KellyyT Member


  • i picked 1.5 lbs/week, but i average about 1.65 lbs lost per week. i eat back only 50-75% of my exercise calories back, so i'm losing faster than MFP is predicting.
  • i got mine off groupon, so if you check pretty regularly, they usually have one for sale. i saw one last week, i think. i got a cuisinart one for around $15 and i love that thing!
  • do you weigh and record every single thing that goes in your mouth? yes, you're supposed to eat a lot of veggies and fruit, but if you over-do it and eat TONS of it, you'll still gain or maintain your weight. even though i've been doing this for 4 months and can eyeball serving sizes, i still sometimes have to break out my…
  • fit into my "skinny" shorts! i've always been hippy, and wore a size 9 even at my lightest weight of 135 lbs. i'm almost 20 lbs heavier than my "skinny weight" (even though i've lost 25 lbs so far) and can fit into the 9's again! with NO MUFFIN TOP! WHOO! i'm barely over the halfway mark, but the fat must have…
  • you've misunderstood the concept. your calories eaten should be less than calories burned, yes. but your body needs calories to function normally as it is, to breathe and make your organs work. you should never eat less than 1200 calories, per MFP. at your height and weight, i'm guessing MFP places you at 1200 cals per…
  • Don't worry about the binge! and always, always, ALWAYS be honest with your food log! just because you didn't log, doesn't mean you didn't eat it! don't lie to yourself or your log, and you'll know where the numbers are coming from! i had 23 calories today BEFORE i had dinner, and still chose to have the leftovers of fried…
    in binge help. Comment by KellyyT July 2013
  • If you keep losing the weight, your thighs will get smaller. If you go to the gym, I do the hip abduction/extension machines. It's the one where you either push in or push out with your thighs while sitting! Do it super slow going in and out and it'll burn like no other! My thighs don't touch as much and they look better…
  • That's a really lofty goal, and to avoid disappointment, you might want to make a mini goal and try first for that! Saying 50 lbs right out of the gate, especially if that's your ultimate weight loss goal, is hard to tangibly think about! Makes it seem harder than it is. Now til Oct, losing 2 lbs a week max for 10 weeks…
  • That's probably one of the saddest things I've ever read. OP obviously already has enough issues on her own without you adding to it! Anyway. Stop thinking about making him jealous and start thinking about making yourself happy! If you think youre overweight, then lose the weight. If you just want to lose it bc you're…
  • depending on how tall you are, and how much you weigh currently, 1200 could actually be just fine. all that stuff about "not losing on 1200" is a load. tons of people on MFP are set at 1200 and are losing weight just fine, myself included. i lose about 1.5 lbs per week. anyway, you might feel like you're starving initially…
  • you are not alone. i've been at work since 11pm last night! still here.. stuck for another 2 hours! and back again tonight and for the next 2 after that! the joys of working the midnight shift.
  • i STILL get the sesame or general tsao's chicken! skip the egg roll, but gimme my fried rice! and hot and sour soup! this is a lifestyle change, not a diet! i could never in my life say i'd give up deep fried, drenched in sauce, chinese food! so give yourself what you want, but in moderation! i can NEVER finish my entire…
  • probably the ONLY benefit of gaining weight, was that my boobs looked fabulous! i loveee being thinner, but i loved how my girls looked when i was overweight! but a little push-up nowadays def doesn't hurt! and i shop like crazy! i've always been a crazy shopper though because i love it! i buy mainly tops and dresses. but…
  • unless you are extremelyyyy overweight, i'm gonna say no, that's probably not possible. and once you focus more on your studies, you might gain back some of that weight, fyi. especially if you don't continue your weight loss habits and working out. losing weight and MFP is more of a lifestyle, not really a quick fix and…
  • the fact that you couldn't control yourself and ate 1.5 hersheys bars isn't what concerns me. but the fact that you chewed it ALL up and spit it ALL back out, is more concerning. it sounds like more of a mental thing than you think. it makes me think of the elephant in the room, and that the next step is binge eating, and…
