Hello my name is Katie and i'm addicted to Diet Coke

It's true, I'm addicted to diet coke! I love the taste and i love the caffeine! Problem is, i drink way, way too many a day. I know, i know, bad bad bad!

My question for all of you is this: how did you get past your diet coke addiction? What do you find is a good substitute?

I will say that i get on water kicks here and there so I'm not looking for water (lots and lots of water) as an answer.

Thanks everyone!!


  • Missylydia
    Missylydia Posts: 304 Member
    Meh, you get used to the water. Honestly.
  • italiansweetheart
    italiansweetheart Posts: 24 Member
    I am with you katie, I will say I have cut back some, and am trying to get more water in me but it tough!! Hang in there, us Diet Coke girls get through it!!
  • abbie017
    abbie017 Posts: 410
    Honestly, I just limit myself to one can a day. Some people on here are adamant that you shouldn't have any form of soda, but I'm not going to deprive myself of something I enjoy! Just make sure to drink a little extra water to even it out.
  • squishycow7
    squishycow7 Posts: 820 Member
    I was addicted too... well, to diet PEPSI :)

    I quit by drinking (guzzling) water, often adding crystal lite for flavor. flavored seltzers are good too. or you could try polar's orange dry soda (the diet is only 15 cals and delicious), which at least is slightly better for you!

    but whenever I wanted one I would make myself chug an entire water bottle... then if I reeeeeally still felt like it (not often, since that makes you full) I'd let myself. but honestly I'd take so long to drink the water that I'd forget about the craving, lol
  • suzyq584
    suzyq584 Posts: 21 Member

    I've done Crystal Light before....seems to help a little.
  • jazzy1129
    jazzy1129 Posts: 39 Member
    I am the same way with Diet Dr. Pepper. I eventually stopped drinking them for about 2 to 3 weeks and experimented with different flavors of water. Then I started allowing myself so many a day.
  • 73vanessa
    73vanessa Posts: 50 Member
    It's true, I'm addicted to diet coke! I love the taste and i love the caffeine! Problem is, i drink way, way too many a day. I know, i know, bad bad bad!

    My question for all of you is this: how did you get past your diet coke addiction? What do you find is a good substitute?

    I will say that i get on water kicks here and there so I'm not looking for water (lots and lots of water) as an answer.

    Thanks everyone!!

    I just don't see how anyone can be addicted to Diet Coke.... it is the worst tasting softdrink out on the market....lol

    Water, water, water, water, water oh and maybe more water :laugh:
  • ..I am addicted to Diet Dr. Peper..and NORMAL mt.dew!! Diet dr. pepper is replacing mt. dew though..ah! I love the bubbles..the feel as the go down your throat!! lol

    As a substitute..I'm drinknig waster with MiO in it...the strawberry watermelon is my fav..I think because of the sweetness it adds :)

    Good luck!!! I'm down to one -two carbonated goodness-es a day!! :) You can do it! ;)
  • ak_in_ak
    ak_in_ak Posts: 657 Member
    I believe there is coke flavored stuff you can put in water, Mio might make some. Start by limiting yourself to maybe 2 a day and go from there. Imagaine all the money you will save, you could put it in a jar and save up for a shopping spree. I would also say try to get more sleep, it will be hard but caffine addiction will really mess with your body.
  • Try drinking sparkling water while you work on decreasing or kicking your soda habit. That will at least give you the carbination. I think cutting back to one a day is very important too! Good luck!
  • 4lafz
    4lafz Posts: 1,078 Member
    For many years I drank six packs of real Coke everyday! About five years ago, I finally found something that I liked that I drank instead. It took lots of trial and error. Mine was Propel. I then graduated to real water - all day long - I feel it when I don't have it! I still have an occasional Propel or Fuze Slenderize. Never liked the carbonated waters. Just pick up a few things to try each time you go to the grocery store and start experimenting. Start by substituting one serving, then onto two, etc. You can do it!
  • Postlethwaite
    Postlethwaite Posts: 90 Member
    Read some articles about aspartame :) If that don't scare the pants off you, cutting back and substituting some of your drinks with other options can help. Water, naturally is the best thing, but since you KNOW that already, how about a bottle of perrier.. fizzzzyyyyyy.. with a half cup of fruit juice mixed in.. cranberry.. orange.. you pick.
  • lkwalker71
    lkwalker71 Posts: 131 Member
    Me too but I am getting better. I like both Diet Coke and Diet Pepsi. Trying to limit myself to one first thing in the morning (I don't like coffee or tea) and one with dinner. Weekends are usually worse. I drink water, Crystal Light and any other sugar free mix ins.
  • kleavitt1992
    kleavitt1992 Posts: 592 Member
    It's true, I'm addicted to diet coke! I love the taste and i love the caffeine! Problem is, i drink way, way too many a day. I know, i know, bad bad bad!

