Sweethearts small group discussion #1 (closed group)

katimari Posts: 33 Member
edited September 24 in Motivation and Support
A quick intro for those viewing this page, the goal of this group is to create accountability and support via a small group atmosphere. We are named the sweethearts because we started our group on Valentine’s day. If you are not a member of the group you are welcome to read or post on here, but we will be keeping the group size to 7 people. “Closed Group” is not meant to be offensive to anyone. We simply would like to retain a small group in order to foster a close bond amongst our group members.

Sweethearts – are you ready to go? Hope you all are having a wonderful Valentine’s day!

I was thinking about how we could structure this in a way that would keep us motivated and here are my initial thoughts (feel free to add your own).

Every Monday each member does the following:
1. Weigh In
2. List a mini goal for the coming week .
3. Give us a quick update on how they did on last week’s goal.

I would also like everybody to take one of the next 7 weeks (starting next week) and be the week leader for that week. Below is a list of tentative assignments, let me know if you need your week switched for any reason.

Kate (katimari) – Week 1
Mary (mbrotnitsky) – Week 2
Cathy (cv0409) – Week 3
Carrie Marie (maricari) – Week 4
Leah (Love2run) – Week 5
Megan (chewy’s mommy) Week 6
Emma (emmaleigh47) Week 7

Every week the team leader will start that week’s discussion topic and let the group know when it is up.

Each team leader is responsible for picking a theme for that week – something for the group to focus on as they work towards their goals. The mini goal that each individual picks should somehow reflect that theme. For example, if the theme was self care, a possible mini goal would be to spend an hour reading your favorite book (if you are a bookworm).

The team leader should also post one inspirational/interesting/funny item at some time during the week. This could be anything from a poem to a comic strip to a song – whatever you want, use your imagination. It can be related to that weeks theme, but it doesn’t have to be.

Okay – so that is all for now. This week we won’t have a theme, but you can go ahead and weigh in and list a mini goal for next week when you have a chance. Also go ahead and friend all the members so that we can see how everybody is doing from a day to day perspective.

HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY – Here is to the start of a wonderful journey!


  • Hey guys! I am running around like crazy today. We had an unexpected visit from the in laws- For Valentines Day of all days! So our nice romantic dinner of Steak and strawberries will be a dinner for 4...lol. ..... It's good anyway, I really don't need to eat 8 oz. of NY Stip, 4 oz. will be plenty!

    So, thanks for starting this thread. I look forward to chatting with you all and sharing struggles and achievements and support. I just scanned over the first post. I will have to go back and read it more carefully, but I am so excited about this group.


  • mbrotnitsky
    mbrotnitsky Posts: 44 Member
    This is great and I am so excited to be here. My assigned week is okay with me. My goal for the week is to exercise everyday.
    I'm looking forward to chatting with all of you. Happy Monday :smile: :smile:
  • cathyv0409
    cathyv0409 Posts: 230 Member
    Hello group! I'm excited to be a part of this group. I am ready to go, Kate!

    1. I weighed in and lost 4 pounds since last week
    2. My goal for this week is to exercise at least 30 minutes for 5 out of 7 days
    3. My personal goal last week was to begin to re-learn how to cook. I found some recipes to try and made a couple of them. I'm also learning to control my portion size which is a huge thing for me

    Mary - great goal to exercise every day! I was going to "match" your goal but decided I better set something I have a chance of meeting :blushing:

    Megan - Have a nice Valentines with the in-laws lol. Sometimes our help comes from unexpected sources!!

    Kate - thanks for heading up the group and getting us started! I'm a little nervous about leading for week 3 but I'm willing to give it a shot. I just hope Mary doesn't take all the good inspiration next week Ha!

    Good luck to everyone and have a great week. I will check back in later.

  • mbrotnitsky
    mbrotnitsky Posts: 44 Member
    Cathy - your a star and I could never take your lime light.:wink:
    We are here to cheer each other on and any inspiration is welcomed and appreciated. Forgot to mention on my post -
    My goal last week was to log in everyday and account for everything I put in my mouth.

    TTYL- Mary
  • katimari
    katimari Posts: 33 Member
    Wow Cathy - congrats on the loss - sounds like you are doing excellent! I'll have to weigh myself in tonight. That will pretty much be my starting weight since I haven't been losing anything for a long time :)

    My goal for this week is the same as Mary's - I am going to work on logging in every day and logging everything I eat. I do so much better when I do that.

    Anyone doing anything fun for Vday?
  • maricari
    maricari Posts: 133
    Well I did not start out on the best foot this morning. I was up 3 lbs from last weigh in. I am hoping that this is a temporary up on the scale, maybe too much sodium ( I did have some popcorn this weekend) and also TOM is approaching. My mini goal this week is to loose 2 lbs and excercise 4 days of 7 for more that 30 minutes each. Great to be here!
  • Okay, so I read the IP and it sounds great!! I love that each week one of us is going to be responsible for leading discussion for that week. Question>>>>>Do we start a new thread each week? Or keep this one? I can find this one really well because you emailed me the link and I can go to my inbox to find it.

