A Little Sad..

barberella Posts: 199
edited September 23 in Health and Weight Loss
I gained a pound..What happened? I had a feeling this morning that I should not weigh myself, but I did anyway because it's Friday, but now I'm kicking myself..Despite that minor setback, I still worked in 15 minutes of working out on the Wii's 10 Minute Solution. Ah well..any advice would help!


  • Gilgamesh
    Gilgamesh Posts: 23 Member
    It happen sometimes. I notice my weight fluctuates depending on my "time of the month", if I'm constipated, or drank a lot of water the day before. I only weigh myself once a week, first thing in the morning after I've peed, with no clothes on. That way I don't get too upset by the normal fluctuations. (I read somewhere on MFP that a bowel movement can sometimes weigh up to 2 pounds! Yikes!)

    You've made a lot of progress so far, don't let this one little speed-bump derail you! :)
  • key03
    key03 Posts: 26
    dot get disheartened, keep going :O)
    IMDABEAST Posts: 74 Member
    Could be water retention if you drank alot yesterday. Do not get discourage and remember its a journey. You are doing the right thing. Good luck!
  • I had the same problem this week but it will pass. I am just exercising harder and being more careful about what I eat :)
  • not2late
    not2late Posts: 98 Member
    I once dieted and weighed myself everyday. Although the general trend was down, and I was being quite strict, I found that my weight wobbled all over the place. So, little wobbles are fine :) see what your weight loss graph looks like over tim :) Good luck!
  • kimcat73
    kimcat73 Posts: 687 Member
    I'm sorry you gained:( I just looked at your diary numbers and it seems you might not be eating enough. If you take the amount of calories you consume and subtract your exercise, it seems you aren't getting enough calories in. This happens a lot to people so you might want to look into eating those exercise calories. Trust me, it works for most:)
  • rebawagner
    rebawagner Posts: 199 Member
    I wish I had some AWESOME words of wisdom... but I don't. Hang in there! Its about making a better LIFE, not a better moment! The moment has passed, your life is still ahead of you! YOU GOT THIS!
  • sarahTV
    sarahTV Posts: 65 Member
    Weight loss is such a back and forth process! For all you know, that pound could be muscle and not fat. I would say that unless you had an absolutely terrible week with nothing but chocolate and fast food, the pound is not that important and will come back off just as quickly as it was put on.

    Remember that your overall appearance is more important than the scale...are you noticing any positive changes other than your weight?

    (edited for a typo)
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    dont be sad its just a pound,the scale is not a good indicator of progress.throw it out if it gets to you to much.otherwise you run the risk of letting it set you back.
  • brittlynne3579
    brittlynne3579 Posts: 217 Member
    Just a pound? Please don't get discouraged!!!

    My weight can fluctuate up to FIVE pounds depending on how much water I drink or don't, sodium intake (those hidden mgs) and my period. You're doing great...just keep at it :flowerforyou:
  • izobel
    izobel Posts: 116 Member
    A pound???? Less than 500grams??? You do NOT need to worry! I can fluctuate 2kg (5lbs?) day to day. It is dependent on what I ate the night before, toilet habits and how much exercise I did 2-3 days previously. I've weighed myself daily since I was a teenager (30 years) - not because I needed to lose weight, but I saw my parents doing it and thought everyone did. I think the weekly weigh-in if you weigh in heavy would be very depressing. Do it daily and stay within a 3-4lb range or if you are losing chart it over a month. I guarantee it has a slow but sure downward trend. I really really would not be concerned about one pound. Weigh yourself again tomorrow morning and I'm sure it'll be better :-)
  • Happens to me all the time. Could be holding some water weight from foods you ate the day prior, or could be many other factors. Our weights fluctuate sometimes, I'm sure you're fine! Keep doing what you do and I'm sure you'll see that pound disappear next time you step on that scale!

    Good luck girl, you can do this!!
  • I know that feeling I gained 2 pounds one week and the next a didn't lose a pound. Hope you have better luck next weigh in.. wish I had a solution for you..
  • megteg
    megteg Posts: 97 Member
    No advice, but wanted to commiserate with you! I did the same thing this week, weighed myself just to see where I was at mid-week. It's been steadily up 1 lb from my weigh-in last Saturday. So discouraging! But you don't know what that lb is...wait a week and see what the scale says then.
  • Thanks for the responses. I guess I never thought about the water weight..I did drink a lot of water yesterday..Well, 6 glasses is a lot for me since it's like torture getting it down my throat. And yeah, it could be muscle that I'm gaining too because I do notice my arms are tightening up. It's just a discouraging feeling that's all, and since I don't feel comfortable expressing it to my friends, I gotta vent on here! Thanks for listening/reading!

    P.S. It's not because they're not good friends; it's just that most of them are not on the same path as me with this weight loss thing so most of em either don't care or it makes them uncomfortable cuz they know they should be doing this with me!
  • Riliye
    Riliye Posts: 44 Member
    If you've just started drinking more water, you may be hanging onto it longer -- that could easily be the 1 lb right there! When I cut out soda and went to just water, I was up 2-3 lbs for about a week or so before everything settled down and my body got used to it. You'd think with all that running to the bathroom it wouldn't be able to keep it, haha!

    But like so many people have said already, a pound is only a pound, and we all fluctuate so much that it shouldn't truly be a reason for concern, unless you continue to stay that way or keep gaining, then you might want to take some time and honestly reevaluate what you're doing and how.
  • You are working your tail off - and in return, muscle weighs more than fat!! How do you FEEL??!!!! Don't look at that scale a moment longer!!! Have the BF put it away for another 2 weeks... :) Hang in there!!
  • Keep your head up... It will come off.. it will all turn out good in the end
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