Team UK - April 2010



  • erikazj
    erikazj Posts: 2,365 Member
    I GOT MY YELLOW BELT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :drinker: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :drinker: :bigsmile:

    Well done Kendra! You must be really chuffed. :drinker:
  • sdscouser
    sdscouser Posts: 320
    I GOT MY YELLOW BELT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :drinker: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :drinker: :bigsmile:

    Excellent !!!
  • sparklepants
    sparklepants Posts: 149 Member
    Morning lovelies :flowerforyou:

    I am STILL feeling hungover from FRIDAY??!!!! How is that even possible????? *yawwwwwwn*

    How are y'all?!!

    Well done Kendra!! :drinker:
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    Kendra... WELL DONE!! :flowerforyou:

    Now im gonna have to put a stop to my crappy eating...:grumble:

    I had some serious binges over the weekend which im NOT proud of.. I KNOW i can do better.. I think i was bordem eating..

    Anyways i think i had a "lightbulb" moment this morning when i realised the following had changed with my body

    1. My boobs have gone up a cup size (Some people might actually appreciate this happening to them but i like being small)!
    2. Im avoiding putting on certain trousers because i know the button wont do up :grumble:
    3. My face has "puffed" out.. cheeks are resembling hamsters right now..
    4. My hips have gotten bigger
    5. my tummy is not firm anymore.. now has a constant food baby
    6. I feel like i have let myself go.. :explode:

    SOO... Now that i have had this realisaton im fully giving it my all.. I have a summer ball to look forward to and i NEEED to fit into my pretty green birthday dress (see photos)

    Im just letting myself go and its incredibley annoying cause i know im doing it, but i just dont stop myself..

    Bah Humbug..:sad: :sad:

    Sorry for the rant but i had to get it off my chest..

    Also.. thanks everyone for posting still.. lovely to read what you've been up to!

    Love KP X X X :heart: X X X
  • crispy1990
    Afternoon all :flowerforyou:

    Kendra....... well done, you must be so chuffed :bigsmile:

    Katherine.............. Oh dear, what a rant. Come on girly not far to go, buckle down and lose those last few lbs. We are all here for you :happy:

    Hope everyone is enjoying the beautiful sunny day, at least it looks it from my desk :ohwell:
    Eat well all
  • xXmimiXx
    xXmimiXx Posts: 564 Member
    :heart: K,

    I know how you feel...I went down to stay with my mum while my sister was having an operation on 8th April and everything was down hill from there. As I think I've already mentioned I did eat a whole box of a ferrero rocher in one day and various other things that while I was even putting them in my mouth I wasn't enjoying but couldn't stop myself. Last week I went to the gym like twice, or three times or something and I just wasn't feeling it. I KNEW I had put on weight but for some reason felt like I was going around in a daze and it's like I was looking at myself from behind glass but not being able to do anything about it!!!!!!

    Anywwway, I had my "light bulb moment" on Sunday evening and I just felt like I'd snapped out of whatever I had been in. 2.5 months til my holiday and I will be the Belle of the Beach! Day 2 of me being back on the band wagon and I'm doing good! You're my inspiration on here, everyone has it tough sometimes but I know if anyone can lose 3lbs in three weeks it's YOU! :smooched:

    Well done on the Yellow Belt Kenda! :flowerforyou:

    Bye for now people!

    :heart: Mimi
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    Thanks for the support Mimi...

    Sorry for my rant Guys n Girls!

    I hope your all having a good day!!?

    Gym time tonight.. Not going to "Push" Myself.. im just taking it easy...

    yesterday during work i had to go home because i felt sick and dizzy - slept it off and feel ok today but i dont want to push it..

    Enjoy your evenings x x
  • sparklepants
    sparklepants Posts: 149 Member
    Awww K, totally hear you!! It's SO frustrating huh? I would look at that post any time you feel like having something norty, it'll help you stop yourself!! You've done amaaaaaazingly well this far, don't put yourself down xx
  • kendrafallon
    kendrafallon Posts: 1,030 Member
    Evening all :bigsmile:

    And isn't it a gorgeous one? A tad chilly, but it's nice and bright outside.