    So, my goal for this week is to log my food EACH day....even on the days that I do really bad. Today I won't be able to log my food in though. Oh dear, I hope this doesn't mean I have already missed my goal. *sigh*.

    I went to the store and got a nice digital scale to weigh my foods. I am doing a healthy living program through my church and it focuses on eathing the right amounts in each of the food groups per day. I am only supposed to have 6 ounces of meat a day!! That seems crazy to me. Of course I am used to the HUGE hamburgers and portion sizes restraunts give. Well, I look forward to chatting with yall more.
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    I appologize, I havent had time to read anyones posts, but I figured I better post something so that you know I am alive.
    I have been saying for days thats I am recomitting on Feb 14th, so this group was perfect.

    So today I got up and weigh myself (252.4 which is still not back to my pre-january weight) but I was being honest.
    I made good choices. I said no to chocolate chip cookies, brownies, sugar cookies, doughnuts, and even taco dip!
    Unfortunately I woke up feeling rough ... and as the day went on I felt worse, and worse...

    So although today was supposed to be the first day of P90X, I am just not able to do it!
    But at least I made good food choices... :)
  • maricari
    maricari Posts: 133
    I appologize, I havent had time to read anyones posts, but I figured I better post something so that you know I am alive.
    I have been saying for days thats I am recomitting on Feb 14th, so this group was perfect.

    So today I got up and weigh myself (252.4 which is still not back to my pre-january weight) but I was being honest.
    I made good choices. I said no to chocolate chip cookies, brownies, sugar cookies, doughnuts, and even taco dip!
    Unfortunately I woke up feeling rough ... and as the day went on I felt worse, and worse...

    So although today was supposed to be the first day of P90X, I am just not able to do it!
    But at least I made good food choices... :)

    Sending you a pat on the back for your good choices. Don't beat yourself up for not doing the workout, better that than the cookies, brownies and taco dip! And here's to tomorrow, a better day to be had.
  • Hi everybody!

    I just read all your posts, and I am so glad I joined the group. I guess this is what I needed to have more will power, thanks to everyone. For the first time in many years I prepared lunch to take to school, a healthy lunch, and I loved it. I also took 4 bottles of water instead of taking a soft drink. First thing this morning I weighed myself, and yes, I need to lose those pounds. My goal is to lose at least two pounds this week. I recorded everything I ate for the first time, and that´s my goal too, record everything I eat. I plan to go to the rec at least 5 days a week, and I will start tomorrow. Today my daughter and her boyfriend came to visit us. They are college students. We had sushi, salad and Tiramisu cake for dinner-I was able to control myself and stay within my number of calories. After school, at 6:00 I also had to go and pick up my second daughter from swimming practice, so I have been busy the whole day. I am glad I joined this group and I thank all of you for the fututre support.
  • Emmaleigh47>>> This has been a rough week for me too. I am pretty sure I will gain on Wed night when I go into my church fitness group and weigh in. But I am determined to start over again, and hopfully tomorrow will be better.

    love2run>>>>Good going. I know I do really well when I start out each day setting aside my bottles of water and drinking from them throughout the day. I also feel a lot better when I make sure I get in all my water for the day :)
  • I have a problem, I planned my meals today and I had a total of 1203 by 5:00 pm (ate dinner early to be able to go to the rec). Went to the rec. and did 1/2 hour of elliptica (400) calories according to the machine, ran 3 milles (around 330) calories, 20 minutes bike (115 calories), and 10 minutes step machine (100 calories), now I am at home and it is 7:00, do I eat the calories? Those are too many calories to eat and I am not hungry.
  • maricari
    maricari Posts: 133
    I have a problem, I planned my meals today and I had a total of 1203 by 5:00 pm (ate dinner early to be able to go to the rec). Went to the rec. and did 1/2 hour of elliptica (400) calories according to the machine, ran 3 milles (around 330) calories, 20 minutes bike (115 calories), and 10 minutes step machine (100 calories), now I am at home and it is 7:00, do I eat the calories? Those are too many calories to eat and I am not hungry.

    You should have the calories but you do not need to have them imediately. You can increase calories over the next few days. If you do not get the extra calories you risk slowing yourself down with too few :)
  • cathyv0409
    cathyv0409 Posts: 230 Member
    Good morning Sweethearts group!
    I'm just checking in to see how you all are doing this week. My goal of 30 minutes exercise isn't going as well as I had hoped. I have managed 15-20 minutes each of the last 2 days but still hope to have 150 minutes by the end of the week.

    Leah, you probably did more in one day than I will all week :smile: Late night eating is one of my problems. I go straight from my day job to work in a tax office and haven't gotten home until 8:30 the past two nights. If I have a few calories left over and I'm not hungry I save them since one of the things I'm trying to retrain myself is to eat when I'm hungry and not just because I love ot eat. Great job on the water instead of soda! Replacing soda with water has not been easy for me.

    Megan, I just got a scale this week too that I ordered from Amazon and I'm working to learn what a "normal" portion size is. I also ordered an exercise ball - now to figure out what exercises to do.

