tattoodfreek Member


  • Looking good there, Jay. I didn't see your week one photos, but I see abs there too! And nice arms :D
  • I can't wait to check the recipe out! I LOOOOOVE eggplant! Excellent progress with your lifting! Good for you!!!
  • LOL, I LOVE the muscle story, that's great! DOesn't it feel good though, when you can feel those muscles? How long have you been doing the low carb thing? I certainly am not trying to talk you into changing anything in your diet, but I know that for me personally, I totally crash on low carbs. I am totally devoid of energy…
  • Looking fab there Gigi, as always!
  • Well said Steve! I am not saying this from a perch of having a perfect diet, but as one who can learn from what you're saying. I keep thinking about my progress in the last few months being so slow, well of course it is! Look at the habits I let creep back in. And the numbers on the scale prove it. I have 4 pounds to lose…
  • I hope you don't think I am being argumentative, but I didn't read low carb in his approach at all! Maybe I am reading something wrong, but he seems to advocate medium level carbs pre workout, and high level carbs post workout! That's one of the reasons I liked what I was reading, LOL. Here's a snippet from an interview I…
  • Didn't get a chance to check in last night, but I nailed yesterday. Did some Insanity, ate clean all day, and got through my first Intermittent fast successfully, though I was miserable. I'm a little confused though. I am trying Martin Berkhan's IF program, and he says it's a 14 hour window for women. Are you supposed to…
  • Why the heck is everything in my diary and everywhere I go double posting today? Even when I enter my water, LOL.
  • Is it really day 11 already?? Protein: 145g Fat: 43g Carbs: 136g Fiber: 34g Water: 17 glasses Cals eaten: 1475 of 1693 Cals burned so far per my bodybugg: 2501. I feel like I nailed my nutrition today. Did a Zuzana workout. Went to the docs for some lung pain, that it turns out is exercised induced asthma. Rather than see…
  • Mio is my newest love!!! The berry pomegranate is my favorite, followed by the fruit punch. It's normally 3.99, but it was on special yesterday for 3.49. There was some manufacturer's promo at the store where I bought it, and I had the $1.00 coupon. Final price: $.49. But it's totally worth the 3.99! I love crystal light…
  • Thanks for all the support guys, it really means a lot to me. I've had two days back on track and I feel worlds better. Hit my nutrition pretty good today: Protein: 118g Fat: 28g Carbs: 211g Fiber: 44g Water: 12 Cals eaten: 1555 of 1732. Bodybugg says cals burned today: 2415 so far. I cut back on the fat again, not really…
  • Zuzana has you earn your carbs but not your fruit. If you look in her 6 breakfast posts, there is fruit in some of the "unearned" breakfasts. The one is grapes, celery, and yogurt. For the carbs you exercise to earn, they are supposed to be eaten within 1-2 hours of the end of your workout. NOT at any point post workout.…
  • Didn't get a chance to check in yesterday. I did really well all day, and then had a break down at night. I can sit here and make excuses about stress and emotional upset all day, but the bottom line is I let it control me instead of the other way around. I did not choose progress yesterday. Ahhh I am so weak and so human.…
  • Good job today guys. I didn't log or work out today. Finally got that much needed rest day in, not that it was restful or enjoyable. I will only get into the details that pertain to this thread though. I did my monthly weigh in, only to discover I am up 1.3. I saw that, didn't freak out a bit. Actually, I was kind of…
  • You are definitely at a disadvantage, without having learned all of that growing up. But you are making a wonderful effort to get started now, and it will come to you more quickly than you think. The wonderful thing is you love to exercise! That's a powerful tool. I am proud of you for starting at 21, a time when many…
  • Make sure you get baby spinach! It's far more tender than regular spinach, especially if you are eating it in a salad. If you're cooking it, it doesn't matter as much.
  • I don't think EVOO even has a flavor. I can't taste anything when I eat it!
  • You're welcome dearies :) LOL Soooo today was going to be my rest day. I got through the afternoon (not without guilt mind you) because I had to go to my daughter's school to watch her perform a song onstage at an assembly. Which of course never happened because my dear daughter is a bit flighty and apparently that was…
  • Today was a pretty good one nutritionally and exercise wise. I experimented with scaling back the fat somewhat, but added in some wheat based carbs at breakfast and lunch to see how they affected my energy. The verdict: I think my hunger increased throughout the first 2/3rds of the day, but my energy level and mood was…
  • What you need for an immediate read is some Lyle McDonald. I love his thorough explanations, which are clearly science and research backed. I know he's not for everyone, some may find him too in depth and not in "easy read" terms. He has a ton of info on his website. First, here are two parts of his nutrition articles…
  • Thanks for sharing your personal story, Steve. I actually had never heard that a 3-4 day binge is typically male. I don't believe I have BED, however, I have been known to go on a 3 or 4 day binge. I blame all of my bingeing on stress. Oh, and the fact that whoopie pies taste so damn good.
  • I read that one and to be honest was not terribly impressed. I certainly am not offended by "language," but her tendency to just swear for the point of swearing annoyed the crap out of me. My best friend read that book too, and was completely put off of eating any meat by it. She's more sensitive than I am, I guess. But it…
  • How do you make it? Am I dense? LOL
  • LOL Jay, I have 5 kids, two of which are 11 and 12 year old boys. Any talk of poop or farts and I feel right at home ;) Ok, stats for the day! carbs: 180g fat: 85g protein: 125g fiber: 31g cals: ate 1999 of 1850 available. Exercise was P90x plyo. Now I was starving to death this afternoon, so I took the advice to get nuts…
  • Thanks for the advice guys. I am absolutely not afraid of fat at all. I recognize the good it does, and I have no fear of adding healthy fats back in. My normal way of eating is just normally very lean, so it's an effort to get my fat up to where it needs to be. Here's the thing though. I am one of those people whose…
  • Hey guys, just checking in for the day. I still don't have my plan formulated. I tried upping my fats the last few days, and I am not noticing any difference in my satiety level. In fact my hunger was really bad again today. My macros were as follows: protein: 135g fats: 48g carbs: 148g fiber: 33g cals were 1598 eaten of…
  • I'll be back tomorrow to post my goals. You know I'm in, but I need to think out a clear concise plan. I'm glad you're doing this, because though I have made progress in the last few months, if I'd have had a clear plan and vision, I bet I'd be further along! I kind of am having trouble determining what direction to go.…
  • Yeah Steve. Your mature, adult, polite, well thought out responses are not fooling anyone here. Glad someone finally called you out on it :P
    in 1467 Comment by tattoodfreek March 2011
  • Avid Bodyrocker here!!! Been doing her workouts since last summer and have seen amazing changes!!
  • This just really gets me! Never would have even thought about this! I am on the PB2 train!! One of my favorite treats that I eat almost daily. Such a great alternative!