10 Week's To June



  • stevemcknight
    stevemcknight Posts: 647 Member
    So yesterday I skipped p90x Shoulders and Arms and did JM30DS instead, didn't have as much time as I thought I would since my daughter needed help with a project for school. I'll jump in with Shoulders and Arms and ARX tonight instead of the Yoga though.

    Stats for Tuesday:
    Carbs 142g
    Fat 75g
    Protein 67g
    Fiber 13g
    Cals 1525 eaten out of 1634

    I struggle with the food - I'm still pretty new to counting calories and stuff, so I don't really know what I'm doing or what my totals should look like. My goal is NOT to lose weight, just to get in shape, tone, and build muscle.

    Can anyone maybe suggest a book that would help explain the nutrition aspect? Something that would explain why different things are important (carbs, fat, etc) and exactly how much you should have to achieve which goals.

    There are just so many different ideas on nutrition. Here's the ones that I've read and believe in.

    The Anabolic Diet - mostly for people who are close to their goal weight and recomping bodyfat percentage - I personally use this.

    The New Atkins Diet Revolution - great for losing a bunch of weight.

    The Zone Diet - it's really good and sound, but seemed to be quite difficult to keep all your numbers per meal working. A lot of planning on this one.

    The Primal Blueprint - almost no counting on this - I also follow this combined with the Anabolic Diet

    3 Hour Diet - good book a little simple for my taste, but explains things well.

    The New Rules of Lifting for Women - has a nutrition aspect that is very "Zone" like. 33/33/33

    Good Calories, Bad Calories - this is really wordy and scientific. I love it, but it's heavy and not an eating plan. More of a historical account of why the government recommends low-fat.
  • stevemcknight
    stevemcknight Posts: 647 Member
    To explain just a bit about the book selection that I put up - most of those are low carb solutions. I believe in them and have seen them work for both me and clients. I do believe that low fat versions can work, and the same for a balanced approach. Low fat didn't work for me however, I found that I couldn't control the high carbs from getting out of hand and turning into a binge.

    I had been binging for years, but when I turned 30, it got really out of control. I was eating more than 10,000 calories in a sitting for days on end. The sugar and sweets were like a water faucet that I couldn't turn off. The second even whole wheat pasta/cereal/even fruit touches my lips, the sugar high hits and I can't control my B.E.D. My therapist finally helped me realize that what I was doing, just wasn't working. Together we tried a low carb solution.

    It was like magic. After 3 attempts to make it through the first 14 day induction period, I finally made it without reverting and felt amazing. The carb cravings (I usually call them sugar cravings because that's what the carbs turn into) went away, almost totally. I put together clean streaks of 49 and 41 days with only a single day binge between them.

    Even only a single day binge is a massive improvement, because my normal binges were always 3-4 days, which is common in male B.E.D. Now, I do a one day carb up, to prevent muscle loss while in ketosis (which does happen) since I'm still trying to build muscle here.

    I'm not saying that low carb is for everyone - but it works for me and keeps me clean. The more I learn, tells me that low fat isn't the way to go - but we each have to find the system that works for us.

    Read Read Read - keep learning and study. Make informed decisions and don't believe any crap about nutrition that people spout. Learn for yourself!
  • ski3r4life
    ski3r4life Posts: 206
    Hey Steve,
    Thanks for sharing your story with us. It's really informative and helpful, and congratulations on how far you've come! Best of luck everyone today!

    I'm upping my protein (eventually I want to get to your suggested levels of 100+ grams per day) and I had a HUGE difference in my energy and fullness levels today. During these 10 weeks I'm going to put a lot more protein foods in my diet on a regular basis: nuts, meat, beans, eggs! I'm going to learn how to cook a few things, that way it will be easier to adapt to this lifestyle change for the long run.

    I realize, I have to learn how to make food taste good for me, get nutrients AND eat within my calories. To do that, I NEED to learn how to cook a few decent things. One protein/fiber delicious recipe I will be cooking this recipe:

    •Chopped up onion
    •Bouillon for flavor

    Traditionally, you can add in potatoes/rice with the above but I don't need those extra calories and the above option is so incredibly delicious as is!
  • SamiSamiBoBlammy
    SamiSamiBoBlammy Posts: 868 Member
    The Anabolic Diet - mostly for people who are close to their goal weight and recomping bodyfat percentage - I personally use this.

    The Primal Blueprint - almost no counting on this - I also follow this combined with the Anabolic Diet

    I think I'm going to look into these two further. I need something that is easy to understand and easy to implement. (and that doesn't take a ton of pre-planning.)
    Thanks so much Steve!
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    The Anabolic Diet - mostly for people who are close to their goal weight and recomping bodyfat percentage - I personally use this.

