Looking for some support

Hi All,

I realize there are a bazillion of these posts. . . I have been on MFP since February. Usually I do it for a few days and then stop logging my food when I eat poorly (usually after work) and trail off for a few weeks until the self esteem drops low enough to get back on the band wagon. I am looking for some friends to keep me accountable and I will try to do the same for them while providing support along the way!


  • MB1967
    MB1967 Posts: 94 Member
    You can never have too many friends, count me in!

    Love the picture...
  • sche1amy
    sche1amy Posts: 86 Member
    Feel free to add me. I am always looking for new people to chat with about weight and other issues!
  • ywolfie
    ywolfie Posts: 76 Member
    If you have a smart phone, the MFP app will be your greatest ally!! Everytime I do anything or put anything in my mouth, I log it in. Looking at that everyday, in my face, makes me personally accountable of all I do and eat. You have to log into MFP to get support but with the app, all you gotta do is look at your phone.
  • noturmom
    noturmom Posts: 18
    Awesome to meet ya! Add me, I love talking about fitness with my pals! :)
  • AngieM76
    AngieM76 Posts: 622 Member
    Feel free to add me. You can never have too much support!!
  • AnnaLeigh85
    AnnaLeigh85 Posts: 16 Member
    Welcome Back! I was the exact same way until something finally clicked for me in December. I have been going strong since then. It has helped me to stick pictures of me from my smaller days in places so help remind me to stay strong and remember what we are working for. You can do it!
  • Just added you--always happy to find new friends on here! :)
  • jazzy1129
    jazzy1129 Posts: 39 Member
    Feel free to add me if you would like. I also agree that if you have a smartphone, you should download the app. I had a smart phone, but didn't know about the app therefore, I would only use it on my good days. As we all know, that don't work. Since I downloaded my app, I log everything. Sometimes I will plan my whole day of eating the night before or the morning of. Since using the app consistently, I have lost 29lbs. I got 11 more lbs to go and I will be at my goal weight. :-)
  • skinnybearlyndsay
    skinnybearlyndsay Posts: 798 Member
    I agree...having the MFP app on my phone has kicked me inthe butt once or twice. It's made me look at any restaurant's websites before I go out so I can plan ahead. Feel free to add me as a friend...we all need the support! :)