The "Just -Stick-To-Your-Goal" Challenge



  • Tiff: great job! Hope your cold does not last too long. I got one of those chest colds back in November and it was nasty. I don't know how you could work out with it, but you did!
    Snacking while at home? I do that too, and for no reason at all. Just because I can and because the food is there. I am working at home right now (until August) but I've been a good girl too lately.
  • bslclay
    bslclay Posts: 55 Member
    It's 4am and I am feeling soooo hungry. Im at work for another 3 hrs---yuck! I already ate the food I brought/planned for. Working a 16 hour shift really makes it hard to have a normal day... I can do it! I can do it! I can do it!

    BTW - I already know I am going to be over on Saturday and I am allowing myself to be-- no guilt. It's my mom's birthday party and a potluck. I will still make wise choices but I am not going to be counting calories as accurately... I would fail miserably if I didn't allow myself a day here and there. How does everyone else fit in celebrations into their weight loss goals?
  • Yesterday was good. Stayed under 1300 cal, but not way under because DH brought home some enchiladas from a great mexican restaurant and I got a little of those. I resisted the cookies and cupcakes at my son's cub scout meeting. I don't really have a sweet tooth, but in the past I would just have grabbed a handful and ate it, almost absentmindedly.
    Hope everyone is doing well!
  • OK! I'm in. My goal is to really stick to that 1270 calories a day that has been recommended for me. Even on weekends!

    I need to stop grabbing a bite here and there and not accounting for it. I've been trying for over a year and haven't lost a pound, so obviously I'm doing something wrong.

    I hope that writing and counting will do the trick!!! I need to be diligent and accountable!
  • It's 4am and I am feeling soooo hungry. Im at work for another 3 hrs---yuck! I already ate the food I brought/planned for. Working a 16 hour shift really makes it hard to have a normal day... I can do it! I can do it! I can do it!

    BTW - I already know I am going to be over on Saturday and I am allowing myself to be-- no guilt. It's my mom's birthday party and a potluck. I will still make wise choices but I am not going to be counting calories as accurately... I would fail miserably if I didn't allow myself a day here and there. How does everyone else fit in celebrations into their weight loss goals?

    Good to hear from you!
    Yup, working a long day makes it really hard.
    I am going to take a "day off" on Saturday too. A friend and I are going to the opera and, as a ritual, we go have dinner afterward. He already made the reservation so I'll check the restaurant menu online and will think about decent choices. But I won't be able to count my calories either. My goal then will be to refrain from stuffing myself. For example to eat only half of my food and take the rest home for the day after and limit myself to one slice of bread istead of half the basket.

    Good question about how to fit celebrations in all that. IMHO celebrations happen, that's life and it's a wonderful part of life, and there is no reason to be miserable and eat only carrot sticks while everyone enjoys a glass of wine and some great appetizer. Being in a weight loss program, whatever it is, does not mean not enjoying life and food, especially during celebrations with family and friends. But I think it means having a different attitude toward food during celebrations, like eating more slowly, enjoying food, eating less (= not stuffing oneself), and trying to eat only the best stuff at the buffet, the things you are really craving. I totally agree with you that anyone would fail if once in a while they would not be able to taste the food they really like. Your strategy of still making good choices is right on target: you don't count the calories (which would be impossible) but it does not mean you are not in control of what you are eating.

    Try to get some rest, if you can, before the party. I don't know about you but when I am tired, I pig out.

    I'll post on Sunday about my restaurant adventures:happy:

    Have a great day and a nice weekend.
  • Yesterday was right on the mark with my meals, but I have this nasty habit of "tasting" the kids' food when I cook for them. So that added a bunch of calories and I have no idea how much. At some point I realized what I was doing at took some chewing gum. That took care of the "impulse" eating. This morning the scale said the same thing as yesterday: 171.
    Restaurant tonight with a friend. I won't be able to count cals but will try to eat only half of my meal.
    Now I have to rush. I leave in 30 min and I will be gone all day but I'd love to know how you are doing!
    Have a healthy and fun weekend!
  • My report for today:
    Restaurant last night: I didn't mess up. I did not count my cals bc it would have been impossible. But I did what I had planned to do: no wine, only one slice of bread with no butter, ate only half of my dish. It was interesting to see my friend eating the entire bread basket and put a huge amount of butter of each slices. I didn;t say anything of course: he is a healthy guy, exercises a lot and eats healthy at home.
    One less pound on the scale this morning, so I'm at 170!
  • bslclay
    bslclay Posts: 55 Member
    I didn't count calories last night but I think I did ok. I took smaller portions and tried to be more aware of how my body was feeling. I felt very full after only eating a small amount. I am sure I still went way over though... The food choices were very rich but once in awhile is OK.

