WATER!!!!!!!!! Help!!!!!!!!!!

Vicky14174 Posts: 715 Member
I'm having a really hard time drinking to 8 glasses of water a day. If its hot outside and I'm wokring outside, no problem. But to drink water inside when its cold outside sucks. Anyone with any suggestions to make it taste better? PS I don't like lemon and water.


  • jesseBYAH
    jesseBYAH Posts: 446 Member
    I like crystal light! The strawberry is my favorite :) I agree- it's hard to drink ice cold water when it's ice cold outside! BLAH!
  • ✿KẙMb529✿
    I kind of had a hard time too and do not like lemon in water either. If you like cucumber, this is really yummy! Cut up a cucumber in a pitcher of ice water. ALSO (and this is my favorite) I add maybe 1/4 cup of a really strong juice, like white grape juice, to my water and it makes it very drinkable. You have to add the cals though!
  • brookeybaby_00
    brookeybaby_00 Posts: 142 Member
    I can't drink cold water so I drink mine luke-warm.

  • boku70
    boku70 Posts: 80
    I drink from a 24-oz sports bottle. Whether I really feel like it or not, I work my way through it, one bottleful at a time. I find that it's easier just to have (a little less than) 3 "containers" than 8, even if I am just playing a trick on myself. :-)
  • madcat1984
    I add Diet Cordial. I don't know if you have bickfords Diet Lime over there but it is delicious. I only make it weak though as i don't like strong cordial.
  • sara_m83
    sara_m83 Posts: 545 Member
    It's not about liking it - it's about drinking it. When I first started I found the only thing that worked for me was having a 1L water bottle sitting in front of me all day. i would make sure I drank one full litre by lunch and one more before I left work for the day.
  • tater8589
    tater8589 Posts: 616
    you could always do hot tea on cold days :) Once you get used to drinking the amount of water you need, you will start to crave it. I even feel like my skin is parched on days I slack on my water intake lol. You can flavor your water, drink tea or coffee... keep in mind anything you drink has some water in it. Oh, you might try limes, I'm allergic to lemons, and occasionally use limes. Lipton tea togo I have noticed is cal free.
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    I drink from a 24-oz sports bottle. Whether I really feel like it or not, I work my way through it, one bottleful at a time. I find that it's easier just to have (a little less than) 3 "containers" than 8, even if I am just playing a trick on myself. :-)

    This is what I do. And I also don't have the water ice cold.
  • Dubois2
    i drink crystal light hunger satisfaction natural strawberry banana. it is sweet and so yummy! only 30 cals a packet. i put it in a 7.7 oz bottle soo good. and helps get thrugh the hungreys b4 the next meal....
  • Hotlips69
    What about Green Tea with lemon! Its amazing to boost Metabolism!! That way it is not boring and very good to taste!
  • acknan
    acknan Posts: 261 Member
    I like the 4C drink mixers. Crystal Light is good too. They are all pretty much 0-5 cals a serving and often have vitamin C in them. Good luck and drink up! :)
  • fitoverfifty
    fitoverfifty Posts: 192 Member
    I started drinking green tea... Bought a nice little pot and some loose leaf tea ( black for the morning, and green later in the day)

    Me and hubby sit at the table together and sip tea.........I'm actually enjoying it, and getting a lot more liquids than ever before.

    I was a big coffee drinker, but I added ( 1%) milk to that, so I prefer the tea, it's good without adding anything, and it's healthy!

    I'm finally getting my 8 cups of water a day!!
  • Vicky14174
    Vicky14174 Posts: 715 Member
    Thanks for the advice everyone. I love tea and I haven't seen the Crystal Lite Strawberry/Banana but I'm going to look for it. Everyone have a great evening.
  • PattiPositive
    I keep a glass at the sink. I have filtered water there. But its easy access. Try to make it easy for you to access.
  • roxanea
    roxanea Posts: 59
    I fill up my 12 oz water bottle every morning and have it sitting on the counter so that I see it and every time I walk into the kitchen through out the day I drink from it. I have even gotten so that when I sit down in the living room in the evening I have my bottle of water handy. Once in a while I will add a Liption green tea on the go packet or white tea they have quite a few different flavors and all are zero calories. I also make up the green tea as iced tea and put that in my water bottle sometimes.
  • heynow388
    Sobe Life Water. Several flavors and many with 0 calories. Blackberry Grape is my Fav
  • pieconspiracy
    I bought a pair of 20 oz bottles and just keep one in the fridge and one with me, and switch when the one I have goes warm. I'm not a huge water person (I can't stand it warm!), but I end up absent-mindedly drinking 6-8 glasses. :)
    I don't like lemon in my water either, and crystal light tastes acidic to me. However, I picked up some Nestea singles in field berry and they're quite good. I use it as a reward... two bottles plain water, and I get a bottle of flavoured water. (and they're green tea yum)
  • snowbean2u
    Herbal Teas are something I really enjoy, and I try to drink plenty because I get tired of water quickly.
  • GTI_Girl
    GTI_Girl Posts: 207
    nothing like ginger lemon tea! The other night I drank so much of it! it also just makes your house smell great when you prep it
  • jamieandjamie
    i keep mine in a water bottle and carry it around, i find myself drinking it without thinking which is great...also if i put a little lemon in it it tastes yum!