10 Week's To June



  • JennLifts
    JennLifts Posts: 1,913 Member
    Jen - I was thinking about the bodyrock nutrition thing too - eating minimeals is awesome - I do it and have for years. Great move.

    When Zuzuna's talking earn your carbs - she's only talking about earning your bread/pasta/rice/corn (grains) and fruits not veggies. For some reason - she always talks about them in different categories. (I actually kind of see that reasoning) I think you're onto something there with the mini-meals.

    I do the mini meals now, but not as structured. It didn't look to me like you had to earn fruit?
    What I couldn't tell is if you earn them for just after a work out or for your day? I guess it doesn't matter too much as I'm not doing too much of that part.
  • Thanks Steve! I'm gonna give that a try, make a plan out especially for Saturday and Sunday! M-F I have no problem sticking with my calories and doing my workout, but when it comes to Saturday and Sunday I tend to eat from boredom and just don't feel like exercising. This weekend I'm gonna give it a shot and really try hard to stick to my calories and get a workout in each day no matter what! I'm gonna make it like an appointment for myself and get it done! I feel so much better when I get my workout done for the day! :) Thanks for the advice! :happy:

    Good luck! Weekends are definitely tough, but making an appointment for a workout time sounds like a really good idea to make sure you follow through. I'll have to try that!

    Here's how my Monday went.

    I'm starting to get sick too, and my energy levels are way down. I planned to go to Turbo Kick tonight, but I'm pretty dead, so I think I'm gonna just stay home, have some tea, get a good night's rest, and hopefully nip this thing in the bud. I'm about 100 cals over my goal for today, so I'm not too concerned. We're supposed to have really good weather the next few days, so hopefully I can go on a nice jog and try to up it to 5 miles this time.
  • tattoodfreek
    tattoodfreek Posts: 520 Member
    Zuzana has you earn your carbs but not your fruit. If you look in her 6 breakfast posts, there is fruit in some of the "unearned" breakfasts. The one is grapes, celery, and yogurt. For the carbs you exercise to earn, they are supposed to be eaten within 1-2 hours of the end of your workout. NOT at any point post workout. Though if it works out that way, I guess that's still better than not earning them at all!

    I was going to break from logging my food for a while, but I have decided not to do that, as I have officially proven to myself that if I am not tracking, I am not responsible. Perhaps the story would be different in a different mindset, but right now I don't have it. The sugar monster has been raging, and I didn't even attempt to keep it under control. Not gonna pretend I did anything else. I just didn't care. So....of roughly 1800 cals available today, I dunno, maybe 4000 eaten? How gross. I'm not really sure at what point I just totally lost control, but it was like three days ago. I am gonna try to really reign it back in tomorrow cuz this is ridiculous.

    On a brighter note, I renewed my Bodybugg subscription a few minutes ago, so I should really be able to nail my plan down. I am anxious to see more accurate counts on things now that I am lighter. I think I ran out of subscription when I was roughly 15 or 20 pounds heavier, and have been estimating since. The cool thing is it really motivates me to keep moving when I wear it, and I found most days that I had a far greater deficit than what I thought. I am hoping that's the case now. And I am excited to see an on point number for my bodyrock. I think this will really help to motivate me to push harder during my training too, since I will wanna see big numbers. Hopefully it will take me to the next level. The downside is I have to get my stats for the bugg following a 4 day bender. Not sure my weight, measurements, or RHR are gonna be accurate.

    Please guys, don't let me become Mrs Excuse Pants. I hate her. And I feel like in the back of my head I am making excuses with how things have been so rotten the last few months to justify it. And that's not okay.
  • stevemcknight
    stevemcknight Posts: 647 Member
    maybe you need only 5 or maybe you need 12 but everyone needs a little extra water other than what you get in food!!!! ;-)

    This is actually exactly what I'm saying! Just not to stress and force down an additional 2 glasses to hit the magic 8 number. Obviously - water is the best liquid to drink, but all liquids count - coffee, diet pop, whey protein shakes, tea, whatever. I'm not recommending diet pop lol - just sayin'!
  • stevemcknight
    stevemcknight Posts: 647 Member
    Jen - I was thinking about the bodyrock nutrition thing too - eating minimeals is awesome - I do it and have for years. Great move.

    When Zuzuna's talking earn your carbs - she's only talking about earning your bread/pasta/rice/corn (grains) and fruits not veggies. For some reason - she always talks about them in different categories. (I actually kind of see that reasoning) I think you're onto something there with the mini-meals.

