race!

    Jane: you are so right about us and our mistakes!!! Glad mom is doing better!

    Twoton: It’s a medical-surgical nursing textbook. I am overseeing the three emergency chapters and rewriting the two critical care respiratory chapters.

    Carol: WOWOWOWOWOW your daughter is lovely!

    Robin: maybe the evil boss did not make you sick! Take care and rest. Let us know how you are.:flowerforyou:

    Ruby: welcome to our group!

    Michele: crock pot lemon bread? You’ll have to let us know how it turns out!

    Grandmallie: good news on the weight loss!!!

    DeeDee: thanks for the kick! I decided not to go find fast food for lunch today figuring you’d kick me even harder after you read my diary!!!:tongue:

    Jb: what wonderful words of wisdom about chewing on that sour pickle! I shall have to remember that!

    Yanniejannie: glad you are feeling better!

    Jane: how are you doing?

    Jodios: moving into that serene place has got to feel good, but I know it’s tough letting go. Prayers and hugs.

    OK, off to find something relatively healthy :grumble: to eat for lunch! LOL Take care all, meg