Hello . . .

I joined MFP this week. My husband is a member and suggeted that I join so I did, reluctantly. But I must admit that I am addicted to this website! It has allowed me to find the motivation that I have been looking for to stay on track with watching my calorie intake and working out. So far this week, I have met my goals and been consistent with my walking.

I am so excited!!


  • Focusonfifty
    Focusonfifty Posts: 105 Member
    Welcome and good luck. I'm addicted also, but it's a good addiction. Makes everything visibly easy.
  • Deevs
    Deevs Posts: 32 Member

    I joined because my other half was doing MFP too, and like you, I'm hooked! He does it on his iPhone but I have to use the laptop and also keep a 12 week food diary, which comes everywhere with me. I'm in my 4th week and have lost 6lbs so far. I find it encouraging when you can track your exercise alongside your food intake - it's a real incentive to keep going!

    I sometimes struggle at weekends but so far, so good.

    WTG!!! Good for you, thats AWESOME!!! My Mom has lost nearly 40-Pounds, my Sister Melissa has lost 35-Pounds, and my Sister Valerie has lost 60-Pounds using this Site w/Diet & Exercise!!! I Started Tues 1/25/11 and have lost as of my last Weigh-In (I Weigh-In EVERY Tues Morning!) 16-Pounds!!!! I could not agree more this Site has become MAJOR Addicting for me as well!!! It has totally kept me motivated w/both my Diet & Exercise, every Friday i increase my Wk-Out, i Started w/30-Min doing Wii Fit in the Morning and Power Walking 30-Mins in the late Afternoon/Early Evening and at the end of my Walk i add a little bit of Joging, im now up to a 70-Min Wii Fit Wk-Out and w/the Walking/Joging im up to 65 -Mins which is just over 3.6 Miles. My Goal is to get up to a 90-Min Wii Fit Wk-Out and up to a Full-Jog no Walking at 5-Miles. I Wk-Out Mon-Sat, let my Body Rest on Sundays!!!

    Keep up the AWESOME Job, GL, & GOD Bless!!!!! =o)
  • cookingcriolla
    Welcome, when I was reading your post and saw that you joined reluctantly I said "Aw" since I love this site. Then I saw that you got hooked! So glad. Not sure if it's the members (who are great) or the tools you find here but it's motivating me. Glad you see what the hype is all about.

    Good luck to you in your weight loss goal. Feel free to friend me if you's like and take it one day at a time!