    My question for all of you is this: how did you get past your diet coke addiction? What do you find is a good substitute?

    I will say that i get on water kicks here and there so I'm not looking for water (lots and lots of water) as an answer.

    Thanks everyone!!

    lmfao i feel like your thing was talking to me because "hello my name is katie and im addicted to diet coke too " lol
  • freebird240
    freebird240 Posts: 33 Member
    here is a article I was reading today.. not trying to scare you, but if your trying to lose weight diet soda can make it worse and you will not see great result as fast as you like....
    Diet soda may be making you fat

    try the flavored waters thats carbonated it might help switch things a little or italian sodas.. add your own flavor. hope this helps everyone...
  • mill1295
    mill1295 Posts: 120 Member


    Artificial sweeteners are bad for you. Try unsweetened ice tea or flavored soda water with nothing in it. Trader Joe's sells it with lemon and it is quite tasty.
  • I'm exactly the same i'm so addicted it's untrue... My mom is always telling me how bad it is for me...

    I tried to stop drinking it but ended up getting really painful headaches.

    I've now brought cans instead of 2L bottles... as i think you can really see how much you're drinking..

    If anyone understands how difficult it is, it's me...

    I'd love to only drink water but can't seem to tackle it....

    However reading these replys I'm going to try and do what one suggested by having a large glass of water first and if im still thirsty then have a can..

    Hope you find something that works for you too x x
  • cutie2b
    cutie2b Posts: 194 Member
    When I kicked my coke habit (not diet), I probably drank a ton of fruit juice for the first few weeks to a month to help with the cravings. I also drank flavored sparkling water without sugar or artificial sweetners (seltzer water or club soda with flavors), because I like the fizz and the flavors over plain water. I also drank a lot of Sobe Water made with stevia. And I avoided all caffeinated drinks to try to get rid of the caffeine addiction, but allowed myself some dark chocolate when the headache got too bad or I was really craving it. After a couple of weeks, those cravings went mostly away. I still had problems walking by the coke displays at the checkout lines of the supermarket for about 6 months. It's been a year now, and now I really don't miss it and I drink much more water then I used to. I don't drink as much juice. I still like sparkling water. Whole foods has some good sparkling water with different flavors. Good luck! This can be very hard. I tried several times before I finally succeeded. Oh, and I never ever have even one regular coke now, because for me the addiction was so bad that even one now would get me hooked again.
  • SkinnyBitchMode19
    SkinnyBitchMode19 Posts: 34 Member
    Thanks for all the answers and motivation!!

    I am going to be going to the store after work and planting myself in the tea/sparkling water isle to see what i can find!

    Fingers crossed :smile:
  • fatkidlovescake
    fatkidlovescake Posts: 66 Member
    I'm another diet coke addict, I can't remember the last time I went a day without diet coke - really sad I know.
    I'm trying to replace some of it with sugar free squash / cordial and sparkling flavoured water and it's going pretty well - I make sure I'm getting my daily water in as well as the diet cokes!
    Another substitute is lilt zero and fanta zero for me - they're still full of rubbish but without the caffeine from diet coke.
    PS. Good luck giving it up!! I may see how long I can go without a diet coke, see how hard it really is as I haven't even thought about giving it up in years!!!