    I am back on track today! Now, if I could just get a break at work....
  • kizzy_muss
    kizzy_muss Posts: 585 Member
    SW: 177
    GW: 168.15 IBS (5% GW BY FEBRUARY 21)

    Exercise goals this week:

    -WALK @ LEAST 5000 STEPS
    -DRINK @ LEAST 64 OZ H20
    -STAY WITHIN 1200 - 1500 CALORIES

    -WALK @ LEAST 5000 STEPS
    -DRINK @ LEAST 64 OZ H20
    -STAY WITHIN 1200 - 1500 CALORIES

    -WALK @ LEAST 5000 STEPS
    -DRINK @ LEAST 64 OZ H20 ...
    Exercise goals this week:

    -WALK @ LEAST 5000 STEPS
    -DRINK @ LEAST 64 OZ H20
    -STAY WITHIN 1200 - 1500 CALORIES

    -WALK @ LEAST 5000 STEPS
    -DRINK @ LEAST 64 OZ H20
    -STAY WITHIN 1200 - 1500 CALORIES

    -WALK @ LEAST 5000 STEPS
    -DRINK @ LEAST 64 OZ H20
    -STAY WITHIN 1200 - 1500 CALORIES

    -WALK @ LEAST 5000 STEPS
    -DRINK @ LEAST 64 OZ H20
    -STAY WITHIN 1200 - 1500 CALORIES

    -WALK @ LEAST 5000 STEPS
    -DRINK @ LEAST 64 OZ H20
    -STAY WITHIN 1200 - 1500 CALORIES

    -WALK @ LEAST 5000 STEPS
    -DRINK @ LEAST 64 OZ H20
    -STAY WITHIN 1200 - 1500 CALORIES

    -WALK @ LEAST 5000 STEPS
    -DRINK @ LEAST 64 OZ H20
    -STAY WITHIN 1200 - 1500 CALORIES

    -Log all food every day.

    -Drink at least 8 glasses of water everyday.

    -Stay between 1200 - 1500 calories everyday
  • I started exercising today. 30 min on the elliptical + some weight machines. The gym was full of people, but we are goign to have a big snow storm, so I assume everyone thought like me: let's get our workout done before we are stuck in the blizzard.
    I can really feel my arms and those muscles in my back.
    The timing was not the best, and that's what I should work on: since I work home, I work very efficiently in the morning, so all my "efficient" hours were spent at the gym. And at night it's tough to fit exercise in my schedule because of the kids activities. I'll have to remind DH of this affordable treadmill he was admisring the other day at Sears. We have an elliptical but it makes a clunky noise so it's impossible to listen to the radio or anything of the kind while being on it. But if that blizzard continues until Wednesday, I guess I won't have any other choice than using it.
    Hope everyone is starting the week full of energy!
  • I got attacked by 2 chocolate brownies that were sitting on my countertop last night. They suddenly jumped on me and when I regained consciousness they had disappeared. :wink:
    I have no idea how many calories were inthose brownies. I checked on the food database and that could be between 150 and 600.
    Well, today's another day. The scale was not too angry at me this morning since I am 0.5 lb lighter. That could have been more. Too bad. That will teach me a lesson.
    Have a great day!
  • bslclay
    bslclay Posts: 55 Member
    Got a little lost... but here I am. Still being mindful but have felt too busy to track. I think I got discouraged when I weighed in on Tuesday and gained a little (less than a pound - but still). My goal was to lose 2 pounds. I know my TOM was not helping the goal but still the numbers were discouraging. I need to try to remember the number on the scale is not really as important as how I feel and how my clothes fit. Man it is hard to change my mindset when the belief is so hard-wired! I'm working on it...

    How is everyone else doing?
  • bslclay
    bslclay Posts: 55 Member
  • Hello?

    Sorry I have been away from MFP for a couple of days. I didn't have a really good weekend foodwise, but I am back on track.
    And today it looks like I have some kind of a stomach flu. I was at the gym yesterday night but after 10 min on the elliptical I had to run to the bathroom. And after that I came home and felt more tired than if I had actually spent an hr on the elliptical, which made my husband say that maybe the thought of exercising was just as exhausting as exercising itself :laugh:
    This morning my kids were not feeling really good either.
    Well, that should keep me away from food for a while...
    Hope everyone is doing well.
  • Did good yesterday with my calorie count. Will do great today too, thanks to that stomach virus. No elliptical, it makes me feel like I am sea sick.
    Have a great weekend!
  • Happy Valentine's Day to everyone!

    Tough weekend. Weekends are so crazy I don't have time to count my calories. That plus a couple of glasses of wine (which makes you feel like you need chips with that), that's a recipe for disaster. I need to get my weekends under control.
  • bslclay
    bslclay Posts: 55 Member
    You are not alone. I have the same problem on my days off which don't always fall on the weekend. I had a beer yesterday and could not believe it was over 200 calories! It was relaxing though.. Even though the chips and guac called my name;) Today is a new day! We can do it;)
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