Deevs Member


  • Agree - Wii Zumba is fab! x
    in ZUMBA Comment by Deevs August 2011
  • Don't forget, your burn rate will differ from person to person depending on your body weight. Bigger bods will burn more cals than skinny minnies! As you lost weight, you will notice your burn rate reducing slightly. x
  • I've done 2 x 20 minute sessions now - one yesterday evening, and one before work this morning, and it's fab! Highly recommend for days when you can't get to any organised classes / pool etc. x
    in Wii Zumba Comment by Deevs May 2011
  • Good luck - keep in touch and let us know how you get on, and no dropping that darned ball this time! x
    in Wii Zumba Comment by Deevs May 2011
  • Wow! Just done the 1st twenty minute "easy" workout ..... and I'm dripping! Feel like I've really worked. Love the workout calendar feature and the encouragement to work harder with the energy meter. If I can move, I'm going to attempt another session before work in the morning! x
    in Wii Zumba Comment by Deevs May 2011
  • Michelle - that's really made me smile, and I'm glad I'm not the only one who suffers with an attack of the giggles! Didin't get round to it last night as my OH didn't go the gym so I didn't have the house to myself .... tonight, however .....!
    in Wii Zumba Comment by Deevs May 2011
  • Thanks everyone - very helpful indeedy! Michelle - good luck with shifting up a gear .... Tracey - a friend of mine mentioned the Wii Zumba game on her FB page so I went to Amazon and read the reviews. Not done any of it yet but tonight's the night .....! Reviews were excellent - and there's a belt that you put the Wii…
    in Wii Zumba Comment by Deevs May 2011
  • I like the idea of zig-zagging, and having an "off the scale" day. I'm going out for a pub meal with a good friend tonight and after my weigh-in disappointment this morning, was thinking of baling on her. I think I shall just go out as planned, and have a "normal" meal from the pub menu and not beat myself up about the…
    in Plateu'd! Comment by Deevs March 2011
  • Kristo - trust me, there's still a lot to shift! I don't really get any pleasure out of going to the gym, but love my swimming. I used to power-walk (I've done 2 power-walking marathons for charity) so maybe it's time to plug in the iPod and go out for a few 6am power walks before work. TIme is a big issue - my partner and…
    in Plateu'd! Comment by Deevs March 2011
  • Try the Ryan Giggs workout DVD (sorry - not sure if you're UK based?) Yoga is also excellent for core strength and stability.
  • Well done! It's a fab place to drop in for some support and advice too - these messageboards are invaluable! Keep it up .... x
  • It wasn't really one single "lightbulb" moment. I've battled with my weight since my 20s (I'm 42 now) and last year I started a "new life" with a wonderful man. He started using MFP on his iPhone so I had a peek at the website and here I am. I've also got 3 generations of diabetes in my family and I don't want to be the…
  • I just can't "do" porridge. Have tried many many times but it just makes me heave ....... x
    in breakfasts?! Comment by Deevs March 2011
  • Hmmmm - that's a possibility. 1 x Bacon & Egg McMuffin is 340 Cals. Ouch! x
    in breakfasts?! Comment by Deevs March 2011
  • Not tried that one, and can't think how you'd do Yoga whilst holding a Wii remote. I recently bought the Ryan Giggs Fitness DVD, which is for core strength and conditioning, and use it alongside my weekly Yoga class. It's not aerobic in any way but concentrates on the core muscle groups, advanced stretches and lots of…
  • Fresh fruit, with or without yogurt Toasted crumpet with lemon curd or sugar free jam Weekend: 1 x pached egg on 1 x slice of toast Missing the McMuffins and bacon sarnies tho! x
    in breakfasts?! Comment by Deevs March 2011
  • Crumpets aren't too bad in terms of calories - just don't slather them in butter! x
  • Beer and McDonalds Bacon & Egg McMuffins! I've also drastically cut back on my chocolate intake, and have promised myself a bacon sandwich (just the one, on a Sunday morning!) when the scales grant me permission! Having said all that, I do believe that everything in moderation is the key to success, and by barring some…
  • Yep - the very same. Tough for me to admit how good the DVD is ... I'm a Gooner! x
  • Hiya! I joined because my other half was doing MFP too, and like you, I'm hooked! He does it on his iPhone but I have to use the laptop and also keep a 12 week food diary, which comes everywhere with me. I'm in my 4th week and have lost 6lbs so far. I find it encouraging when you can track your exercise alongside your food…
  • Slimming World is a slimming club where you go to be weighed in, then talked to, then sent on your way. Didn't work for me as they didn't seem to promote sensible portion sizes. Of all the slimming clubs, I'd recommend Weight Watchers if I had to choose one. x
  • Hey - chin up both of you. Sometimes if you don't eat enough, the body goes into "starvation" mode and tries its best to cling on to what it's got. Don't get downbeat - stick with it: it'll be worth it in the long run. I've spent hundreds of pounds over the years on Weight Watchers, Slimming World, Rosemary Conley etc and…
  • Kerry low fat mature cheddar is lovely. It's still high in cals but if you eat it wisely it's better than no cheese!
  • Helllooooooooooooo! I'm in my 4th week and so far, so good! Feel free to add as a friend - always happy to proffer advice and waffle to anyone who will listen! x
  • I'm a newbie too. My partner is a fantastic support as we are doing this together buI coulod always do with more moral support, tips and like-minded people to share with.