    I do the mini meals now, but not as structured. It didn't look to me like you had to earn fruit?
    What I couldn't tell is if you earn them for just after a work out or for your day? I guess it doesn't matter too much as I'm not doing too much of that part.

    You know, I wrote fruit, because I've been talking alot about it with clients recently.... she may not have said it (although I believe fruit can get out of hand very quickly - as opposed to veggies) I might be completely off on my zuzana quote there.

    Military March with Dumbbells is standing straight up - hold one dumbbell with both hands over head. Bring one leg straight out in front of you, contracting your abs to bring it up (working lower abs) at the same time, bring both hands down to touch your toe with the dumbbell, then return the dumbbell back up with straight arms over head. (works upper abs). It's a killer move. I tried it with a 20lbs dumbbell and couldn't hang! One of my favorite ab moves, but you have to focus on contracting your abs, because honestly you can cheat and just throw your leg up using your glute and leg muscles instead of your abs. Put the focus where it should be. Moving kind of slowly helps on this move as well.
  • stevemcknight
    stevemcknight Posts: 647 Member
    Tattooed - Since I started the Anabolic Diet, my benders have only been 1 day long. Not gone forever, but much shorter thankfully. My typical bender was 3-4 days. Which was 2-3 times a month. Even during the time I was losing all my weight, I was still binging monthly.

    It's so difficult to turn off the valve once the sugar starts rolling.

    No excuses here. Reasons and triggers - yes, but excuses - no. :)

    Remember how you got those abs? It was from crazy high dedication and motivation. You drew a line in the sand and said "No More!" Time to do it again!

    With love,
  • JennLifts
    JennLifts Posts: 1,913 Member
    Jen - I was thinking about the bodyrock nutrition thing too - eating minimeals is awesome - I do it and have for years. Great move.

    When Zuzuna's talking earn your carbs - she's only talking about earning your bread/pasta/rice/corn (grains) and fruits not veggies. For some reason - she always talks about them in different categories. (I actually kind of see that reasoning) I think you're onto something there with the mini-meals.

    I do the mini meals now, but not as structured. It didn't look to me like you had to earn fruit?
    What I couldn't tell is if you earn them for just after a work out or for your day? I guess it doesn't matter too much as I'm not doing too much of that part.

    You know, I wrote fruit, because I've been talking alot about it with clients recently.... she may not have said it (although I believe fruit can get out of hand very quickly - as opposed to veggies) I might be completely off on my zuzana quote there.

    Military March with Dumbbells is standing straight up - hold one dumbbell with both hands over head. Bring one leg straight out in front of you, contracting your abs to bring it up (working lower abs) at the same time, bring both hands down to touch your toe with the dumbbell, then return the dumbbell back up with straight arms over head. (works upper abs). It's a killer move. I tried it with a 20lbs dumbbell and couldn't hang! One of my favorite ab moves, but you have to focus on contracting your abs, because honestly you can cheat and just throw your leg up using your glute and leg muscles instead of your abs. Put the focus where it should be. Moving kind of slowly helps on this move as well.

    I agree fruit can get out of hand quickly. I think she says 3x's per day? Not too sure.. If I'm not trying to fill my mass of carbs, it's not too excessive. But I've been known to eat 3 bananas in a day baha.
    Alright... That sounds... complex. But I'll see if I feel it :)
  • JennLifts
    JennLifts Posts: 1,913 Member
    Zuzana has you earn your carbs but not your fruit. If you look in her 6 breakfast posts, there is fruit in some of the "unearned" breakfasts. The one is grapes, celery, and yogurt. For the carbs you exercise to earn, they are supposed to be eaten within 1-2 hours of the end of your workout. NOT at any point post workout. Though if it works out that way, I guess that's still better than not earning them at all!

    I was going to break from logging my food for a while, but I have decided not to do that, as I have officially proven to myself that if I am not tracking, I am not responsible. Perhaps the story would be different in a different mindset, but right now I don't have it. The sugar monster has been raging, and I didn't even attempt to keep it under control. Not gonna pretend I did anything else. I just didn't care. So....of roughly 1800 cals available today, I dunno, maybe 4000 eaten? How gross. I'm not really sure at what point I just totally lost control, but it was like three days ago. I am gonna try to really reign it back in tomorrow cuz this is ridiculous.

