Jewels_in_the_rough Member


  • I've been floating several times this summer. Being self conscious and not even owning a swimsuit of any kind, I just wear a tank top and some shorts of some kind. I bring flip flops for walking to/ from the river, and put them in a small bag that I tie to my tube and go barefoot during the actual float. But it doesn't…
  • Can you get a mini fridge for extra storage?
  • Sounds similar to my calories burn. I'm 5'3, 140ish lbs and when I run 4 miles at 10:30 minute pace, my hrm says about 600 calories. It also tends to be higher than elliptical workouts of about the same length. Surprisingly, considering all the talk on here about how low mfp tends to be, my burns are either higher or…
  • I walk to the gym. I consider that my warm up. And I don't stretch at all, primarily because I hate it, but luckily have never had a problem. And if I did, it would not be with cold muscles.
  • I'm also 24 years old, and drinking is still a part of my life as well. If it's a couple of beers, I'll try to figure out the calories, or at least an estimate, and quick add them into my diary. If it's a night that I'm drinking a lot, and really have no idea what I drank, I'll just make a note in the note section so that…
  • I'm 24 and from Oregon. I'm just coming back from a 2 week long break, as I was finishing the term and moving and such. But I am back, and looking for some new friends to go strong with me! Anyone can feel free to add me! ETA: I've lost about 8 pounds so far this time around (about 30 down total from my all time high, a…
  • I have no idea how it would work out for you personally, but for me, it greatly overestimates the burn. I also do about an hour on the elliptical, but I continuously change the resistance and speed, going through some of the workout at a higher resistance, some of it at a higher speed, but mostly at what is somewhat normal…
  • I also get tired of thinking about food and calories all the time. But I am also tired of being overweight. I know, personally, I have to chose one of these, as I have never been able to lose weight without counting calories and spending time planning and such. So it comes down (for me at least) to which am I more tired…
  • Try to find small change that you can make that are not very time consuming. Take stairs instead of the elevator. Swap out a snack of a 300 calorie granola bar for a banana with 100 or so calories. Replace juice with flavored water, cutting out a few calories. Walk to the restaurant to meet your friends instead of driving.…
  • Usually a few times a day. I just find it interesting to watch it fluctuate throughout my day, and how my activities/food and water consumption influences the scale (I'm not obsessed, I promise, just curious). But my "real" weigh ins at the beginning of the day usually drops every two days or so, if I stay focused on the…
  • Yeah, it can get annoying to constantly be thinking about what you eat and how much activity you get. I totally understand and relate to how you can become sick of doing it. But I also try am sick of being overweight. I'm sick of not being happy with what I see in the mirror. I'm sick of not be confident because of my…
  • I purposely stagger my daily goals so that I eat more on certain days as it fits my weekly activities, but make sure I meet my weekly target.
  • So pretty much, we don't need a forum anymore, as you have just addressed about 99% of the threads in a single post. Hats off to you, Sir.
  • I just want to point out that you ARE losing weight. I don't really know the time frame, or if it is at the rate you want it, but something you are doing is working. You've lost 15 pounds! Keep it up, and change or add to your routine as you feel necessary. Keep up the good work!
  • So close! I'm in Corvallis, lol. Bit too far to be a walking buddy, but feel free to add me if you want.
  • I'm 5'3 and 150lbs. 1200 to me is going to be a lot different than 1200 for someone who is much taller and weighs much more than me. The only way I lose weight is if I eat between 1200 and 1300 calories a day. I've tried upping calories and it just didn't work. At all. And 1200 calories from lean meat, vegetables, etc is…
  • I've been doing great. The last week I dropped 3.5 pounds! I'm down to 150.4, so close to being under 150! Keep working hard, everyone!
  • I'm not speaking from experience, as I have not hit my goal yet, but I would say try going without. Keep an eye on your weight/body size/whatever your measure is once in a while and if you see it start to slowly creep up, it would be an indication that going back to logging would be a good idea to make sure you don't go…
  • I agree that you should look at it in smaller chunks. I literally make my goals in 1 pound increments. I know that I can lose 1 pound. So I do that. And then I do it again. And pretty soon, these single pounds start adding up. You can do this, and congratulations on taking the first step!
  • I'm doing 60 minutes a day either running outside or on the elliptical. I've been doing this for a week, but I think I'm going to call today a rest day, as I'm not feeling to well, and am unusually tired. But I'm happy with the progress I have been making in terms of commitment.
  • Meh, why not? I'm all for having guy friends, lol. I'm sending you a FR
  • I'm 5'3, and am at 152. My recent high is 157, all time high was 180. My goal is to be around 130-135. Everyone feel free to add me!
  • Sent you a FR. I'm a 24 year old college student from Oregon. I'm a business student. I have about a month left of this term, then heading into summer courses. Anyone can add me.
  • It's been about a month since I quit smoking, so I can empathize with you there! It can be challenging at times, but you can do it. And I feel like I did great today. After an allnighter, I usually go for lots of coffee drinks, comfort food, lazy food, etc. But I managed to continue eating healthy and even managed to hit…
  • I haven't gotten involved with races, but I go running a lot, and love it. Anyone can add me!
  • Well, weight was, I haven't made much progress. But I'm finally getting it together, and am making good choices with both exercise and diet, and am feeling optimistic for next week. Great job to everyone who is making progress, both with weight/size and with making your life healthier!
  • Just curious, what does everyone put in oatmeal? I just bought a big tub of it, because it's supposed to be healthy. Then I realized I don't like it without all of the unhealthy stuff I used to put in it. So any healthy ideas?
  • A 3 mile run. I really need to switch up my workouts more, and I'm planning to work on that this month, but I didn't have time to plan ahead for today, so I'm just sticking with what I know for now.