
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    Yesterday was a good day. I worked hard out in the yard all day and soaked up the sunshine. I actually almost felt happy. Today we booked the flight and the RV for an August trip to Alaska. Well I need to get back to the yard.

    Robin, Bodi and Ritter
    in the Sunny PNW
  • Mrsjaybob
    Mrsjaybob Posts: 156 Member
    Leave it to me to discover a thread for 50 plus gals on the last day of March!
    I turned 50 in October. I have three daughters, two out of college and EMPLOYED and one that is a sophomore in college. I've been blessed with good genetics and have been pretty lucky in maintaining the weight I like, until...... I hit 40. Since then about 15-20 pounds have slowly climbed on. I have hypothyroidism and have been on meds since 1997. I started the 30 Day Shred on March 9th and will finish on April 7th. I am proud that I have done my workouts faithfully each day, no matter what has been going on in real life.
    Glad to share with and help to support and motivate any who wish to "friend" me.
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Hello to all - I've been reading a couple of times a day, but not posting much. The two DSs are on their way up for dinner. Ham, cheesy potatos, roasted asparagus and biscuits are on the menu. (We are in the south, after all!)

    Made a batch of white chocolate macadamia nut cookies for DS1's birthday (@ the middle of March) and will send those home with him - much too tempting to keep here!!

    Have had a lovely Easter weekend and wore one of my new dresses to church. I must say that I felt quite sassy in my dress and red peep-toe pumps. Perhaps I'll wear it to work tomorrow and shock one and all.

    Feeling very blessed with reflection on the past year since my heart surgery. As a dear friend always says, "Happy to be healthy!".

    Talked with several family members and friends today as well. Off to finish getting things ready for supper.

    Gail, metro Atlanta, where spring isn't sure it has arrived, but the pine cones on the trees are about to burst out with icky green pollen... (too long a sign off for every post, I know)
  • LindaS175
    LindaS175 Posts: 186 Member
    Hi ladies,:flowerforyou:

    I just skimmed from page 8 to15, so I am sort of caught up.:bigsmile: Hope everyone who s dealing with sickness and back pain are all on the way to feeling better.:happy:
    I am working later today.It will be busy with people calling with stomach aches etc.:frown: :frown:

    We are headed out for a few hours to have a meal. Did not buy any candy or make baskets for DD'S this year. None of us need the candy,or need to spenf the money on this. We celebrate the reason for the day. Wish everyone a blessed Easter,Passover or just a wonderful day taking care of oneself!:bigsmile: :drinker:

    I have to get ready to go out with the family. I need to get here everyday,the support is overwhelming and it keeps me in the moment and grounded.:smile:
    Will post april goals later tonight.:heart: Sundanceb aka Linda S:heart:

    Sandy,Brooke, and all of my vit F friends:flowerforyou: thank you or your kind words about all the pending surgerys!

    Nancy:flowerforyou: -congrats on the NSV- tucking in your shirt!!! I think my last knee surgery was 4 years ago!

    M:flowerforyou: - Thanks for the info re- carpal tunnel surgery.

    Katla:flowerforyou: - how are your knees now? Thanks for the positive support about surgery being my decision! I guess I never thought of it that way!

    Deb A-:flowerforyou: you have a great weight loss. I just saw your ticker! Wow71 lbs!! Can’t wait until my ticket says the same!

    Grandmallie:flowerforyou: -nice for your boss to notice your weight loss!

    Rori:flowerforyou: - I live in San Diego. I would love to meet up with you. Message me the info about your visit and lets try to meet up!

    Kate:flowerforyou: -I hope your melt down has ended. I always love reading your posts.

    Lin:flowerforyou: - love the lion of spring!

    Robin,Bodi and Ritter:flowerforyou: - we need to purge the house too. Glad that you are getting help from EAP!

    Sue:flowerforyou: - have a lovely time on the cruise!

    Jodios:flowerforyou: - your vacation sounds wonderful!

    Renny-:flowerforyou: glad you are feeling better !

    Bj-:flowerforyou: glad that you are progressing with your exercise!

    Teri :flowerforyou: – thank you for the reminder about the day and smiling! Love your new picture!

    Linda C:flowerforyou: - glad to see your posts again. I too struggle with the time issue to keep up with the posts!
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Katla:flowerforyou: - how are your knees now? Thanks for the positive support about surgery being my decision! I guess I never thought of it that way!

    My right knee is now totally pain free. My left knee is dramatically better. It gets stronger all the time and now only lets me know when it is tired. Losing weight was the biggest help in my progress so far, but the strengthening exercises the doctor gave me do also help. Those are to sit on a chair or lay on the floor, raise the leg, tighten all the muscles and hold it ten seconds then relax. This is repeated in groups of 10 on each side for three rounds of repetitions. I do this while riding in the car, mostly, so I'm not as diligent as I should be. Lucky for me, it is all helping anyway. I wish you luck with your situation. I can testify that losing weight is a huge help.

