Lose 50 by September/ October

I'm 200 pounds And I would really like to go down to about 150 by the end of October. Can someone help me or tell me what to do. I would really appreciate it.


  • trin8ty75
    trin8ty75 Posts: 60 Member
    I think 50lbs in 2-3 months is unrealistic. Set your goal to a more attainable level or you're just setting yourself up for discouragement and/or failure. I started at 203 and it took me 6 months to lose 50lbs
  • RoyBeck
    RoyBeck Posts: 947 Member
    Between now and the end of October is roughly 14 weeks? Even at 2lb per week, which is a safe loss, that's 28lbs. Personally I'd aim for 1.5 lbs per week but its upto you. 21lbs isn't a bad loss!!!!

    Good luck.
  • KellyyT
    KellyyT Posts: 41 Member
    That's a really lofty goal, and to avoid disappointment, you might want to make a mini goal and try first for that! Saying 50 lbs right out of the gate, especially if that's your ultimate weight loss goal, is hard to tangibly think about! Makes it seem harder than it is.

    Now til Oct, losing 2 lbs a week max for 10 weeks would be 20 lbs. That might be a better mini goal for you! Originally mine was 10 lbs, then 20 lbs. I've hit those so my next mini goal is 33 lbs by September 1st. Each mini goal gets a present! Presents to myself make me happy and give me a reason to keep going! Even tho losing weight is a gift in itself. :) consider everyone's thoughts before you get ahead of yourself! Good luck!
  • brianalynnx
    brianalynnx Posts: 25 Member
    That's a really lofty goal, and to avoid disappointment, you might want to make a mini goal and try first for that! Saying 50 lbs right out of the gate, especially if that's your ultimate weight loss goal, is hard to tangibly think about! Makes it seem harder than it is.

    Now til Oct, losing 2 lbs a week max for 10 weeks would be 20 lbs. That might be a better mini goal for you! Originally mine was 10 lbs, then 20 lbs. I've hit those so my next mini goal is 33 lbs by September 1st. Each mini goal gets a present! Presents to myself make me happy and give me a reason to keep going! Even tho losing weight is a gift in itself. :) consider everyone's thoughts before you get ahead of yourself! Good luck!

    What a great idea with the presents, I wish I had thought of that! I set my goal weight to lose 45lbs when I started a little over 3 1/2 months ago. I am now getting pretty close so the little presents wouldn't be nearly as rewarding to do them still :( But definitely a great idea!

    I do agree with the others, 50lbs in that amount of time is unlikely unless you go biggest loser style which wouldn't be very safe without the supervision they have. I would personally recommend trying to shoot for a 20-30 lb loss in that time, depending on how dedicated & active you want to be. The first 20lbs melted off of me quickly with just walking and eating right, but now it is getting much harder and I only lose 1-1.5lbs a week, but everyone is different :) Best of luck!