  • how much are you burning per work out that you've been "negative net for over 2 MONTHS"?? the lowest MFP will allow you to go is 1200, so unless you're burning over 1000 every day, or not eating anything, i wonder if you're tracking correctly. if it's a gym day, i usually net negative until i have dinner. because i work…
  • agreed that walking totally counts! if i go shopping for 3 hours, i'm gonna log that bad boy as "leisurely walking" for 2 hours. but because i know some of that time was spent eating, standing, or waiting in line, i cut down the time. i typically walk through the mall like a crazy person though, so i know i'm going a lot…
  • i agree with just sticking with MFP. MFP was created to make your life easier; so why bother buying this or that gadget to muck it all up? if the food you're looking for has 12 different entries, there must be a middle-ground. never choose the highest or the lowest, and i tend to slightly over-estimate my portions, just to…
  • a little over 500 isn't bad at all! but if you really feel bad about it, cut down by like 75 cals per day the rest of your week or take a walk around the block a few times. i LOVEEE chinese food! i love buffets! it's nice because you can have a bite of anything you might want, and only eat the things you REALLY like and…
  • i just ate 1000 cals over my budget the other night! and i'm set at 1200, so that's pretty damn bad. haha. but i had THE BEST margaritas ever and a great dinner with my boyfriend. the next day, i said i'd go to the gym, but i never did! and i don't feel bad about it! i'll be back in the gym tomorrow or the next day and…
  • cheekbones and my chin came back for sure! all my weight goes to my face first and makes me look bloated, so they're the first to come and the first to go.
  • if you could become a registered dietician in 3 months per online courses, i'd love to see that in action! if it was as easy as that, i wonder why anyone go to school for 4+ years if they could have those degrees in hand in 3 months. don't bring yourself down to the level of the crazy "starvation-mode" obsessed quacks and…
  • i think MFP's exercise calories are pretty accurate. when i go on sites to calculate how many cals i burn, according to my weight and age and height, they're about the same. i eat back about 75% of my calories burned, because if i didn't, i'd probably be a big b**ch because i'd be starving! MFP's daily calorie estimate for…
  • you should have eaten before hand so you wouldn't have been starving all afternoon. that's usually when people lose control and tend to eat a bunch of crap they otherwise wouldn't have. you also could have brought an apple or even some carrots to much on later while you were watching the kids. there are always ways to…
  • Eat normal veggies and fruit. Same idea, low cal, and it'll be alot more filling than baby food. baby food is typically high sugar, sodium, and not all that nutritious, which is why babies tend to need formula or milk to supplement. you can eat a full cup of watermelon for around 50 cals. or a peach, banana, or apple for…
  • Working out is NEVER pointless. But it does depend how often you do this and what you consider to be a "binge". i also don't think if you over-eat your cals, and then put in an extra work-out or two to compensate, equates an eating disorder. if so, majority of the people on MFP have eating disorders, including myself. i…
  • i eat 1200 on days i don't exercise, ~1500 on days i do (2-3x/wk). i'm 5'4, 157 lbs and i lost 21 lbs in 3 months. i'm never starving unless i eat crap like ice cream cake (eg. last night) and can't get in a real meal. but then i exercise and can add ~400 extra calories, but only eat back MAX 75% of cals burned. my…
  • i say eat what you want if it's within your calorie goals for the day. why is it considered a cheat if you're within your goal, unless you ate 1500 cals worth of chocolate or ice cream? and a turkey sandwich?? your "cheat meal" sounds like a normal day to me! i don't have "cheat days" or "cheat meals" because i don't…
  • i'm all over this one! at my heaviest weight, i didn't think i was that big! nevermind that i couldn't fit into size larges anymore for most anything that wasn't stretchy! esp when all my friends are small/extra-smalls. they definitely make you look bigger in comparison. so a friend took pictures while we were out at a…
  • I'm game! :) i'm 5'4, 23 and started on MFP 3 months ago! love this thing! this is the first time in my entire life i've actually tried, or needed, to lose weight. of course i let myself balloon, but now i'm trying to get back on track! SW: 178 CW: 157 GW: 145 (wedding to attend!) UGW: 135 i just hit my first mini goal of…