    Thank you all for your best wishes and congratulations :bigsmile: I am really proud of myself for passing the grading and even more determined to do better at the next one (Sept 2010) - I made a few minor errors, which obviously weren't counted against me, but I still want to do better.

    Sparklepants - it was a damn good night out then :laugh:

    Katherine - You know what you have to do and you've got your motiviation so go for it!! And don't apologise for ranting :tongue: You needed to get it off your chest and who better to understand?

    I am going to head out and take a walk to the park and back - it's too nice an evening to be stuck indoors. TC folks & b'bye for now.
  • Plantpot
    Plantpot Posts: 105 Member
    Hi guys, hope you are all well. :flowerforyou:

    Well I am getting really fed up. I seem to stick to my cals the majority of days, and exercise frequently, but I am not loosing any weight!!! I havent lost during April and its really dis-heartening!!! My wedding is in September and I am worried that I am doing things wrong an wasting time. I would really like to loose a stone which would take me to 9.11 for my gorgeous dress! Am considering giving Weight Watchers another try as I have lost weight on that in the past and know it works. :sad: :sad:

    I honestly feel like I am putting a lot of effort in and getting little / no results!!! :grumble: :grumble:

    KP I feel you pain hun, I really do. Personally I think you look fab on your pics and maybe you are putting too much pressure on yourself!!! Have you been on the scales that show your body fat or whether you are within a healthy weight range. It could be that your body is at a comfy weight and you are pushing too hard with those last few lbs.

    Kendra, well done with your grading!! Thats brill and what a great challenge!!!

    I had a badish day as had a working lunch at San Carlo again, I dont think the meal was too unhealthy and not planning to have tea as still full. I had completley forgot re the lunch and bought health salad stuff on the way in to work so was really annoyed (:grumble: ) when I was reminded re the lunch!!!

    Did dragg my *kitten* to the gym for a 3.5 mile run, to cancel the lunch out, which was hard work as just wanted some sofa time!!

    Anyway, sorry for being negative!! Will have a think about things, probaly not helping that its tom, so am in a bit of a grump and all bloated and sluggish! :yawn: :explode: :yawn:

    Have pleasant evenings everybody.

  • curvykatie
    curvykatie Posts: 870 Member
    Oh my god! i can't believe ive missed this post nearly all month >.< sorry guys - im going mad from this dissertation lol, my brain should be back on track now though :p

    hope everyones OK

  • Lady_C_the_1st
    Good morning Uk'ers!

    I have been a little quiet the last couple of days as I went back to school and was exhausted by the time I got home! I have now switched to maintenance calories, I have not got to my goal weight but I just don't know if I will. I am much happier with the way I look and am definitely more confident in my body so I am happy to stay at maintenance and just try and tone up.

    I have not been feeling quite right though and have booked a doctors appointment. I just seem to be really tired all the time, I eat healthily and I exercise so this isn't the way I'm supposed to feel! It's so frustrating! Especially as my job is quite demanding. I will see what the doctors say tonight though.

    Kendra - well done on your grading!

    Plantpot - I hope you feel better today, TOM can really affect how you feel so see how it is when your back to your normal self. Things may look different then.

    I hope you guys have a good day. xx
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    Morning everyone!!

    Im in a VERY good mood today.. It's amazing how one day of being "perfect" has changed my outlook on things! I feel very good today and was actually hungry for my breakfast instead of feeling sluggish and full still from my binges the night before!!

    Hello SUNSHINE!! You are my inspiration to slim up!! :happy: i cant cover up all summer!! Get those legs out!! :drinker:

    Its the HUMP day.. sooo ill be winding down to the weekend as of tomorrow!!.... Well after my hectic day at work.. MONTH END.. Bahhh!! Sometimes i think i work in accounts the amount of work i do for them.. Im meant to be a security administrator!!

    Anywhoo im waffeling! Hope you all have a good day :heart:

    Lacy C - Glad your happy at maintinence! Keep up the great work.. Hope you get the answers from the docs!!