    On a brighter note, I renewed my Bodybugg subscription a few minutes ago, so I should really be able to nail my plan down. I am anxious to see more accurate counts on things now that I am lighter. I think I ran out of subscription when I was roughly 15 or 20 pounds heavier, and have been estimating since. The cool thing is it really motivates me to keep moving when I wear it, and I found most days that I had a far greater deficit than what I thought. I am hoping that's the case now. And I am excited to see an on point number for my bodyrock. I think this will really help to motivate me to push harder during my training too, since I will wanna see big numbers. Hopefully it will take me to the next level. The downside is I have to get my stats for the bugg following a 4 day bender. Not sure my weight, measurements, or RHR are gonna be accurate.

    Please guys, don't let me become Mrs Excuse Pants. I hate her. And I feel like in the back of my head I am making excuses with how things have been so rotten the last few months to justify it. And that's not okay.

    *accountability hat on* :)

    Thanks for the info girl!!
  • GiGi76
    GiGi76 Posts: 876 Member
    maybe you need only 5 or maybe you need 12 but everyone needs a little extra water other than what you get in food!!!! ;-)

    This is actually exactly what I'm saying! Just not to stress and force down an additional 2 glasses to hit the magic 8 number. Obviously - water is the best liquid to drink, but all liquids count - coffee, diet pop, whey protein shakes, tea, whatever. I'm not recommending diet pop lol - just sayin'!

    Ok got you, i thought you were saying you didnt need to drink extra water , that you got enough just from the foods you eat.... LOL!!! I was thinking that didnt sound like you!!! ;-)
  • GiGi76
    GiGi76 Posts: 876 Member
    Don't stress about the water thing - the 8 cups of water a day is so generic and old, it's based on nothing but what this old doctor from 1795 said. Which is based on - brace yourself here - him observing some old dude, and how much water he drank. The end. The old wives tale has stood up, even being sited on a 1945 government recommendation - which we know how much science they knew back then right?

    Drink when you want and remember that we get some of our daily water intake from FOOD - not just drinking water! You'll be fine :)

    The 8 cups of water thing may not be right but you do need to drink plenty of water through out the day.... we lose water all day long especially when training hard!!! And unless you eat completely clean (meaning getting enough fruit and vegs in your diet) then you really should be drinking more water!!! Most everyone eats either some kind of processed food or gets too much sodium in their diet and to off set that you have to take in more water!!! Just saying those things should be taken in to consideration also!!! Your body is made up of mostly water so its a good idea (no matter what science may or may not say) to drink plenty of water. Even Zuzana just posted something about making sure you get enough water! Someone is always trying to prove someone else wrong when it comes to drinking water, eating carbs, eating fats..... there is so much conflicting info about it all.... but one thing i know for sure is i feel 100% better when i drink plenty of water (that for me being 8-10glasses a day) then when i take in less than 6!!!! Just saying everyone has to figure out how much they need on their own, maybe you need only 5 or maybe you need 12 but everyone needs a little extra water other than what you get in food!!!! ;-)

    That's what he was responding to. I take it you didn't read my post, lol, I was saying I drink tons and wasn't sure if there was a cut off.

    Lol i just misunderstood what he was saying!!! ;-)
  • GiGi76
    GiGi76 Posts: 876 Member
    Day 8

    I burned 370 calories doing P90X Legs & Back!

    macros for today
    41%carbs (155 grams) so close to my goal of 150grams of carbs a day!!!
    28%fat (47 grams)
    34%protein (131 grams)

    Calorie intake was 1529 of 1820 calories!!!! Had to have 2tablespoons of all natural peanut butter right before bed so i wouldnt be so low on calories today!!!

    10 glasses of water today!!! I feel like today was a good day!!! Hope i can keep this up all week!!! ;-)

    And Thanks Steve for all your help today with me trying to figure out my next move on the carbs and fats!!!
  • GiGi76
    GiGi76 Posts: 876 Member
    Zuzana has you earn your carbs but not your fruit. If you look in her 6 breakfast posts, there is fruit in some of the "unearned" breakfasts. The one is grapes, celery, and yogurt. For the carbs you exercise to earn, they are supposed to be eaten within 1-2 hours of the end of your workout. NOT at any point post workout. Though if it works out that way, I guess that's still better than not earning them at all!

    I was going to break from logging my food for a while, but I have decided not to do that, as I have officially proven to myself that if I am not tracking, I am not responsible. Perhaps the story would be different in a different mindset, but right now I don't have it. The sugar monster has been raging, and I didn't even attempt to keep it under control. Not gonna pretend I did anything else. I just didn't care. So....of roughly 1800 cals available today, I dunno, maybe 4000 eaten? How gross. I'm not really sure at what point I just totally lost control, but it was like three days ago. I am gonna try to really reign it back in tomorrow cuz this is ridiculous.

