The "Just -Stick-To-Your-Goal" Challenge

In the past (recent and not so recent) I tried challenges that propose to lose # pounds by a certain date and those challenges NEVER worked for me because I am a major procrastinator ("I'll start my diet later this week", "Oh, one month, I still have plenty of time...") and my problem now is to just STICK TO MY GOAL, which is to count calories and stay under 1300 cal. It's psychological: if I focus on losing weight, I don't stick to it; but if I focus on counting calories, it works.

So if anyone cares to join me, we can do this together and negotiate the difficult times together. If I am alone, well, at least posting here will keep me in check.

If you join, state your goal. It can be also counting cals, or going to the gym, or drinking # glasses of water. The idea is to stick to that goal every day for at least 4 weeks, that would be until February 21. Starting now!

Anyone interested?


  • bslclay
    bslclay Posts: 55 Member
    I am interested.

    1) Eat 1200 calories a day or be within allowed amount on work-out days.
    2) Work-out at least 3 times a week to equal or exceed 90 minutes
    3) Drink 8 8oz glasses of water everyday

    Ready. Set. Go!
  • AggieCass09
    AggieCass09 Posts: 1,867 Member
    I'm in need of help sticking to actually eating my NET 1200 calories! By doing this (and working out 6x a week), I'm hoping the weight does come off by my 1 year MFP anniversary on April 1, 2011 so that I hit minus 45 lbs from my start weight (140 lbs). I have been keeping an excel file where I mark off each morning where I have stayed AT my NET calories and/or exercised that has helped keep me focused, but hopefully having a group like this will also.

    Good luck on yall's goals.

    In summary:
    Cass, 24 female 5' 7", CW 158, GW 140 4/1/2011, Focus on eating NET 1200 calories!
  • lookinggreat
    Welcome aboard!
  • tiffsNEWlife
    Totally Interested! This is a great Idea!!!

    1)Follow advice of a personal trainer: Eat 1200 calories a day with one day 1400 calories to boost metabolism
    2) Exercise 5 days a week and burn at least 250 calories
    3) Watch my sodium intake
    4) Get at least 40g of fiber a day

    Thank you for this post!!
  • kgillikin
    kgillikin Posts: 191 Member
    Eating at least 1200 calories
    Waking up in the mornings to exercise and not hoping I can squeeze it in after work
    Drinking my water daily
    Keeping it up on the weekends and not going over
  • kgillikin
    kgillikin Posts: 191 Member
    Really you should eat 1400 cal one day a week to boost your metabolism?
  • AggieCass09
    AggieCass09 Posts: 1,867 Member
    Eating at least 1200 calories
    Waking up in the mornings to exercise and not hoping I can squeeze it in after work
    Drinking my water daily
    Keeping it up on the weekends and not going over

    I'm a 4:30 am gym-goer! You CAN get up in the gets easier over time :-)
  • lookinggreat
    Yesterday was day 1. I did not o over my 1300 cal (but did not get under either).
    How is everyone doing?
  • bslclay
    bslclay Posts: 55 Member
    I was under allowed amount, worked out, and drank my water. It was a good day!

    How are we going to be keeping track or this?

    I have joined challenges in the past but forgot about it and no one said 'Hey - what happened to you' so I just let it go. I am going to friend request those on this thread and hope that we can keep each other motivated... I know that would help me (or at least I hope it will). Any other ideas?
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    I am interested count me in.
    Goal #1 Stay at 1300 calories
    Goal #2 Drink all my required water and then some.
    Goal #3 Get down to my goal weight.
    Goal #4 Exercise everyday at least 30 mins. a day.
    Goal #5 Think positive whenever I can to reach these goals.
    Are we checking in everyday or once a week?
  • lookinggreat
    Shirley: welcome! Glad you can join us!

    bslclay: good questions. The idea of adding everyone as friends is a great one. I'll do that later today. I'd like to post every morning and ask how everyone is doing. I know that will keep me on track. I don't calculate my calories on this website though, using a small notebook goes faster for me. If you have other ideas, please let me know, you know this site better than I do.
    Have a great, successful day!
  • tiffsNEWlife
    Totally Interested! This is a great Idea!!!

    1)Follow advice of a personal trainer: Eat 1200 calories a day with one day 1400 calories to boost metabolism
    2) Exercise 5 days a week and burn at least 250 calories
    3) Watch my sodium intake
    4) Get at least 40g of fiber a day

    Thank you for this post!!

