

  • Maricari- Eating smaller meals is a great goal I think. I am trying to do that as well. I am trying to keep my big meals to lunch and leave dinner as a smaller meal. One of my goals this week is to get up at 6:45 each morning (or before) this would allow me about 45 mins of being up before my boys get up. I really want the…
  • Hi, I was diagnosed with PCOS also. I had to use CLOMID for both of my boys (3 and 4 months). I am trying to loose weight bc I would love to concieve without the meds....they make me like a mini godzilla!. I also want to loose just for my over all health. I have read many threads of people with PCOS. I think getting up and…
  • Hey Ben, Sorry for the dumb question. Do you homeschool or does your wife? I have started homeschooling my son (he is only 3 1/2, but we started early) and I am planning on homeschooling him for a while.
  • Cathy, Don't worry about going over by 150 cals. It is great that you tracked even though you knew it was a bad day. I have the bad habit of not tracking when I know I am going to have a bad day. I have to remind myself that I didn't develop my unhealthy eating habits in a month, so there is NO WAY I am going to fully…
  • Hey guys, this week is getting better for me. My weekly support group meetings are on Wed nights, so I usually base my weeks from Wed to Tues. I have been making really good food choices this week. Tonight we had baked rosemary/lemon whitefish. I have a wonderful little grocery store near me that sells meat and produce at…
  • Sorry Jay, Just trying to help out other newbies like myself. :)
  • Emmaleigh47>>> This has been a rough week for me too. I am pretty sure I will gain on Wed night when I go into my church fitness group and weigh in. But I am determined to start over again, and hopfully tomorrow will be better. love2run>>>>Good going. I know I do really well when I start out each day setting aside my…
  • FYI anyone, I ended up sending a private message to myself with this thread's link. So, I can just click on my messages and pull up the link and come on here. It works a lot better for me and is easy to find. :) Anyone who wants me to message them the link, please PM me. :)
  • I have fallen in love with the Leslie Sansone At Home Walking DVDs!!!!!! It has gotten to where they are actually pretty fun to do, I look forward to them. :) They are also great for a SAHMommy who has to exercise around blocks, or dinosaurs, or an infant. I also feel like it really gets my body moving and my heart rate up…
  • I wanted to be a zoologist and work with Mountain gorillas......Diane Fossey was a HUGE hero of mine!!!!!! Then I took college biology and thought, hmm. this major prob. isin't for me. lol. actually I think love, and life, got in the way. I often think about that "dream" job. BUT, I am married to a wonderful man and have…
  • Okay, so I read the IP and it sounds great!! I love that each week one of us is going to be responsible for leading discussion for that week. Question>>>>>Do we start a new thread each week? Or keep this one? I can find this one really well because you emailed me the link and I can go to my inbox to find it. So, my goal…
  • Hey guys! I am running around like crazy today. We had an unexpected visit from the in laws- For Valentines Day of all days! So our nice romantic dinner of Steak and strawberries will be a dinner for ..... It's good anyway, I really don't need to eat 8 oz. of NY Stip, 4 oz. will be plenty! So, thanks for starting…
  • Okay, this sounds great. This is my first MFP group Ive bear with me. :) What are the rules again? We just have to post once a week? But will there be more talk going on? Oh, gotta go put the little one to bed.
  • Hey, Im 29 but will try to slide in here. :) Ive been married for 8 years and have two little ones 3 and 4 months. This thread sounds right up my ally.....I think I have much more in common with the boring, married, ;) Is there anyway to make a thread one of my favorites or something, where I don't loose…
  • Hi! I don't know if I made the cut off, but I would LOVE to be in the group if you still have an opening. My name is Megan I am 29, a SAHM of two boys, and I have about 65 lbs to loose......although my first goal is to loose 10 more lbs in about 8 weeks. Something interesting.....I used to swim competitively when I was a…
  • I coupon ALOT, which helps our budget and allows me to spend about 60% of our weekly budget on healthier foods. Even if you just use coupons w/ non food items on sale, that might help! I usually buy laundry detergent for .25- .50 so right there you are saving a few dollars.
  • For me, I gained 60 lbs once I went on the pill! So, I am not doing that ever again. Also, this is more to just say not actual LOST weight with both pregnancies. I actually lost about 35 lbs with my first pregnancy. There is something about being pregnant that helped me with my hormonal imbalance.
  • Hi, I have PCOS as well. I have only been on this site for about 3-4 weeks, and I have lost about 6 lbs. I think eating lots of fresh fruits and veggies help, BUT I think (at least for me) EXERCISE in the morning gets me up and going and gives me energy for the day. I used to be SOOOO TIRED! From the time I got up, I would…
  • Hi everyone! Im up for a little more support on here. I have two little ones, a 3 yr old and a 4 month old. They keep me busy, but I am trying to loose ALOT (about 50 lbs total). I joined this site about 3 weeks ago and I find it very helpful. I have been exercising about 5 times a week, although I find myself having to…
  • I understand what you mean. I have been doing the Leslie Sansone walking DVD and a while ago I was trying the one mile....well, since Ive been on this site, Ive been doing the 3 mile each day. It is wonderful! I get so much energy afterwards. It is funny though, because I have a 4 month old that I keep in his swing while I…
  • Why was I given 1700 calories??? BC I have more to loose or I weigh more???
  • Thanks guys!! I read the articles and they confirmed to me that this "Banks" guy not only knows his health and fitness, he also has great taste in sports teams! What is a little confusing to me, and here I will be honest....I was given 1700 calories a day to eat. DOES THAT SEEM NORMAL??? And then my work out usually burns…