10 Week's To June



  • Jolene2012
    Good Morning All!

    Yesterday was my rest day, but today I finished my workout about 630am. Got up at 530am this morning and did Burn Circuit 2 and 10 min on treadmill. My heart rate moniter said I burned 618 calories in 54min. Woot! Woot! I also weighed in today and lost 2 more lbs this week. So far I've lost 4lbs in 2 weeks. Woohoo!

    I've been doing good all week on my calorie intake and drinking my eight glasses of water and no pop. Yah!

    Everyone have a good weekend and stay on track! :)
  • SamiSamiBoBlammy
    SamiSamiBoBlammy Posts: 868 Member
    Morning all! well almost afternoon now :huh: busy morning at work

    -- log in everyday and log everything I eat........ DONE!!
    --Steadily work on the p90x routines........ DONE!!
    --Clean the menu up a lot...... CURRENTLY RESEARCHING
    -- Be in bed by 11 pm........ Not even close- got home from Girl Scouts around 9ish, got kids ready for bed, worked out, took a shower, decided to read a chapter or two from the book I was reading... I laid down 8 chapters later when the book ended right around 130am

    Tuesdays totals
    Calories 1445 out of 1715
    Carbs 105g down from 194
    Fat 78g up from 63g :ohwell:
    Protein 90 up from 41g

    BTW - I do read all the posts also looks like everyone is off to a good start!
  • autumn13
    autumn13 Posts: 295
    Same thing checking in everything on the straight and narrow!Maybe I should just check in if i fail!
  • OhItsOn
    OhItsOn Posts: 36
    My week's goal was to get in a min. of 10,000 steps every day. So far, so good. I am going to have to work on today though as I slept half the day away. Must have had an allergic reaction to something last night... woke up blotchy and a bit swollen; took some Benadryl and that knocked me on my butt. didn't get up until almost 2pm. :yawn:

    Now I have to get some office work done really quickly and then head out the door to a friends Birthday Party/BBQ. I need to eat something before I go and then hope she's got a veggie tray. Perhaps I'll stop by the store and pick one up as a contribution to the party. She kept insisting I not bring anything, but I'm a bit worried about Food. I don't want to blow both food and exercise for the day.
  • 0flynnstone0
    Good Morning All!

    Yesterday was my rest day, but today I finished my workout about 630am. Got up at 530am this morning and did Burn Circuit 2 and 10 min on treadmill. My heart rate moniter said I burned 618 calories in 54min. Woot! Woot! I also weighed in today and lost 2 more lbs this week. So far I've lost 4lbs in 2 weeks. Woohoo!

    I've been doing good all week on my calorie intake and drinking my eight glasses of water and no pop. Yah!

    Everyone have a good weekend and stay on track! :)

    Props to you! I sincerely wish I had the drive to do work out at 5:30 a.m. (or do anything besides sleep, for that matter). And congrats on the weight loss!

    Here's how my day's going.

    I did walk to campus and home today (it finally stopped raining, yay!) and went for a nice jog outside. I did 4.6 miles which is a new record for me (my longest jog up til then was 3.75 mi).

    The past couple days I've had a big, hearty breakfast (that's still not overboard on the cals) and I've felt a lot better during the day, haven't felt the need to snack in the morning or scarf up a huge lunch, so I think I'm gonna continue doing that and hopefully it'll make it easier for me to stay under calories.

    Like a good girl, I've decided to go see True Grit tonight instead of going downtown and ruining my good day by drinking. :)
  • JennLifts
    JennLifts Posts: 1,913 Member
    Awake and heading to Yoga class, then teach BodyBlitz cardio. Theeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen gotta lift with a friend Arms/Legs. Theeeeeeeeeeeeeen gotta work my abs to absolute death. Theeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen get to start my carb up.

    I'm slightly nervous about this carb up - it'll be my longest in about 10-12 weeks.

    When I started the Anabolic Diet, I tried the 2 day carb up and basically binged like a maniac for 2 days, then had real trouble stopping the flow. After reading and researching a lot (I mean.... seriously, A LOT) I learned that I wasn't alone in learning that a 2 day bender was typical of people following the AD. Since then, I switched to only a one day carb up - in fact, less. I would start my carb up following my final workout of the week and jam tons of carbs in my mouth for only that day until bed. The following morning, back to ketosis.

    This phase will be a 36 hour carb up. So here's the idea.