    The Primal Blueprint - almost no counting on this - I also follow this combined with the Anabolic Diet

    I think I'm going to look into these two further. I need something that is easy to understand and easy to implement. (and that doesn't take a ton of pre-planning.)
    Thanks so much Steve!

    me too! thanks for sharing your story steve!
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    day one - it's wednesday so i'm fasting. it's going really well. i got in a two mile walk with my kiddos this morning and did 'ab ripper'. the hardest part is preparing supper for my family and watching them eat while i sit with them and sip water, which is coming up in about two hours. :) ah, the privilege of sacrifice. now i'm off to drop one child off at baseball practice and another child off at roller hockey practice. i might try to do a 10 minute yoga dvd tonight if i can work up the energy.
  • autumn13
    autumn13 Posts: 295
    Day Three...Perfect again...:)
  • mwhartley
    mwhartley Posts: 35
    Fitness Assessment completed:

    I did my strength testing so I know my 1Max rep for:


    I did my Cardio testing so now I know my target heart range.

    I also lost 8 more pounds and down to 27.5% body fat - look out June...I will be coming and looking good!!!!
  • JennLifts
    JennLifts Posts: 1,913 Member
    Day 3 completed nicely! ...HRM said 360 for my strength. Not logging that much hah. I'm fairly new to heavy lifting, and doing it alone isn't easy. My trainer has me lift light, which I don't like. In addition.. my friends I lift with only do a few muscle groups while I'm there. Oh well. It's a learning process :)
  • Juniper3411
    Juniper3411 Posts: 167 Member
    Still room to join? I didn't catch this thread until earlier today and then didn't have a chance to post because I have a 5 week old and a 5 year old to contend with!!!

    My goals:

    1. Log everyday
    2. Stay at or around 1200 calories a day (I have been actually having a hard time getting to 1200 calories right now, but that is because I am doing phase 1 of South Beach)
    3. Ice skate twice to three times a week (this is my exercise, it is both cardio and strength training becasue I do jumps and spins so it is pretty intensive)

    I would like to lose 2 pounds a week for at least until June but we'll see how that goes. I would like to say that I will go to bed early and sleep more but I can't with my newborn! Just NOT going to happen :(
  • jaybaileys
    jaybaileys Posts: 317
    So I was hungry today and I ate more. Im not worried I was soaked after the iron bell swinging for 45 minutes, Im sure I earned a few extra calories.

    Steve or anyone else, have you "Skinny Birches" ? replace r with t or it will get censored I think. My wife is reading it and said it is pretty eyeopening. It may be a good read for all you birches out there! Lol.
  • k8bugz
    k8bugz Posts: 64 Member
    Yowzers I'm sore! I did one, measly, strength training circuit yesterday and am feeling it in a mostly good way today. I've been focusing on cardio for the past few months, and now I'm trying to incorporate weights back in to my routine. I had planned on starting with two circuits, but I went for a quick run prior and I was pretty hungry during the run so my energy level wasn't awesome sauce.

    Which brings me to a question (well more of a rant)....I've been a bit hungry each evening since starting on monday. I'm just not entirely clear what my strategy should be in regards to eating back calories. I guess I haven't been, since my net calories were under 1200 the past two days. I think I'll make sure I'm getting at least 1200 calories and see how I feel. You know, I may be a research scientist in my real life, but I really don't like being one of my own subjects. Really wish there was an app that would that just tell me my optimal nutritional profile :)

    But on the other hand, maybe I just don't trust my own interpretations of my body's demands. Part of me thinks being hungry means I'm doing it right. Sick, right?

    Tomorrow: treadmill run. Yuck, but the weather is crappy.
  • tattoodfreek
    tattoodfreek Posts: 520 Member
    So I was hungry today and I ate more. Im not worried I was soaked after the iron bell swinging for 45 minutes, Im sure I earned a few extra calories.

    Steve or anyone else, have you "Skinny Birches" ? replace r with t or it will get censored I think. My wife is reading it and said it is pretty eyeopening. It may be a good read for all you birches out there! Lol.

    I read that one and to be honest was not terribly impressed. I certainly am not offended by "language," but her tendency to just swear for the point of swearing annoyed the crap out of me. My best friend read that book too, and was completely put off of eating any meat by it. She's more sensitive than I am, I guess. But it does make some valid points. Especially if you're an alarmist. ;)
  • tattoodfreek
    tattoodfreek Posts: 520 Member
    To explain just a bit about the book selection that I put up - most of those are low carb solutions. I believe in them and have seen them work for both me and clients. I do believe that low fat versions can work, and the same for a balanced approach. Low fat didn't work for me however, I found that I couldn't control the high carbs from getting out of hand and turning into a binge.

