Team UK - April 2010



  • sparklepants
    sparklepants Posts: 149 Member
    Morning all!!! Happy Friday Eve!!! :drinker:

    Last night I bought myself some yummy fish and veg etc but just couldn't eat it?!! :huh: Still feel really bloated today?! Going to make me some porridge though cause I'm already SO TIRED!! Roll on Muscle Manipulation Saturday!! :heart:
  • xXmimiXx
    xXmimiXx Posts: 564 Member

    You´re welcome chica! I´m going to do the Race for Life 10k in June and if I manage it without dying I´m signing up for GNR though I´m sure you´ll be miles ahead of me if we´re both there haha! Great charity btw :flowerforyou: :heart:

    Oooh well done!!! Hun...serrriously- I so wont be!! I need to train HARRRRD!!!! I've got so many friggin injuries I'll be lucky to finish!!!!

    You should defo sign up for it!! Not many charity place left I don't think! Do it nowwwwww!!!! xxx

    Omg really! I think I'll sign up for it tomorrow then! I was going to sign up for it same time as I signed up for Race for Life but I got scared and thought OMG what if I can't finish, it'd be soo embarassing!! What kind of training are you doing? Have you done a 10k? Ok that's it I am gonna sign up for it tomorrow! C'est ça! I'm running for the disabled school my brother goes to, it's a Charity run thing, Independance House! Xxx
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    Hey all, not been on much recently, having a few issues at the moment, what with one family member being very ill and not looking like they will make it through the week. :frown:

    Plus due to some issues, I've fallen off the wagon a bit and not been going the gym as much. Still, I've climbed back on now and starting to go as from tonight. Also sorted out a weekly football game aswell, so that will add to my exercise, which I'm made up about as I used to play in a team but I've not played for a while.

    Hope everyone is doing okay. :smile: Welcome to all the newbies who have joined the group in my absence and a big hello to all my friends who are still posting regularly. :happy:

    I'm on wind down now till Thursday afternoon as I finish work then and don't go back till next Wednesday so really looking forward to the break off!

    Take care all


    :flowerforyou: Hope all is ok hun x
  • sparklepants
    sparklepants Posts: 149 Member
    Awww, that's nice chic, doing it for a charity that means a lot to you will really help you get across the finish line :flowerforyou:

    When is your 10k? Do you do much running? Can defo help with training! Might be good to have someone else doing it too, then I'll HAVE to do it! hehe!! :bigsmile:

    Yes sign up! Sign up!!!!
  • sparklepants
    sparklepants Posts: 149 Member
    Hey Katherine! Hope all is ok with you too lovely :flowerforyou:
  • Plantpot
    Plantpot Posts: 105 Member
    Hi everybody,

    Hope all is well. I have not wrote on hear for a while as I was going through a negative spell :grumble: :grumble: and didnt want to drag you all down!!! The good news is I seem to have turned a corner and the scales have started to move again, I was 10.11 for about 3 maybe 4 weeks which was really disheartening as I felt I was doing everything right. In the last couple of weeks I have up'ed the exercise as got the Manchester 10k in 2 ish weeks, have also started to eat more. This morning, the scales said......10.9 1/4, so am delighted!! My official weigh in is tomorrow and I am keeping everything crossed for it to say 10.9, which will be a 2 lb loss.... this will also be the first time I have been 10 and a single digit for I honestly dont know how long!!!

    So I feel like I have got my mojo back!!! 10. 7 is in sight which would be fan bloody tastic!!!! :love: :love:

    KP. Hope things are good with you. :flowerforyou:

    Sparklepants and Mimi - Good luck with your runs!! :noway: :noway: Am giving serious consideration to putting in for a half marathon after the Manchester 10k as find having a set goal really helps keep me on track. I did the 10k last year, and pretty much didnt run again for the rest of the year!! ha!! So think I need to set something up to aim for!! :ohwell: :ohwell:

    Lee. Keep your chin up..... what doesnt break us, makes us stronger!! :frown:
  • sparklepants
    sparklepants Posts: 149 Member
    Oooh!! Fab PP!! That's such a fantastic feeling!!! Well done for sticking with it!! The amount of times I've not seen a change on the scales and just given up is ermmm...lots!! :embarassed: Good luck with tomorrow!!!!

    Ooooh yes do it! Put in for a half marathon!! Then we can all poke each other if we aren't training :laugh:
  • erikazj
    erikazj Posts: 2,365 Member
    Lee/KP - Hope you're both doing ok.

