Riliye Member


  • I'm originally from Tennessee but I live in Oregon now! I'm in Corvallis. =) Feel free to add me!
  • There are some awesome recipes here... (aka bump, lol)
  • I haven't tracked this, but I have to say I got a big laugh out of imagining approaching my husband about it. Because, ya know, HRM chest straps are *so* sexy. I can just imagine his face... Hah! I am curious though. Now if only I had some slinky lingerie with a nice bra band to hide the strap under...buahaha.
  • I can't say that I can completely sympathize with your situation (losing any child is just something I have yet to (and hopefully won't ever) have to deal with), I hear echoes of my own circumstances in your post. My story: My husband and I have been on-and-off TTC for about a year now as well. In March I was diagnosed…
  • It's not about the money, it's about power. If you give a supervillain that...yes it might be the last bank he or she robs, but what's next?
  • Hi guys, I'm a newbie. =) I was just diagnosed with PCOS -- I guess that explains our difficulty TTC! It feels better just to know, but like I said in a different topic, I'm kind of flailing around trying to figure out what I'm supposed to do now. Any fellow PCOS-ers (or heck, anyone really) know what foods I should be…
  • Awesome. I searched for a thread because I vaguely remembered seeing one, but I couldn't find it. Thanks for the link! @neelia -- PCOS is Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. It's characterized by extremely irregular monthly cycles (and sometimes no cycles at all) and a bunch of other unpleasant symptoms.
  • I'm in Gatlinburg/Sevierville! You'll do great. Any of y'all local girls can add me if you want. =)
  • Hi Tia! I'm Ri from TN...up around Gatlinburg, so I'm not *that* far away. I'm sure you're doing wonderful already! What are you doing for exercise? If it's something you enjoy, you'll definitely stick with it longer. I'm currently doing couch-to-5k. I sent ya a friend request.
    in Hello Comment by Riliye March 2011
  • <_< Good to know I'm not the only one, I guess, haha! As for the REAL question: as fun as swinging (on a swingset!) may be, I doubt it's a good way to burn calories. If our park had any swings, I'd do a test run with my HRM, but it's just a big playground.
  • I was drinking a two liter every day back last started giving me terrible toothaches and so I began my crusade to give it was awful, but I made it through. It was easier for me to first go caffeine free for a couple months, then drop soda out entirely. That way you're not having a caffeine AND a bubbly…
  • You're so right! I never knew how much I was underestimating until I started measuring and watching and logging. My goodness! No wonder I needed to drop the weight, haha! MFP has been great in getting me starting with one foot in front of the other. My challenge was more the other way around...I had to learn to exercise…
    in Hello Comment by Riliye March 2011
  • Amen. =) I started my journey for a lot of the same reasons you have, even though I'm only 23 I have pretty bad arthritis and just general aches and pains from a very athletic childhood. Before I started this, I couldn't even walk up the stairs to my apartment without heaving for breath. Now, I'm running three days a week…
  • Awesome! Congrats on having the courage to take that first step. =) Welcome to MyFitnessPal!
  • Welcome to MFP. =) As for advice...haha, remember this day about three weeks from now, when the water weight is off and the scale is being uncooperative. Being a little more serious...find some good, supportive friends around here on the message boards. It's been my experience that there are very few "mean" people…
  • So far I'd have to say running. I started out kickboxing but I got tired of it so fast...I started Couch-to-5k about three weeks ago and it's been awesome! Send a friend request if you want. =)
  • Your story sounds almost exactly like mine. I started on January 18th, and the first two weeks dropped 8 lbs of water weight. Since then, the scale hasn't moved. Well, that's a lie, it actually moved in an upwards direction. I started Couch-to-5k, and the gain in muscle was pretty dramatic. This is my third week of C25k,…
  • husband made me? Lol.
  • I can't say either way for sure, but I recently started the Couch-to-5k running program -- as in tomorrow will be week 1, day 3 -- and after Day 1 I felt like I was going to die. I was so sore I could barely move, but yesterday I powered through it and lo and behold, today I'm hardly sore at all. I can't remember where I…
  • Surely it counts as a "healthy" food, since it's green -- I tried zucchini last night and actually liked it! Not super fond of the seeds or the squishy texture though.
  • I was the same way for about the first two weeks when I started; I wanted to eat everything and anything in sight. Some of it was the old "You always want what you can't have", but like someone said before me, it takes a little while for your body to get used to the changes you're making. My solution was to drink…
  • I absolutely love to rollerblade...but they hate me, haha. Rollerblading was one of the contributing factors in my knee surgery back when I was younger -- but it was mostly my own fault for being clumsy and opting out of protective gear. Like someone said before, I definitely recommend the guards if you choose to…
  • If you've just started drinking more water, you may be hanging onto it longer -- that could easily be the 1 lb right there! When I cut out soda and went to just water, I was up 2-3 lbs for about a week or so before everything settled down and my body got used to it. You'd think with all that running to the bathroom it…
  • I'm gonna have to friend you for sheer tenacity, lol...
  • I'm not sure there's much here to be said that hasn't been said already, but here's my two cents. I have my diary set to friends only for accountability purposes. I suck at self-motivating, so even knowing that the *potential* is there for other people to see if I give in to those horrible cravings and "fall off the wagon"…
  • I don't know if your name is supposed to be a Star Wars reference or not, but it makes me giggle anyhow. Feel free to add me as a friend. =) I promise not to be too much of a nerd.
  • Hi, my name is Ri and I'm an addict...I've been scale sober for just over 24 hours, telling myself I'm going to only weigh once a week... Why is it I can resist the cookies but not the scale?!
  • I'm allergic to beef and pork, so we use ground turkey for pretty much everything. At first, the boys in the house weren't super fond of it -- they said that compared to ground beef it didn't have as much flavor, but they are both super picky about their foods and I'm inclined to say that a good portion of their protests…
  • Awesome! Welcome to the boards. =) I'm in the same boat with my college pudge, so if you want an online friend, feel free to add me.
  • I drizzled honey on top of these and they were ah-mah-zing. The boys didn't like them so much -- I made the mistake of mentioning they were "healthy".