  • Hi, Ladies! I hope your Easter was blessed with lots of good memories with friends and family. Our Easter was very quiet. Daughter and family went to Florida for spring break. Sons all live in states too far away to make a weekend trip. Hubby and I had Easter dinner at a local coney island. I guess you can imagine I ate most of my alloted calories in one meal even though I tried to make good choices. It looks like spring has finally come to Michigan. It was so nice to walk around the yard to look at the many blooming crocus. Our Lenten rose is blooming for the first time and I was so excited to see it. Spring is about my favorite time of year. There's new life everywhere you look. New beginnings for a healthier lifestyle too this year. I'm finally reentering the land of living and am feeling almost "normal" (whatever that is). Remember to bask in the Sonshine today! He is good.
  • Katla:flowerforyou: - how are your knees now? Thanks for the positive support about surgery being my decision! I guess I never thought of it that way!

    My right knee is now totally pain free. My left knee is dramatically better. It gets stronger all the time and now only lets me know when it is tired. Losing weight was the biggest help in my progress so far, but the strengthening exercises the doctor gave me do also help. Those are to sit on a chair or lay on the floor, raise the leg, tighten all the muscles and hold it ten seconds then relax. This is repeated in groups of 10 on each side for three rounds of repetitions. I do this while riding in the car, mostly, so I'm not as diligent as I should be. Lucky for me, it is all helping anyway. I wish you luck with your situation. I can testify that losing weight is a huge help.

  • Katla and Sundance: I have had double knee replacements and I can say that it was the best decision I ever made. Lose whatever weight you can before the surgery and be sure to do whatever knee exercise they recommend both before and after. In less than two weeks, I was walking without the aid of a walker or cane and pushing my 375 pound husband into the hospital emergency room in a wheel chair. Sure there are things I can't do, (like kneeling to scrub the floors) but it's a lot better than the pain I had all the time before. Hope my experience helps with your decisions. :happy:
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Katla and Sundance: I have had double knee replacements and I can say that it was the best decision I ever made. Lose whatever weight you can before the surgery and be sure to do whatever knee exercise they recommend both before and after. In less than two weeks, I was walking without the aid of a walker or cane and pushing my 375 pound husband into the hospital emergency room in a wheel chair. Sure there are things I can't do, (like kneeling to scrub the floors) but it's a lot better than the pain I had all the time before. Hope my experience helps with your decisions. :happy:

    I'm sure that surgery is a wonderful option for those who need it. It was never suggested for me by my doctor, so I never have considered the idea. I'm not recommending for or against surgery; that is a decision for the person with the problem and their doctor. I wanted to see how much I could do for myself and I'm very happy with the results I've had so far. I shared that experience here. I'm happy to know you've had wonderful results with your surgery and are pleased by the outcome.

  • moxie1962
    moxie1962 Posts: 165 Member
    Katla- on the oil for the George Foreman Grill....now it is down to the actual chicken!! Since I have moved to SC and remarried, in the last 5 years, I have ended up weaning off of store bought chicken. DH was having allergies to the eggs from the store, what with all of the meds and hormones now in our food. So we are raising our own chickens at home for our own consumption. We however, are only in our 2nd year doing so.....and have not had enough extra chickens yet to cull and put in the freezer. So far, we have only eaten 2. But we are enjoying our home laid eggs....nice bright almost orange egg yolks....and DH having no reaction to them. :drinker:

    We also take some to his elderly parents...who also have strong allergies and sensitivities to foods.
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Hanging out waiting for Barbie to post the April thread.

    Joyce - we're driving to Galveston (about 5 hours away) on Thursday and staying there until Sat. We're going to the Western Caribbean for 7 days. The reason we took this trip is to see the Mayan ruins and to celebrate DH's birthday.

    DeeDee - don't be too hard on yourself. Your body is trying to heal itself. Just get well then pick up where you left off.

    We had a quiet Easter also. Church, lunch and working in the garden (actually it's flower beds).
    Will pop back in later to see what's up.

