Small Group support

katimari Posts: 33 Member
edited September 23 in Motivation and Support
Hi everyone,
I would like to start a small support group. I think a small group works really well for creating accountability as well as celebrating members success. I also think it would be nice to get to know a few other members really well, not just superficially. So here is what I am proposing. I'm looking for 5 other members who would be willing to weigh in once a week and give a status update.

The group would begin meeting on Monday the 14th (Vday!!) If a member does not post for 3 consecutive weeks we will seek a replacement. Anyone is welcome - any age, any amount of weight left to lose. If more then 5 people want to join, I'll pick 5 randomly and create more groups for the extras.

Oh and the members get to choose the name for each group.

So, if you are interested just reply to this post with the following info:
Your Name
Your weight loss goal
Something interesting about yourself

I'll start off:
I'm Kate and I'm looking to lose around 50 pounds. I once worked/lived on a cruise ship for 6 months, it was pretty amazing!

Looking forward to hearing from you!


  • mbrotnitsky
    mbrotnitsky Posts: 44 Member
    Hi what a great Idea.

    I'm Mary and my goal is to lose 100 pounds. ( I know its alot :() but I'm determined. I'm very interested in alternative healing. I am a Reike practioner level 2. For those of you who never heard of it - its like a body massage but with energy and balancing of the Charkra's.

    Excited about this journey and trying oh so hard to be POSITIVE.....:drinker:
  • katimari
    katimari Posts: 33 Member
    Hey Mary - it might just be you and me in the beginning :) but I'll keep posting to see if we can get a few more people to join. Happy to meet you! Can't wait to hear more about Reike!
  • cathyv0409
    cathyv0409 Posts: 230 Member
    Hi Kate and Mary,
    I like the idea of small group support for accountability. Count me in! Like Mary, I have 100 pounds to lose. I was a foster parent for several years and still keep in touch with many of the kids who lived with us and their families.
  • katimari
    katimari Posts: 33 Member
    Awesome - so glad to have you Mary! Congrats on your loss so far!
  • maricari
    maricari Posts: 133
    Hi everyone,
    I would like to start a small support group. I think a small group works really well for creating accountability as well as celebrating members success. I also think it would be nice to get to know a few other members really well, not just superficially. So here is what I am proposing. I'm looking for 5 other members who would be willing to weigh in once a week and give a status update.

    The group would begin meeting on Monday the 14th (Vday!!) If a member does not post for 3 consecutive weeks we will seek a replacement. Anyone is welcome - any age, any amount of weight left to lose. If more then 5 people want to join, I'll pick 5 randomly and create more groups for the extras.

    Oh and the members get to choose the name for each group.

    So, if you are interested just reply to this post with the following info:
    Your Name
    Your weight loss goal
    Something interesting about yourself

    I'll start off:
    I'm Kate and I'm looking to lose around 50 pounds. I once worked/lived on a cruise ship for 6 months, it was pretty amazing!

    Looking forward to hearing from you!

    Jeez, I am a total dork, did yo see that. I had posted my reply to you right in the middle of your message. I was just so excited and started typing. Okay, hopefully this is in the right place. And now I am repeating myself, and frankly isn't as intresting 15 secs later. But what I said was that I liked your name. I am maricari here, wanted to be carimari but taken. I am a carrie marie, but often called katie marie. My friends call me kittymarie, but that taken too. Just thought it was kide coinidink, lil bit. LOL
  • katimari
    katimari Posts: 33 Member
    That's so funny maricari - I'm a Catherine Mary but go by Kate with a K. My roommate in college was from Spain and he couldn't pronounce my name right so he called me Kati Mari :) Are you interested in joining our group or were you just commenting? Just want to make sure I include you on updates if you want to join. :)
  • Do you already have enough members? My name is Leah and of course the picture you see is not my picture; Patrick is my favorite actor. I want to lose around 20 pounds. I am a teacher and my eating habits are horrible. I have tried keeping track of what I eat but I never have much time to do it, but I have decided that I am going to lose the extra weight and the only way to do it is to watch what I eat and make sure that I record it (will make time for it). I have several events (sorority, family reunion, spring break vacation to the beach, and a wedding) that I have to attend in the future and I want to look ok. Can you count me in? this picture I took it when I went to Italy on vacation. Also I like to run, but I don't have a fixed schedule. I do it when I can.
  • katimari
    katimari Posts: 33 Member
    Hi Leah - You are in! Love the pic :) Sounds like you have a lot of events coming up that will help with motivation.
  • Hi! I don't know if I made the cut off, but I would LOVE to be in the group if you still have an opening.

    My name is Megan

    I am 29, a SAHM of two boys, and I have about 65 lbs to loose......although my first goal is to loose 10 more lbs in about 8 weeks.

    Something interesting.....I used to swim competitively when I was a teen. My stroke was the butterfly and I won my Western NC championships when I was 13 in 200 M butterfly
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Hi Emma here -- I am struggling bad for the last month (took some time off from counting calories to train for a half marathon).
    I completed my half marathon and I am recommitting on Valentines Day ... in fact I am starting P90X on that day too!
    I love to support others... and usually though that I get support too!
    Im 31 years old and a nurse practitioner...

    Oops and I want to lose... alot of weight (about 100 pounds)!
  • katimari
    katimari Posts: 33 Member
    Yay - we are full! I'll start a new topic tomorrow and let everyone know where to find it. I'm going to leave this topic open so that other people can post here if they are looking to form small group.

    Group members are:

    Here is to our successfully losing girls!
  • maricari
    maricari Posts: 133
    No not maybe, girl I am in. My goal is to loose 65-70 lbs. The dog in the picture is Banjo, he is a great excercise buddy!
  • katimari
    katimari Posts: 33 Member
    :) Banjo is adorable! So glad you are in!
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Thanks for letting me in ... we have quite an eccletic group!
    I promise to be much better company and less of a crab as soon as I finish this paper...
    This is perhaps this most important paper of my career...
  • katimari
    katimari Posts: 33 Member
    Be as crabby as you want. It will make things interesting. Make sure to let us know how the P90X goes - I've always wondered. What is the paper for?
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Be as crabby as you want. It will make things interesting. Make sure to let us know how the P90X goes - I've always wondered. What is the paper for?

    Its a literature review of all of the relevent research on suspected urinary tract infections in older adults. I read and reviewed about 60 articles and now I have to synthesize it into a paper ... and the kicker cannot be more than 5 pages no matter what or the grade gets docked!
  • katimari
    katimari Posts: 33 Member
    Wow - that sounds crazy hard. Hope you can at least play around with the font size - I remember doing that in college to get around length issues. Good luck with getting that done.
  • Okay, this sounds great. This is my first MFP group Ive bear with me. :)

    What are the rules again? We just have to post once a week? But will there be more talk going on? Oh, gotta go put the little one to bed.
  • katimari
    katimari Posts: 33 Member
    Hi ChewysMom - I think we can kind of make the rules as we go with this one. At a minimum let's weigh in on Monday's. I'll create a new topic tomorrow and we can use that for any conversations we have. I have a few ideas to start the group off and give it a little structure, but everyone is welcome to suggest things.
  • katimari
    katimari Posts: 33 Member
    The first week discussion for our small group is now on the site. You can find it here:
This discussion has been closed.