    Mimi/Sparkle - Good luck on your runs. I'll try and sponsor you in a few eeks when I have a bit of spare cash. Feel free to remind me.

    Plnatpot - Well done on the loss, glad you're feeling a bit more positive.

    I've got a tricky weekend coming up (again). Straight after work I'm off to my mum's. No doubt there'll be wine and pasta! We're then travelling up to York for a wedding on Friday. We're also staying Saturday to do some sightseeing. I'm hoping that I won't do too badly as I'm a bit broke at the mo, so won't have the cash for wine (my HUUUUGE downfall) and I can keep the food in moderation!! I have asked my brother to go for a run with me on Friday morning, so maybe I'll actually be dead and won't have to worry about eating too much!! He's super fit, and knowing him, he'll run in his really heavy fireman's boots!

    Hope you all have lovely, well behaved weekends!

    E x
  • Plantpot
    Plantpot Posts: 105 Member
    Wow Erikazj, I have just added you as a friend and took a sneaky peek at your pics!!! May I say, you have done amazingly well and should be very proud of yourself!!!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Ha ha, I will have a look if there are any local half marathons coming up and let you know if I put in!!! :huh:
  • erikazj
    erikazj Posts: 2,365 Member
    Wow Erikazj, I have just added you as a friend and took a sneaky peek at your pics!!! May I say, you have done amazingly well and should be very proud of yourself!!!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Thank you :blushing:
    Ha ha, I will have a look if there are any local half marathons coming up and let you know if I put in!!! :huh:

    Do it...Doooo itttttttttttt! :laugh:

    E x
  • sparklepants
    sparklepants Posts: 149 Member
    Good luck Erika!! I'm sure you'll be fine :smile: I've got a similar situation this weekend!! :huh: Sadly mine doesn't involve any superfit men wearing fireman's boots!!!! :love: :laugh:
  • xXmimiXx
    xXmimiXx Posts: 564 Member
    Afternoon everyone!

    It's raining, it's pouring, I'm at my desk a-snorin...! Haha

    Sparkles - I am defo gonna sign up for it tomorrow now you gave me the butt kick I needed! Ahem...will you be so kind as to share your training plan with me!? xx

    PlantPot - thanks for the encouragement! I think you should def sign up for a half marathon especially as you've already completed a 10k - I'm doing my first 10k AND half marathon within months :huh: let's see if I can pull that off :laugh:

    Erikazj - thanks :smile: my race for life page is if anyone else wants to sponsor haha! York's not far from Leeds it's LOVELY have you been before? I :heart: the shops, especially at Christmas! I hope it's sunny for the wedding!

    KP - :flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou:

    :heart: :smooched: Mimi :smooched: :heart:
  • IanRS
    IanRS Posts: 68 Member
    Wow - lots of people from UK on here - nice to meet you ! :-)

  • niki7g
    niki7g Posts: 41
    Hello ... it's only me .. I'm from the UK too ... mind if I join the party?
  • hdelamore
    hdelamore Posts: 206 Member
    Hello ... it's only me .. I'm from the UK too ... mind if I join the party?


    of course you can grab a seat :)
    i'm hannah from nearish manchester lytham st annes!
  • hdelamore
    hdelamore Posts: 206 Member
    Hello ... it's only me .. I'm from the UK too ... mind if I join the party?


    of course you can grab a seat :)
    i'm hannah from nearish manchester lytham st annes!
  • Hellloo everyone;

    im new to all this;
    but id like to join team UK :) -- if thats okaay?

    hope were all smashing our targets to above and beyond :)
    Im steph from leeds.
  • kendrafallon
    kendrafallon Posts: 1,030 Member
    *peeks into the forum* :noway: :noway: :noway: OMG!! I've been gone faaaaar to long!!

    :laugh: judging by some of the posts I'm not the only one :wink:

    This is just a brief check-in to say I'm still alive, just mega-busy and I'll do a better post on Sat when I think I may actually have some free time.

    Soooooo, TAKE CARE ALL OF YOU and b'bye for now
  • sdscouser
    sdscouser Posts: 320
    Hellloo everyone;

    im new to all this;
    but id like to join team UK :) -- if thats okaay?

    hope were all smashing our targets to above and beyond :)
    Im steph from leeds.

    Hi there and welcome.
  • KimmyBee
    KimmyBee Posts: 158 Member
    ah, at work and huuuungry!

    If only stationary was edible =/
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