    Sue in TX
  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,081 Member
    Hello friends, and Happy Sunday. Holidays are not terribly special as it’s just DH and moi. However, we did treat ourselves to a super nice late lunch at Bonefish Grill. Traded out the traditional candy-laden baskets for sashimi, lobster tail, green beans and asparagus:happy:

    Good bye Mr. March and hello Sweet April. :love: :love:

    Dug out my March goals and here is the full disclosure (on a scale of 1-5, with 5 = Excellent)

    Keep true to MFP logging of all food, water and exercise – 4.0 :drinker:
    45 mins cardio 4x week (not a problem when I'm home, but so hard when in a hotel) – 4.9:bigsmile:
    Jillian Michaels Yoga Meltdown 2x week - 2:ohwell:
    Hit my mfp goals for fiber and carbs, not just calories – 4 on the carbs; 2.5 on the fiber:tongue:

    In spite of being less than perfect, I lost 3 pounds and finally got below 160 for the first time in 20+ years.:blushing: :blushing: :blushing: I KNOW that my recent success is greatly attributable to the support, counsel and compassion found on this thread. Thank you all for reading and writing and yes, even ranting here. It has all made me feel more confident and hopeful for a successful weightloss journey:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Barbie - BIG thanks to you for keeping this board up.:heart:

    Here are my goals for April:
    Hit the goal for fiber consumption at least 3x/week.
    Try preparing two new vegetables. (I tried greens for the first time this month)
    Six times a week do a workout, in the gym or with an exercise dvd.
    Save money for May vacation in Hawaii.
    Use sunscreen every day.

    Sundance in San Diego - hope we can meet up next weekend.:wink:

    Sorry no time for more shout outs, but know that I am pulling for you to find deep contentment, however you define it.

    Stay well.
    Rori in the Colorado foothills
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    moxie - congrats on the great loss, for you AND you dh

    M - you had me salivating reading your post!!! Portion control really is the key.

    Vince went to chruch with me last night since I was serving. At the Easter vigil mass the bring new members into the church. When we got there Vince kept saying to me "it IS in English, isn't it?" As far as I knew. Well...it was bi-lingual. We were there for 3-1/2 hours. They had to have two readings in English, two in Spanish. Half the mass was in English, half in Spanish. Never again. On top of that they had a new chalice and ceborrah (is that the right spelling?) that they HAD to bless at that mass. They couldn't wait one more day, oh no. It was so hot in the church. I had a light pantsuit on, but I couldn't get over how how I was. Then...when we're leaving there's all these flashing lights on the road alongside the church. Seems the police had some sort of checkpoint, I guess they were checking for expired licenses and that the car was up-to-date with the registering. There WERE a few cars pulled into the middle of the road. They had 3 cops checking licenses and tags! I suspect they were also looking for people drinking under the influence. Now Vince is a C&E'er, so being there for 3-1/2 hrs was NOT his favorite thing. Really, I thought it confusing, I couldn't understand lots. I think the idea was that they were bringing two cultures together...but by the time it was over my feeling was "if you're going to live in this country and raise your family here, speak the language!"

    This morning it was cold, now it's warm. I think I might change into a lighter shirt.

    Did a 45 minutes pilates DVD today. Tomorrow I'll do some yoga then take the etremepump class.

    jane - (((hugs)))))

    mrsjayBob - welcome. It doesn't matter when you found us, that you did is what's important. We're so glad that you did.

    I made some brownies for when Jessica comes down here this weekend and put them in the freezer. I also made some low fat oatmeal raisin cookies. Gail - like you, they're too tempting. I will take some to mahjongg and the rest one of the girls can take home (she previously mentioned that she was running out of cookies), siome for two of the gyms that I go to and the rest in a baggie to send to Bryan.

    It's a bit warm out, now it's raining. It's supposed to be in the 70's tomorrow. But then on Tuesday it's supposed to be in the 50's. Mother Nature can't make up her mind....lol

    moxie - wow! your dh was having allergies from the eggs in the stores. Never heard of that, but I certainly can believe it. Bet your eggs taste much better anyway.

    Rori - oh, how I love Bonefish Grill!

    March goal -- forget it!!!

    Going to go take a shower and get ready for tomorrow. Hope everyone had a great day.

    Michele in NC
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,131 Member

    :flowerforyou: I'm just checking in briefly to say that we now have new plants in the front yard thanks to Jake and fewer weeds, thanks to me.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington
  • junekaatz
    junekaatz Posts: 119 Member
    :flowerforyou: Happy Easter my lovely ladies!:flowerforyou:

    An entire week of warm weather, downspouts sounding like babbling brooks, small rivers running down driveway to the street, the great glaciers that covered the landscape are slowly receding, revealing scraps of boggy lawns and the mounded brown edges of the garden. Tiny noses of hope; hyacinths, narcissus, tulips and daffodils, each are timidly poking through the soil to see if the long bleak winter is in retreat. It is a lull; we know that yet we beg to hope that we have seen the last of the snow and cold. Ha! It is barely April, still considered a winter month in these parts.

    Filled with anticipation I put my chair out in the sun on a newly cleared space in the snow of the back yard and sit and read, yes, jacketed and mufflered, I inhale the rays of the sun like some life-affirming elixir. Squirrels are stretching their legs and chasing each other along the tops of the fences, thousands of waxwings are a surging ribbon across the sky in the search for mountain ash trees, their ‘tavern’ stops along the way on their trip to the summer cottage.

