10 Week's To June



  • stevemcknight
    stevemcknight Posts: 647 Member
    I'm 50% carbs, 17% fat, and 33% protein.

    Mon- Cardio, upper body heavy lifting.
    Tues- Cardio
    Wed- Cardio, lower body heavy lifting
    Thurs- Cardio
    Fri- Cardio, full body.
    Sat- Cardio
    Sun-... usually off.

    Vegetarian, maintaining, building muscle. I always log it all, don't eat off, out, or crappy too often. Protein powders and bars are big with me. As time goes on, I plan on adding some more lifting. The end :)

    Love "heavy lifting" Wish all women got this!
  • stevemcknight
    stevemcknight Posts: 647 Member
    1200 cal per day
    Work out 5x per week (a total of at least 4 hours)

    • One meal per day should be something fresh. This can be anything from fresh fruit to fresh vegetables. This will help me get more healthy nutrients that my diet has been lacking and will give me a meal that keeps me feeling full!

    • Cook one healthy meal per week. I'm going to start increasing my cooking skills!

    • 45 grams protein AT LEAST per day and 14 grams fiber per day. At this point, my diet is really high in carbohydrates and sugars and sodium. I NEVER seem to get enough fiber or protein. I should probably do something about the excess fats, carbs, sugars and sodium in the long-run but I am going to start changing my diet with SMALL GOALS first. All of this is completely new to me. I am going to start really paying attention to how many fats, carbs, sugars, and sodium I am really putting into my body - but at the moment I'm not going to put restrictions on them. In fact, I think my other above goals (one fresh meal per day, cooking healthy once per week, and increasing protein and fiber) will actually have a direct impact on this anyway!

    I totally totally totally agree with SMALL goals!!! When working with new clients and trying to change their eating habits, I only do one goal per 2 weeks. Then add a new goal, and a new. They slowly add up to really clean eating.

    Of course, every client is different based on what they're currently eating, but my general plan is:

    Week 1: Log everything
    Week 3: Nothing out of a box - raise protein
    Week 5: No cheats

    It would be so difficult to do all that at once, but sticking them together in a series is a lot easier. That's basically how I got to the way I eat now, little steps!
  • tattoodfreek
    tattoodfreek Posts: 520 Member
    I'll be back tomorrow to post my goals. You know I'm in, but I need to think out a clear concise plan. I'm glad you're doing this, because though I have made progress in the last few months, if I'd have had a clear plan and vision, I bet I'd be further along! I kind of am having trouble determining what direction to go. I've been a little run down, so I was thinking of bumping up close to maint for a week or two. I've just this week focused on increasing my fat intake, as I was too low every day, and I think it was having an adverse effect on my progress and hunger level. I also increased my whole grain carbs the last few days. My energy has been considerably better, but I can't decide if it's the carbs or the high calories the last few days. I am definitely one who crashes on too low carbs. I probably will experiment a bit there to see which is paying off.
  • ski3r4life
    ski3r4life Posts: 206
    I love this forum! Are we going to be checking in here daily? Diet requires adjustment to circumstances, and at the moment I have no money literally 0. So, I had to change my meal plan from Monday to Wednesday. It will be high in carbs, but I am hitting my 1200 cals and exercise goals! Also, I am starting a push-up regimen and crunches regimen so that eventually I'll be able to do 100 push-ups AND 200 crunches. See you guys tomorrow. Day 1, so far so good.
  • ski3r4life
    ski3r4life Posts: 206
    Hey guys, I'm going to do a spreadsheet for everyone in this group, but only if you want to be included. If you want to be included, please e-message me your e-mails and I will send out a weekly spreadsheet to everyone keeping all the data for everyone current.
  • JennLifts
    JennLifts Posts: 1,913 Member
    Also, I've been thinking about outside goals. In 10 weeks, we have the opportunity to change any aspect of our lives, and I have one that I'm more than ready to address.

    I've slowly fallen out of the habit of reading a self-improvement book every day. I was really good about it for a long while, but when I quit eating breakfast out at the local diner (with the other super old single guys) I started turning on the radio or tv when I ate my eggs. Tomorrow (and for the next 10 weeks,) I'll be back in daily study/improvement mode.

    Here's the books that I have to read over the next 10 weeks.

    Good Calories, Bad Calories (last 3rd of this really great book)
    The Spartan Workout
    Autobiography of a Yogi
    The Way of the Superior Man

    If I run out - or if anyone else has any suggestions - I'm all ears. I really believe that, as human beings, we all need to make dedicated, purposeful steps to improve ourselves. Becoming better, no matter if physically, mentally, spiritually, emotionally, financially - doesn't happen by accident. We all have to dedicate time and effort to improve ourselves. I'm using these 10 weeks to do more than improve my 6 pack.

    I love this Idea- I'm going to think of something as well.
    Also, it's religious, but "The Me I Want to Be" is a great read.
  • stevemcknight
    stevemcknight Posts: 647 Member
    I love this forum! Are we going to be checking in here daily? Diet requires adjustment to circumstances, and at the moment I have no money literally 0. So, I had to change my meal plan from Monday to Wednesday. It will be high in carbs, but I am hitting my 1200 cals and exercise goals! Also, I am starting a push-up regimen and crunches regimen so that eventually I'll be able to do 100 push-ups AND 200 crunches. See you guys tomorrow. Day 1, so far so good.

    That's my idea. A few of us used to check in to this P90X thread years ago and it was amazing, but those boards are different now and not as great. I'll be checking in here every day with my progress towards June!

    5 eggs and tuna breakfast down the hatch. This is my weekend, since I play gigs on the real weekend, I try to not put training on Monday, just chilling today. I'm digging into my hour of development now, Good Calories, Bad Calories this morning.
  • stevemcknight
    stevemcknight Posts: 647 Member
    include me with the spreadsheet - *edited out due to lower advice - I'll send you a pm
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    Also, I've been thinking about outside goals. In 10 weeks, we have the opportunity to change any aspect of our lives, and I have one that I'm more than ready to address.

    I've slowly fallen out of the habit of reading a self-improvement book every day. I was really good about it for a long while, but when I quit eating breakfast out at the local diner (with the other super old single guys) I started turning on the radio or tv when I ate my eggs. Tomorrow (and for the next 10 weeks,) I'll be back in daily study/improvement mode.

    Here's the books that I have to read over the next 10 weeks.

    Good Calories, Bad Calories (last 3rd of this really great book)
    The Spartan Workout
    Autobiography of a Yogi
    The Way of the Superior Man

    If I run out - or if anyone else has any suggestions - I'm all ears. I really believe that, as human beings, we all need to make dedicated, purposeful steps to improve ourselves. Becoming better, no matter if physically, mentally, spiritually, emotionally, financially - doesn't happen by accident. We all have to dedicate time and effort to improve ourselves. I'm using these 10 weeks to do more than improve my 6 pack.

    I love this Idea- I'm going to think of something as well.
    Also, it's religious, but "The Me I Want to Be" is a great read.

    I picked up Protein Power yesterday and am enjoying it so far.
  • autumn13
    autumn13 Posts: 295
    include me too
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    Folks, I'd advise against publishing your emails on the forums unless you are OK with the flood of spam that will follow. There are bots that scrape forums for email addys and then sell them to advertisers. Soon, you'll find out how to make your sexual perfomance better and that you've been left a huge sum of money in some third-world country which you can only claim by sending the emailer a cashier's check. ;)

    Just send a message to the nice person who offered to compile a spreadsheet--it's safer for you!
  • stevemcknight
    stevemcknight Posts: 647 Member
    Edited that out - you know, I even know that, and yet, wasn't thinking and still put it up there.... ugh.... dumb dumb!
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    Edited that out - you know, I even know that, and yet, wasn't thinking and still put it up there.... ugh.... dumb dumb!