    Friday - in general, I'll workout in the early afternoon Friday, then carb Friday night and all day Saturday. When I wake up Sunday, I'll fast all day, to spur my re-entry to Ketosis.

    Pretty boring stuff, but kind of putting out there why I'm nervous about keeping this one clean. Going to class!

    We're here to support you just as you are us. Clean Clean. Which might limit what you can eat, lessening your chance of a binge. Who wants to binge on healthy crap ;)
    Stay strong this weekend!
  • JennLifts
    JennLifts Posts: 1,913 Member
    Made it through my day.. Not what I would consider ideal, maybe even a cheat day. I like lived on protein powder or bars. I wouldn't count that as a good day, but it got me through.
    I also have a tendency to work out in an anaerobic range, which burns muscle so I'm wondering what I need to do to deal with that. I love to push hard, but there's not a benefit to two steps forward one step back.
    On a big positive, went to do training with my trainer today and we did an 50 min non stop upper body heavier weight! YAY!

    Glad you all are making it!
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    Hey all!!

    I am getting ready to update my poundage loss. Down to 211.6, a whopping 3 pounds lost this week!! Woot and toot toot. Yes, I am tooting my own horn. LOL

    Getting ready to fry up some hamburger and break open a jar of my home made salsa, cut up some romaine lettuce and have myself a taco salad and lemon water...........Yep, Yep.

    Shame on me today. I was a slacker in the exercise department, but I am feeling a bit under the weather, so I am resting today.
  • jaybaileys
    jaybaileys Posts: 317
    Hey all, I did another killer kettlebell workout today and my food was not as good as Id like. I had 2 fish sandwiches today. Its lent so no meat for me today. So I didnt have much of a choice where I was for lunch. And dinner it was either that or pizza. Just didnt want the pizza today. So my carbs are way high. Keep up the good work with the food and workouts everyone. Steve, those abs are poppin brother!

  • tattoodfreek
    tattoodfreek Posts: 520 Member
    Good job today guys.

    I didn't log or work out today. Finally got that much needed rest day in, not that it was restful or enjoyable. I will only get into the details that pertain to this thread though. I did my monthly weigh in, only to discover I am up 1.3. I saw that, didn't freak out a bit. Actually, I was kind of excited as I heard in my head a quote from someone that said about women working out and *gasp* seeing the scale go up as they gained muscle. So I grabbed my trusty measuring tape and was off to the bathroom to measure. Arrrrrgh. That's where it got bad. Calves and forearms stayed the same. BIceps, upper arms, thighs up 1/4", bust, hips, waist all up 1/2", and right at my belly button up 1"!!!!! What the friggity F??????? And here I am thinking to myself, well 1.3 pounds doesn't even account for that much fat so am I losing muscle too???

    I am at a loss here. Do I cut cals back? Quit eating exercise calories? Is it my macros? Am I working out enough or too much? I have been working so damn hard....I am beyond frustrated. So I didn't log food and I didn't work out and I am gonna sit here and cross my arms and say hrumph!

    One thing is for sure. Monthly weigh ins are out. That's too long to wait when I am apparently not on the right track.
  • stevemcknight
    stevemcknight Posts: 647 Member
    1.5 pounds is nothing!!! Honestly, don't even read into it. Any given day you could be up or down 2-3 or more pounds. That's actually why I weigh in every day - then take the average of my weekly weight on sunday. It allows for fluctuations.

    Finished my carb up tonight. I won't even try to hide it - it got totally out of control. OK, no over reaction, just going back to no carb tomorrow and still Fasting Sunday. Things got me all sort of bummed out tonight and I spend the night on the couch and just kept feeding.... ok, no big deal. I do support a cheat meal once a week, and that's just a hell of a cheat meal.

    Moving forward!
  • K1Teacher
    K1Teacher Posts: 324 Member
    Great day - clean eating - c25k & Turbo Fire accomplished - 112 oz water. Way to go everyone!
  • JennLifts
    JennLifts Posts: 1,913 Member
    Finished my carb up tonight. I won't even try to hide it - it got totally out of control. OK, no over reaction, just going back to no carb tomorrow and still Fasting Sunday. Things got me all sort of bummed out tonight and I spend the night on the couch and just kept feeding.... ok, no big deal. I do support a cheat meal once a week, and that's just a hell of a cheat meal.

    Moving forward!

