New "married 30 something" group anyone??



  • stephanielynn76
    stephanielynn76 Posts: 709 Member
    "... my body won't let me, most moms know what that means..."

    Uh yeah. That is my issue. I have a NO WATER BEFORE ZUMBA policy. I've told my Zumba friends that if I pass out during class, get me water because I'm likely dehydrated. I have the same issue with running along with pain in my joints and legs. I used to run a lot in college but once I found I could get just as good of a workout with less pounding and stress on my joints on a cardio machine... I went that direction instead.
  • Just to keep it going I'm reposting the question for today! :)

    ~* ~* ~* SUNDAY QUESTION!!! =) *~ *~ *~

    Just thought I'd throw a fun question out there to get us all talking a bit and even get to know another a bit more ...

    Q: "When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up? What did you end up being when you grew up?!"

    (Answer for me: A musician, specifically a guitar player. I even started off as a music major in College with my guitar and trombone but it didn't last, ended up in IT! ... working for Ford for about 13 years now with a short break between.)

    I wanted to be a zoologist and work with Mountain gorillas......Diane Fossey was a HUGE hero of mine!!!!!! Then I took college biology and thought, hmm. this major prob. isin't for me. lol.

    actually I think love, and life, got in the way. I often think about that "dream" job. BUT, I am married to a wonderful man and have two wonderful children. I LOVE my job- I am a PROUD HOMEMAKER, MOMMY, and WIFE. I don't have any regrets.
  • 5grn9
    5grn9 Posts: 36
    Hi! I'm 37, married with two kids, I guess I fit in this group! Feel free to add me in as a friend!
  • ~* ~* ~* TUESDAY QUESTION *~ *~ *~

    Q) What's your exercise of choice?

    I have fallen in love with the Leslie Sansone At Home Walking DVDs!!!!!! It has gotten to where they are actually pretty fun to do, I look forward to them. :)

    They are also great for a SAHMommy who has to exercise around blocks, or dinosaurs, or an infant. I also feel like it really gets my body moving and my heart rate up and I burn about 360 calories per 45 minutes.

    I also love swimming! I used to swim in middle and high school. We are paying off our minivan with our tax rebate and then I am getting us a YMCA family membership so I can start swimming a couple times a week.

    Thanks for the questions!
  • FYI anyone, I ended up sending a private message to myself with this thread's link. So, I can just click on my messages and pull up the link and come on here.

    It works a lot better for me and is easy to find. :)

    Anyone who wants me to message them the link, please PM me. :)
  • Or you could just look under my topics on message boards tab.
  • HisPathDaily
    HisPathDaily Posts: 672 Member
    Great comments! I love seeing all the different ways we burn! ... I guess it's pretty clear that it all can work well as long as we find something that we love doing! I run, but I'm far from an athlete with it ... though there is something about getting outside, hitting the pavement from 0 degrees to 100 degrees and actually doing it :) ... It's cool to read about all your passions when it comes to exercising too ... thanks for sharing. Plus I like to see some cross dialog going now too ... I look forward to getting to know all of you more as we continue!

    Anyway ... catching up on Biggest Loser and I'll post a question for tomorrow later! :)
  • HisPathDaily
    HisPathDaily Posts: 672 Member
    ~* ~* ~* WEDNESDAY QUESTION!!! *~ *~ *~

    Q) Do you have any food tips?? Great replacement ideas, combinations, etc.

    Answer for me ( For those of you who still like your tuna sandwiches with Mayo (the real stuff!) I found this Tzatziki sauce at Trader Joe's (thought other places can carry it) that is a greek yogurt/cucumber/garlic sauce ... I mix that in rather than the Mayo and I'm not saying it tastes like mayo, but from a mayo lover it is yummy and has lots of flavor!! That's one off the top of my head ... and my wife and I really liked the tip we saw on Biggest Loser today where he used salsa on his salad for a dressing ... yum!

    So, any great tips?!?! I know they're out there and we all would love to hear them!!! =)
  • Sorry Jay, Just trying to help out other newbies like myself. :)
  • HisPathDaily
    HisPathDaily Posts: 672 Member
    Any tips help, thanks :) ... we all have ways that work the best for us!
  • Cortez123
    Cortez123 Posts: 78 Member
    ~* ~* ~* WEDNESDAY QUESTION!!! *~ *~ *~

    Q) Do you have any food tips?? Great replacement ideas, combinations, etc.

    A) I normally go online for low calorie recipes...but one tip I can give that I found works for me is that I start off my lunch and dinner with soup...just plain broth. I find that when I start the meal with a broth, I eat a lot less. :happy:
  • No sweat Chewy just another way of doing it.

    I plan out my food for my trips and mostly take it with me. So I have all of my meals prepared for the next 4 days when I leave. That way I dont have to eat at Popeys or Charlies cheesesteaks, or Wendy's when I want to eat. The food is healthier and its way cheaper. So I would plan everything out at least that helps me. Ive been able to keep my weight pretty steady for 2 years now doing it this way. So something is working.
  • soccermum75
    soccermum75 Posts: 588 Member
    Answer to tuesday's question:I am a zumba fan, i am also doing the jillian slimdown plan.

    Answer to wednesday's question: i just discovered hummus... I LOVE hummus. Never thought i would say that. Lol
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    I love cooking and I love food and flavor. My favorite low/no calorie flavor additions are fresh lemon and lime juice, vinegars (I literally keep on hand white, red wine, rice wine, malt, apple cider, and balsamic vinegars always), and fresh herbs, especially in the summer when I can grow my own. Dried spices are good too - I used chili powder and cumin for Mexican and basil, rosemary, and/or oregano for Italian. Garlic and ginger are great too.
  • Stefani74
    Stefani74 Posts: 448 Member
    Hey all!! I am 36, married 4 years, and have a 14 y/o son.
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,849 Member
    ~* ~* ~* WEDNESDAY QUESTION!!! *~ *~ *~

    Q) Do you have any food tips?? Great replacement ideas, combinations, etc.

    The thing that has helped me the most has been to cook and eat at home rather than go out. I still eat what I want, just smaller portions. If I'm craving taco bell, I'd choose to cook some sort of mexican dish instead.

    The crock pot is a HUGE friend. I also try to cook up any ground beef/turkey I have when I get it. I divide it up between plastic bags and throw it in the freezer. When I go to use it I just have to thaw and its ready to go. Makes making dinners much easier to take out that step each night. I like to do the same with dry beans -cook then divide and put in the freezer.
  • HisPathDaily
    HisPathDaily Posts: 672 Member
    The crock pot is a HUGE friend.

    @ shamrock ... yes! I need to pull it out and start using it again ... it's great because it also opens up some time for me to come home from work and run first rather than trying to get dinner going ...
  • HisPathDaily
    HisPathDaily Posts: 672 Member
    Hey all!! I am 36, married 4 years, and have a 14 y/o son.

  • ~* ~* ~* WEDNESDAY QUESTION!!! *~ *~ *~

    Q) Do you have any food tips?? Great replacement ideas, combinations, etc.

    I use coconut oil to make my egg white omelets and stir fry. It helps keep my cholesterol down.
    Plain Greek yogurt with those ranch packages to make my own "healthier version" of ranch dressing.
  • HisPathDaily
    HisPathDaily Posts: 672 Member
    Plain Greek yogurt with those ranch packages to make my own "healthier version" of ranch dressing.

    Wow! Great tip ... from a ranch lover it sounds like a perfect idea.
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