sparklepants Member


  • PS sorry I haven't had time to go through all the thread (we are pre board meetings, or bored meetings as I like to call them....) just noticed that you have had a tatoo Erika!!! It's amazing!!!!!!!!
  • Hi de hi all!! :bigsmile: WOW!! Welcome to all the newbies!!!!!!! Turn my back for one week....haha!! I can't keep up!!! Hope you're all good??! I am still hungover so today's a bloomin' struggle I can tell you!!! :yawn: Anyway have decided to be ULTRA good for the next couple of weeks as i'm 'jetting off' to Brighton for…
  • Good luck Erika!! I'm sure you'll be fine :smile: I've got a similar situation this weekend!! :huh: Sadly mine doesn't involve any superfit men wearing fireman's boots!!!! :love: :laugh:
  • Oooh!! Fab PP!! That's such a fantastic feeling!!! Well done for sticking with it!! The amount of times I've not seen a change on the scales and just given up is ermmm...lots!! :embarassed: Good luck with tomorrow!!!! Ooooh yes do it! Put in for a half marathon!! Then we can all poke each other if we aren't training :laugh:
  • Hey Katherine! Hope all is ok with you too lovely :flowerforyou:
  • Awww, that's nice chic, doing it for a charity that means a lot to you will really help you get across the finish line :flowerforyou: When is your 10k? Do you do much running? Can defo help with training! Might be good to have someone else doing it too, then I'll HAVE to do it! hehe!! :bigsmile: Yes sign up! Sign up!!!!
  • Morning all!!! Happy Friday Eve!!! :drinker: Last night I bought myself some yummy fish and veg etc but just couldn't eat it?!! :huh: Still feel really bloated today?! Going to make me some porridge though cause I'm already SO TIRED!! Roll on Muscle Manipulation Saturday!! :heart:
  • Oooh well done!!! Hun...serrriously- I so wont be!! I need to train HARRRRD!!!! I've got so many friggin injuries I'll be lucky to finish!!!! You should defo sign up for it!! Not many charity place left I don't think! Do it nowwwwww!!!! xxx
  • Aww, that's pretty tough on your Nan. :frown: All you can do is be there for her, I bet she'll appreciate that :smile: Couple of hours! Well done you!!!! I'm useless at the gym without my iPod!!! (although I'm pretty useless with it, hehe!) Aww thanks hun :flowerforyou:
  • I think we'll have to agree to disagree on this one!! :happy:
  • I just would have thought it would be better to veer off of your macro path than eat KFC!! :wink:
  • Not a great example of 'healthy' foods though!! :noway:
  • I hear you... my boss is a complete *kitten* (should I be writing that on here?!!) Hope you get the one you want!!! I know I can can practically FEEEEEL Summer!! I am 'bare legin' it for the second day in a row!!!!! :glasses: :drinker: I'm going to Brighton at the end of May and I am SO excited about buying Summery clothes…
  • Word homegirl. Wow!! How did they go??! (what were they for?!!) I can't wait to get back to Jillian!! I'm going to have some muscle manipulation on Sat (OUCH!!) so hopefully I'll be good to go after that. HOPEFULLY. It's friggin' boiling in my office too!!!!! The hot weather makes me more determined, becaise I know I'll…
  • Oh Lee I'm so sorry :frown: Hope you're ok and if you want a chat I'm all ears :flowerforyou: Hope you managed to get to the gym last night? Sometimes the gym helps me massively if I'm having a rough time xxx
  • I'm a PA, hopefully soon (hahaha 'soon') to be Nutritional Therapist
  • MORNING!!! :flowerforyou: I'm in a FABBY mood today!! How are you all? Supposed to be lush weather today and tomorrow! Hooray!!!!! :drinker: Erika, did you have fun?? I hope you had a great big peice of cake and enjoyed every bit!!! I work on Pall Mall! So very close!!! Mimi- I was REALLY craving a cider apple lolly this…
  • Aww, have a lovely time Erika!! :) Where do you work? Karen, that does indeed count!! I used to live in North West Kent! Well done on not gaining! I know what you mean I really need to pull my socks up this week!! Neeeeeed to see a loss!!
  • Oh yeah!! She works quite near me actually!! Yeah back to it.... (apart from the 2 biscuits I just ate!! Aghhhhh!!! oops) Did you have a nice weekend Meems?
  • Bonjour, bonjour!! Happy Monday??! :grumble: I'm so friggin' tired today, but had a fab weekend!! I *may* have slipped a little ie. Chinese AND BBQ!!!!!! :embarassed: Ooops!! Although I didn't eat as much as I normally would!! Did you guys have a good weekend?? Welcome welcome new starters!! :flowerforyou: I don't think…
  • You too KP!!! Have a good one!!! :happy: :happy:
  • It's there M!! Happy Friday to you tooooooooooo!!! :drinker: WOOP!! I am LOVING your motivation!!!!!!!! I hope it's contagious?!!!!! :bigsmile: I've got the 30 day shred!!! I want to do it but I keep thinking I need to focus on the old running!!!! :grumble:
  • Have you tried wholemeal pasta? And brown rice?
  • Maybe you need to look at the balance of where you're calories come from ie your carb, protein & fat split
  • Fab!! Thanks for your help!!! The only problem I have is that my scales actually read mass I think, as appose to percentage! Do you know how I work this out? I can give you all my numbers if it helps?! Thank you SO much :o)
  • Carrie...I'm sure you've heard this cannot physically put on fat if you are eating less calories than you are 'spending'!! Don't worry chick!! xx
  • Hooray!!!! Payday Friday tomorrow!!!!! Well done on the gym and for being top of weight/inches lost!!! Fab!!! :drinker: I need to get running now, my hip and back are still slightly twingy but not too bad...and I'm starting to freak out about the run!!!
  • would be great if I understood them hey?!!!
  • Hey all!! This week is going SO SLOWLY!!!! At least it's Thursday tomorrow!! Glad you're feeling a bit better now Lee :smile: I have finally lost a pound!! Woop!!
  • Thanks Erickirb, it actually says muscle mass though as it gives water and bone too (not that I understand these! Ha!)