Over 55 and tired of being tired and stiff and heavy

siscotty Posts: 5
edited September 24 in Introduce Yourself
I have always been "thin" until I hit 50. At a time in my life where I SHOULD be able to relax a bit more, I am finding that my body has other things in mind. I have gained about 30 lbs because my job keeps me sitting most of the day. I am out of shape and tired. I hurt when I get up. I tried a women's work out club and that didn't work. Got boring, and too pricey. Then I got a treadmill. Lacked the self discipline. Joined a real gym... hurt too much due to tendonitis. Used the gym's treadmill....same as before. THEN I found a workout video series on tv that uses inspiration, motivation and great gospel music! As a Christian I truly need the inspiration of prayer, gospel music and dance-like moves. I have actually worked up to doing the entire first video, which is about 30 minutes of constant cardio... starting slow and working up to some great fun. INTENSE for me, but I found I CAN do it! Now if I could just do it EVERY DAY it would be so much better. I love to snack, and want all kinds of things I used to be able to eat...but can't any more-- chips, popcorn (ok, I confess, I still eat popcorn), candy, etc. But I have worked my video 6 days with only one break this week! And I am TRYING not to eat snacks. Can I get an "AMEN"???


  • Riliye
    Riliye Posts: 44 Member
    Amen. =)

    I started my journey for a lot of the same reasons you have, even though I'm only 23 I have pretty bad arthritis and just general aches and pains from a very athletic childhood. Before I started this, I couldn't even walk up the stairs to my apartment without heaving for breath. Now, I'm running three days a week training for my first 5k!

    I'm glad to hear that you've found your source of motivation. The pastor at my church is a runner and regularly uses physical activity to exemplify his message. Recently he videoed himself hiking to the top of a mountain (one of the hardest ones to hike around here, and that's saying a lot for the Great Smoky Mountains). It was meant to show how our fight for Christ won't always be easy, but that the view will always be worth the climb.

    I'm proud of your success so far! Send me a friend request if you'd like.
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