

  • I bought a pair of 20 oz bottles and just keep one in the fridge and one with me, and switch when the one I have goes warm. I'm not a huge water person (I can't stand it warm!), but I end up absent-mindedly drinking 6-8 glasses. :) I don't like lemon in my water either, and crystal light tastes acidic to me. However, I…
  • Grapes, and other fruit and veggies, have lots of water in them, they're great after working out. I just like grapes because they feel like I'm eating something more a snack food. =)
  • It sounds weird, but I love a red apple sliced up with some peanut butter & rice krispies on it. It tastes sooo good, and it keeps you pretty full for a snack. :) If water and gum aren't helping, try that (or another snack that keeps you feeling full) and see how it works.
  • I find the easiest way is to eat foods that make me feel fuller. I tried eating a bowl of Special K for breakfast, but I found I was hungry before lunch. When I started eating a different cereal that had almonds and some oats in it I was full till lunch, and the calories aren't much different. (110 for a serving) I find…
  • Mostly Static X, Dragonforce, Disturbed, Poweglove, Kittie, a few old Linkin Park songs in for nostalgia :)
  • 1/2 cup blueberries 1/2 cup fresh pineapple chunks 1 tablespoon plain fat-free yogurt 1/4 cup Oasis no sugar added blueberry pomegranate juice blend until smooth, then add: 3/4 cup low fat soy milk (almond milk would work, too) blend for another 3-5 seconds, just until milk is added. Pour into a glass & enjoy! :) I find…
  • Interesting! I've never thought people could overload on water without realizing. But now that you mention it, I could see it happening. I'm sorta on the opposite end , though. Before I started losing weight, I barely drank anything. I just never really felt thirsty. A glass or two of juice or milk a day and I was good.…
  • Just 1 1/2 sugars. I use french vanilla flavoured instant coffee... mmm :)
  • I don't personally drink it, but I know a few people that say once they cut it out of their diet, they started losing more weight. Sure, it has no calories, but soda really has no benefits to it health-wise. Why drink soda, when you can have something better for you instead? It's the same idea as eating a piece of…
  • I think the important thing about pasta, bread and whatnot isn't cutting them out, but trying to eat whole grains instead of bleached white, processed breads and pastas.
  • http://www.losertown.org/eats/cal.php has a calendar-type thing that can help you estimate your weight goals. However, it doesn't take into account that weight is harder to lose when you're smaller, and just goes with the same amount coming off every week. So, take it with a grain of salt. :)
  • Hey! :D I like both of the things you asked about. For music, my favourite bands are Nightwish, Sonata Arctica, Apocalyptica, Rise Against, Static X... to name a few. As for games, I quite like Left 4 Dead 2, Resident Evil 4, the God of War series, and Portal. I've been paying Call of Duty on and off, but to be honest I…