

  • Which one am I supposed to do? Thanks for the shoe suggestion. Mine are a little old. They are sports shoes but maybe not running shoes.
  • I've never been a runner, so that might explain. I'm glad to know it'll slowly go away. Thanks !!!
  • Happy Valentine's Day to everyone! Tough weekend. Weekends are so crazy I don't have time to count my calories. That plus a couple of glasses of wine (which makes you feel like you need chips with that), that's a recipe for disaster. I need to get my weekends under control.
  • Did good yesterday with my calorie count. Will do great today too, thanks to that stomach virus. No elliptical, it makes me feel like I am sea sick. Have a great weekend!
  • Sorry I have been away from MFP for a couple of days. I didn't have a really good weekend foodwise, but I am back on track. And today it looks like I have some kind of a stomach flu. I was at the gym yesterday night but after 10 min on the elliptical I had to run to the bathroom. And after that I came home and felt more…
  • Thanks! I think I used about the same resistance (gradually adding, up to 6 then down). Both ellipticals were set at the same incline (10) but it's true that at the Y I added some incline, but only up to 12 and only for 10 minutes, so I don't know if that made such a huge difference.
  • I got attacked by 2 chocolate brownies that were sitting on my countertop last night. They suddenly jumped on me and when I regained consciousness they had disappeared. :wink: I have no idea how many calories were inthose brownies. I checked on the food database and that could be between 150 and 600. Well, today's another…
  • Satring weight on this challenge: 172. This morning: 169.5 That's 2.5 lost since last week (and 4.5 since I started on MFP) My goal for next week is 167
  • :smile: Lindsay, First a big (mental) hug to you! Second: you are not alone, especially here. You have a lot of potential friends here, who all can relate to what you are going through and can tell you their story too. Feeling worthless, ashamed, all that, we feel it too, whether we have a lot or a little to lose. Even…
  • Definitely! For the second pregnancy, when my blood sugar numbers started to be a little high, I asked the Dr if I could start the diet right away. He said ttechnically there was no need to at that point since my blood sugar was not over the limit, but that he was encouraging me to do so because that was the healthiest…
  • When I was pregnant (11 and 13 years ago!) I had gestational diabetes both times. The first time, the dr asked me to see a dietician and I had to follow a diet that strictly measured my carbs and also, to a certain extent, my calories. I didn't gained much extra weight during my pregnancies (don't remember how much…
  • I started exercising today. 30 min on the elliptical + some weight machines. The gym was full of people, but we are goign to have a big snow storm, so I assume everyone thought like me: let's get our workout done before we are stuck in the blizzard. I can really feel my arms and those muscles in my back. The timing was not…
  • My report for today: Restaurant last night: I didn't mess up. I did not count my cals bc it would have been impossible. But I did what I had planned to do: no wine, only one slice of bread with no butter, ate only half of my dish. It was interesting to see my friend eating the entire bread basket and put a huge amount of…
  • Yesterday was right on the mark with my meals, but I have this nasty habit of "tasting" the kids' food when I cook for them. So that added a bunch of calories and I have no idea how much. At some point I realized what I was doing at took some chewing gum. That took care of the "impulse" eating. This morning the scale said…
  • Thanks to all of you for the suggestions and encouragements. I have tried to exercise in the past but always ended up quitting. Part of it because of a demanding job that has long hours, but mainly because I am self-conscious about my body. I am successful in many areas of my life and pretty self-confident, but anything to…
  • (get fitted for shoes then just run!).: sigh... if it was just that simple. I suck at running. Always did. Even when I was a rather fit teenager. But I'll give it a try. One minute at a time. Hope you enjoy your marathon on Sunday!!!
  • For goodness sake have chocolate! Just make sure you integrate it into your meal plan. My everyday breakfast is a cup of skim milk with splenda and unsweetened cocoa powder. And If it's not enough I repeat for afternoon snack. It's creamy, filling, and satisfying. Who said you could not have chocolate while trying to lose…
  • Good to hear from you! Yup, working a long day makes it really hard. I am going to take a "day off" on Saturday too. A friend and I are going to the opera and, as a ritual, we go have dinner afterward. He already made the reservation so I'll check the restaurant menu online and will think about decent choices. But I won't…
  • Yesterday was good. Stayed under 1300 cal, but not way under because DH brought home some enchiladas from a great mexican restaurant and I got a little of those. I resisted the cookies and cupcakes at my son's cub scout meeting. I don't really have a sweet tooth, but in the past I would just have grabbed a handful and ate…
  • I forgot this: add chopped red onion to the salad. BTW I just made the black bean soup for tonight's dinner and my kitchen smells diviiiiine!
  • In a soup: with vegetable broth, red peppers, red onions, cilantro, cumin, and one chipotle en adobo cut in little pieces. Sautee the veggies in a little bit of olive oil, add the spices, finally the broth. Not sure of the quantities but the soup should be a bit thick. Many recipes are available on cooking light or…
  • Tiff: great job! Hope your cold does not last too long. I got one of those chest colds back in November and it was nasty. I don't know how you could work out with it, but you did! Snacking while at home? I do that too, and for no reason at all. Just because I can and because the food is there. I am working at home right…
  • bslclay: you did great! Coming home after a long day of work is also a tough one for me. Hope you have the time to rest before working tonight!
  • Back in college I was sharing an apartment with 3 other girls and we decided to do the pinapple diet -- another detox fad. 5 days eating only pineapple for breakfast, lunch and dinner (and I know some were cheating). We've all had diarrhea like never before (and we had only one bathroom for 4!!!) I remember I could feel…
  • Day 3 was great from me. I stayed under 1300 cals. A nice side effect of eating healthier and less: I sleep like a baby, and my digestive track seems to work much better than before. How is everyone doing? Have a nice day 4!
  • Interesting: the food at my kids' school changed recently. Even my kids noticed it was healthier. Definitely more fruit and vegetables and less greasy stuff. If it comes from a federal mandate or from our school board, I don't know. It is a good change. Grokette: I also find the overuse of wrapping revolting.
  • Quote from article: "The in-store plan involves taking unhealthy salts, saturated fats, trans fats and sugar out of Wal-Mart store-brand products under the Great Value and Sam's Choice labels. The retailer also has pledged to lower prices on fruits and vegetables." Grokette, you started an interesting conversation. I…
  • Whipping the non-fat, no-sugar pudding cream for 2 minutes as recommended on the package. My right arm was hurting. That should earn you the right to a second half cup of pudding, right?
  • Great question! If you are talking about raw carrots and raw celery: yeah, I hate them too. But veggie are delicious if you cook them in certain ways. There are lots of cooking sites where you can type an ingredient and find great recipes (many are rated by people who actually used them so you knwo which recipes are best).…
  • Good morning, everyone! How did day 2 (yesterday) work? It worked for me. I stayed under my 1300 cal. I actually tried the food diary on this website and it is less complicated than I thought (i.e. more efficient than some other sites). It looks pretty accurate and includes recipes that I already use from cooking…
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