    On a brighter note, I renewed my Bodybugg subscription a few minutes ago, so I should really be able to nail my plan down. I am anxious to see more accurate counts on things now that I am lighter. I think I ran out of subscription when I was roughly 15 or 20 pounds heavier, and have been estimating since. The cool thing is it really motivates me to keep moving when I wear it, and I found most days that I had a far greater deficit than what I thought. I am hoping that's the case now. And I am excited to see an on point number for my bodyrock. I think this will really help to motivate me to push harder during my training too, since I will wanna see big numbers. Hopefully it will take me to the next level. The downside is I have to get my stats for the bugg following a 4 day bender. Not sure my weight, measurements, or RHR are gonna be accurate.

    Please guys, don't let me become Mrs Excuse Pants. I hate her. And I feel like in the back of my head I am making excuses with how things have been so rotten the last few months to justify it. And that's not okay.

    Jess i know you can do this.... you are always on point, everyone has slip ups you just have to get back on track and i know if anyone can do it then its you!!! Love ya girl!!! ;-)
  • ksyrnyk
    ksyrnyk Posts: 53 Member
    Reality check - I'm in. Will fine tune my plan and check in regularly
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    Hey all. Making a pit stop in to say HI and on track. I will update later this afternoon. Off to school for me!!

    Have a great Primal day everyone......

    I made the awesome recipe last night for sausage and cabbage that is on Page 42 of the Primal Cook book...................My husband loved it loved it, loved it!!!
  • Morning all! :)

    I did great yesterday...at lunch I walked on treadmill for 25 min, then after work I did the CE Burn Intervals and Ab Burner. Wow! The CE Burn Intervals is one heck of a workout. That's the first time I've ever done that, but felt great after I accomplished doing the whole video. woot! woot! Did good on my eating, water intake etc also.

    This morning I did the Burn Circuit 3 and walked near a park by our house. It was a beautiful morning but the air had a crisp cool bite to it. I plan on walking on the treadmill at lunch again. Love the extra energy I'm getting from working out!
  • SamiSamiBoBlammy
    SamiSamiBoBlammy Posts: 868 Member
    Monday totals:

    Cals 1133/1470
    Carbs 165g
    Fat 40g
    Protein 49

    I didn't work out last night, and for dinner I had 2 granola bars. Wasn't feeling real great - not really 'sick', just ugh.
    We did finish my daughters school project (a whole week early!!) so my evenings won't be as full as they have been the last week or so. I'll never understand why they assign research projects to 2nd graders. It's way more work on the parents!

    Feeling better this morning after going to bed about 10 last night.

    I'm going to jump in with a water question also - I drink 10+ glasses of water everyday (and have since at least October), but I am constantly thirsty. Is this normal? I don't remember being thirsty like this when I was drinking nothing but pepsi.
  • autumn13
    autumn13 Posts: 295
    Another day nailed....I swear the work out is the hardest part....eating clean is so easy! Hope u are all doing well too!
  • kristarablue
    kristarablue Posts: 702 Member
    So I am getting into the game late, but I think I have a plan…wow deciding on this is much harder than I thought it would be because it has to be reality…yicks...Need to write these out to put on my mirror so that I can be constantly reminded


    1. Take in between 135 – 155 grams of protein a day (this is the most difficult part of my plan) I would just say 155, ….but you know baby steps.

    2. Work out at the gym 3 days a week with cardio and free weights and 3 days a week at home cardio and/or shred type of workout (this is an increase of 3 days over current plan).

    3. Run my 5K with no “walk of shame”….this is providing my injuries do not get in the way…here’s to hoping

    4. This one I need help with, I would like to read two books to increase my knowledge base of fitness and/or nutrition…does anyone have idea’s for suggested reading material that would be of particular use to me.

    So there it is.....I am open to any suggestions
  • ski3r4life
    ski3r4life Posts: 206
    Checking in for today! This is going to be a crazy emotional month for me, lots of changes and things going on. I went for a long walk and let my crazy thoughts sort themselves out for the night. Today was OKAY calorie wise. Tomorrow, I will have a HEALTHY meal plan for the week, yay :)
  • gailosborne
    gailosborne Posts: 435
    Good day, food and exercise spot on!! :wink:
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