New "married 30 something" group anyone??



  • Woodman725
    Woodman725 Posts: 288 Member
    This is a great idea. I have made a few friends but hesitate to add women because I don't want to seem like anything other than what it is, support. I'm a 35 yo married for 13 years and a 4 yo son, who is my motivation. I'd love to have all the friends and support possible and I enjoy supporting others and sharing in their successes, it obviously helps you to be accountable when someone else is watching. Thanks and as always, good luck with your goals.


  • FRIDAY QUESTION: What do you do to keep yourself on track during the weekend?

    I kind of missed the intro (I think) - I'm Ben, married 11 years, will turn 34 in a month, and homeschool my 3 kids.

    I don't do anything different any day of the week. "There's never an excuse to take a day off " - Herschel Walker

    Every day gets 45 minutes of cardio right now; but like a lot of posters here, I allow myself little 'treats' throughout the day. I'm on a marathon bag of snack-sized Doritos (45g bag) - every day I get to savour 2.

    The only thing that changes on the weekend is I tend to start the cardio about an hour later. ;)
  • asj0901
    asj0901 Posts: 141
    27 years old married 10 years 2 kids.... Hi!
  • hollyb9871
    hollyb9871 Posts: 401 Member
    Weekends really aren't any different food wise than the rest of the week. We may get a coffee at Starbucks but I keep it a small one with skim milk and it's added into my daily calories usually as a snack. If we go out I try to make an effort to check out the nutrition before hand and make a sensible decision. I typically don't exercise on the weekend other than doing things with the kids like going to the zoo.

  • AlissaPT
    AlissaPT Posts: 65 Member
    I'm 34 and married for 6 1/2 years. I have 2 boys, 5 and 3, and a German Shepherd. I love this idea!
  • Stefani74
    Stefani74 Posts: 448 Member
    I actually have an easier time staying on track during the weekends. I have a desk job where I get bored and want to snack. At home on the weekends there isn't much down time so I don't think about snacking. I also have much more time to workout since I'm not at work.

    Same for me! I sit at a computer 9-10 hrs a day and it's so hard to keep from snacking all day. My husband and I are doing this together, so on the weekends he helps keep me on track. Although he did bring in 4 boxes of Girl Scout cookies last night...this may be a tough weekend!!
  • Nemlein
    Nemlein Posts: 168 Member
    Hi there all!
    I hope you don't mind another member :) I'm GETTING married, 30, no children yet but I will acquire an adorable stepdaughter (who is pure joy!) upon tying the knot. Actually, the whole wedding thing is one of the reasons I am determined to get healthy and get in shape! Nothing like fitting into a big white strapless dress to keep you motivated.... but of course it is crucial to make a change for life, not just for an event.

    Answer to Friday question: What keeps me on track is to plan my meals out and do all food prep beforehand so things are ready to go! I also usually do a bit more exercise on the weekends, so I feel pretty unflappable ... but I do tend to have a hard time when I'm at work overtime and don't have time to make dinner and just want to break down and grab something quick or give in and join my fiance in whatever he's eating.
  • Hey everyone I usually still workout on the weekends. Me and some other Beachbody coaches have a Sunday fit club. We do a cardio workout and its free for anyone who wants to come! You guys should see if there are any in your areas, you can't beat free. I think also it's fun to workout with other folks every once in awhile. Tomorrow I will be doing a kettlebell workout today is a rest day, just how my week went. So I log my food at MFP and try not to have too many cheats. Although Fri, Sat when Im home with the wife and kids is usaully when I dont necessarily eat "my" food. Good question though I think as have all of them so far.
  • Cortez123
    Cortez123 Posts: 78 Member
    FRIDAY QUESTION: What do you do to keep yourself on track during the weekend?

    My answer: During the weekend I substitute my dinner with a protein shake...and I try hiking/walking for exercise. On rainy or cold day, I Zumba. If you love to dance...Zumba is such a great exercise video. I LOVE it :heart:
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    FRIDAY QUESTION: What do you do to keep yourself on track during the weekend?