    Katie, Thanks! I have a long way to go but can feel the difference with the weight loss. If I imagine carrying something that weighs 30 pounds around for awhile it makes sense that I'm moving easier. Thank you for startign this group to give us the motivation to keep going!

    Emma, did you find a way to get those last two lines off of your paper? I hope so as having your paper finished should relieve a lot of stress from you!

    Carrie Marie, sending good thoughts your way. That 3 pounds is just temporary and we are all rooting for you on your 2 pound loss this week!

    Mary, Awww, thanks :wink: I am glad to have this group for inspiration too and hope I can find some "tidbits" to share along the way.

    I hope you all have a great day!!
  • katimari
    katimari Posts: 33 Member
    Hey everyone,
    Just a mini update. I had a rough start to this week but I'm determined to turn it around.

    I wanted to share a song that really helps get me through the toughest part of my runs. It's a good song for those "I'm about to give up" moments.


    Does anyone else have favorite workout songs?
  • I still have 107 calories to go today and it is 8:30. I ate a healthy breakfast, a healthy lunch, but my dinner was not very healthy (a piece of sweet bread, steamed rice, some chips, and popcorn - LOTS of carbs - that's horrible!) but I was under my calorie count. I also did not go to the rec tonight, but I went to the rec last night and total I spent 750 calories. I think I need to do a better job on balancing my exercise. My husband said that I won't lose weight because I have a lot of muscle. I thought I was 130 lbs. (I had been using this old scale I had at home) and then I bought a new one at "bath, bed and beyond", a digital one, and when I weighed myself I was 136. :( Ouch, that was hard to see those extra 6 pounds. I am supposed to be 128 for a healthy, normal weight and 120 if I want to look better. I am 5'4''. I hope one day to be at least 125. I don't have a favorite song. Any song is good for me if it has a good beat and makes me run or exercise. I have an IPOD and I am constanlty recording and deleting songs. My IPOD has a radio too and sometimes I listen to it instead of listening to my music and If I like a song I add it to my songs. How is everybody doing? After a whole day of work, I am so tired today and I still have to do a lot of work at home. By the way Katimari, that's one of my favorite songs. Thanks maricari, I joined this site in 2008, but I almost never use it, but I have made my goal to use it more, and be more careful how many calories a exercise and how many I eat.
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Hi guys..

    Im a terrible friend this week ... bewteen being sick and trying to finish the big paper... im totally stressed!
    I did go back to work today ... and survived!

    I am happy to report I survived my run tonight. I felt fabulous for the first 0.5 mile, then I realized I started out too fast... mile 2 -4 was ok ... and then I got the dumb idea to run straight the last mile (probably pushing it). I was able to do it, slowed down alot the last mile... and promptly threw up when I was done. Sigh ...
  • Hey guys, this week is getting better for me. My weekly support group meetings are on Wed nights, so I usually base my weeks from Wed to Tues.

    I have been making really good food choices this week. Tonight we had baked rosemary/lemon whitefish. I have a wonderful little grocery store near me that sells meat and produce at a great price! The whitefish was only 2.50 a pound and it turns out yummy in the oven.

    I also did a big shopping trip at Walmart. I bought some healthier choice items like light mayo. LOL....I have got to start weaning myself on to that from reg. mayo.

    Have a great Sat. The weather is gorgeous here on the East Coast. Hope it is the same where you guys live!!
  • cathyv0409
    cathyv0409 Posts: 230 Member
    Hello everyone,
    The last few days have been rough for me. Going through some changes and reorganizing at work and also learned we may have to re-post for our present positions. Last summer we had a huge lay off so any kind of change is scary for me. One of our former foster kids was up to old tricks too. No exercise yesterday I went over my calorie goal (by 133) for the first time since starting MFP. The up side is I logged everything I ate even though it was tough to do.

    Enough whining! Today is a new day and a new start! Thank you to Emmaleigh for the encouragement yesterday. I hope to be here for all of you when you need words of encouragement, motivation or a kick in the rear - which is what I probably needed LOL

    Have a great weekend! I'm off to get ready for work in the tax office today but will be off by 5 and spending the evening with hubby and my sister-in-law.

  • katimari
    katimari Posts: 33 Member
    Hey Cathy - I think it is awesome that this is the first time you've gone over your calorie goal. Don't get down about it - when I read that it shows me how committed you are and have been. Do you keep in touch with your former foster kids?

    I started off rough this week, but turned it around :) and am feeling much more committed to my own goals now. One of my biggest problems is that my boyfriend LOVES to eat. He is 6'4 so he has to :). But I find that I eat more because he is eating more. I'm reminded of it more and also I have to say no a lot more then I ever did when I was on my own. So that's about double the temptation to snack (on not so healthy things). We've been together for awhile so sometimes I don't even notice it. I've decided to "practice" not eating all the same things he does. Like the yummy yummy trader joe's danish pancakes which are no longer on my okay list. Girls...you have no idea how hard it was to resist those two mornings in a row.

    So, I'm going to focus on trying to listen more to my own body and not eating things just because. Hope you all have a great weekend!

This discussion has been closed.