sbom1 Member


  • 59 years old, and same story as many have cited... Harder and harder to lose, rebound to even higher weight. Had full lab work up done, thyroid OK, cortisol OK, not insulin resistant or pre diabetes. Vit D very low, cholesterol high (already knew). Started on vit D and estrogen gel. Hope to see some results from diet and…
  • Sorry May to hear about your in-laws. Tough situation-we'll be facing it soon with my Mom and step-Dad. They were just here visiting us at our beach place and he is deteriorating more and more....
  • Hello everyone, quick note. Enjoying the visits with family but my back has gotten worse. Incapacitating on some days/nights, getting very little sleep. Went to the local urgent care yesterday. Got xrays-disks/vertebrae look fine so he put me on steroids and a new muscle relaxant. His wife has identical symptoms when she…
  • We'll miss you Chris! Update on my back, much better! Still tender but most of the cramping pain has gone and I can get around pretty well. Survived the long plane ride! Hope everyone is doing well.
  • Good Monday morning, thanks for the good wishes about this darn back. Not really any better but Doc has called in some muscle relaxants which I hope will do the trick. Stomach is not happy with all the anti-inflammatories and I'm as puffy as the Michelin Man. Just over 2 days before we leave and I feel a bit bad I can't…
  • Oh good, glad he spoke up! Back is slightly better today but I need to get over this before boarding a plane for 9 hours on Wednesday!! So puffy and swollen from the anti inflammatories and the scale is up 2 pounds today, sigh. At least I know what it is from. Good fasting day yesterday. Have a good rest of the weekend…
  • Fasting day, just over 500 cals. Miserable back pain and cramping leg pain :-(, old injury flare-up. Been flat on my back most of the day.
  • Fasting day, just over 500 cals. Miserable back pain and cramping leg pain :-(, old injury flare-up. Been flat on my back most of the day.
  • What did he say about your BUN, blood urea nitrogen, a measure of kidney and liver function, which can be elevated due a myriad of things including many drugs, high protein intake or muscle wasting? Agree, hard to compare the lipids since on/off meds.
  • Welcome Kitnthecat, This is a fine place to get it all out! Very supportive group. Kudos on what you have accomplished and on your goals! 2nd fast day of the week for me ladies, went well again. I am enjoying this! Have a ton of energy, surprisingly. Starting our countdown before our big 5 1/2 month trip, less than a week…
  • Woo Hoo! I agree, slow is fine; stall not fine. Fast day again for me today, going for 3 this week. Down a pound after the loooong stall and feeling good.
  • tried on a bunch of golf skorts that had gotten snug end of last year; fit just fine now!
    in NSV's Comment by sbom1 March 2015
  • No, intentional have upped carbs and more moderate macros (was 5, 75, 20)
  • Good fasting day yesterday. And enjoying my coffee with coconut oil this morning! Have a good one ladies.
  • Feel better soon!
  • Forgot to report on my first week of intermittent fasting results-down a pound!!!! Ate low carb, 3 days of fasting (each day around 500 cals).
  • Glad you're back-sorry about last week; hang in there!
  • Ditto radiii. almost none since starting Magnesium.
  • I agree somewhat as far as a fast but part of it is also (you may not be a believer and I'm not going to debate it) reducing the overall intake of calories over the course of the week. So if you just skip breakfast and then eat as normal, you really aren't "getting the safe effect." IMO.
  • Here's how I view it...I count my fast from end of dinner Sunday night (for example) until I break-fast at around 2:30-3pm on Monday-only water, coffee, tea with small splash of white stuff or broth; I read several references stating that for women 18 hours fast seems to be ideal for fat loss (sorry don't have them at…
  • Hey good scale and non-scale victories ladies!!! Completed a good fast day today with dinner of roasted chicken, steamed broccoli with touch of butter and mashed cauli with touch of boursin cheese. 3rd fast day this week-fairly easy. 475 cals today.
  • Hi Shades and Granny! I know we must have a lot of lurkers out there...come on chime in and let us know how you're doing/what you're doing. No haters here (wow some of the threads lately...)
  • How is everyone? Thread is buried way down the list! Another successful fasting day for me on Wednesday and a big calorie day yesterday (due to the champagne dinner I went to last night!) and weight this week is trending down!!! Another fast day scheduled for Saturday; I won't do 3 days each week but when I can, if things…