    I know you're going to hate me. But! This is accountability. SO. What happened to clean? Get the unclean out of your house??
    And-everthing ok? You said things got you all sort of bummed :/
  • gailosborne
    gailosborne Posts: 435
    There is such a lot of people doing this, its great but hard to keep up!! I've been reading every day but not commenting so I'm going to do a little catch up with the last few before me!!

    jennw10 - 50 mins upper body with heavy weights non-stop is hardcore!!

    Grokette - congratulations on the whopping 3lbs!! Fantastic and hope you are feeling back on full form today!
    Well done to the 'king of kettleball' aka jaybaileys!! I had a day which ended in carb carnage - onwards and upwards though!

    Tatoodfreek- I would give it a few days and measure again - it could be nothing - I know my arms went up a 1/4 of an inch when I started heavy weights and then stayed the same afterwards, my bottom has also gone up an inch but that was to do with it getting higher and it looks so much better! (I can't believe what I end up divulging!!) I am not just trying to say things to make you feel better and I'm not an expert but I'm sure there is muscle distribution at work too - my arms are so defined now they look smaller and certainly don't look huge! Also, your stomach has TOTALLY inspired me to keep going with this phase of trying to get rid of some more tummy fat - seriously you look fantastic, don't lose heart!! Everytime I see your avatar it inspires me!!

    Steve - yes we keep moving forward - I also have to stop looking at your avatar or I may go blind!! Great work!

    K1teacher - great work from one teacher to another!

    Have a great day everyone!!
  • gailosborne
    gailosborne Posts: 435
    Forgot to post mine - had a not great food day- no excuses just full on busy and stressful and didn't eat from lunchtime til about 9pm and all that was available was buffet food, so I hit the white crusty bread and cheese - prob wasn't too over cals but trying to increase protien and not go near refined carbs, I frustrate myself with my lack of organisation!

    Going to the gym soon for weights work out and some intervals!
  • autumn13
    autumn13 Posts: 295
    Finished my carb up tonight. I won't even try to hide it - it got totally out of control. OK, no over reaction, just going back to no carb tomorrow and still Fasting Sunday. Things got me all sort of bummed out tonight and I spend the night on the couch and just kept feeding.... ok, no big deal. I do support a cheat meal once a week, and that's just a hell of a cheat meal.

    Moving forward!

    I know you're going to hate me. But! This is accountability. SO. What happened to clean? Get the unclean out of your house??
    And-everthing ok? You said things got you all sort of bummed :/

    Agreed and actually this would be your second cheat day this week!!!!Get on track!
  • autumn13
    autumn13 Posts: 295
    Checking in!what is this day 6? Workout and kick my butt!Logged all food and have no plans of going off track!Hope everyone is doing great!
  • stevemcknight
    stevemcknight Posts: 647 Member
    Yeah - no doubt Jenn/Autumn... some old ghost habits crept in. Today's back to 100% clean, it's a new week. I started a new streak today on my calendar, aiming for 50 days straight this time.

    As for clean carb ups... I think it's almost impossible to get 500g carbs just veggies, so that's the only time I break the Primal code, (a huge massive carb up is part of the Anabolic Diet actually - he even says, go for the ice cream, cake, w/e on your carb up - but I would love not to!)

    The week in review:

    Stayed below 30g carbs every weekday.
    Hit every scheduled workout
    24 hour fast

    Really a solid week - although I had a couple beers which is crazy crazy rare for me - I'd grade it a B. Making progress, but not as quickly as I possibly could. This week will be an A.

    Yesterday's workout was really solid - almost all my numbers went up and with one week left on this phase, I'm seeing some good progression. I have dumbbells every 5 lbs except 45 and it's starting to be an issue for some moves. The gap between 40 and 50 is massive. Have a good day today every one - I'll be checking in tomorrow like crazy while I ***** about my FAST all day!

    Seriously, brace yourself for some epic complaining.
  • JennLifts
    JennLifts Posts: 1,913 Member
    Have a good day today every one - I'll be checking in tomorrow like crazy while I ***** about my FAST all day!

    Seriously, brace yourself for some epic complaining.

    It's alright haha. We're braced. :-p

    So Today.... I definitely didn't plan on burning 1200 calories and having to eat 3000. Sooooo I'm spending my afternoon eating. It's alright though.. Tomorrow is a lower day as I'm not working out.
  • stevemcknight
    stevemcknight Posts: 647 Member
    Too late to join?

    Nope :)