    While the Easter feast is in the oven, I have turned off the furnace and opened the house for a thorough airing out and the Royal Miss Cinnamon Buns has woken to sense a change in the air. As I sit and read she pokes her nose out of the door, eyes blinking against the brilliant sunlight, a few steps forward and she drops to the concrete trilling and rolling back and forth as if to assure herself this is real. It is kitty, enjoy this intermission.

    If we are lucky we will be rid of the last foot of snow within the week (hahaha), be given a vision of the yard-work ahead of us before the next white blanket descends. It has been a lovely Easter, good Friday being the best with a surprise morning visit from my BIL and SIL who are out from Abbotsford , B.C. for a birthday/farewell for a family member, a time to say their goodbyes.

    :laugh: The evening brought my nieces and great nieces, the younger two being a set of whirling dervishes ages 4 and 6! None were shy and the 4yr old made straight for the cat on the sofa, nose to nose. Why little Calleigh was delighted with her find, C.B. was less so and streaked out of there post haste. It was a game of ‘find the cat’ for half the night. They stayed for four hours and didn’t stop moving the entire time! For a while they latched on to their cousin, my son, used him as a climbing tree and he had them hopping to his Xbox KInect (a form of WII). For that little time of quiet time, I am so grateful as I talked to my lovely nieces as I have never been able to talk before. They have grown into such wonderful women. A big hug from each at the end of it all and the little one said, “I going to miss you so much! Will you show me how to do those things you make?” She was referring to the flannelette pajamas I make them every Christmas. So precious I wanted to keep them but know full well, after a week I would be giving them back out of sheer exhaustion! Lol!

    Easter dinner itself was pretty quiet, I ate very little as for the past two days I have felt like I have been kicked in the stomach by a mule and don’t dare wander too far from the throne room. Hope I am over this soon, this is quite unpleasant!

    Hope you all had a wonderful Easter!:flowerforyou:

    Kate, in sunny:glasses: (for the moment) Alberta
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member

    How wonderful. I'm glad to hear you're having such a good experience raising chickens.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,131 Member
    :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: I am headed for bed early, so here is the link to the new thread for April


    I can't wait to hear from all of you tomorrow

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington where we finally changed from flannel sheets to plain cotton.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    ok ladies, I can't even begin to catch up! So I will start fresh here. The last 2 weeks have been awful. i have been way too busy at work but that's every year at this time. But I teach Monday then the others teach for a couple of weeks so that gives me a break other than clinical. This week clinical is easy...Operating room tomorrow and service learning Thursday. So I'll get half of each day in my office to get some work done. I did make one decision that will help. I'm picking my daughter up earlier now. I used to make her go to homework club from 3:30-4:30 so I'd get her then, but we wouldn't get home til 5. So now I'm going to be getting there between 3:30 and 4, which will help a ton. It was getting to where after I got home, exercised, ate, showered, I had no time to work on the books, so I am way behind.

    I am leaning towards having the surgery for Benny. We saw the surgeon yesterday who thought being proactive and taking his gallbladder out now while he is well is a much better option than waiting until he's really sick again.

    I think I told you about our new fitness challenge at work where you get points for things like eating fruit and veggies, exercising, volunteering and spiritual activity. Well, I am the first person to get to 100 points so I get a prize tomorrow! Even though I haven't been here much in the last 2 weeks and I'm eating too much, I have pretty much kept up my exercising and eating habits, so the points really added up fast! The committee people were really surprised; I guess no one else is even close! Woo hoo so I'm doing something right anyway!

    Work continues on the garage. We have an entire wall of large heavy-duty shelves, a workbench, and two large wall-mounted cabinets that are up. We have been putting things on the shelves, trying to keep similar things together and we have been going through the auction stuff and also condensing boxes (22 boxes went out with the recycleables today) and you can actually see part of the floor! I will be able to park inside in a couple of days. Hallelujah! I'm sure the neighbors will be glad when our driveway does not look like a used car lot! We have been totally amazed at the stuff we are finding. 12 of everything because we never can find stuff so we buy more!

    The weather is finally starting to warm up slowly; it was in the 40s today. This is a really slow-moving spring! Well ladies, I need to get something accomplished, so I promisse to be back tomorrow! Meg
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Good morning ladies.

    I've been MIA from the boards for a few due to being super busy at work. Only got a couple of minutes now, but wanted to say hello to you all in case you forgot about me!

    No time to catch up with the posts, that will have to come later I'm afraid.

    Have a great day if possible please.

    Love to all.
    Amanda x
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,131 Member