    So yeseterday was day one: How did I do? Well I ate my 1200 calories (under by 30) so that was great. I exercised yesterday burning almost 300 (really good). Sodium intake was over (not so wonderful) and I at about 37g of fiber. So day one was great!! Today is going well too!! I did my exercises, planned out my meals. A little under everything today. Need to find some more to eat. How is everyone else doing?

    Oh and on the 1400 calorie goal... I think I'm going to plan this for Friday's I exercise really hard on Friday since I don't have to work. So I figure I can add a couple extra calories in for the day!!
  • lookinggreat
    Let's check in every day to report about the day before. It can help al of us to stay focused... especially me!:wink:
  • bslclay
    bslclay Posts: 55 Member
    I have a good feeling about this group!

    I have done very well yesterday and today so far. I am worried about the next few days though... I am working two long days in a row, Wednesday is 930am-10pm and Thursday is 3pm-730am. I don't do this very often but my husband is not working and I need to pick up extra shifts whenever I can to pay the mortgage. Anyway, I plan on packing my meals and only eating what I brought but when it gets really busy and I get stressed (I work in a hospital doing crisis intervention/intake as well as art therapy), I want to grab junk like chocolate or something. I am going to try to stop myself in that moment of weakness and post something on here... Let's see how it goes;)
  • lookinggreat
    I have a good feeling about this group!

    I have done very well yesterday and today so far. I am worried about the next few days though... I am working two long days in a row, Wednesday is 930am-10pm and Thursday is 3pm-730am. I don't do this very often but my husband is not working and I need to pick up extra shifts whenever I can to pay the mortgage. Anyway, I plan on packing my meals and only eating what I brought but when it gets really busy and I get stressed (I work in a hospital doing crisis intervention/intake as well as art therapy), I want to grab junk like chocolate or something. I am going to try to stop myself in that moment of weakness and post something on here... Let's see how it goes;)

    I totally understand about these long days at work. I am sometimes in the same situation. The worst is not on the job when I keep busy, it's when I come home. I am so hungry I'd the entire refrigerator. For now -- lucky me -- I can work from home, at least until August. But I am sure I will have my temptation moments too.

    Packing your meals and planning your snacks ahead really helps, so you eat a little all the time and you are not hungry.
    Good luck!
  • lookinggreat
    Good morning, everyone! How did day 2 (yesterday) work?

    It worked for me. I stayed under my 1300 cal. I actually tried the food diary on this website and it is less complicated than I thought (i.e. more efficient than some other sites). It looks pretty accurate and includes recipes that I already use from cooking magazines. Yum!

    Have a nice day 3!
  • lookinggreat
    Day 3 was great from me. I stayed under 1300 cals.
    A nice side effect of eating healthier and less: I sleep like a baby, and my digestive track seems to work much better than before.
    How is everyone doing?
    Have a nice day 4!
  • bslclay
    bslclay Posts: 55 Member
    I made it through my first long day and stayed under 1200 and drank all my water! I was tempted to eat when I got home but I watched some mindless TV and then went to bed, resisting the urge. I kept thinking about this challenge too! It helped to keep me on track.

    Today is going well so far. Got to the gym and worked out. Packing my dinner and middle of the night meal which I am going to count as breakfast tomorrow (?). Anyhoo, things are going well! I weigh myself every two weeks so we will see on Tuesday...

    How is everyone else doing?
  • lookinggreat
    bslclay: you did great!
    Coming home after a long day of work is also a tough one for me.
    Hope you have the time to rest before working tonight!
  • tiffsNEWlife
    Yesterday wasn't bad. I went a little over on sodium again... but I drank all my water, plus some!! I was right at 1200 calories (1 calorie less) That was great!! I worked out... even though I didn't feel like it. I'm starting to come down with a nasty chest cold and my body feels like it wants to just rest. But I put in the DVD anyway! I had a challenge last night.... I got to work from home because of all of the bad weather. Usually when I'm at home all day and night is when I snack and lose track! I didn't as you can see above. So... All in all it wasn't bad!

    Today, chest cold is getting worse. Sat her in my chair for several minutes contimplating wether to do my exercises or a day early take me "rest" day. But, I didn't, I cut it down a little bit. Instead of doing a harder level I did a little bit easier. But still got a great work out in. Planned out my lunch and dinner and not doing to bad so far. Just need to figure out my snack for tonight at work. I feel that I'm doing pretty damn good!! I am really proud of myself lately, pushing through and making it work for me!!