    Katie - Glad you showed up!! Hope the diss goes alright.. a lot of my friends are doing theirs atm.. all pretty stressful i hear?!

    Plantpot - Glad you know how frustrating it is.. Hope you start loosing as it sounds like your putting in the work... :grumble:

    Over and out peeps x x x
  • curvykatie
    curvykatie Posts: 870 Member
    lady c - hope your ok and its nothing to bad at the doctors, well done on reaching maintenance:flowerforyou:

    katherine - VERY stressful! although mine ws supposed to be handed in tomorrow but we've been given a weeks extention coz theres a few of the people on my course stuck abroad.
    i know what you mean about feeling better for getting back on track - all my binges totally messed up my skin and my sleeping :noway:

    ooooo just as another update from me - i got a job! in the customer services department of the cumberland building society head office! so thats me sorted for when i finish uni :bigsmile:

    i really wish i could be outside its really sunny!:glasses:
  • hdelamore
    hdelamore Posts: 206 Member
    Afternoon (only just ) everyone
    well today i spoke to my teacher about that massive piece of coursework i had my relapse from.
    and well she says i should be getting an A in it
    which means my hard work paid off
    just a few tweaks & what not
    so now i know even if i did eat unhealthy for a bit in a way it was worth it
    & won't do it again

    went to spinning last night and was talking to a girl
    she started off doing just spinning classes..
    but now she does a 90 minute challenge before it aswell!
    2 & 1/2 hours of intense exercise, i was impressed
    she's going to do the new york marathon next year, so i'm aiming to keep on pace with her during the classes

    hope everyone's okay :)
    think 2 days till the weekend!
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    went to spinning last night and was talking to a girl
    she started off doing just spinning classes..
    but now she does a 90 minute challenge before it aswell!
    2 & 1/2 hours of intense exercise, i was impressed
    she's going to do the new york marathon next year, so i'm aiming to keep on pace with her during the classes

    :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway:

    OMG that sounds intense! Good luck chick!! x
  • Funnydream
    Funnydream Posts: 87 Member
    Hi everyone,

    I'm new here and wanted to get to this UK thread to introduce myself. This site is really good - I'm really enjoying keeping a track of everything and logging all my exercise. I'm feeling very motivated, and it's great to know there is a UK thread on the messageboard.

    So far (from mid Feb), I have lost 18 lbs - but I still have two more stones to go to target but I'm feeling very positive.

    Nice to meet you all.

    From Funnydream
  • MistahLee31
    MistahLee31 Posts: 116
    Hey all,

    Hope everyone is okay. Not been on here for the last few days, been pretty poorly so have not been the gym, or been eating properly. :frown: Finally got over it now, so can eat anything that's not toast/soup and can finally get back the gym.

    Anyone who's on my friends list may have seen me do 138 minutes of brisk walking and burn 975 cals. That wasn't gym work lol, it was the fact that I had to walk home from work as I didn't have my car and I wasn't feeling too good. Was some walk though. WEnt through 3 seperate postcode areas to get home, think it's 9 miles! :noway:

    Kendra - Well done on the yellow belt hun! Good work! :happy:

    KP - Don't worry about ranting, I do it all the time. :laugh: Best to get it off your chest rather than letting it build up. :heart:

    To all the new guys and gals - Welcome to a great site and a great thread too! :drinker:

    Well, I've got a lot of work to catch up on so I'll speak to you all later on!

    Take care :wink:

  • sparklepants
    sparklepants Posts: 149 Member
    Hey all!!

    This week is going SO SLOWLY!!!! At least it's Thursday tomorrow!!

    Glad you're feeling a bit better now Lee :smile:

    I have finally lost a pound!! Woop!!
  • MistahLee31
    MistahLee31 Posts: 116
    Hey all!!

    This week is going SO SLOWLY!!!! At least it's Thursday tomorrow!!

    Glad you're feeling a bit better now Lee :smile:

    I have finally lost a pound!! Woop!!

    THanks hun, and well done on the lost pound!! :-D