    I'm currently not working, so the weekends and weekdays aren't much different, except that I have to fight my husband for the PS3. EA Active Sports 2 is my main at-home exercise. Can't very well do that while he's being an assassin or whatever it is he's playing now. :laugh:
  • Lorina, I know exactly what you mean! I need to move the Wii into my studio, cause DH doesn't like to watch be working out. We actually went to GameStop last night so he could look at getting a new game because he's bored with being an assassin. Too funny!!!!

  • FRIDAY QUESTION: What do you do to keep yourself on track during the weekend?

    I kind of missed the intro (I think) - I'm Ben, married 11 years, will turn 34 in a month, and homeschool my 3 kids.

    I don't do anything different any day of the week. "There's never an excuse to take a day off " - Herschel Walker

    Every day gets 45 minutes of cardio right now; but like a lot of posters here, I allow myself little 'treats' throughout the day. I'm on a marathon bag of snack-sized Doritos (45g bag) - every day I get to savour 2.

    The only thing that changes on the weekend is I tend to start the cardio about an hour later. ;)

    Hey Ben, Sorry for the dumb question. Do you homeschool or does your wife? I have started homeschooling my son (he is only 3 1/2, but we started early) and I am planning on homeschooling him for a while.

  • FRIDAY QUESTION: What do you do to keep yourself on track during the weekend?

    I kind of missed the intro (I think) - I'm Ben, married 11 years, will turn 34 in a month, and homeschool my 3 kids.

    I don't do anything different any day of the week. "There's never an excuse to take a day off " - Herschel Walker

    Every day gets 45 minutes of cardio right now; but like a lot of posters here, I allow myself little 'treats' throughout the day. I'm on a marathon bag of snack-sized Doritos (45g bag) - every day I get to savour 2.

    The only thing that changes on the weekend is I tend to start the cardio about an hour later. ;)

    Hey Ben, Sorry for the dumb question. Do you homeschool or does your wife? I have started homeschooling my son (he is only 3 1/2, but we started early) and I am planning on homeschooling him for a while.

    I do the homeschooling. It was a challenge at first but we've settled into a schedule and it's working out. My 4 year old joins us 3 days a week and has a workbook with simple "get used to holding a pencil/crayon properly" activities that comes out when the older ones pull out their science, math and languages books.
  • TreyTLH
    TreyTLH Posts: 11 Member
    Married, 36 years old with our first child due in August.
  • nomex
    nomex Posts: 142 Member
    wow! lots of newcomers recently.... Welcome everyone! This is really exciting.

    Saturday Question....what was your inspiration to lose weight / get healthy / stay healthy ?

    ME: learning that I had a high choloesterol count, along with a family history of heart problems. I need to be healthy to be the best mom I can be to my kids!
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    I'm married and in my 30's.
  • Married,32 and 4 kids add me if you like :) And WELCOME to MFP
  • lizard9800
    lizard9800 Posts: 474 Member

    Saturday Question....what was your inspiration to lose weight / get healthy / stay healthy ?

    ME: learning that I had a high choloesterol count, along with a family history of heart problems.

    I also found out that my cholesterol had gone up. And I was not ok with health problems starting in my 30's. That was over 3 years ago and I've now lowered my overall chol to just a few points above normal (well that was almost a year ago so I bet I'm in the normal range by now). And my good HDL is so high that the doctor told me I have nothing to worry about.
  • hollyb9871
    hollyb9871 Posts: 401 Member
    Saturday Question-what was your inspiration to lose weight/get/health/stay healthy?

    Answer-VANITY! Seriously though, I want to be able to wear shorts or a swimsuit and feel good about it. I am very healthy otherwise. Also I turn 40 this September and it is harder each year to get the extra weight off so if not now, then when?


  • Saturday Question....what was your inspiration to lose weight / get healthy / stay healthy ?

    Guess I'm a day inspiration was getting tired of constantly having to buy bigger and bigger clothes. I was tired of having a muffin top hanging over my jeans. And since we're trying to get pregnant, I want to be in shape before so that I'll hopefully have an easier pregnancy and an easier time losing the weight afterward.
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