

  • Let me just tell you, as someone at 5'5" who was also near obsessed with weighing want muscle instead! I started weightlifting and then started crossfit to build muscle instead of being absorbed with a number. I'm a good 15 pounds heavier than I was at my lowest weight, but I wear all the same clothe sizes *and*…
  • I saw results about eight weeks in. Back looked stronger, lost an inch of hips and waist, butt was looking fantastic. I never really had much of one before so I was pretty jacked about that. Now I'm nearly to stage 5, and my stomach is starting to shrink and my thighs are finally starting to shed some of the last…
  • That was my experience. I was having a lot of regularity problems before finding EMTWL and a lot of them have been solved by eating more. It's like all my systems went back online! I'm sure it was because I was finally giving my body all it needed nutrition wise and then some.
  • You are an inspiration! Thanks for posting, and congratulations on your accomplishments!
  • Yes, you need to eat 1300 cals at the bare minimum, Your BMR is what your body spends just being you. Your TDEE takes your activity level into account and adds to it. If you're not even meeting your BMR, your body will start to slow your metabolism down in response to the fact that it has to make due on so little. You're…
  • Give it more time. I saw very little change with stage one. No inches or pounds lost. Stage two is much tougher and afterward I saw some inches fly off (weight went up but hey, clothes are looser so that's what counts!) Also, I just have to say that near the end of stage two, my butt was looking awesome and my arms and…
  • A healthy BMI is only a guideline, and not a steadfast rule. At 5'4" and 125, you probably fall perfectly into a healthy range for your height. Nice work! So you're perfectly healthy and now you want to make some new changes. As other have noted, weight lifting and putting on some muscle will sculpt your body. This…
  • I'm no expert but I'll do my best here! 1. The thing is, you won't really. Your first couple works have fairly high reps though, so I would try and pick something comparable and give it a shot. After your first workout, you should have a pretty good idea about what was too hard or too easy. You'll have your log sheet, so…
  • I was in the same boat, I LOVED the first stage (just finished it) and really didn't want to take a week off. Whether this was by chance, or the author really knows their stuff, I tried to start phase 2 on Monday and just felt...tired. The workout didn't go great and I didn't sleep well that night either. So I've taken the…
  • It's okay, you probably haven't put on all that much fat. Jumping up your calories like that may put on some weight but mostly water as your body adjusts and some muscle if you're still weightlifting. With eating such healthy calories I doubt you've put on much fat at all. If you're still worried about fat gain you can…
  • Me! I also felt like jelly and now after 6a and 6b I am really starting to see and feel some change happening. It's been awesome! The only thing I hate about the extra set is doing more lunges. I just hate them! Haha
  • Thank you for such an inspiring post OP!! I'm nearly done with stage one of NROLFW and I'm slowly starting to see some changes. Your post just gave me that much more motivation to push myself and keep going. Congratulations on your awesome accomplishment!
  • 1200 is the bare minimum a healthy person should eat to lose weight, and honestly it's too few for most to stay on for long. Eating less than that doesn't mean starvation mode, but it does mean that your body is probably burning off some muscle and starting to realize you're not going to give it what it needs, so it will…
  • Keep going!! I'm on my first week of cutting after a reset and the lack of "progress" is hard. I gained about 5-7 pounds (stopped weighing myself after 5) and it ALL went to my hips and stomach so I know it's going to be slow to go. But I'm doing strength training now and looking forward to getting stronger, and moving my…
  • Thank you so much for posting this! I'm in the same boat as some of the others here, my weight just seems to be going up and pants are tight. I've got two more weeks in stage one so I'm hoping I can see change at the end of it! I don't care what the scale says, I just want to wear my pants again! (Though I must admit that…
  • That girl you talked to also probably believes that if she lifts heavy weights she'll get all "bulky" (not gonna happen). Sucks that you ran into that. If you're lifting heavy, then a protein shake is great for post workout, for men and for women. I like Gold Standard Whey myself. They sell it at GNC but you could find it…
  • Aside from nuts and nut butters, avocado is a great choice for some healthy calories. Just one has about 270 I think, so even adding say, half to a sandwich or some scrambled eggs (with salsa! mmmm) is a good way to go. Oils are good too, though they wont' help with the protein. Choose a healthy, oil based dressing for…
  • I'm just over four weeks in. I've gained maybe 5lbs but I quickly plateaued there which was good. I'm thinking I will reset for six weeks since I've not gained any more weight. In addition, I'm sleeping better and no longer need my afternoon coffee to get me through the day. It's awesome! It is hard at first to see the…
  • I'd like to join! Thanks!!
  • I'm doing a reset after working out for too long on about 1400-1600 cals, when my TDEE is 2200. I figured the reset was the right path for me as I'd been having other symptoms of over training. While it's true, the first two weeks are really tough mentally, they are soooo worth it. I'm sleeping better. Way better. I no…
  • I have to buy so much food! ;) #fitgirlproblems
  • I started mine during TOM and it was awful!! Stay with it, once you get past those days you will feel loads better. Drinking a ton of water really does help.
  • I could eat my extra calories in peanut butter alone. Oh peanut butter, how I love thee...I put a big tablespoon in my oatmeal this morning with raisins and cinnamon. It's like eating a giant soft cookie for breakfast! Also allekat, I noticed the same thing about sweat! Also, I've been tracking my body temperature and it's…
  • I did a P90x for about half the program, though this was before I found Eat More to Weigh Less. I had never really lifted before that and I found that I was definitely getting stronger. There's not very much cardio at all, just two work outs out of the six, and they have more "bursts of intensity" than consistent cardio.…
  • Hi Alicia, Aside from the the days with TOM, time really is flying by! Sleeping better has been the best part I think, it just makes me feel so good! @Betty, you definitely are lucky!! I dang near had to buy some new pants. Hahaha. And it's cool that you're good with gaining, I struggled a bit with that and I'm finally…
  • Hi there! I'm also going through a resetI, on day 15 and feeling pretty good now! My water retention bonanza started my first week along with TOM. So, those of you out there reading this considering a reset: 1. Do it. Your body will thank you. 2. Consider not starting when your bloating is already at it's peak, like during…
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