Joined MFP last week, Need Friends!

Hello! I recently moved to Okinawa, Japan with my husband. Okinawa is my new start so I joined MFP to help guide me along the way. I quit smoking November 15th 2010 (after thirteen years) & started walking an hour a day. Can't seem to figure out the food thing, but so far I am under my calorie counts. I need some motivational friends that can help me keep up the good pace. Anyone in Okinawa area would be great also, some moral support from not too far away. Thanks a bunch and good luck with all your goals on living a happier & healthier life :smile:


  • Vicky14174
    Vicky14174 Posts: 715 Member
    please add me to your friends. make sure you open your diary up so everyone can look in from time to time and see if there is anything we can help you with. Welcome to the family.
  • BigBeaver
    BigBeaver Posts: 858 Member
    Welcome to the site, it is a huge help with all the support and motivation you need. You can add me as a friend if you would like.
  • Gareth_Gumbs
    Nice to meet you and go on you for quitting.
  • Deevs
    Deevs Posts: 32 Member
    I'm a newbie too. My partner is a fantastic support as we are doing this together buI coulod always do with more moral support, tips and like-minded people to share with.
  • idahogirl71
    idahogirl71 Posts: 1,110 Member
    Welcome. I too am fairly new on here (started 12 days ago) and am also seeking friends to share with and to be accountable too. So please feel free to add me :). Good luck to you in your endeavors!
  • elizwelshman
    Thank you everyone, it's nice to know it's such a positive atmosphere here :smile: