10 Week's To June



  • kristarablue
    Rest day today for me! Food good for today, protien really high so have been feeling really full!

    I am very pleased!!

    My waist has reduced by 1/2 inch!! I'm the same weight (well actually was a 1lb down but will check next week as it fluctuates so much!!) and arms, legs, hips, chest measurements are the same but I like them as they are anyway! Its this darn tummy fat I want to shift, so half an inch feels fantastic!

    I am going to measure my lower belly tomorrow and start to track that!

    Hope everyone is having a good day!!

    Great job!!! 1/2 inch is awesome!!! Have an amazing day!!!!!
  • tattoodfreek
    tattoodfreek Posts: 520 Member
    Didn't get a chance to check in last night, but I nailed yesterday. Did some Insanity, ate clean all day, and got through my first Intermittent fast successfully, though I was miserable. I'm a little confused though. I am trying Martin Berkhan's IF program, and he says it's a 14 hour window for women. Are you supposed to do that daily or alternate days? I am thinking daily? Steve, do you know? I read through everything on his website and that seems to be the one thing I can't find? I had a snack of celery w/ PB2 Thursday night at 10:30, so I had to wait until 12:30 yesterday to eat, and I wasn't sure I'd make it, but I did. I decided last night to cut off eating by 6 PM so that I could eat by 8 am this morning, which seemed to be a much better plan. But here it is almost 9 am, and I am only mildly hungry, so I am trying to hold off as long as I can. I am going to have to try to tweak it.

    In other news, I weighed in this morning to find another gain of 1.1. I expected this following that horrible 4 day binge, so I was not upset, only merely disappointed that the Magic Keeper of the Pounds didn't wave his wand and make all that food mysteriously have no effect. But it will not stall my ambition and this week will go better :)

    I know his stuff - great site. From different things I've read, people eating a medium to higher carb diet shouldn't fast often. It can get a little wordy, but it has to do with losing muscle mass due to using it as the second form of energy. Martin is a proponent of Primal/Paleo and writes about keeping carbs low frequently. Big fan of his.

    I would say try IF only once a week for now and see how your progress comes. It's certainly as much or more mental than it is physical. I see all the time, a overeating binge, followed by a fast to make up for it, which leads to another overeating binge. I like having structure. Knowing that Sunday is my day makes things pretty easy to keep up with and mentally prepare for.

    I hope you don't think I am being argumentative, but I didn't read low carb in his approach at all! Maybe I am reading something wrong, but he seems to advocate medium level carbs pre workout, and high level carbs post workout! That's one of the reasons I liked what I was reading, LOL. Here's a snippet from an interview I read with him:

    Leigh Peele: You brought up pre/post-workout nutrition. Is there a specific recommendation you have for these meals? Do you stick to any sort of carb/protein ratio? I am specifically curious as to the pre-workout guidelines.

    Martin Berkhan: In an ideal situation, I’d like to place approximately 80% of the day’s total calorie intake in the post workout window. As a consequence, the pre-workout meal is often the “fast breaker” on workout days. For the pre-workout meal I usually recommend a meal consisting of an equal carb/protein ratio – for example, 50-60 g carbs, 40-50 g protein and some fat for taste (about 500 kcal total). The goal of this meal is to provide satisfaction, provide enough carbs to fuel the workout, and maximize protein synthesis for the workout (another reason for the high protein intake is to induce satiety).

    One of my typical pre-workout meals may consist of 8 oz lean meat with veggies or potatoes and a large apple. A bit of fructose might mediate the effect of the post-workout feeding, since liver glycogen is beneficial to hormones involved in anabolism, therefore the fruit. Keep in mind that the pre-workout meal is dependent on training volume, but I’ve found that these general guidelines work for most people doing moderate volume resistance training (about 10-15 sets of 6-10 reps, per workout, in total). Athletes and others, subjecting themselves to a greater training load than the average weight trainer, require different pre-workout guidelines.

    The post workout meal is, ideally, a high carb, moderate protein and low fat feeding. This is what I have found most beneficial in terms of maximizing growth, recovery and limiting whatever extra fat might get stored during hyper caloric conditions. The absolute majority of carbs should be starch based, since we want carbs that gets stored as muscle glycogen primarily, but as noted before, some fructose might also be beneficial to allow for muscle growth processes to occur. The post workout meal should be the largest of the day and you may split your remaining calorie intake as you see fit. I usually have two substantial meals post-workout; one directly following the workout and another one an hour before going to bed.

    The exact amount of calories and macronutrients consumed in the post-workout window is largely dependent on the individual’s primary focus, be it fat loss, re-composition or lean mass gains, so this is nothing more than a quick summary of some general guidelines that I apply across the board.
  • stevemcknight
    stevemcknight Posts: 647 Member
    Alright guys - so I decided after studying the Paleo Solution all morning that I would take a rest day instead of sprints today. I was going to sprint to deplete my glycogen, but I think after lifting hard yesterday, it's not so needed. Saturday is typically my rest day anyway - so this will work out well while I carb up.

    300g of carbs into the day and totally on track. Today's very easy for some reason, I think I just decided hardcore, no wheat/corn/rice at all and once the decision was made, it's surprisingly easy.

    Carry on!

    Grok on!
  • stevemcknight
    stevemcknight Posts: 647 Member
    Yeah - absolutely, his approach isn't low carb (for everyone) but he does recommend for some people the Primal/Paleo route.

    I think somewhere on there or maybe a guest blog, I heard him refer to it as Modern Primalism. Which does include some of the things that Primal says keep away from (starches come to mind). I'll dig around after work and see what I can find.
  • stevemcknight
    stevemcknight Posts: 647 Member
    One small note - Primal/Paleo isn't really low carb - many people eat in the 150g of carbs a day, it's just the source of the carbs that is different from the standard western diet.

    My personal approach is low carb, because it works for me and my clients. It's not for everyone, but I have come to believe that wheat/rice/corn isn't for anyone

  • K1Teacher
    K1Teacher Posts: 324 Member
    Checking in from yesterday and today - excellent in nutrition & another 3 lbs gone this week. This morning I reached a total of 50 lbs lost since January 3. :happy: Wait! My ticker says 51...even better!!

    Exercise is going great - week 4 of C25K has been completed (to my utter amazement) and I'm really liking ChaLEAN Extreme. I can see/feel a difference already!

    Have a great weekend everyone!! :flowerforyou:
  • janesmith1
    janesmith1 Posts: 1,511 Member
    Oh I like this. Can I still join this group? Sounds awesome!
  • stevemcknight
    stevemcknight Posts: 647 Member
    Checking in from yesterday and today - excellent in nutrition & another 3 lbs gone this week. This morning I reached a total of 50 lbs lost since January 3. :happy: Wait! My ticker says 51...even better!!

    Exercise is going great - week 4 of C25K has been completed (to my utter amazement) and I'm really liking ChaLEAN Extreme. I can see/feel a difference already!

    Have a great weekend everyone!! :flowerforyou:

    This is amazing!!! 50 pounds this year. I mean... you're a completely new person! Well Done!!!!!

    Jane - welcome :)
  • janesmith1
    janesmith1 Posts: 1,511 Member
    Ohh, thx for the welcome! I usually do EA Sports Active 2 4x per week. Today I started this old abs DVD called Perfect Abs, and it works, or did work for me. Took me ages to be able to get through 1 eight minute segment in the past but I did it pretty ok today and I can feel my abs.

    I'm doing low fat cooking. I'm a foodie and make all our delicious meals. And I mean mouth wateringly delicious. Last night I made Skillet Tamale Pie from the America's Test Kitchen Healthy Family cookbook and it was great, and just 420 cals. That will last us for 3 days I'm happy to say.
  • jaybaileys
    jaybaileys Posts: 317
    K1 51 LBS since Jan 3rd that is frigging AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Did you lose all that weight with Chalene Extreme?
  • K1Teacher
    K1Teacher Posts: 324 Member
    K1 51 LBS since Jan 3rd that is frigging AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Did you lose all that weight with Chalene Extreme?

    THANK YOU!! :heart:

    No, I didn't. I just started CE this week. In January I did my own thing (New Beverly Hills Diet - totally not sustainable but got a jump start on my weight loss of 20 lbs in 2 weeks) and then found MFP in February and I've been tweaking things here and there as I gain knowledge from those around me (you guys!!). I don't have a gym membership so I've been doing all of my exercising at home - Turbo Jam, Turbo Fire, 30 Day Shred, yada yada yada.

    I feel great at what I've accomplished so far and can't wait to get rid of the next 50...and then the next... :tongue:
  • kristarablue
    My book "Born to Run" arrived when I got home from work today!! YAY, I am going to start reading it tomorrow, it actually looks really good...can't wait.
    Protein was 164 today, I am much more cognoscente of my protein intake than I have ever been, and my carb intake is set lower than ever before, but not craving carbs at all...this is great.
    Fast walking as my cardio workout..best I could do because I worked 13 hours today, tomorrow it will be weights and cardio.

    Hope everyone had a great day
  • JennLifts
    JennLifts Posts: 1,913 Member
    Hey everyone :D
    I was on a mini vacation yesterday and today, LOVED it. Stayed in yesterday exact, and today... well... it was complicated. We went kayaking, which I was pumped to not sit around haha.. but we didn't get lunch to take with, so from 9-3 all i had was like 8oz of water. :/ But I managed to hit up the store for protein to devour on the way home!

    I re did my stats on Friday, since i've been in a .."healthier" path in the past 6.5 weeks. I was UBER excited to see what's changed. So here they are!

    lean mass-90.6lb

    lean mass-97.5

    So basically, I gained 7lb of lean mass in 6.5 weeks. From what i've read... that's pretty incredible ha. Loving it! BUT My waist needs to go back down haha. That's about the only thing I'm not at all cool with.

    Hope everyone is having a good a weekend as I am!
  • janesmith1
    janesmith1 Posts: 1,511 Member
    just did my 2nd round of Perfect abs. Burned 75 cals this am with 9 min of one segment (they're in 8 & 9 min segments) and just did another 75 cals on another segment of it, the kickboxing one. I'm inspired to keep doing abs throughout the day! Amazingly I have more energy now and don't feel hungry in the least!
  • stevemcknight
    stevemcknight Posts: 647 Member
    Cal : 1993
    Exercise : 90 min jog
    Carbs : 224
    Protein: 77
    Fiber 61

    I exercised, I ate really healthy foods, I ate fresh, I ate a homecooked meal, I focused on protein and fiber, I drank lots of water, I ate some sweets. It felt good. This is what an ideal day would like for me at my goal weight. I'm sure Steve is right, that carbs and sugar can trigger a binge response - but I am experimenting and for my own sanity I am going to see if I can be reasonable and I am not ready to cut sugars out of my diet. Time will tell!

    The other thing is I am increasing my calories. Some days I will eat 1300 or 1400 calories. Other days, like today, I will eat some or all of my exercise calories. Also, I'm going to try spreading out what I eat over the course of the entire day. I seem to get irritable if I don't eat often, regardless of how big my last meal was.

    I think my diet has been too restrictive. And it was too much like a diet. Not anymore! I'm experimenting till I find something truly enjoyable that I can do for the rest of my life.

    Cassie - you have really come a long way in a short amount of time! Keep working every day to make it a little bit healthier than the day before :) You'll find the plan that works for you!
  • stevemcknight
    stevemcknight Posts: 647 Member
    My book "Born to Run" arrived when I got home from work today!! YAY, I am going to start reading it tomorrow, it actually looks really good...can't wait.
    Protein was 164 today, I am much more cognoscente of my protein intake than I have ever been, and my carb intake is set lower than ever before, but not craving carbs at all...this is great.
    Fast walking as my cardio workout..best I could do because I worked 13 hours today, tomorrow it will be weights and cardio.

    Hope everyone had a great day

    You'll love Born to Run - great book! I just finished my newest hour development book "The Paleo Solution" (I read it in 3 days) and going to go back through it and take closer notes, there's actually alot in it that I didn't know. Robb Wolf did an amazing job putting the science in that Mark Scisson decided to leave out of The Primal Blueprint.

    Tomorrow's hour of development will be writing index cards and notes from the Paleo Solution to learn this stuff better.
  • stevemcknight
    stevemcknight Posts: 647 Member
    just did my 2nd round of Perfect abs. Burned 75 cals this am with 9 min of one segment (they're in 8 & 9 min segments) and just did another 75 cals on another segment of it, the kickboxing one. I'm inspired to keep doing abs throughout the day! Amazingly I have more energy now and don't feel hungry in the least!

    I really enjoy short burst exercise instead of always doing an hour at a time. I think my next phase of lifting workouts is determined for summer.

    I just finished week 6 of a 12 week bodybuilding plan. Starting Monday I'll do Phase 3 (each phase is 3 weeks) and finish that. But after that - I think I'm going to do a cross-fit/Paleo workout program called ladders. It's only 3 moves, 3 days a week.

    1 Push-Up
    1 Pull-Up
    1 Squat

    2 Push-Ups
    2 Pull-Ups
    2 Squats

    Keep going until you can't finish a set, then next round, that one goes back to 1. So it might look like this:

    10 Push-Ups
    1 Pull-Up
    10 Squats

    11 Push-Ups
    2 Pull-Ups
    11 Squats

    Keep going until all 3 max out. - No breaks between moves, I'm crazy stoked to try this, but I committed to doing all 12 weeks of this bodybuilding routine first. GRRRRRRRRRRR>>>> (someone try it and tell me how it goes!)

    You can use Bodyweight Back Rows instead of pullups from a dip station too if Pull-Ups aren't possible, but I say go for it!
  • stevemcknight
    stevemcknight Posts: 647 Member
    My workout today was just walking with a 50lbs backpack. I had an early rehearsal, then a gig at night and really didn't have time for much, so I took the dog on a 1.5 (almost 2 really) mile walk with my backpack and 50lbs in it. Man. It was REALLY FREAKING TOUGH!!!! I can't believe I used to carry around 62 more pounds on my body!

    I said this in my post tonight, but incase you missed it...

    As hard as working out and eating healthy is, carrying around that 50lbs backpack every step of my life is so much harder. Stay strict, stay hardcore and GROK ON!
  • GiGi76
    GiGi76 Posts: 876 Member
    Day 13

    Burned 305 calories running and bodyrocking it!!! ;-)

    macros for today
    40%carbs (229 grams)
    42%fat (107 grams)
    19%protein (112grams)

    Calorie intake was 2299 of 1755 calories!!!! Over by 544 calories :-(

    Ok not such a great day... i planned to have the big meal at dinner because friends were coming to visit but the lunch was unexpected!!! My mom cooked lunch for us today because we went down to cut her grass and she thought pizza would be a good idea!! She cooked it so i ate it.... LOL but sooooo didnt need it today with my big meal tonight too!!! Tomorrow is Plyo and i plan to do a little something extra afterwards to help burn off those extra calories and carbs!!!

    11 glasses of water today!!! Way over on the sodium too so lots of water tomorrow!!!!
  • GiGi76
    GiGi76 Posts: 876 Member
    My workout today was just walking with a 50lbs backpack. I had an early rehearsal, then a gig at night and really didn't have time for much, so I took the dog on a 1.5 (almost 2 really) mile walk with my backpack and 50lbs in it. Man. It was REALLY FREAKING TOUGH!!!! I can't believe I used to carry around 62 more pounds on my body!

    I said this in my post tonight, but incase you missed it...

    As hard as working out and eating healthy is, carrying around that 50lbs backpack every step of my life is so much harder. Stay strict, stay hardcore and GROK ON!

    Ive been wanting to do this one day, ive lost a total of about 40lbs now and wonder what it would be like to carry that around!!!! I think i may get out my backpack tomorrow and load it up with 40lbs and go for a little walk just to see what it feels like!!!!