    I had been binging for years, but when I turned 30, it got really out of control. I was eating more than 10,000 calories in a sitting for days on end. The sugar and sweets were like a water faucet that I couldn't turn off. The second even whole wheat pasta/cereal/even fruit touches my lips, the sugar high hits and I can't control my B.E.D. My therapist finally helped me realize that what I was doing, just wasn't working. Together we tried a low carb solution.

    It was like magic. After 3 attempts to make it through the first 14 day induction period, I finally made it without reverting and felt amazing. The carb cravings (I usually call them sugar cravings because that's what the carbs turn into) went away, almost totally. I put together clean streaks of 49 and 41 days with only a single day binge between them.

    Even only a single day binge is a massive improvement, because my normal binges were always 3-4 days, which is common in male B.E.D. Now, I do a one day carb up, to prevent muscle loss while in ketosis (which does happen) since I'm still trying to build muscle here.

    I'm not saying that low carb is for everyone - but it works for me and keeps me clean. The more I learn, tells me that low fat isn't the way to go - but we each have to find the system that works for us.

    Read Read Read - keep learning and study. Make informed decisions and don't believe any crap about nutrition that people spout. Learn for yourself!

    Thanks for sharing your personal story, Steve. I actually had never heard that a 3-4 day binge is typically male. I don't believe I have BED, however, I have been known to go on a 3 or 4 day binge. I blame all of my bingeing on stress. Oh, and the fact that whoopie pies taste so damn good.
  • K1Teacher
    K1Teacher Posts: 324 Member
    Day 3 went very well - clean eating and did my C25K (started week 3)

    Question for any runners out there...
    My knees have started to ache a bit - is it ok to continue to run? While running the pain actually goes away, but when walking & doing normal activities they're a bit sore. I'd like to just push through it and hope it goes away...what do you think?

    Great job everyone...you're so motivating!
  • tattoodfreek
    tattoodfreek Posts: 520 Member
    So yesterday I skipped p90x Shoulders and Arms and did JM30DS instead, didn't have as much time as I thought I would since my daughter needed help with a project for school. I'll jump in with Shoulders and Arms and ARX tonight instead of the Yoga though.

    Stats for Tuesday:
    Carbs 142g
    Fat 75g
    Protein 67g
    Fiber 13g
    Cals 1525 eaten out of 1634

    I struggle with the food - I'm still pretty new to counting calories and stuff, so I don't really know what I'm doing or what my totals should look like. My goal is NOT to lose weight, just to get in shape, tone, and build muscle.

    Can anyone maybe suggest a book that would help explain the nutrition aspect? Something that would explain why different things are important (carbs, fat, etc) and exactly how much you should have to achieve which goals.

    What you need for an immediate read is some Lyle McDonald. I love his thorough explanations, which are clearly science and research backed. I know he's not for everyone, some may find him too in depth and not in "easy read" terms. He has a ton of info on his website.

    First, here are two parts of his nutrition articles which explain the fundamentals, what jobs carbs/protein/fat etc perform:



    Here's the articles that deal with figuring out what your caloric intake should be, as well as what your macronutrient profile should look like.



    I hope these help you :)
  • Jolene2012
    Checking in....

    Ate a little over 1400 calories.

    Just finished my workout - 15 min on treadmill and Burn Circuit 1 (Chalean Extreme)

    Keep up the good work everyone!
  • tattoodfreek
    tattoodfreek Posts: 520 Member
    Today was a pretty good one nutritionally and exercise wise. I experimented with scaling back the fat somewhat, but added in some wheat based carbs at breakfast and lunch to see how they affected my energy. The verdict:

    I think my hunger increased throughout the first 2/3rds of the day, but my energy level and mood was improved. Hmmm.

    Protein: 134g
    Fat: 52g
    Carbs: 225g
    Fiber: 50g
    Water: 12
    Calories: 1824 of 1904 available.

    Workout was:

    55 minutes of walking
    41 minutes of P90X+ Upper Body Plus (love that one but man it murders me till the end)
    20 minutes of P90x+ Core/abs

    This was day 15 of no rest days. I need to take one soon. Maybe tomorrow.
  • cklbrown
    cklbrown Posts: 4,696 Member
    okay I have to think about my plan but I'm in!

    You are right. I will flounder without a plan. It is too easy to let life interfere and then be caught up in the daily grind and forget about what I need to do for me.
  • stevemcknight
    stevemcknight Posts: 647 Member
    Day 3 completed nicely! ...HRM said 360 for my strength. Not logging that much hah. I'm fairly new to heavy lifting, and doing it alone isn't easy. My trainer has me lift light, which I don't like. In addition.. my friends I lift with only do a few muscle groups while I'm there. Oh well. It's a learning process :)

    It is a learning process right? The first time through a new plan (every 3 weeks new plans) I often mis-guess a lot, then nail it the second time! You're so right to lift heavy as possible, but it is hard without a spotter to help you start moves like shoulder press and protect you from death on bench press!