jazzy1129 Member


  • Look at you woman! You look gorgeous! I am so proud of you! <3 Your best fran :-)
  • With this site, one thing is for sure..... you are NOT alone! There is always someone on at all hours of the night, and I bet willing to show support. You will do great.
    in Hello! Comment by jazzy1129 July 2011
  • This is a good idea. 1. My amazing little boys! 2. My family and friends. 3. The new church I went to today. 4. The beautiful house that I have to come home to. 5. My stubborn but yet amazing husband. 6. Getting approved for my temporary license. 7. Starting my new job on Tuesday! 8. My mother, she is the best. 9. God. 10.…
  • The only way to accurately determine how many calories you are burning is a heart rate monitor. Wear it while you are at work and see what it says.
  • Everyone is different, but I was advised by a doctor to only weigh once a week for multiple reasons. 1) it becomes a obsession $ 2) your weight does fluctuate from day to day . So I try to weigh no more than 2 a week usually on Sundays and Wed. When I do weigh, I am completely naked and its right after I have went to the…
    in Weigh In! Comment by jazzy1129 July 2011
  • You should take in a minimum of 1200 calories a day before exercise. I am lucky if I do that. Sometimes I find it hard to get in 900 but I think that is why I have such a difficult time losing weight. After so long of staying under 1200, your body will go into starvation mode. Unfortunately that happens to me too often.
  • WOW! Way to go! You look amazing. Great job!
  • I agree. Put it all in the recipe builder and then divide it up
  • This site will help you so much. I would recommend if you have a smartphone to download the app. Its handy and helps with making the right decisions when going out to eat.
  • It took me about a month before I started noticing. Are u doing measurements? There was a point when I first started that I was losing no weight but was losing inches.
  • Thats great! I cant wait to get to that point. I am so excited. You should be so proud of yourself! Keep up the good work!
  • Cause who knows how far you will go?? What kind of statement is that? You got this and you will reach your goal!
  • Sounds like you are on the right track now! Way to go on the loss. You can do this with the right mind set and I believe you have it. Keep up the good work!
  • I had the same problem until i downloaded myfitnesspal app to my phone. Then I would look up every restaurant and see what I could eat and not feel guilty about later. Now after having the app for a few months, I am down 31 pounds and still enjoy going out to eat with friends and family. I just make healthier choices.
  • Thats awesome! Congrats!
  • I am in the same situation you are minus the breast feeding. I have had two c-sections and have that little flap; however, I have noticed with the more weight that goes off, the smaller the flap gets. I just started yesterday trying to tone, I am hoping that works. As for Zumba, it is great. I have it for WII and love it.…
  • Portion control, drink plenty of water, and exercise... You have to be dedicated and committed to wanting to lose weight in order to succeed. Sounds like you are on the right track!
  • Yes you can. I think just drinking water is the main goal. I buy the flavored packs to mix in mine.
    in Water? Comment by jazzy1129 July 2011
  • You guys will do great! Thats what we are all here for, a support. Have a goal set in mind and go for it. Dont get discouraged if you dont see results right away. Sometimes it takes longer than we want. Good luck!
  • Whats your calorie goal? Sometimes staying under is not always best. That could put your body in starvation mode, which may actually make you gain weight. When exercising, try changing up your routine. Our body will get used to the same routine, and may not show results. Also, if you are lifting weights that could cause…
    in Stalemate Comment by jazzy1129 July 2011
  • Yes that is normal. Did you measure yourself in inches prior to starting the workout program? Sometimes you will lose inches and not any weight. Keep up the good work. You may not see the results just yet, but it wont be long.
    in exercise Comment by jazzy1129 July 2011
  • You can do it! I just graduated PN and start RN in the Spring. Starting in Spring, I have to wear the White scrobs :/ but I think I can pull it off
  • What about breaks and lunch? Is there some where you can walk during those times? Maybe walk up and down stairs, or walk around the building or even go outside and lap the parking lot
  • Sounds like it could have been water weight or maybe your losing inches instead of pounds. Have you measured yourself to see if you have lost inches? You claim that your pants were falling off, if so that is a good indicator. With you doing the kind of work your described, you are building muscle. Building muscle leads to…
  • I am the same way with Diet Dr. Pepper. I eventually stopped drinking them for about 2 to 3 weeks and experimented with different flavors of water. Then I started allowing myself so many a day.
  • I would suggest the same. Change up your workout routine. If you been walking, you might try jogging. Just something different. Your body may have adjusted to the work out you are currently doing. I dont know what your calorie intake is set too, but you might be able to adjust it as well.
  • I would also love to have that... who doesnt love it lol
  • You can do it. Dont get discouraged if you start lifting weights and gain at first, that does tend to happen. I would recommend some cardio along with weight lifting. I am not a gym person so I bought Zumba for my WII and watched what I ate, within about 5 week I had lost 27lbs just doing that. But you could replace Zumba…
  • Feel free to add me if you would like. I also agree that if you have a smartphone, you should download the app. I had a smart phone, but didn't know about the app therefore, I would only use it on my good days. As we all know, that don't work. Since I downloaded my app, I log everything. Sometimes I will plan my whole day…
  • I normally gain 2-3 lbs the week before I start, but lose that by the time it is finished plus some... I have gotten to where during that time frame, I dont weigh until afterwards because I still find it discouraging.