    Not dumb. It's a testimony to the strength of this community that we sometimes forget that every bit of it is public. ;) But it does pay to remember that now and again.
  • Dreamerlove
    Dreamerlove Posts: 441 Member
    Here is mine,

    -Weigh in every monday morning,

    -Only eat foods of of the first two teirs http://teambeachbody.com/eat-smart/michis-ladder

    -One day a week where I don't count calories.

    -I will do turbo fire every morning 6xs a week (starting wed)

    -I will run 3.5 miles on T,F,S on Sundays I will run 6 miles.

    -I will also do JM 6week6pack (I am already on week 3 so I can't stop now)

    I am half way to go goal, and need to lose 12 more pounds and tone. =) Can't wait..My hubby won't be able to keep his hands off me!
  • stevemcknight
    stevemcknight Posts: 647 Member
    Here is mine,

    -Weigh in every monday morning,

    -Only eat foods of of the first two teirs http://teambeachbody.com/eat-smart/michis-ladder

    -One day a week where I don't count calories.

    -I will do turbo fire every morning 6xs a week (starting wed)

    -I will run 3.5 miles on T,F,S on Sundays I will run 6 miles.

    -I will also do JM 6week6pack (I am already on week 3 so I can't stop now)

    I am half way to go goal, and need to lose 12 more pounds and tone. =) Can't wait..My hubby won't be able to keep his hands off me!

    Awesome goals! Love it!
  • autumn13
    autumn13 Posts: 295
    First day check in:) Starting weight 127
    Did my work out (shred) also added 100 crunches to mix for a warm up...Thanks for the idea!

    I found I might be logging my food the night before to help stick with the program....might be a lot easier if i have a plan.

    I like the idea of using this 10 weeks to improve or adjust my inner self..With this idea I think i may find a babysitter...two hours out of the day where i can go out for a run and actually lose thought...Just me myself and I :)The weather is getting warmer again...I smell spring!:)
  • autumn13
    autumn13 Posts: 295
    Here is mine,

    -Weigh in every monday morning,

    -Only eat foods of of the first two teirs http://teambeachbody.com/eat-smart/michis-ladder

    -One day a week where I don't count calories.

    -I will do turbo fire every morning 6xs a week (starting wed)

    -I will run 3.5 miles on T,F,S on Sundays I will run 6 miles.

    -I will also do JM 6week6pack (I am already on week 3 so I can't stop now)

    I am half way to go goal, and need to lose 12 more pounds and tone. =) Can't wait..My hubby won't be able to keep his hands off me!

    So glad u joined us!!!!!!!
  • Suzy12
    Suzy12 Posts: 284
    Here's my first day:
    SW: 137. (I'd like to say that when I started the Anabolic Diet 7 weeks ago I was 143!!!).
    I did 4 miles @ 4mph @ 4% incline for 60 minutes today
    Having already entered all my food I should come in at 1035 cals and and 26 gr of carbs.
    I may do a bit more cheese to pump up the cals to 1200.
  • SamiSamiBoBlammy
    SamiSamiBoBlammy Posts: 868 Member
    Okay I'm in! I started p90x last night (after looking at the videos for a LONG time before deciding I'm an adult and I need to quit being scared)

    -- log in everyday and log everything I eat... I'm bad about not logging that last snack in the evening, usually I just know that I have enough calories to have it and don't log in

    --Steadily work on the p90x routines

    --My eating is horrible, well better than it was 6 months ago since I cut out almost all fast food and soda, but I would like to clean the menu up a lot. That'll be a slow process with the hubs and kids though since I don't want to prepare separate meals

    I would also like to read a few of the book's you mentioned, but I won't consider that an actual 'goal' since I don't want to overwhelm myself.
  • JennLifts
    JennLifts Posts: 1,913 Member
    -One day a week where I don't count calories.
    I am half way to go goal, and need to lose 12 more pounds and tone. =) Can't wait..My hubby won't be able to keep his hands off me!

    I've seriously considered doing a day where I don't, but i don't think I would eat enough and I can't afford to lose weight. Interested to see how yours goes though!

    And I LOVE your confidence :D So glad you're here!